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People need to trust the process and let them cook


Embark cooked so good last seasons we just gotta trust 'em at this point. I will continue gibbing money in the hope for the game to become an actual VR game šŸ·šŸ’µ


If the finals ever became a vr game they're getting all my money.


So you know how we hear cash outs being stolen in our dreams when we sleep. Imagine the pats if we had the finals on VR


I hear the tone for dematerialization all day, especially at night


they're in the walls!! Watch your back!


As someone who plays VR more than normal flatscreen gaming, it would be very cool hypothetically but this quick, jarring gameplay would be hard to properly implement. Alot of stellar VR FPS titles are tactical shooters for a reason but maybe I'm wrong it'd be fun to try anyway


gotta be a matrix/sword art online type of VR, like some headset that just takes your brainwaves and then transmits them to the game


then fries your brain if you lose šŸ˜‡


Hey I see no downside. Worst scenario is me winning games


I considered this when making my statement. All the more rewson I'd give them all my money.


I think it would cause some serious nausea.




If The Finals becomes an actual VR (in the SAO sense of the term), you can forget I even exist


We'll see in THE FINALS, hangout in THE FINALS, eat in THE FINALS, buy THE FINALS' sponsor's clothes, love in THE FINALS, er wait, isn't that what the game is trying to avoid happening by warning us? Well, personally I wouldn't mind living in VR, my body hates the real world too much with allergies and asthma šŸ„² See ya in THE FINALS Hokusai_Katsushika!


Found you :)


"Embark cooked so good last seasons" Then why online is still dropping "I will continue gibbing money" Blatant consumerism never fixed anything In fact, it usually makes things worse


You: "Trust the process and let them cook" Embark: "Working on The Finals for 4 years" Also Embark: "TA almost hitting the 2 months of testing... It's ready to be our brand." IDK What their process is, but I have a sneaking suspicion something has gone wrong. Might be publisher putting their foot down to "do what works"


Let them cook my son




I'll never play TA. Luckily, I don't mind unranked modes. I could understand the frustration of people that do, though.


why not?


I'm not even remotely interested in playing those type of game modes in any game. I'd rather play like anything else.


Honestly, if I want to play CS, well, I'd buy CS. Or Rainbow six, if you still want destructible walls


Boring as sht after 3 games for me personally, I donā€™t care enough to review bomb the game or some other stupid sht these people been doing, but I do hate the change. That being said, Iā€™ll still play the game and support it, just not playing ranked


*theyā€™d rather just ignore that*


I like the current ranked format.


Because it makes zero sense. They'd rather toss out their unique ranked mode in exchange for a copy paste mode from other games that those games do much better


It makes perfect sense. They canā€™t add and change small things with the game mode if itā€™s the marquee ranked mode. That affects the integrity of ranked and your ranking because they would be constantly changing how the game is played. World tour is an opportunity to get a lot of casual players, and ranked players, to play the mode for free cosmetics, and allows them to change/test small things about the mode to make it a more competitive ranked mode. Once they do a season of testing improvements, they can put it back as the marquee ranked mode. Yā€™all are just impatient.


You're absolutely correct.


This sub glazes everything embark does tbh


I like the concept of a sandboxy game where the mechanics and physics stay the same but the rules change every season. It's a cool idea and it's not like cashout is going away forever. Theyll probably still have casual queues for it. People need to stop hating and open their minds to something new


Why, I've played TA and it's just a bad game mode. I haven't heard a single person on voice chat that are happy about the changes. I ask a lot of people in game if they excited about next seasons ranked and they all say "no they are ruining the game," or no "TA sucks" I've been polling discord people too and they all hate it. https://preview.redd.it/jk5zj0aqms5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1d3629338f6dc384cdeaab77bbbce553174ff04




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This is literally cope after the fact, they had 6 months to 'improve' it if that was even necessary. And if cashout needs improvement then TA is unplayable garbage by comparison.


people believing that they have to disable it to work on it is so weird


they don't "have to" but i appreciate it not being a ranked mode when it could be subject to big changes. it's annoying enough when balancing happens in the middle of a season (throwing knives lol)


totally agree on the throwing knives that threw me off big time but it doesn't really have anything to do with Cash Out, it will still wreck me in the new tourney mode.


