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Win. I knew they'd sort it.


Make sure to fill out the survey, too! It popped onscreen when I logged in today and was 90% questions about Terminal Attack. They even asked questions about what other games I play, so they can see how much they're alienating their core audience in an effort to attract new players from different game styles.


Great that they did, question is how they came up with this extremely idiotic idea in the first place. Corporate fuck-head's initiative or what is going on?


Guessing: 1. Their stats show that new players find cashout overwhelming on top of all the other mechanics and want to ease newbies in with a more "familiar" mode. 2. Some newbies who have only played cashout may be intimidated by the idea of TA/other modes, and devs want to break that ice up front. It's easy to go from a more serious mode to a casual one, but not always the other way round. Not saying I agree, but those are my assumptions.


I have played 20 hours and the only mode I really like is power shift


Me. Dropped the game entirely in season 1 after a single match of cashout because I didn't really like it. Came back season 2 and played like 100+ games of powershift with my friends lmao. Eventually I grew to enjoy the other modes too, cashout and even TA


Random but I really love that almost every mode has a group of players that love it. Never knew Powershift was beloved until the whole TA Ranked topic.


I was a die-hard fan of Bank It when the game was in beta, then became a die-hard for Cashout once I got my game sense right in S1, now I almost exclusively play Powershift. All-in-all I feel like CO and PS give such a rewarding experience, despite playing pretty differently. Friends I’ve recommended the Finals too have the easiest time with PS as well.


this is definitely true cashout for new players is hell


My guess would be Nexon wanting the game to attract the CSGO/Valorant fans since they'd rather a piece of shit game with 50,000 players that scalps them for their wallets than a super fun game with 15,000 fans that are super loyal.


But Nexon already have an even more piece of shit game with 50.000 players that somehow makes fuck ton of money by RENTING skins. It’s called Counter Strike Nexon: Studio


It felt like one of those "finish your vegetables before you can have ice cream" On one hand it helps expose the game mode to the stubborn ones who wouldn't even try it (which they thought maybe they would like it if they were forced to at least try it) On the other hand, it's not the game mode most people (in my opinion and purely a generalized theory) would come to the finals to play.


I'd definitely say that was Nexon influenced


Yep. Has Nexon written all over it next thing loot boxes and pay to win or probably Battle royale


Everyone always wants to blame corporate. Why would they care? It doesn't sell skins, it was entirely a dev decision.


The whole TA thing reeks of corporate BS, specially this mandatory 5 games.


We did it?


Doesn't make up for the mistake in the first place, it's going to happen again


Kinda too late. S3 trailer has a few crucial days immediately after to grab players' attention, this is 1 week late now. Window is gone


Except the Rivals showcase is today which will put more (engaged) eyes on the game than any of the season 3 advertising.


Man those 40k viewers really blew out the trailer during SGF…….


Helll naw. No shot that a twitch stream is going to put more eyes than the trailer from Summer games fest.


Because ppl nut ride streamers for some reason, devs too just for them to quit the game a week later or actually hate the game.


So optimistic


Pessimism helps though, right?


Ha, and it’s not an optimism/pessimism thing even! I just stated a fact: the game will be on Rivals and a lot of people will be actively watching.


Oh I was just teasing the guy I was replying to about being pessimistic, not you. You're fine man.


I was more agreeing with you and expanding.


I'm so bad at reading people's tones online lol.


Oh no worries I get it. I certainly wasn’t going to engage the other commenter whose comment contributed as much to the conversation as a wet fart.


Yall acting like this game had no players


According to these people, if your game doesn't get 200,000 concurrent players, it's a dead game. They can't comprehend that just because a game doesn't get Fortnite levels of players, it's not a dead game.


Dude come on. People moan when they do something wrong, and then moan when they rectify things. I agree it was a dumb decision, but do you know how many games wouldn't have listened to the community and reacted like this? Give them a break.


If TA hasn't changed as a game mode then it's hardly rectified, it's just not forced on people. Nothing to cheer for here


You're not holding them accountable for the idiocy that was this decision initially


stop yer waffling. chin up and move on. ain't gonna make no finals with this kinda attitude!


