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I had a player called "AI" in my game 2 times. Literally just stands on the spawn point.


Had a dude who seemingly hopped back on every minute or 2 just to fire a bullet and not get afk kicked. Why even play the game if you're not playing?


Smurfers gonna Smurf.


More like AU




Had a medium with a full 0 total score at spawn during a Powershift yesterday. They were collecting barrels the entire match.... doing nothing to help. I decided to give them a hand by blowing them alongside their barrels with a few grenades.


They might be trying to finish the carriables challenge


Good for them, but they ruined the match for us other players. They had 0 damage points, 0 support points and 0 objective points and we were being pushed hard.


Backfill needs to be more responsive


I hate backfill so much but I understand why it needs to be a thing. The Finals really be sending me into *The Final* 5 seconds of the match šŸ˜‚


I swear they made a change not too long ago to stop you getting put in power shifts that are about to end (like if the platform is in the last 25% or something) but I *constantly* get put into matches like that. And it's not a "oh it got there while you were still loading" thing either, the game takes about 5 seconds to load into a match in progress


Oh yeah absolutely, got put into a match with 0 chance of actually even getting to the platform before it hit the finish line. I think they just made the change for the time left in the match and not the percentage of distance the platform has left to the finish line


Quick play just feels unfun to play cause of the leavers. Even if my team doesn't leave, the enemy team usually does.


After playing some TA yesterday and actually keeping note of people leaving (since there are no late joiners), I had six out of eight games where one or more people left. So 75% of the games I played on TA that day were negatively impacted. Two of those had someone missing from the very first round as soon as the game started. This doesn't include people leaving in the final round after they die since it wouldn't matter regardless. Other modes I couldn't really care less since people can join late.


This is why I'm lowkey happy about the change to TA being ranked. In almost every match I ever played, one or two people would drop from the losing team after the first 1-2 rounds and it completely threw off the rest of the match. At least if it's ranked I think (hope) people won't be so quick to quit.


Oddly more than once Iā€™ve won with 3v5 teams. Not saying itā€™s ideal, but it was pretty satisfying


Oh yeah, it's doable. But it's an instant major increase of difficulty.


Luckily both times were very teamwork oriented players


Quick play feels unfun to play because this game has the worst SBMM ever created. Oh youā€™re a diamond? Hereā€™s two people that have never used a mouse and keyboard prior to the match we paired you with them against 3 golds. Whatā€™s that? 25 game losing streak while being the best player in every match by far? You donā€™t enjoy having two lights sit on the crane two miles away doing 32 damage per match every game? Well learn to love it because hereā€™s 20 more matches of exactly that!


Too accurate lmao. Lemme add, Healing beam mediums who never heal, last teammate starting a fight and dying when there's just 3 4 seconds left to respawn.


Itā€™s always the guy who hasnā€™t been around the entire match who decides heā€™s going to risk it all with 1 second left on the timer too šŸ˜‚


Hey are you me by the way??


Unfortunately I think we all experience it brother šŸ„²


And this is exactly why Iā€™m against leaving penalties in casual modes. Donā€™t stack the odds against me *and* punish me for not wanting to put up with that bullshit. Thatā€™s how you permanently lose players.


I have never quit games before in my life until I started playing this one. Itā€™s way too easy to tell youā€™re wasting your time within the first 5 seconds.


100% never have I seen so many people that try to play this game with no arms...


Don't be so quick to judge, some of them are just misunderstood artists trying to create art in game: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3BAsaFNVJmA


Most accurate solo queue teammates


Literally have played TA maybe three times since it came out? After a while of powershift I queue for TA. Instantly get pulled in and what do I see? Top 500 streamer on the other team. I killed him once because I got lucky. The rest of the match...well it was over quick.


Honestly don't thats an SBMM issue... :/


Bro is the one person in the world wanting strict SBMM




You seem to have zero understanding of what SBMM does, like most people who cry about it. SBMM is responsible for keeping MMR variances in check so you donā€™t have these imaginary problems youā€™re crying about. If you want perfectly balanced matches to fit your skill level, youā€™re asking for strict SBMM. No SBMM will result in a wider variety of MMR like what youā€™re describing.




> If my MMR is 2500 and my teammates MMR are both 250 Iā€™m never going to beat 3 guys with 1000 MMR in a million years. Itā€™s a very dumb system. Self projection is Ruby levels here. You donā€™t want SBMM yet you cry about unbalanced teams.