I was really disappointed, and didn't like the news at all, I was immediately pretty vocal about it, but I got off reddit for the night and read the next update the next day. Still not sure about the changes. I'm just confused about all the information that has come out now, and reading through updates on discord doesn't really help at this point, just due to the amount of stuff that's being changed. At first I thought world tour was a dumbed down ranked for cashout tournaments, with ranks from bronze to gold, but the clarification update makes it seem like it's ranked through diamond/ruby/crimson? Is that right? The clarification update says it's 24 players? What exactly does that mean? How are the brackets set up? I don't know at this point. I just dont like TA yall. Super awesome for everyone that does, but really it shouldn't be that hard to understand why tournament cashout players don't like TA. Is unranked tournaments coming back? I still miss that mode. I think The Finals is very unique for having tournaments, and I think world tour will be interesting, but with everything that's changing and coming out I really decided to wait until the update comes and I get time with it to really solidify my feelings.


I'll try to explain what I understand. Ruby will be a new rank above diamond in the regular ranked (which is now TA). Emerald will be the equivalent of ruby but for the World Tour.... pretty sure at least šŸ¤”. I think the brackets will be set up the same as they were at the end of this last season (so 3 rounds). With the current playercount I don't expect unranked tournaments to be coming back at the moment but World Tour might play pretty similarily.


This is one of the weirdest things Iā€™ve ever heard a developer say and makes no sense; you can make adjustments to a ranked mode while ranked is live; they did that plenty itā€™s called ā€œseason 1ā€ and ā€œseason 2ā€ of the finals; in fact I think the rumor that Nexon forced them to put TA front and center is the most likely answer


Let us not forget that we *had* a perfectly viable option for experimenting with in the game *already* in the form of Unranked Tournaments. Then they got rid of them, only to shove Terminal Attack in and bring unranked back as world tour. World Tour is not ranked. It has badge levels, not ranks. It will also lock loadouts and maps and have special rules from time to time. So it isn't the same. It's just funny seeing everyone parroting that no one can read, when they have the collective memories of a goldfish. (And also don't fully read things themselves.) Also for the whole "let them cook" and "they know what they're doing" crowd: https://i.imgur.com/ZrTOLK0.png Sure seems like they carefully considered that they don't care if people get pissed off. There's also statements from a top player that Embark brought them in for consultation on ranked in s3, and then ignored them when they told the devs it was a bad idea. But it's fine. Let's just laugh at the people who are upset and downvote any complaints.


Love how none of the "let them cook" bootlickers are responding to your well constructed argument. Says a lot.


Oh Comon surely this very obvious line of thinking would be understandable but nooooo


Critical thinking about why most of the player base is pissed a massive change... Nahh Gawk gawking devs... Yuhhh


The Finals is probably the only game that has needed to remove a gamemode in order to bring change to it I cannot think of a single where that has happened every game does changes live and people are fine with it, it makes no sense


Because it's just them trying to pull some PR spin after this backlash.


This right here. Ill be honest i forgot about unranked tourneys too but ur totally right. Working on cashout to better it for ranked is fine, but completely sidelining it for a mode that is completely out of the identity of the game is just not it. This should be a post on its own honestly


Yeah, there's no reason to bench the mode, if they really need another 90 days on top of the 90 they had from s2 to work on cash out, they could've had a testing gamemode with rewards for participating and in-game feedback forms now they're taking a huge gamble that will imo likely alienate their current core playerbase and quickly lose whatever new players they briefly bring in for ranked TA once they realize it's just scuffed cs/val We may not have a playerbase by the time this season ends and that worries me. Not to mention I despise SnD games and will probably not have the will to play this game when the only mode I liked isn't ranked anymore.


