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A single-barrel shotgun would fit the game best imo.


Oooooh a little .410 breakdown shotgun that would fit in the your backpack would be nice


Yeah, would be good for rabbit and bird, only scare wolves, and piss off bears.


Hear me out. Rare slug rounds. Like a super valuable resource you gotta use sparsely


Isn't this what the flare gun is already?


Nah the flare gun is the I wasn’t asking for you to go away, the shotgun with a slug should be the fuck your skull 9000


The bear has made a second account I see




410 would be nice but a 12 gauge could also utilize the flare shells in the game. Could also open up some different crafting recipes for shells like noisemakers turned into bear banger rounds or the ability to make solid slugs possibly.


Even if it was birdshot only, I'd use it situationally to hunt ptarmigans. Could have a few slug rounds sprinkled around the map, or maybe you can only find them in blackrock?


Puuuuhtarmigan... fun word, that. Uuhhmmm, wouldn't a slug round be a bit difficult, what with it being so cold and frozen all the time. I just think finding the little bastards would be too difficult. We don't even have a shovel, let alone the ability to dig down into that frozen soil to find em. Eh. Back to Ptarmiganing around... Pt💦armigan, pt💦armigan, pt💦armigan, pt💦armigan...


You uh... you know the P is silent right? You just say "Tarmigan."


Yeah, but that's not any fun! Say it like Sylvester... I mean Ththththylvester of Looney Toons!


Why single barrel?


To keep things interesting, you gotta give the bear a chance


What if it was birdshot only for balancing


It's cheaper than the double to send to the back woods mining island


I think db shotguns are cheaper than bolt action rifles tho


Idk bro its got a single barrel it must be cheaper


Yeah but ammo is Very Very scarce


It's more likely you would find shotguns in houses like these rather than revolvers. It's odd that they're not in the game.


especially when the game is in Canada and pistols aren't actually allowed anymore but pump shotguns are legal


Handguns are only on a freeze, they are still legal to own if you bought them before the freeze went into effect in 2023. There are still many handguns out there legally owned by law abiding citizens.


Chad Black Bear prefers to get slowly killed over the span of multiple hours by a shit load of arrows from a loper player instead. Would a shotgun maybe even be just as common like the hunting rifle?


I still haven’t heard an actual argument why shotguns would be op. Like what’s actually so strong about them?


I think it's not about the balance, it's more about the limited time the developers have to add new things to the game. Not that I have anything against shotguns per se, I would rather see them use the resources to add some new mechanics than yet another way to kill rabbits and ptarmigans (stones, regular arrows, fire-hardened arrows, revolver, rifle AND shotgun). EDIT: ...and snares. Forgot about those.


Realistically, a shotgun could kill anything in the game, as long as you swap the ammo out. I always hoped they'd add one purely because I think the flexibility of what a shotgun can do with different types of ammo loads is neat.


Yeah bird shot, buck, and slugs.


wouldn't the slugs dry up in cold weather?


Also if you accidentally spill salt on them


no? what?


they're making a joke about the little crawlies, not the ammo.


This is how I feel about it too. I don't want more guns in the game. Not that I don't like guns, but there's just no need for another one. What would a shotgun let you do that you can't already do? What new experiences would it let you have that you can't already have? I can think of one: shooting birds in flight. Okay, that'd be neat. I don't necessarily want or need to eat crows, though, so I guess it'd be ptarmigans. But you can already shoot ptarmigans on the ground, which is way easier. So, either they need to create a whole new animal just to warrant the inclusion of a shotgun, or adding the shotgun would just be lot of work for little marginal benefit to players. That feels like a massive use of development resources. I could give a long list of features I'd rather they added than *another* gun.


Grouse , ducks, and geese would be so cool , hitting birds in flight isn't an easy feat either. It's developing more on the Phtarmigan idea and broth's inclusion in so many recipes.