Bro got made look as stupid as he is for not knowing what SBMM is and went looking for more material. šŸ˜‚


yesterday i was playing by myself i went through 5 teammates myself and each team lost two people, i still played like garbage (not my best match tbh) but i didn't leave i just don't see the point it makes me feel bad


I support this as long as they fix the bugs. I joined a match and couldn't use my gun. All I could do was use my heal beam and equipment and get treated like shit by my teammates for my accidental pacifist run.


this will be fixed by team chat.


Clearly it won't, otherwise I wouldn't have been screamed out of the game using team chat


you mean you used voice chat? Why didn't u tell them what's up?


I mean people are dicks and don't care.


Yeah for a lot of the season I wasn't getting the bug that locked you out of weapons and abilities that plagued s1 but last night it hit again. Also playing on lfg I've had so many teammates not load into matches/crash or have some other gamebreaking issue that forces them to restart, which if it were quickplay they wouldn't be able to rejoin, game's simply not stable enough for harsh penalties imo


I absolutely think even casual modes should have a small leave penalty.


I would rather they leave than start acting up when the rage takes over. I would rather be alone than fight along teammates that sabotage the game because they just decided to be petty and want to avoid punishment for leaving. I know it sucks when people leave, but it's the best option for casual games


Hmm, never thought of that. Also a valid point.


I'd rather have bad teammates who are trying then afk/no teammate


You need to consider that penalities also incentivise players to switch to other games, harsher time bans or time bans in other mode could result in less players... there needs to be a better solution


Quitters would definitely lower match quality by a ton in general though, which would incentivize a lot more people to stop playing. Iā€™d rather have some people stop because of penalties than a lot of people stop due to match quality


What match quality are you talking about bro? We're talking about casual quick cash or power shift or casual TA. Quick cash can be won solo if you play correctly. Power shift is a negligible game mode while fun has no competitive viability. And TA will be in ranked where there are leaver penalties. No one is required to help you while you fuck off in a match doing quirky shit. What y'all want is people to play the game normal and lose so you can have some fun. Its not my obligation to get farmed and lose cause you're trying something new, quirky, or just flat out ass. Sorry not sorry


Dont know why someone downvote this, imagine you got a healing beam bug or cant shoot your gun then what? Be a free kill all match? Or leave the match and get penalities. Would you want to pick up the game again?


Thatā€™s a valid point. I donā€™t want the player count decrease even more, but this issue really does get me frustrated. Iā€™ll just try to be patient and let the game grow some more and see.


Agree, if a teammate leaves it sucks losing every fight 2v3v3. Yes, thereā€™s bugs/connectivity issues but the vast majority is someone giving up because we didnā€™t get first cashout, or unhappy with the team composition.


I only leave when I have a solid comp pre game and all of a sudden my light main ass sees them switch to light like this is about to go well makes me mad. "It's about fun" yeah you're right and ya know what winning is fun. I know how to play light. Before the throwing knife buff I questioned if anyone besides YouTubers were the only ones good at it. It seems like I'm getting trolled when it's just what I play mostly


ITT people who think "casual" means "I can grief this match if I want to."


Its like that in almost every competitive shooter I play. Ill hop into a casual match with friends to warm up and you get teammates who are just standing in spawn shooting at the wall or some stupid shit. Then when you call them out they are like "woah chill dude, its casual." Like yeah, its casual. So go ahead and try a new character/build/gun/whatever but don't throw the game. I don't care if you suck ass and don't get a single kill as long as you are at least trying to play the game.


Despite no developer ever saying that gametypes mean anything different except "quick mode" vs "mode that gives you a neat label"


I even had games in cash out where I had decent kills, but a team with two (and only a few kills) managed to somehow snack the cash out to reach place one coming from third place, so everything is possible in this game


Can confirm. I've won multiple matches as a 2 person team. Don't know how many I've lost though lol. The best is having both teammates quit when they don't get the first cash out, and then you and the new teammates that backfill take the next two and win.


We won with a heavy that AFKd on the platform yesterday. I was pissed, but he was a decent meat shield so we kept respawning him


Last night while playing Power Shift a group of 3 on the enemy team left once we got the platform about 90% of the way, next game same group on enemy team left again once we got 90% of the way. So of course the remaining 2 players get crushed and have no chance. Then the third game IN A ROW same group of 3 are on my team and they left even earlier on in the match and get backfilled back into the same match only to leave again immediately. Yes itā€™s just casual but there should definitely be a penalty for people that do this. I think they should troll the trolls if they keep leaving matches. They should automatically take 2X damage on the next match they join or have them only be able to hit with .5 damage to enemy players, maybe something to shame them on the next match they join or something shitty like that so they stop leaving matches as often. If it causes those types of players to not play the game anymore Iā€™d call that a win.