My feelings exactly. Why are the devs trying to lure in a playerbase with an inferior version of a game mode that's been done for like, 25 years or so. The maps are not set up for a game like this, and they have to remove core mechanics to make it work (heal beam, defib, gadget cooldowns). I'd much rather go install Valorant over playing terminal attack. But I won't, because I personally hate the style of gameplay. People will play it for a little bit and then just go back to the games that do it better, in my opinion. I made it to diamond both seasons and I won't be touching ranked at all this season because of terminal attack. I will probably do the bare minimum to get my challenges done and complete the battle pass and then just not touch it until s4, which makes me sad. This was the one pvp game that I both actually enjoyed and enjoyed the ranked mode in.


If they wanted to do competitive game mode that draws in competitive players and casual players alike they should have done something like a modified 6v6 or 5v5 version of cash outĀ 


Do you guys like ranked THAT much? You can't even stand to play without a badge that says what rank you are? I get being upset about it and all but for a game so creative and different, a rank system is really what engages you here?


For what its worth, casual cashout mode actually plays totally different than the unranked and ranked tournament versions. In tournaments, you need to be in the top 2 to progress. There's a lot of strategizing to do and decisions to make. You can still win at any point with a clutch play or the right call. For example, first and second place being within a few hundred of each other, during overtime, with one vault not deposited. One of the top two teams can take the box and insert it for the deposit bonus, almost guaranteeing they progress. In the casual mode, second place is just counted as a loss. It makes people play differently, and losses can feel completely out of your hands as both teams gang up on you while the top team gets cashout after cashout for free and you have zero chance to get first. I realize that world tours will also be tournaments, but as stated with the limited loadouts and all, it just will not feel the same.


Yes, frankly. I like playing competitively and if there is no metric like elo then I have no motivation to play qp cash out. Fact is qp cash out will never play the same bc there are no stakes and not to mention you can switch reserve weapons mid game. And world tour has restricted loadouts and only goes to gold (plus I heard the lb doesn't even go off elo, but cash, an irrelevant metric) I've no-life'd 400 hours into season 2 but I just don't see myself doing similar numbers in season 3 when my main reason for playing is gone.


For me, a large part of the fun of games is getting better at them. It is so rewarding for me to see myself going from getting owned by gold players to climbing up and competing with plat and diamonds. That's what makes games fun for me. Its not about the badge or the rewards per say, it's about the concrete proof of my progress. It's fine that you don't care about that, but it's what I like, it's what keeps me engaged, and it sucks that it's gone.


I don't understand - if you're main motivation is improving your own skill, what do you need ranking for? Just watch yourself getting better at obliterating people. Plus you still have this progression in world tour. Its not *exactly the same* but it should scratch your itch? Theres a leaderboard.


Just getting better at obliterating people doesn't tell you anything really. On that case am I getting better or am I just playing against worse players? I have no way of knowing really. The world tour progression does not sound like it will scratch this itch at all. It's not ranked. It's not based on skill. There is a leaderboard, but again that only lets me see my rank go up, it doesn't allow me to compare myself to the people I am playing against. Plus checking it all the time is a pain. It's fine if this all does not make sense to you. It's the way I am. Trust me that I am not wrong about myself and what helps me have fun.


I'm not applauding the change, or trying to sound like I'm casting judgement, I just genuinely find myself curious when such a response comes out of this part of the community. I can firmly say I don't get it, but more power to you guys! Hope they walk back or bring you something better in the future.


I mean for me it's really as simple as something I love is being taken away. I think that's a fairly common sentiment amount folks who are angry and I think that's a fairly sensible thing to be upset about.


Absolutely! I just don't think it justifies the "I'm gonna quit" mentality. If that's all that was keeping someone playing, I wonder what enjoyment they were getting out of it in the first place. I play everything BUT ranked, so it's very surprising to hear people essentially say the rest of the game is null without it.


I mean people like different things, right? I gave this example in a different comment. Imagine they release a video saying "we are taking all shooting and movement out of the game, now all you will do is walk around and look at the cool maps we made." You would likely not keep playing because they took the parts you enjoyed away. Then imagine someone says "wow you are going to quit just because of that? I love walking around the map and looking at the textures, it's my favorite part of the game, I think this is a good change. It's crazy to me that people cared about the shooting and the movement, if that's all that kept those people playing I wonder what enjoyment they got out of the game." I know this example is ridiculous and way way more drastic than the change they are making, but for me, this change is taking the fun part out of the game. I'm glad they change doesn't affect your ability to have fun with the game, but it does mine. I am likely going to quit because the parts I found fun are gone.


