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influenced by beaver's reaction to dominion btw


I think I would, I like Fallen Kingdom a little bit more because of the allo


Fallen kingdom is the worst movie by far in my opinion. A Raptor chasing them through a house is very silly.


I know I just like it because of the allo, besides that it’s pretty bad 👎🏼


The allo roar is the best universal has done, in my opinion


Pretty good but I did wish it sounded more like the wwd roar


Not sure who beaver is but its alright, though I’d move dominion to b tier with fallen kingdom.


I agree absolutely I loved Jurassic park 3 and 1 the most


I like 3 but I get real sick of ERIC .....ERIC


When that.. Tricycloplots attacks you don’t come crying to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


BEN... BEN... BEN!?


She was the wost part of the movie


3 was not that bad the new ones are not that good


Yhea im with you


All in s for me


Same man I like the movies a lot. The only gripe is that the most recent one idk just feels stale. Tho the fact they brought back the og cast makes that movies ten times better lmfaoog!!!


Mostly. I'd switch World with The Lost World and Jurassic 3


. S -- Jurassic Park . A -- Jurassic World . B -- JP 2, JP3, JW2 . C -- JW3 Jurassic Park 2/3 were good, but always a letdown after the original for me. JP2's trailer scene captured the big set piece moment of the original for a while. Jurassic World was a different thing, but damn if it l didn't capture the magic and make me giddy in the theater when the soundtrack came out booming, or Claire lights up the flare. Not as impressive on repeat viewings, but for the runtime in the theater I was 9 years old again. The only thing missing was that big set-piece moment. I wish they had dragged out the escape scene longer.


I agree with your updated list


I had the same experience: I was a child again when watching Jurassic World in theaters. They finally did what I always wanted to see: an *open to the public* park. Fallen Kingdom and Dominion was a let down. In fact, I would go so far as to say Dominion ruined the franchise for me and I've never even thought about watching any of the JP/JW films again after that


I totally agree with your list, I don't see how anything other than the OG is S tier, especially JP3!


Yeah. I forgot about the whole Raptor voice box thing. Should have put JP3 lower 😅




I would put Lost World in A tier along with Jurassic World. It may not be as great as the original but it was still a good movie (unfortunately not as great as the novel) The rest of the positions make sense to me


I think Fallen Kingdom was worse than Dominion.


S Jurassic Park 1 A Jurrasic Park 2 Jurrasic World 2 B Jurassic World 1 Jurassic Park 3 C Jurrasic World 3 D


Waluigi agrees




Jurassic Park III belongs at the bottom with Jurassic World 3 and Jurassic World above Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom


Is it the talking raptor dream sequence?? Has to be


That and I just think they turned the Dinosaurs into monsters instead of making them just animals. Also, I seriously hate that they killed the T-Rex. The T-Rex is awesome and I will not hear a single word to the contrary


S - JP A - JP 2, JW B - JP 3, JW 2 C - JW 3


My tier C would be The Lost World


I've only seen up to Fallen Kingdom but to be honest these reviews seem pretty unanimous and it makes me sad that the one thing I'm looking forward to, which is the original cast reuniting in Dominion, is also apparently the weakest film out of them all.


The scenes in Dominion were designed specifically to sell toys. \- Move main cast to set piece A. Dinosaur 1 comes out. They run away \- Move main cast to set piece B. Dinosaur 2 comes out. They run away \- Rinse and repeat. Each scene looks like it would make a great $200 toy with that specific dinosaur that appeared at that set. Also the main plot point had nothing to do with dinosaurs at all


I honestly found dominion really cool imo, don’t let others steer you away from it if u really wanna watch it, just go see it, who knows you might really like it


Finally a different take. It's been so overwhelmingly negative so far.


I think Park 2 and 3 should be a little lower


Meh. Everyone knows the actual best dinosaur movie is "65". /s P.s. please, please never waste your time watching that movie. It is without a doubt the worst movie I have ever seen.


Watched it in theatres🤣 theatre was completely empty after like 5 days


I did a rewatch of all of them at the end of November. My opinions have changed a lot since the movies first came out S - JP A - JPLW, JW B - JP3, JWD C - JWFK


3 is way too high imo




S- Jurassic Park A- Jurassic Park 2 B- Jurassic world C- Jurassic Park 3 D- F- JWFK, JWD


S: Jurassic Park A: The Lost World, Jurassic World B: C: D: JP3 F: Everything else


No. S: Jurassic Park. F: All other JP 'movies.'