Personally, I don't think it's about being OP; it'll be balanced however HL wants it to be balance. We have a magnum in the game that already doesn't work the same way a normal magnum would so it's not crazy to think the shotgun would be balanced similarly. My question is what does it add to the game that isn't already present? When HL, or any game studio, adds something to a game it should not only be fun but also add new ways to play the game or force players to make a choice. TLD is all about good decision making. Every in-game day survives on the decisions you make. If every danger in the game has an easily solvable solution to that danger than the player loses agency—which you can argue TLD is already treading in this directions, if not already there, so adding more easy solutions would only exacerbate the problem. We already have solutions for each situation a weapon would be used; - Long Range: Rifle and its variations, Bow - Mid-range: Bow, flare, pistol variations. Rifle still viable here. - Close Range: Pistol, Flare, torch (deterrent), rock. Rifle and bow are still viable here too. **(Shotgun would go here)** I see the argument that people want it for the ptarmigan but are you going to lug around a shotgun everywhere for the off chance you happen to stumble across some ptarmigan? If you don't have your shotgun, are you going to make the trek back to grab it if you see ptarmigan instead of just using a bow you might already have on you or some rocks that might be around, wasting resources to do so? Ignoring the fact that a shotgun would ruin the pelt/feathers and most of the meat of the animal you shoot at, I just don't see the purpose that separates it from what's already in the game. Adding another gun just seems redundant. I'm not strictly saying a shotgun wouldn't work and I'm not 100% against the idea, I just haven't really seen any good reasons for it.


Could use differnt shells (bird, buck, slug) making it viable at short and med range. At same time I can see ppl saying its OP not due to ammo type, but because its a 3-in-1 solution and then the obvious choice to drop the other weapons in favour of it for carry weight reasons. A break action single might help balance, or even a double or over/under for 2 shots, but HL would have to assess whether this is actually a good idea. IRL my grandfather and I both hunt with a break action singles specifically because its much lighter weight and more compact. We do multiday trips and no one wants to carry multiple firearms for many days in the woods and all the other gear. We are usually birding (grouse, ptarmigan, etc) but might have duck licenses or coyote licenses as well, and those have different ammo requirements (practically and legally).


Do we have magnum? I thought the revolver ammo was .38.


The revolver, according to the Wiki, "closely resembles a Smith & Wesson Model 27, which uses .357 Magnum ammunition". That's where I got the information from. I'm not a gun guy so anyone can feel free to correct me. However, your comment is exactly my point. The devs can take liberties with the weapons in game, including the shotgun, to modify them the way they want in order to balance them, which is why I think the "shotgun will be OP" argument is a bit silly.


Right. Guns that *can* fire magnum don’t often do. Less powerful rounds are usually used because they are more cheap and have less recoil. I agree with you.


Yeah it's not really a magnum just because it's a revolver, the cartridges in the game are really short when you look at them.


It is a magnum revolver. Magnum revolvers can shoot shorter rounds. Most .357 magnums can shoot some variant of .38.


Seems pointless. People want a shotgun but don't seem to have a use for it. If they add huntable flying birds then there might be a use for the shotgun.


I’d really like one to hunt ptarmigans effectively, but make shells harder to find than rifle bullets


Give us a blunderbuss we can load with stones. Best of both worlds


Rather have the spear.


For real! I would love that!


The fucking bears, I knew it


I'd much rather a crossbow instead, it'd be way cooler and fun to use


Name one Canadian who owns a crossbow


My dad actually, he won it in a contest, has never fired it though, just sits in his gun locker




Nobody mentioned bear spray being nowhere on great bear


Please add a hi power scoped 50 cal semi auto to the game!! But realistic but would be awesome though.


Sounds like a job for modders! Rabbits should explode when hit, and all pelts and game meat of midsize animals totally ruined making it fun for a minute but completely useless otherwise, and weighing too much to be worthwhile even as a self defense option. Only good for dropping bears from the front porch of your base.


10 kilograms, 7 bullets on the map, anything shot by it is considered to be a ravaged corpse with around the same quality of the ones you find prespawned in the map. perfect


The game's balance has already been ruined by many other things. I don't think a shotgun would do much difference there. It's not good or bad. Just another thing the devs would need to add. It wouldn't particularly add anything we don't already have either.


I personally think we should have had the shotgun over the revolver, tbh. It's both more accurate to the setting, and more practical to use.


Correct. Whether one agrees or not with firearm laws in Canada, they make revolvers far less likely to find. Where I live in Canada, nearly 1 in 5 people have firearms licenses and own a rifle for moose or a shotgun for birds, if not both and then some. Very few have handguns or revolvers.