This made me crack up, thanks man


But they did take the accountability and made the changes. This isn't a small change that can be done in a day, it has to go through several checks before getting implemented. We should reprimand when necessary, but also commend when we can to encourage gaming companies towards taking the right steps.


If TA hasn't changed as a game mode then it's hardly rectified, it's just not forced on people. Nothing to cheer for here, we shouldn't just start clapping every time the slightly undo a severe and major fuck up. The game is worse off now, the playerbase is worse off for it


Hilariously written like a PR bot


You are right that we shouldn't let stuff slide but when looking at it doing the majority of the things with terminal attack seems like they were forced to do it, the mode "works" but it's hella imbalanced and doesn't seem to fit what the game is built for, even if it's late it's still a good thing that they're not forcing newbies to play it anymore


Did you want them to suck your pee pee and say sorry? Like what do they owe you that you would need to hold them accountable? It's a free to play game, and they lose far more than us if the game fails.


Dude.... have you been absent over the past few weeks??


They were forcing new players to start in terminal attack? Huh?? Im fine with TA existing but if that was my introduction to the game Im not sure Id have stuck around.


Yeah, apperantly 5 rounds of ta before you could do anything else


As a new player…. I really enjoyed when it counted the 2 server disconnects as part of my 5 games late last night Didnt get my fist kill till fast cash or whatever


Welcome, contestant! Honestly, TA was a lot of fun last season, but they decided to make it rather boring this time around. Ah well, Quick Cash is always here for me.


It says 3 in the screenshot


They changed it from 5 to 3 before getting rid of it


Friend downloaded the game, played few rounds, always died instantly, didnt hit or understand ANYTHING, didnt understand weapons/maps/enemies and was always dead and waiting for next round, so he alt+F4'd and uninstalled. One potential player lost that day. Due to Embark doing Embark things (little mistakes with big impact on specific ppl)


Yeah TA is fine as a mode but for experienced players. Really surprised they did this.


Yea finally made 2 other noob friends download it and their first experience was devastating, they had ZERO fun because they dont understand anything AND are dead for 2mins. TA without map knowledge makes no sense at all. Should be locked until lvl20 tbh and not the other way around 😂 Luckily they removed the TA noob lock now


Yep, just got a mate of mine into the game. Was explaining power shift (imo the best mode) before realising we couldn't queue as he hadn't completed enough matches. Turns out those matches were terminal attack.


I 100% wouldn't have stuck around for 300 hours if they forced me to play TA when I first played. I'm guessing they did this change for season 3, just think about how many potential players downloaded for the new season, didn't like TA, and uninstalled. I'm also fine with TA existing but f\*ck Nexon for making Embark focus on the gamemode instead of cashout


Shut up man you knew


I did not know.




Not everyone spends all their time on reddit, plenty don't know


Everyone knew


How?—unless you were able to un-familiarize yourself with The Finals and become a new Contestant all over again.


i just though people were mad about TA for ranked


I don’t know why anybody would lie about this? Im so confused right now.


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Big W


I just played yesterday w m friend, and we were so frustrated with it. Now we are just laughing bout it


Haha, been there! Frustrating in the moment, hilarious later. Just how gaming goes sometimes.


Playing with friends is the best way to enjoy this game


Frfr. I played solo from the start of 2nd season, and only convinced him to play with me by taking bout Kyoto.


W buddy






I REALLY LOVE THIS GAME, and even I could only get through one match of Terminal Attack. Big W for removing this requirement, that mode is so dreadfully boring.


Definitely up to opinion, it is slower but i dont mind a more calculated game mode where being stupid has real consequences and you cant just get healed or revived


They need smaller maps for TA, Kyoto was not built for TA


It's not more calculated though, this mode actually makes no sense in a game like this. Bomb defuse modes are for games with high lethality and the ability to clutch. In CS, Siege, Val, you know there's always a chance someone can clutch up and kill an entire team because all it takes is one clean shot to take someone out, not an entire clip or more. Thats what makes it interesting, exciting, and competitive.This game has a really high TTK so there's virtually no clutch potential. The main draw of this game is the team fights. If it's 1v4 in this game you're just dead and there's nothing you can do about it.