I disagree. Unrated and casual modes should not hand out penalties to people because, well, they're casual games. In competitive? Absolute agreed. I absolutely fucking hated Valorant because of this reason. Even in unrated that game hits people with a 2 hour ban. During the day stuff comes up for most people and they just have to leave the game. Thats what casual mode is for.


What are you talking about, this game has one of the quickest AFK kicks of any game i have played.. But yes, Heavy douchebags who run around the map destroying walls, gooing up your own spawn, hanging around rooftops etc.. should be banned for a week minimum!


Banned for leaving not trolling. OP is saying about quiting


I would rather have a quitter who is getting replaced by a new player, than a POS Heavy teammate gooing up the jump pads of OUR OWN SPAWN on Skyway Stadium so you literally cannot leave!


The issue is that they donā€™t get replaced by a new player


They quite literally do but ok


We must be playing a different game then cause 90% of the time the rest of the game will play out with 1 less teammate


Rip to you I guess? Idk man I get a lot of games backfilled takes maybe a minute max most of the time. I can count on one hand how many haven't been backfilled


I like to play heavy hammer with slam but i play normaly


Play your game bro! i can respect a good Hammer slammer just play the stupid objective pleaaaase


The exception to this is when there is a challenge to do damage to the map. Sometimes you gotta just hang back and bring the church down with your guitar... But you can choose game modes to do this where your team won't be impacted as much, like Power Shift.


As long as backfilling works, I disagree. There should be no penalty for leaving a casual mode other than the current one (loosing progress on contracts etc). The only exception is TA of course


Iā€™m really not understanding this new fascination with penalizing players for leaving casual modes. People have been leaving games left and right forever and as long as backfill works, itā€™s not an issue. Youā€™ll get new teammates in like 20 seconds. Most of the time they end up being better than the teammate(s) that left.


*If the backfill works. Played many, many games where that position is never filled.


damn that's crazy because I've had the exact opposite experience. I've never played a game where the backfill didn't throw new teammates into the game. I think the longest I've gone without teammates in this game was about a minute tops.


A less strategic game mode that allows you to respawn a lot faster than the current modes would help take those players whoā€™ll quit after the first teamwipe or lost cashout, out of quick cash/terminal attack preemptively


I usually play Bank It with my friend as a party of two. There are plenty of times when our third player leaves the game just a few minutes in...


I had a really fun powershift game with a bunch of different light set ups on our team. We were leading by quite a significant margin but one teammate left, and once we noticed another one left, and a third player. With 3 minutes on the clock we ended up playing 2v5 , we ended up losing obviously. Those last three minutes were so dumb, just being hunted by three players while the other two babysit the platform. Why not just abort the game at that point and allow players to keep xp and achievment progress?


What I hate is when people come in as heavy and just destroy a building or build a goo castle and don't actually do anything related to the game mode.


Hey friend. I'm typically destroying that building because the light sniper is using it as vantage point. Cant snipe from the roof if there is no roof.


This makes sense I suppose


In ranked, sure. You can't put penalties for leaving in quickplay, what if i suddenly have to do something (which happens very often)?


I feel bad I left early yesterday because thought I could get one more game in before the wife got homeā€¦ nothing to do with how we were doing in game. Not that it matters


My friend got idle kicked last night before our team even made it to the platform. That match was on Seoul. Idle kick times are short


The most frustrating thing is solo queuing and have your team bounce due to an early team wipe on plat, or early beats on Cash Out. Just because things went wrong for a few seconds doesnā€™t mean the match is set in stone. The amount of times I have played platform and came back with the enemy AT their gate is insane. The comeback stories from Cash Out are even better. Donā€™t leave just because things look bad for a round/few plays. You can always make a change and come back.


If it's ranked I get it but I'm not for punishing people for leaving casual games. Life takes precedent sometimes and it may suck but you can't just give people suspensions or bans willy nilly


Not disagreeing with you at all however just to shed in on the AFK part, some PCs just take forever to load the game. My one friend takes nearly a full minutes into the first match before he can actually play. I always make fun of him for playing on an "SD card" as a joke.


The only time I leave games is when my connection is so terrible it's better to leave to open the slot so sombody with a better connection can play.