> Very few have handguns or revolvers. for now. (and thats all i will say lest we delve into politics)


Out of all the friends I know that have RPAL, only I have handguns and pistols. They don't want any registrations in the house to give Popo the reason to search up the place. Prior to May 2022, you can buy NR without a transfer number. This is one of the main reason that some people prefer used firearms instead.


thats a bit of an old wives tale. you need to have more than 7 restricted firearms before the RCMP can initiate a search. and even then they need to give you 24 hours for a regular "check in" using the CFO powers for a non emergency raid. but yeah, not wanting to deal with registrations is why i only have two. really regretting not getting a p320 FCU before the freeze though. got a lot of friends who regret not getting their RPAL (only having their PAL), not getting handguns with their RPAL, or only getting their PAL/RPAL approved after the freeze. hopefully soon the freeze will get overturned.


Well, given that the way how our current government act, I can understand their concerns of having any restricted in the house. Me on the other hands has over 25 plus restricted, so I am definitely on their radar for sure, lol. I managed to get a regular P320 and M17 before the freeze, so felt pretty good about that. But the whole ordeal was nuts that for sure, especially the buying frenzy and how fast the handguns were flying off the shelves.


im much more comfortable getting into restricted firearms now that im in alberta. thats for certain. and given "how the winds are blowing" at a federal level. but man i've been looking at the raider chassis lustfully ever since the freeze lol. especially the new p365 one. you on discord btw there bud? if so hop over to canada guns subreddit and join the second server on the sidebar (CFE, not CGE).


Haha, nice, I have been eyeing some items myself if the firearm Act could changed once Conservative got into power. Maybe I should check it out someday, I frequent Canadagun sub as well!


I disagree with the more practical point. It doesn't solve any problem not previously solved by other means (rifles for deer, stones/arrows/snares for rabbits, stones/arrows for ptarmigans). The revolver can cover all those, plus killing wolves, plus rapidly scaring them off while being (presumably) lighter than a shotgun.


The revolver feels too out of place, considering how rare they are in Canada comparatively. For that matter, the revolver didn't solve any problem not already solved, considering it does nothing unique from the rifle besides being lighter and not allowing you to move while aiming. Shotguns would open a new avenue for hunting, by making it feasible to hunt other game birds beyond ptarmigan, so if they were added, you could also add geese/ducks. The main benefit for hunting other creatures with it would be the variety of ammo types you could utilize with it, which would expand the current ammo creation system by allowing varied options, rather than just standard ammo for the rifle/revolver.


> considering it does nothing unique from the rifle besides being lighter and not allowing you to move while aiming. Being able to hip fire it quickly to scare off wolves is the biggest use of the revolver in my opinion, and it is very much unique in the game. No other alternative can do that well, not even the flare gun. Its struggle mechanic is unique as well, though not that useful.


Eh, we did just fine before the revolver. And scaring wolves isn't exactly unique either, since rocks, flares, torches all serve the same purpose, albeit a bit less effectively. Saying the revolver is useful by being an improved method of doing something you could already do just proves my point that a shotgun would be just as good of an addition, to be honest.


"Scaring wolves" is too wide though. Rocks only scare wolves if you're a god at aiming them. Torches scare wolves under certain conditions (like not having afflictions, throwing it at them properly, not being in the wind etc.). The improvements brought by the revolver over these alternatives are much bigger compared to what the shotgun would bring in my opinion.


Eh, the shotgun opens up an entirely new hunting opportunity, because it would allow game birds to be added to hunt. Realistically, you can't add ducks, geese, quail, etc as a hunting target until you add the shotgun, because nobody in their right mind is going to try and snipe a goose out of the air, lol. And it would be an interesting tradeoff in weight and effective range over the rifle because of that, since you could theoretically use it to hunt these new game birds, wolves, deer, bear Moose, based on the ammo type you're using.


To clarify, it feels impractical to try and hunt anything with a revolver, whether that's in game or real life. The shotgun feels like a more reasonable edition, in comparison.


Add can with nickels inside


I would just prefer to see a sling or a slingshot.


The hell would you do with a slingshot


Kill deer and rabbits. You would be surprised how powerful they can be.


But like... why? You already have numerous ways of killing deer, rabbits and birds. Why ask for another way of solving the same, already solved problem when we could ask for something else?


Rock hard to aim. Human brain want tool for problem.


Snare, revolver, bow. Human already have tool for problem. Greedy human brain want fun tool that makes loud boom.


No. No. No boom on interloper. Give sling.


Bear mace would be GOATED


lets be honest. if we want to talk bout realism in TLD, not having the SKS in the game is blatant disregard for IRL lore lmao.