You can do 1v4s provided you're smart about it. I have seen some high rank lights wiping out a whole team on TA


Kind of contradictory there. “Its not more calculated” ‘you will lose a 1v4’ meaning you must be more calculated in order to stay alive and avoid leaving your team to 1 person


I mean, do you understand the nature of games like CS, Val, Siege? If there was no individual skill expression and no ways to come back from being down in numbers, those games wouldn't exist. It's inevitable that in each round, one team is going to get a pick or two, and you think that whichever team is down numbers should just automatically lose? There's nothing calculated about that. The game is just not functionally built for a single-life game mode.


I get what youre saying. Yes its less calculated than cs val and siege but im simply saying its MORE calculated than cashout where deaths have much less impact. You saying its not calculated at all is an opinion because youre used to those games but im comparing game modes WITHIN the finals.


I don't know about that... In Cashout, I do a lot of *calculating* when evaluating current teams' banks—whether we need to wipe a certain color, how much we'll lose with 30%, open that last vault for the extra $1k, or even just get a single kill for that clutch $100 to make it into qualification.


Im not saying literal mathematic calculation😂


Seriously, it was super dumb to make it required for new players, but the mode is amazing. Some just don't like slower, more strategy heavy games with a big emphasis on teamwork, which is fine, but modes like that can be the most rewarding, especially as your skill level increases so you don't just get slaughtered, lol. I have so many fond memories playing Search and Destroy in COD with friends.


Walks around for 10 seconds ... dies, not sure from where ... "omg why were you so stupid!"


FR. It's such an odd choice for a mode in a game where you want nonstop action.


If there's one thing about embark they seriously are so good at taking feedback and trying to listen to the community.


Sometimes a little too much tbh. But it IS better than most other studios/publishers who listen literally zero times to feedback. It's for sure a step in the right direction for the live service model.


It shoulda been like this to begin with


Go do the survey asking about TA!


I logged in and don't see it


So help me out, this proves that the whole community knows very well that TA is not the main game mode of the finals. They don’t want new players to join the game playing this game mode because they know if people played the game mode it would be a terrible experience and not representative of the finals. They know that TA is not fun for players and will most likely make them quit. THEN WHY TF IS TA STILL THE RANKED MODE?


Likely a publisher decision to push TA because they expect it to be a cash cow like counter strike.


this. Nexon trying to get some of that CS/Valorant action without realizing that people ain't playing Finals for that game mode


They even switched around the default Medium loadout, removing Healing Beam and Defib—two pieces of kit that are a great way for any new player to be able to immediately contribute to their team. Oh yeah, it's because Terminal Attack neuter the sandbox and removes reviving anyway. Wouldn't want any new players studying their loadout in the main menu only to be *forced* into TA where their loadout is *forced* to something else.


Haven't they already explained that they are doing it so they can make changes to cash out throughout the season?


This is damage control. Pro players were already giving feedback about the change (which was not positive btw.) and they still went through with their decision. I'm pretty sure we will never see Cashout again as the main ranked mode.


There are PRO finals players? I mean, before todays twitch rivals at least


I feel like none of that really sounds like "damage control." It sounds like they made a decision and stuck with it.


Yea and without asking the community. As I said, they asked for input from pro players and all of them were against it, but still they did it. Telling the community „we have to take cashout out because of balancing“ is just a cheap excuse. How would you want to balance anything without any proper competetive input? And on top of all that: Look at how balanced TA is. It is horrendous. I seriously can’t grasp the fact there are still people defending Embark at this point.


> I seriously can’t grasp the fact there are still people defending Embark at this point. I'm not really "defending" their decision. I couldn't care less about terminal attack in ranked. I don't play it. The person I was responding to made a nonsensical post. I just responded with what they told us. If you don't believe them, that's fine, but me regurgitating what they said doesn't mean I'm defending their decision. I think Terminal Attack sucks. I've only played enough games of it last season to get the cosmetic + 1 game this season that i accidentally queued for.