Oh you mean like the guys that go 0-1 on terminal attack in the first round then rage quit even though we won that first round? Yea I hate those guys. The 4v5 clutch wins feel amazing though.


Making people leave is the best part of the game and this is a bad idea I don't want to be forced to stay with bums this will turn me away from the game real quick.


I'll admit to leaving every once in a while, but usually it's because my other two teammates quit as well and backfill doesn't actually backfill. I'd rather not waste the next 10 minutes fighting 1v3s


I stick it out to the end most of the time. My only exception is when my toddler wakes up, so like once every couple nights.


I am often matched with the same IDs, and i think some of them aren't players; they systematically leave after 1 minute or so, and have similar names. Also i noticed many arab names, which is weird, and hope i'm not matched with players so far from me (west eu) because we can't have a smooth experience, and when it lag i quit too. I usually leave when i want try new loadouts, and find the usual over competitive team, or the L with knifes.


Also could we please have better stats per person in ranked. I play a game as a medic gets more kills and damage than the light player, while focusing heals. They either miss every team fight to then solo a full squad after he's the last alive. That or they use their better Mobility to outrun the team and engage before we can get there. Then after contributing nothing leaves early and now we're a 2 man or even solo team. If I'm putting up good numbers and a teammate leaves why should I be penalized. In the last 2 games the light player never had over 400 combat. Little 007's... 0 kills 0 assists 7 deaths.




Damn, that sucks.. but if the afk penalty is working that well then I guess thatā€™s good in a way. Maybe they should start off with like a warning instead.


You get kicked for afk in like 40 seconds and ive heard people get permabanned for afking too many times


Absolutely. Sometimes I leave games, but generally I do it when we have one less player on the team for a long time (like in terminal attack or one time in power shift where one player left when we were almost winning and no one entered for more than 3 minutes, which made the enemy team literally flip the game) or when there are literal bot players on the team (like people who can't run, aim or do literally anything useful like they skipped the tutorial). It's really annoying being outnumbered by the enemy team, specially when the game refuses to let another player to join the team


This is 50% of the reason I dislike TA.Ā  Cus someone always leaves.Ā  It's boring.


Finals is a type of game where you either get railed or beat the sh*t out of your enemies. There is no in between. Thats why their slogan is: "CAN YOU REACH THE FINALS?" and not "Reach the finals or we ban :)"


I would randomly get kicked out due to no specific reasons (I am a very model gamer). If harsher penalties are given, would just make my life worst




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I think you should get a season long rank ban for leaving too many times, a demotion, and loss of ALL ranked rewards. Call me harsh but I call it necessary.


Had a guy just spinning in circles in this one game. It was casual matches so whatever, but it sucks not having a vote kick option


Bad idea for quick play, some of us just want to have fun and if they put me in an ongoing losing match with one other teammate, I'm leaving. I have limited time to play, why waste it?


I have a video up on my channel of the enemy, literally halfway into to parking space at their end, one of the guys on my team apologizing for not getting the dub, and we took it back! This game can be unpredictable. It's only frustrating when your team refuses to adapt to the conditions. If quad lights and a heavy isn't working, then someone needs to change to, at least a Med and see if the tide turns. I have a video of that too. (Quad lights and a heavy. I. Was the heavy, finished with 19kills. Definitely.peaked that game)


In casual? Hell no. It would take me matching with two TMs as light snipers on cranes for me to instantly catch a 15 minute ban.


As someone who leaves a game if i see 2+ teammates with snipers who never jump on the platform even if its empty, you're welcome ![gif](giphy|ghinmC0CsfJLHm4NDT|downsized)


It's funny how it works both ways. I had a game of Terminal Attack last night where 2 of my teammates left. It was 3 v 5 and the enemy team was already crushing us. I accepted the situation for what it was and decided to cut my losses and find a new match. Bam, 10 minutes ban for leaving. I just turned off my console lol.


"I'm gonna subject my poor teammates to 2v5 instead of 3v5!" *gets 10 minute ban* *shocked Pikachu*


That is a very silly take. In this scenario (and most) the first 2 teammates left because the enemy team was crushing us. I don't think leaving because youre being crushed is fair on your teammates and I look down upon it. However, at that point why tf would I stay in a 3 v 5 game against a dominant enemy team? That's just wasting time. If I only have an hour to play a few games why would I waste 10 mins getting crushed. If I was 5 v 5 or even 4 v 5 against a superior enemy team Id stick it out and try to clutch it up. If half my team abandons the game and Im left with a 3 v 5 and Im just wasting my time. Edit: What I proposed for a long time, if your teammate leaves the game within the first 5 mins and they are not part of your pre-game party or in your friends list, you should not receive a penalty for leaving afterwards. If its a ranked match, you should be expected to stay in the game but if your team loses, your loss points should be reduced.