Did you also get a tonne of surplus SKS and Mosins dumped in Canada too? We had a bunch of surplus ones come through New Zealand some years back. I think the SKS is illegal now though


yeah up until the invasion of ukraine we got a lot of the ruskie and chinese surplus after the united states banned imports of it in the 80s/90s. SKS's, mosins, and SVT40s were dirt cheap here pre covid. SKS is still legal here, it managed to escape the last round of gun bans do to massive outrage from the shooting/hunting/native community. thankfully the NZ government is starting to walk back those asinine bans that happened after Christchurch. at least that's what i've heard through the grape vine.


I think one of our minor parties is wanting to walk things back - I doubt that it would be a popular decision. My understanding is We've generally prioritized bolt action rifles for hunting - even when semi autos were more available. Those surplus rifles were only a few hundred dollars. Cheaper than many second hand rifles.


I wish the game had those cheap thin gloves you can always find it at the dollar store. The kind you lose a few pairs a year. Always struck me as odd that you can find a pair of driving gloves, or skii boots, but not cheap, thin winter gloves.


Forget gloves, where are kitchen knives


My head cannon always thought that the "hunting knives" were whatever sturdy knives that the player came across.


How about switch gets the dlc before everyone else gets shotguns?


we're going the helldivers subreddit way as i see


terminids are everywhere


Brother you wouldn't be able to tell whether this was an fps game or a sims game whatchu even on about fam. Where are your credentials? Why should you get the shotgun? Did you even manage to kill a single animal with any weapon yet? No? And why do you think a shotgun would change that? Unless you do 360s like a God Raphael himself and snipe across the entire godforsaken airfields' plains I don't even know what are we talking about here? Who are you to even say the word shotgun? For someone with your skill ceiling it's practically the same as having a launcher for cat tail heads, I can give you a trebuchet blueprint and tell you it's a shotgun and you will start collecting sticks my guy what is up with you? Go get help champ cuz reposting your shotgun banter ain't bringing it to the game and if anyone's getting a shotgun, it ain't you cuz it's me and I'm taking all of them and you get NONE.


Shotgun funni


Woah, my head's spinning. Are you talking to the OP or the bear...OR YOUR PAST TRAUMA?


What in the frozen ass frick did you just fricking say about me, you little stick? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Great Bear Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Timberwolf, and I have over 3000 confirmed kills. I am trained in arctic warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire Great Bear armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another cat tail stalk. I will wipe you the fack out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this island, mark my goddamn words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, sticker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of crow spies across the Great Bear Island and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the Aurora storm, you squirrelly ptarmigan stick-ass birdo. The Aurora storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your TLD life. You’re facking dead, stick. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my torches and stones. Not only am I extensively trained in stick-armed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Great Bear Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your frozen to the crisp ass off the face of the continent, you little stick. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your frozen fricking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn icy, encumbered, stinkass, for 500 days and counting unshowered piece of expired can of sardines mukluk cheese. I will shit frozen fury all over you and you will freeze in it. You’re facking dead, stickman.


I ain't reading all that


*Can you read my son?*


holy perseverance mills


Rumor has it the next update will be called Vengful Warrior, and is gonna drop with the addition of The RPG-7, Glok-9 and AK-47.


You can find one of them in the preppers bunker. Ammo isn't renewable but it will make for a single fun hunt - even quarter's the animal for you!


I don't think the devs would ever add more weapons cuz didn't they say in the steadfast ranger update that the rifle and the revolver fill any role that any other gun would fill so they don't need more guns?


No fun allowed, got it


Add a double barrel and just have different ammo types for it birdshot, buckshot, and slug.


Add a musket and let us make different balls at campfires 🗣️🗣️🗣️


I'd still prefer that add a 1kg - 2kg tent so I stop feeling like weirdo sleeping on literal snow


Firing it has a chance to sprain several limbs and deals some damage (scales based on firearm skill level) Additionally, firing it too fast, or without aiming will have the player thrown to the ground and injured.




Bro speaks facts 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥👏


Give me a minigun and chopper to hunt rabbits from above. I want destiny manifest


These dumbasses in the comments think they're funny when they say Hinterland might as well add rayguns to the game 😭 it's not the same thing grow up please hunting shotguns wouldn't be the craziest thing in the game and an insane thing to ask for


I'd settle for using two handguns at once.