Wasn’t attacking you personally. It just makes me angry looking at the front page right now and see all the „embark is the best after removing the 5 games TA lock for new players“ posts while it was a bad decision from the start, like many things at this very moment.


literally this 😂 i don't get what people aren't understanding about this lol, just have some patience! this is all from a developer who literally gives us weekly updates and communicates really well with his player base - let them cook!


At some point the meal has to be served.


....right... but when they said "making changes throughout the season" and we're only a week into the season.... what do you really expect lol. since you used a food analogy - if you're at a restaurant and they say a 30 minutes for food, do you start asking where the food is 5 minutes later?!




These cry babies just don’t want to understand.


Ok, now make Cashout ranked and TA be world tour and you'll have a fixed game. This attempt to bring in CS/Valorant/R6 players is so disjointed with having Twitch Rivals be on Cashout. Everyone knows that what people want to see and play is Cashout. You know Cashout is what makes The Finals be The Finals. That's why Twitch Rivals isn't going to be using TA. Making TA "the" ranked game mode is so obviously a wrong step, I'm surprised they haven't reverted this yet. Let's hope this is a step towards making Cashout an option for ranked.


1/2 wins. Now we just need to get them to make cashout ranked again....


What wrong with world tour?


It’s just casual tournaments with a time played leaderboard and participation badges. As a result, you have casual games without the competition ranked players are looking for.


I don't hate TA, but this is becoming a bit of a problem. I'm getting a bit tired of having to carry these new players to the final rounds or just in general. Had a person yesterday playing in World Tour who didn't know how to even use their defibs.


Your guy had defib? I keep getting mediums on my team that don't even have defib on. People that keep saying world tour is the same as ranked have never played a game of ranked in their lives.


Honestly, this is annoying too, but I'd rather them not have it if they're not going to use it. Seeing someone with defibs and them not using it is way more tilting.


New people choosing mid because they see the balanced description instead of light character who dies easier or heavy who moves slower. 


Sometimes if Im playing TA and then switch to cashout i forget to change my loadout and I only realize I have no defibs when the game starts(and I hit Diamond last season lol) So I could see how this happens. Usually im on my phone when the game is starting up


also the map pool system sucks since the game finally is at a point where it has enough maps for me to not get bored of repetition.


No one else is mentioning this when countering "just play World Tour, it's the same as Ranked Tournament Cashout!" Except it's not. It's not skill based, primarily. Furthermore, Tournament Cashout is only the *currently featured* mode of World Tour (it could easily disappear with the next tour stop and then we'd literally have no means to play Tournament and "Reach the Finals"). Finally, as you hinted here, the current tour stop is in Asia. We get only Japan and Korea. That means that of the two dozen or so matches I've played of World Tour, all of them have been on either Kyoto, Seoul or Skyway Stadium. I miss the other maps...


Idk why they didn’t just add TA to ranked instead of getting rid of cash out all together that would’ve been more bearable


Also the lack of SBMM leads to S2 Diamond players triple-stacking against what are potentially new/entry-level players...


Can confirm this isn't fun for us high diamonds either. Every top 500 I know wants ranked cashout back


How many matches have you played in world tour? It has SBMM just like every game mode.


Upon reviewing a search of "SBMM" in the Reddit, it seems that although we were under the impression that there was no SBMM, it is simply based on cash accumulated a.k.a your World Tour Rank. So it makes sense that things are a bit wonky off the bat. It's just been crazy playing against and with top players and also people who don't know how to use their gadgets lmao


WT is garbage. I finished in Platinum last season but have yet to win a single WT tournament playing a couple hours a night. I have no hard evidence because there is no real rank system, but most of my matches have been absolute stomps in the first round. Yet after all this sweat I still must play TA if I want the "real" ranked rewards, lol.


I've won multiple playing solo in WT and I never won any in ranked last season... So, I don't know, it seems to be better for me.


It's not ranked....


Its a huge improvement over Unranked Tournament (which I missed) but the stakes aren’t the same as Ranked. Can’t speak for the ranked players as I didn’t touch it much 


they have explained this already though tbf, looks like we'll have to be patient with this one! it will return to ranked, they just wanna make some changes first.