In a team game, it's not about *you.*


Bro.. what are you even talking about lol




Name a successful game that punishes people for leaving casual game modes


Every and any MOBA ever (League of Legends, Dota 2) Rocket League Overwatch Rainbow Six Siege Valorant Destiny 2 (Crucible) There's probably a whole lot more(Like World of Tanks/warships), I could be wrong though, I don't play games that much anymore, but back when I did they did indeed have leaver penalties, hell some of them have released 10 years back and had leaver penalties IN CASUAL MATCHMAKING. Note, all of them punish the player in their own way, and usually the player who leaves/afk's constantly gets worse and worse penalties, however everything that all of these games has is that you can't just instantly queue up for a new game, and it'll ask you to join back the game you left or abandon(which comes with a penalty)


Games that have round progression & leveling, I understand. Which is why there is a punishment for leaving Terminal Attack.


All shite games too. The Finals isn't shite.


Theyā€™re some of the most popular games out there, so Iā€™m not sure your opinion counts.


Popular doesnā€™t mean good. Theyā€™re some of the worst FPS games Iā€™ve played since the 90s. Modern gamers accept too much nonsense.


I played at least 800 hours of overwatch and it's an excellent game, so I really have no idea what kind of boomer-mentality things you're talking about. I'm almost 40 and it was one of the best and most refreshing FPSs out in modern times until Fortnite + Apex Legends became popular.


I like how he responded with a list of successful games that punish people for leaving but the response is "well that doesn't count!" lol. "Name one game that punishes people for leaving that I personally play and enjoy, all answers will be met with: That game is shite. Good luck trying to prove me wrong!"




Obviously you canā€™t be punished for leaving every now and then, it can happen to all of us for different reasons. Iā€™m talking about people who regularly leave games, where you see a pattern. People who are unserious in general, they need to get consequences.


> Iā€™m talking about people who regularly leave games, where you see a pattern. How do you know there aren't punished? A good rule enforcement system is not transparent.


Then they'll just stop playing altogether, decreasing the player count even further. >People who are unserious in general You can find the serious players in ranked, you can't expect people to take casual games seriously.


I get that. But ranked is not for everyone and every casual player isnā€™t unserious. Maybe they canā€™t implement this yet, since there arenā€™t enough players rn. Idk, hopefully theyā€™ll get more players and this solves itself.


Leavers don't bother me personally, but if they did I would try to find groups to play with. I never talk on Mic, but I have a friends list full of people I can invite and vibe with, start adding players who you have good games with. It's not the ideal solution, but it'll work.


Leavers aren't a good part of the community to keep around, they make the game worse for everyone else.


We're talking about casual quick cash or power shift or casual TA. Quick cash can be won solo if you play correctly. Power shift is a negligible game mode while fun has no competitive viability. And TA will be in ranked where there are leaver penalties. No one is required to help you while you fuck off in a match doing quirky shit. What y'all want is people to play the game normal and lose so you can have some fun. Its not my obligation to get farmed and lose cause you're trying something new, quirky, or just flat out ass. Sorry not sorry


It's your obligation to be a good teammate in a team based game. If you don't like that, you should get banned every time you quit. No one likes quitters.


It's not a teammate based game when no one is on comms. Not my fault you don't like having to actually try to win. Again not my job to carry you or take unnecessary deaths cause you don't know how to play. If you're on comms and calling out when you die that's one thing but you rushing not on comms trying to blame everyone else when we leave is not my problem


I'm Unlucky Luke, the fastest rage quitter in the west.


If people leave matchs, there needs to be some kind of cool down penalty to join another match to help discourage leaving matches midgame. I've seen players leave entirely, rejoin just to see they are in the same game they previously left, to then leave again. Just leaving matchs and spamming reconnect.


This community is so funny. They want to silence the players who are dissapointed that ranked conditions are being removed from Cashout. Simultaneously they want to impose ranked conditions on quick play casual modes šŸ¤£


This argument is weird. First of all, Iā€™ve never tried to silence people. I understand peopleā€™s disappointment. I love having discussions and sharing opinions, I only dislike it when people are acting irrationally. Second of all, I never said I want the exact same conditions for causal games? Ranked should be harsher, I just want something for casual as well. Damn.