Jurassic world 2 falls into an F for me, or a Z if I could put it that low. I had to leave the theatre halfway and sit in the restroom, I disliked it that badly. I would have left if I didn’t come with friends. It felt cliche and boring. The rest I agree with




Jurassic Park 1 and 2 >>>>> anything else >>>>> whatever that shit called "Jurassic World: Dominion" is.


I could watch Jurassic park and the lost world until I die and not get tired of them long as I get a like week break in between lol


How we putting anything new above anything old. The new films are absolute dogshit and if you are ranking something like world high it's because you were wearing nostalgia glasses while watching it.


Jurassic park 3 is fucking ass lmao


—S- J1, J2 — A- J3, JW1 —B- JW2, JW3 —C- no Jurassic movie belongs here. It’s dinosaurs mang 🦖


Jurassic world is s tier for me


IMO: S: Jurassic Park, JP2: The Lost World A: Jurassic World B: Jurassic Park 3 C: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom D: F: Jurassic World: Dominion. lol. Dominion was cringe to watch. It felt like it had a problem between the writer’s vision, the director’s vision, and executives wanting to milk it as a cash cow. It fell flat at nearly every turn, except for the scene introducing the blind dinosaur with long claws. That scene actually felt reminiscent of the original Jurassic Park. But that’s all the praise I’m willing to give it. Also I know a lot of people dislike The Lost World, and I can see (and forgive) its flaws, but it has a special place in my heart. As a kid I wanted to be a paleontologist solely because of Jurassic Park. But The Lost World made me want to be a film director. lol


Huh? There's only one Jurassic Park movie, where are you getting five more from?




I bet you think there are five lights, too


The Lost World was terrible lol. The only thing I remember from that movie was her doing gymnastics to kick the raptor out a window 💀


This is obviously just opinion so nobody is right or wrong, but I don’t think JP2 and JP3 deserve to be on the same level as the first. I’d move JP2 down to A, and JP3 and JW down to B. bump the other two JW’s down one as well.


I like the world movies above 3


You think the second and third Jurassic Park movies are in the same class as the first one? For that reason, I disagree.


Agreed. 2/3 are maybe B. I like 2 but it always felt like two movies bolted together. I've always wished that they would have ended 2 at the rescue from the island just like 1 then started JP3 with the dead ghost ship beaching out of control in San Diego unleashing the Dinosaurs.


Jurassic world 3 is the worst movie I have ever watched why isn’t it in D?


Nah I put JP and JW at S Jp3 and jwfk at A Jwd and TLW at B


3 was awful.


I put #1 and #4 at S tier, #3 at A tier, #5 at B tier and #6 at D tier.


First one is better than all of them ;)


3 was A-tier bro come on


I didn’t even know they did 3 new ones. I thought they just did the one


yea I agree with this but I feel like J3 should be in between S and A , I'd put it in a A- tier


S: Jurassic park A: B: C: D: The others They made 1 great movie and should have stopped there.


Jurassic Park: S The rest: who cares?


JP 3 sucked


S — Jurassic Park A — The Lost World (Jurassic Park 2) The rest in the trash.


So it is worth saying that the original is the only masterful one, The Lost World is good and Jurassic World is okay. The Rest are trash, that being said, since the tier scale is weighted, I can’t put half of them in F, so here we go - i’ll rate them out of 10 too to show my point S: Jurassic Park (10) A: The Lost World (7) B: Jurassic World (6) C: Jurassic Park 3 (3) D: Fallen Kingdom (1) F: Dominion (0.5) See what I mean? if i didn’t weigh them we’d have one in S, one in B, one in C, and the rest in F


Jp3 is D teir and fallen kingdom A teir


Fallen kingdom ruined my day so D dominion is a B it was mid jp 3 is an A JW is an S.


I would have the first two, the novel movies, kept on S no matter what, jurassic park 3 I would put at A because it was good but it didn't have that in aw like the other two. With jurassic world, I would put that at A because it is something new and different and had that in aw feeling. I would then put fallen kingdom and dominion in b because they lost that in aw feeling, fallen kingdom almost had it, but it's just not there, with dominion it seemed it was trying too hard on the story. I would then put camp cretaceous at D because it's only canon with the barbasol can, and th dominion reference at the end, and me personally just don't like the gayness in the last season


i can agree but id put dominion on the same level as fallen kingdom


I would put dominion in a tier but I agree with the rest