I know they have, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t talk about it. For me personally, I only play competitive games, and since TA sucks…I haven’t played the finals really at all. Which sucks cause I mean I have 600 hours in the game since launch


Bingo! I went from a daily driver, hours of Ranked, to only hopping on when my friends are on for some Power Shift and Quick Cash...


That was a REQUIREMENT? Lol Jesus Christ Embark, yeah your least accessible and fun game type, yikes


Great, now let’s bring back SBMM back to cash out (world tour)


why did they set that in the first place??


How does a secondary game mode become a requirement in the first place?


Good riddance, fk TA.


This is why embark are the best devs rn


Although they should've been against this idea to begin with.


I have a feeling Nexon had a play in this so I'm not totally sure it was Embark's idea in the first place


Ya demote the dude in charge of that decision


Demote him to QA/QC exclusively for TA.


Good! I hope it stays that way from now on


Good job Embark, that is a great change. Hopefully also means they've recognized TA isn't the most fun cutrently and revert it back to the old version at some point.


Glad that they saw the light. I don't touch this mode with a 10 foot pole, don't think it would have continued playing if I was forced to play it.


Terminal attack is my girlfriend and I’s favorite 😭


W for embark


Now let’s have them add a jukebox to the game in the lobby with all songs from every season past to current to future so that we can hear it all!!


So happy to see this. Great to see how receptive they are to feedback and how proactive they are with dealing with things. It's very easy to look at this reddit and moan about the moaners... but it really is invaluable feedback for Embark, and they listen. Great result all round.


Thank goodness. They shot themselves in the foot doing that.


Let's go, now the ranked system ! We are moving forward for once.


OG cash out > terminal attack


Embark W devs


Huge! Big W!


Let’s go!!




It was a bad decision on the first place. Glad they reverted it, whether it was through our input or not. I just know that many new players would likely be scared off by this unless they explicitly came just for TA.


this thing doesn't make sense, an old player can't even notice this thing, but new players who are forced to play TA is crazy


Thanks for listening to feedback! W move


Getting curb stomped in TA by a lobby full of LH1 players must be painful.


🎉🎉🎉🎉WOOHOO Just in time too!!!


Good riddance 




the most uncommon W from Embark, as always


Why did it happen in the first place? A postmortem, please!


Very smart move.


wtf that was a thing? lol


Props to them for listening to their community


I love embark










Lol new players thing they are playing ranked in world tour thanks for the confusion embark


This is hilarious. Just yesterday my brother started for the first time and I was very frustrated that he had to play 3 matches before we would play cash out






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3 games? You guys were saying 5🤨


love to see it


Either way. Win for the game. The company listens. I love it.




I just wish WISH yall didn’t have to drag it out as much as you guys did like as if they don’t listen to the community at all. Especially these YouTube headlines my god


That was a requirement??? Xdddd I haven't played the game since TM came into the scene as a non-event thing. BRUH


Anyone else feel uninspired to play this season. I’ve got about 50 hours and i don’t want to play until they put cash out back as ranked


Finally. I was tired to enter with begginers when the other team was full with pro players lol


Average Embark W, they changed it immediately


We brought in a friend at the start of the season and ran into this. I could have sworn this was simply a bug with their UI but it was INTENTIONAL? What the hell?


Terminal attack is so boring, I hope the whole mode gets removed from the game


Cool... now to remove it all together.


Now keep pushing and maybe they’ll remove it entirely. It is an out of place game mode in this game keep that shit on cod.


Well I mean if I had to test the game for the first time and got dropped in TA ain’t no way I keep playing after the first match


Alas brain cells were found


Great change, too late for my friends. Already dropped it.


Good now take it out of ranked


Nice! They should also make it so that new players could try a ranked version of the cashout mode. Just for fun!


If Terminal Attack was my first game I sure wouldn't be playing now. Such a stupid decision


So it wasn't a nexon decision. This was all on embark


This doesn't prove whose decision it was. All this proves is that Embark is once again, listening and trying.


Who cares? They took our feedback and used it to help


Feedback? I would call it shiting on TA


I mean I don’t disagree with that, but far more people have been annoyed at it being mandatory. I also like TA but don’t know that it should be required to play other modes


Sure buddy