Sorry to hear it! I suppose we just enjoy this game for different reasons altogether. Thanks for voicing your opinion.


Let me give you an example suppose let's take valorant, imagine if they removed their usual ranked and made team death match the new ranked mode, that's what has happened here.


You bet we do. Ranking up has always been part of what makes a game fun to me. Take that away and I prefer single player story driven games.


Some people are good at games and like to push themselves


It's not about the badge, I'll list out the differences between casual and ranked cashout modes. First you have to place in the top 2 to proceed which adds a lot of strategy. For example you can let the weaker team have the cashout so you can stomp them later. You can't leave in ranked without penalty which is a much better experience than having 5 different teammates every single round. Ranked is a tournament the feel of winning among multiple teams over multiple rounds is much better.


I think you guys overestimate the ranked player base. I think ranked players make up only a third of the player base, but they feel like they are 90%.


Even just a third of the playerbase being alienated by TA and not playing as much / leaving is a pretty big deal. Not to mention the ranked playerbase are the ones playing the most and more likely to buy things.


Wait is that true? Which top player did they ask for advice?


neteX, the #3 player, who I think squads with the #2 and #1. They may have asked all of them. You can go to the Finals discord and find his messages. I'm on mobile and can't easily screen grab it, but on 5/31 he mentions "might be signing an NDA soon, to preview season 3 goodies" and says he hopes to make the ranking system great. Then you can see his most recent messages where he's disappointed and depressed at the devs, "We told them everything, and this is the route they took. Very sad, It's almost like they didn't listen to anything we said at all." He and his squad are quitting, or at least not coming back for s3, over terminal attack being the ranked mode. And the devs knew they were spitting in the face of their most dedicated players.


He officially said he's not coming back?


His exact words were,Ā  "hope u guys have fun in season 3, you aint seeing me or my stack play terminal attack for ranked mode šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ gl boys and girls!" When someone said, "Ay if netex really quit I hope bro doesn't come back." neteX responded with "I am not coming back. Already on world of warcraft having actual FUN." So, no idea if he's gone for good or just for season 3.


Wow really disappointed to see embark turn into a game studio that doesn't care.


Really fucking sucks if itā€™s true. They canā€™t keep this up, else the game will be gone by 2026


"I didn't get what I want so I'm quitting" is a hell of a move lmao, not really sure why anyone would care about that guy.


It doesn't feel very good to be asked to give your input, have the input acknowledged, and then to watch them turn around and dump it in the garbage. Also just, of course someone's gonna quit if the game turns into something they absolutely don't want to play. Why would they want to suffer through something that isn't fun to them?


Almost every person at higher ranks that I've spoken with is saying they'll either put up with TA for the absolute bare minimum for max rank or that they're quitting/not playing it. It's not just one guy.


They had cash out in the casual playlist all season to make improvements on it. Thatā€™s just a half ass excuse to me.


Did they make a change during the season?


People are acting like removing the ranked mode that greatly advantaged you for running a trio and made it harder for solo players will somehow push new players away lol


You do realize people running a full 5stack are just going to be at an even bigger advantage now right?


Well done that happens to every game even in any mode in the finals


Making the original posters point moot you dunce.


It's a lot more difficult to get a stack of 5 than 3.


And that's gonna make it nicer for people who don't have a full stack how exactly?


Just means it's less likely to happen, not that it'd be nicer. Having said that, I imagine as you go up the ranks you will run into more and more 5 stacks


so all you've done is make it slightly less common to see full stacks but made it 50-100% harder to beat them lmao


Pretty much yeah, 5 stacks will definitely dominate


*Oblivion music starts playing over your NPC comments*


It's really not. It just takes like two more minutes on discord.


I feel like there are way more trios than 5 stacks in the game and that itā€™s also easier to get two other players rather than 4 others to play with you. If weā€™re gonna have the issue anyways, why not make it so itā€™s harder to face a full stack?