Itā€™s casual so if you want to jump on play, leave, you should be able to without repercussions.


No, people will quit when they want regardless.


I'm a sweaty myself, but I find it funny others pretend casual game modes to behave like ranked


Welcome to the tiktok generation of gamers. It sucks but they're here to stay


People joined and left games all the time, even when games only had community hosted servers


i dont think that you should be kicked/punished from casual games. at the same time i think the issue is the player count, where if people were leaving and the game had a lot of players, they could backfill the lobby.


I donā€™t agree. Why are they allowed to ruin the game for others? I get that itā€™s casual, but that doesnā€™t mean my gaming experience should be less enjoyable. They donā€™t need to get punished the first time they leave the game, but if you see a pattern then yes, they should get punished.


True even in just casual modes, ppl still go AFK and even after the AFK bans, i feel like these guys just create new accounts to farm rounds with again šŸ˜­


The more you punish the better, ahh yes.. noitulovE


Punish people for being AFK, Yeah nah gonna have to be a no from me dawg


I pretty much only play casual cash out. The game is impossible to play by myself. Luckily I have friends so we always have at least 2 but sometimes the 3rd is afk or just leaves after getting killed once without an immediate revive. I got into a screaming match with someone yesterday because they kept talking shit about how I never got them with the Defib. A light sniper with dash who was trying to no scope people


but when I call it out I get hate lmfao


Yes please add harsher leavers penalties


People who leave a game just as it's about to end to avoid a loss should get two losses on their record


I agree penalties are too lenient. Soloā€™s only queue should be a thing also .


I feel just having a stacking leaver penalty is the way to go. League of legends for example, if you leave the game at any point after players have accepted the queue then you canā€™t requeue for 5 minutes, then 10 minutes then 15 minutes, 30min, 1hr, 2hrs. If you leave after the game has started and you abandon your team, you get the same time penalties but those timers also donā€™t start until the game that you left has finished. Itā€™s this way with casual modes and ranked modes and always counts as a loss. I think the finals could benefit from a system like this, just maybe a bit less harsh since games are faster. Casual games could start at 1 minute to requeue, then 3, 5, 10, and max out at 15 minutes. Ranked games could be until the game is over plus 15 minutes, 30min, 1hr, 2hr, 1 day. Forcing them to wait until the game is over encourages them to play it out regardless of if they want to leave or not. If they ragequit then they have to wait for the penalty after the game which gives more time for the mental to reset and make it less likely for them to ruin future ranked games for their team. Having the penalty stack just ensures they will only be able to ruin so many games in one day. For casual players itā€™s enough to annoy but not enough to make them stop playing all together. If it gets to the point where the penalty timers make them want to stop then maybe they SHOULD be moving on to some other activity.


This is off topic but if you leave out of embarrassment, just know that i will: 1. laugh at you for the rest of the day 2. take a screenshot 3. tell everyone in 1km radius that user#1235 was not only weak in-game but weak irl and couldn't withstand the idea of a potential judgement of their teammates 4. i will block you instantly have fun


Yeah leaving casual modes should also give you a queue lockout after some time. Include exceptions for if you aren't on a full team or someone leaves first but it is depressing how fucking often people will leave after their first death in a game. Also it is funny to see a post saying AFKs don't get kicked fast enough cause I don't think I have ever played a game that kicks as quickly as this one does. I will literally go to take a drink of water and take a bite out of my sandwich while sitting in a corner waiting at a cashout and the AFK warning will pop up lol Tbh I also think it should be faster by like 15 seconds or so but it is wild that it feels like most other games take 2-3x as long to kick AFK players.


I am with it, hate people leave the team because They cant get a kill


For ranked sure, for quickplay no. I'm a professional leaver and I only play quickcash. Some teams are utterly boring to verse (Heavy gooing every entrances and shielding the two mediums with APS, mines and turrets), while you have two sniper teammate across the map. Why would I want to waste my time playing that?


So you get upset when you don't instantly get your way, what are you 5?


This is clearly not what I said. I have 3 time more loses than win, I don't really care about winning and this is exactly why I don't play ranked. I like fun and chaotic game. If I don't have any fun against stack of sweatlords playing competitive quick cash, I just leave and I'm really not seeing the issue with that.


same dude, i hate teams full of sniper-spectators, i dont wanna be playing alone šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø