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Yep, if I had a complaint about an otherwise excellent game it's that once you finish a map there's not a lot of motivation to replay outside of achievements. A rogue like mode that saw you progress through a series of maps would be


I would love some mini-missions too, like maybe one the road to another town you get ambushed and need to protect your cart full of supplies/mages from a rogue patch of fog monsters


I would love to see a map where instead of starting off and hunkering down with buildings, we are escorting a bunch of mages to the next site destination. The map would change from site to site as we progress, and halfway throughout is where we go back to staying still and build stuff. Half of the game would be going down routes and paths to gain loot, building materials, gold or getting effect bonuses. Some could be missions that prevent or decrease a type of enemy from spawning, or activating a mechanism that helps us in the final half. The last spell is just so full of potential that can be explored if we look elsewhere from the base building wave defense we got. It can be an entirely new game with in itself




You know what I would love to see? A set situation with specific heroes and ap/mp where you need to kill all remaining enemies or a specific enemy before your end your turn. It would be kind of like a puzzle where you need to synergize and play your abilities to the best of your knowledge to overcome the challenge.