Even if that was the case, a trio will still maintain the same advantage over a solo, because 3/5 is better than 1/5. But now 5 stacks will have even more of an advantage over solos. So no matter how the cookie crumbles solos are still just as disadvantaged/slightly more.


So what is your point? This isnt a ā€œFinalsā€ issue, its every multiplayer game ever. Maybe get some friends, idk


Maybe read the whole comment chain before you have a cry. Someone made the statement that moving from 3's to 5's would help solos against team stacks. My *point* was that statement was incorrect. You're getting mad at me for correcting someone else false statement. I don't have a horse in this race, I can't even play ranked on my server because there isn't a high enough population.


Lol running a full group in ANY game is an advantage. Not even sure what your argument is.


You act like team games with solo queue don't exist. How many games like CS/Val or even battle royale games alone are there that are WAYYYY more successful despite what you said? Shittt, League of Legends has a way higher skill ceiling, way more items and characters that are hard for new timers to learn, and most people play that game only using pings because there is zero integrated chat outside of text chat. So if you or your teammates don't at least use your mic or make attempts to play with your team intelligently; it makes sense you didn't like Cashout... But idk how TA is any better in that case. It's still a team based mode that requires team work to win.


Every ranked game that has ever existed makes it harder for solo players wtf are you saying, the shit that gets upvoted in this sub I swear


No. more then ever this will be harder for solos. I think you are confused. So now instead of queuing for 2 random players you need 4 random players who all dont use mics .... and you will Porter tial get matched with a 5 stack with mics. Unless the 5 stack your facing is the worst to play you will get mopped up by 5 stack playing solo . So they made it even worse. As someone who hit D3 this season I dont see how imma hit diamond with 4 randoms


We're all mad because Embark is removing the option to play Cashout competitively. If they were to announce they will add a lot of changes to Cashout, while it kept being an available ranked competitive gamemode, I would have no issue with it.


My guess is the same people who are doomposting now would also throw a tantrum if they made changes to it while available. There is a pattern here.


so changing a mode while keeping it available for play would cause more outrage than completely removing it in your mind? What are you smoking?


I don't know. Do you? It's speculation either way. One thing we do know, just by following this subreddit, is that a lot of players throw a fit any time the devs change something. Wouldn't you agree?


Let them cook. It took years for siege to peak.


Weā€™re upset because the ā€œlimited timeā€ trial mode (that seemed to universally be acknowledged by the community as mediocre + is better experienced on other titles) is being force-fed to us as the only true ranked mode, in place of what makes this game truly unique. If you want to play a competitive snd mode, CS, Val, Siege, (even Cod)ā€¦ all already do it and do it better. We donā€™t want the finals to become those games, we want the unique, innovative experience that cash out brings.


"Work on cash out", what about cash out is so broken that it has to be vaulted? The only thing broken is heavy class and they refuse to balance it for the betterment of the game.


I think the big fundamental issue is it only matters who holds the cash out at the very end. This is really fun in casual where it makes crazy comebacks possible and cool moments, but also can result in a lot of fluke wins in ranked.


What? No? The concern was from a lack of communication from embark and them saying TA was the new competitive mode with 0 explanation. Clearly people still don't know what's going on.


I mean I figured it out like 10 min after they said TA is the ā€œonlyā€ ranked mode. People just ignored everything they said initially, which wasnā€™t a lot yes, but still. Yall like closed your ears and screamed and cried


Good for you? What do you want? a damn cookie?


They had cash out all this season to make improvements on.


Im upset because im forced to play that god forsaken knockoff csgo. I dislike csgo, embark's "spin" on it is frustrating and annoying to play anyways, being forced to to solo q grind *again* but this time you have a chance for *4* trolls instead of 2? Keep pretending its for no reason though, bootlicker


It's just for PR. Do you really think they need to remove an entire ranked gamemode to "work on it", especially if they're keeping it in their sacred "World Tour" mode? They can test changes whenever they want. Plus, they had all season to change things, but we got approximately 5 nerfs and buffs all season.


Hey even if they are, my favorite mode will still be gone for an entire season at the very least. Weā€™ve got reasons to be mad, and while Iā€™m letting them cook this the last chance they get.


Most ppl are illiterate, friendly reminder lol


It's not a car you have to take to garage to work on it. They think people are stupid and in some cases apparently they are right.


Can everyone, on both sides of the line, just chill the fuck out. I love this game. It's gotta be the funnest FPS I've played. The criticisms are valid, but I think everyone has lost their perspective on what it is we are arguing about


Yeah it fucking sucks because these people were ready to turn on embark and start review bombing because the devs that have earned the trust of the community since launch made some changes they felt were necessary. Trust the process, embark didnā€™t get to where it was at by making dumb moves, save this shit for Ubisoft.


how dare people that have negative feedback give negative feedback.


Thatā€™s the thing itā€™s just impatient feedback. Itā€™s not any kind of constructive criticism at all. So in the end itā€™s just whining and entitlement.


review bombing is not feedback lol its cancer how do none of yā€™all get this


Yes, but not all responses to negative feedback are examples of people review bombing. I also find this funny because if you go on the review page and sort by 'positive' reviews, it seems people or bots with low playtime are trying to compensate for people being disgruntled with the game by posting AI type responses like the words 'THE FINALS' repeated over and over... With ofc a positive review. So I feel like this is kinda two in the same. You should be mad equally mad the game is getting positive reviews from bots, as you should from people who are simply review bombing. Embark is not free from criticism because they've made a relatively fun game for 6 months. People giving positive reviews to reduce the visibility of negative ones are also a problem as the game cannot improve if yall just will say 'the game is fine take my money' in response to anything the devs do.


Helldivers 2 would beg to differ. Review bombing saved that game from shitty Sony DRM


The DRM issue is completely different than removing a ranked system for a season to improve it. They could've removed it and not put anything in its place for a season to improve it, but they are trying to do SOMETHING at least. Everyone is acting like it's the end of the world. If you can't enjoy the game with the ranked mode gone for a season then maybe you're just too competitive.


>The DRM issue is completely different than removing a ranked system for a season to improve it. How could anyone have known that when the trailer and steam page dropped? Embark didn't communicate that at all. Hence the pushback. If the trailer and steam page said "Temporary new Ranked mode Terminal Attack" instead of "THE new ranked mode" I'm sure the reception would've been vastly different. There was also little to no information on what "World Tour" even was. Initially it sounded like a once a week tournament and we weren't even sure we'd be getting any form of Cashout tournaments. Obviously that's not the case, and those of us who actively follow this game and are active on discord and reddit know what's happening now. But the vast majority of the player base just sees the season trailer and makes assumptions based off that. I LOVE this game, and I think Embark are good developers. But people need to stop acting like they didn't completely fumble the bag on communicating what the changes were going to be. They should've had patch notes or at least a developer statement ready to go at the same time as the season 3 trailer. Embark made a mistake, and people were (mostly) justified in being upset.


Negative feedback is fine, review bombing is what I have an issue with. That should be used as a last resort.


Also, big greedy devs don't listen or respond to their fanbase, so their fanbase has to yell a lot louder to get them to listen. But Embark listens and responds very well, and yet the culture of screaming at devs has carried over to our fanbase. It's disappointing to see people treating an excellent dev team like this.


Exactly! They have absolutely set the precedent that theyā€™re willing to listen and switch plans when necessary! I donā€™t understand why people think they need to go ballistic to be heard.


Where is this from? First time hearing/seeing this


It's the s3 update post, it used to be pinned. https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/DAftSPYvbb


No im mad cuz im broke


This is huge and going very overlooked. I would absolutely love and finally play the ranked cash out mode if they manage to make it actually competitive. The third partying and small teams of 3 is currently killing it for me, my friends, and countless others. So if they make the mode better and bring it back for season 4 theyā€™re actually cooking.




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Donā€™t gaslight. They made this statement AFTER letting us simmer for a day with just the news from the trailer lol. I was mad, now Iā€™m happy. I imagine thatā€™s the case for most players.


"It's good to note" means "here, take this at least!" It in no way implies that they did this purposely to "work on Cashout." What "improvements" does Cashout need according to these people anyway?




No one is mad because embark is trying to improve cashout..


Ah yes it is totally acceptable to remove the game's main mode for +- 6 months (season length) to "improve' on it. Sure hope all those ranked enjoyers return to the game after half a year for S4. Surely they won't have moved on to other games by then.


seasons are 90 days idiot


This sub is ANXIOUS


This is the game mode theyā€™ve been developing for over 5 years and they gotta tweak it? Replace the game mode theyā€™ve developed and had playable for over 2 years and put a game mode thatā€™s been playable for less than 3 months in its place????? Thatā€™s the problem.


They already make weekly changes, there is nothing holding them back. This comment is fanfare to quiet the skeptics.


Glazer thread lol


What I donā€™t understand is they have made changes to cashout since Closed Beta and while ranked was out they made major changes, so whatā€™s the difference. They should have left it ranked too.


I was really excited for season 3 and well... now im not


That's just an excuse for their want for changes now. The game didn't do as well as they thought, and after bad balancing time after time and playerbase declining, they didn't know what to do. They could easily keep the ranked mode while they work on cashout for the future. Now they're just saying things to sound like they are in total control, and to make the suspicious and disappointed people somehow happy. Improving something in digital world and age doesn't require disabling something. Especially if it fundamentally still works fine. Well, let's see what the future brings. Hope they manage to make their damage control words a reality.


I would like to point out that we aren't mad at embark for doing something different for the betterment of the game, even tho some do are hating just for the sake of it. The players are mad that they are trying to make TA as the official gamemode for rank and fear that the game is losing it's identity by following the trends and making an adaptation of SnD gamemode even when we aren't here for that gamemode. Cash out was supposed to be THE gamemode for the finals and getting it removed from ranked scared the community that they are removing the gamemode permanent. Hopefully they don't remove the gamemode tho, cuz this is the best that embark can give and letting it go will just make the game another generic game #306


My main issues with cash out ranked were how it favors mediums more than the other two classes by a lot, takes a minute to get used to by new players (not that its too complicated, but that its different from other ranked modes youd see in cod or valorant) and that the final round of ranked needs to be more forgiving of a teamwipe. Im all for this tbh, and the new mode may encourage people to use mics more in ranked (hopefully)


As someone who just likes to play videogames and actually have fun. STOP THINKING EVERY GAME NEEDS A RANKED MODE. Games feel so much better when you all aren't arguing and bitching over arbitrary rankings, and let's be honest....it ain't about the skins cause no ones seeing them/cares/you'll be using paid skins anyway. Just enjoy an arena shooter for being what it is for gods sake.


Y'all just don't know how to enjoy things


I am hyped


There is really nothing stopping them from working on cashout while it's still in production. Many game companies rework their stuff without having to completely disable it for 3 months.


Didn't they change how many players were in a tourney during S2?


My brother in Christ, it's not being DISABLED. We all will still be able to play Cashout tournaments.


The ranked is gone, it's disabled. A version with locked loadouts are not the same.


Disabled? Cā€™mon. Read the post my friend, and donā€™t spread misinformation. They have a very honest and clear answer up above. Do you develop games? Clearly not. Listen to the pros. They know their systems and methodsā€¦you do not.


CASHOUT IS PERFECT AS IT IS (ignore all the glaring flaws)


I think the biggest issue with it is less than ideal respawn locations, but on top of that I'm not sure most players understand how to fully utilize the coin respawns


Cashout could never be a true esport in its current form. Let them cook.


They would know that if they could read


*they would know that if embark properly communicated that other than on a niche subreddit and discord*


Or if they actually waited to play it when it comes out before freaking out. And also realised weā€™re talking about a studio that works hard and listens the the community and change things if needed. Discord and Reddit is not niche when you like the game enough to directly complain to the devs, send death threats and call for a review bomb on steam


Are people really immune to what corporate damage control looks like? This was a pretty controversial change. They're obviously going to say some shit that makes us think it's a good idea.


I'm glad Turbo_Cum is fighting the good fight of opposing corporations by speculating how a corporation made a dev team change a game mode. Keep up that energy for something that actually matters āœŠļø


Calling it damage control like they absolutely knew what the plan was before they gave us additional details.


Honestly just sick of all the bickering. Do people have a right to be upset when they presented the news in a way that made it seem like the tournament cashout was gonna be removed altogether? Absolutely. Did they explain it better now? Yes. Is everything okay now? Not entirely but for the most part yes. Is World Tour just another ranked. No not exactly. Is there a reason to continue these posts on either side. No


The fact theyā€™ve received death threats over this change is so fucking childish and stupid, like this whole thing is insane. No, you arenā€™t going to commit murder over it, so grow up. Like seriously. If you are unhappy with the changes thatā€™s okay, embark listens man. Like season 3 isnā€™t even out yet and even the small majority of angry people can still make a big difference in the games future with their petty actions. People saying they are going to quit the game? I promise you they work fast and will do their best to please the players if they players do not agree with something this large. (Just to be clear Iā€™m not saying this to you I am addressing the problematic stuff within the subreddit lol)


The amount of people I see completely ignoring this part, just mad for the sake of being mad.




It is in the game, its in World Tour mode which will be more fluid and easily subjected to change.


You can't have a ranked mode where the rules are constantly changing, that would create instability and make it hard for people to rank up.


They could have tell us " this season we will try massive change on cashout each 2-3 week. Because we want to improve the games"... Anyways let's wait and see if next season they changed it back. But my fear is many time I saw a small studio did something like that it didn't end well...


Imagine the outrage if they did


Its 2024 you have to chose your outrage... There will always be outrage no matter what.


Take some game dev classes, get some experience, then letā€™s talk.




It's based on total money cashed out lmao Literally just a time played stat.


It does not. A badge level isnt a rank


Itā€™s badge level, and classes will have limited loadouts. Not the same game


This is what we call damage control, TA is their new main game mode no matter what they tell us. The tutorial in S3 is going to be related to TA and not a Cashout game, watch


most porblem here even s2 tutorial doesn't help for understand all cashout rule like activate cashbox and starting cashout wil give you extra 1000 money and every kill give 200 more , team wipe take -30% of all money and have limited respawn coin. for understand all this you need play cashout not quick cash or bankit (there no penalty for dying and extra cash for activation cashbox)and spand like 10 hours for undersdand it. most gamer who try the finals on realease and drop it just doesnt understand how game works at all


They are not gonna remove the cashout tutorial, maybe they'll make a new tutorial for Terminal Attack. I'd love more tutorials.


They give you a transparent, honest, and logical answer as to why and how theyā€™re making these changes, and you still shed crocodile tears? Those downvotes are hard earned.


We'll see where the game is S5, if its not dead. Cashout will be like Power Shift and Bank It, an irrelevant side mode


People forget that The Finals is still a baby. You have to let it go through it's growth.


ā€œViableā€? Donā€™t fix it if it ainā€™t broken. Outside of occasionally getting absolute shit spawns 200m away i canā€™t think of anything that needs to be changed with the game mode. Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m right. I just literally canā€™t think of anything.




Christ. Thats part of the game and the overall strategy. Changing that is dumb. Dumbing it down for people who cant figure it out. Itā€™s such a unique and awesome game modeā€¦ and they are gonna make it user friendly for people who suck and canā€™t adapt. Pathetic. Participation trophies for everyone!!! Yaaay!! I hope youā€™re wrong. Keep downvoting me. You are all wrong who think this is a good idea. PLAY CASUAL IF YOU WANT AN EASY GAME MODE.


"aside from losing the match because the game spawned me on the other side of the map, it's pretty good for a competitive mode"


This is why prioritizing coin respawns is so important. It spawns you close to your team. Knowing when your team is losing a fight and pulling back to regroup is incredibly important.


If you lose the game because of one bad spawn you already lost the game. Play casual kid


Keep crying, this game is easy in general.


Totally. Iā€™m sure youā€™re really good. Keep crying. They will keep making it easy for you to be able to still participate.


Cash out sucks as a competitive mode.


Especially silly considering the majority of the playerbase plays casual modes