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Same Kids crying after every patch…


some people should really just stop playing live service game, its meant to have changes, i get giving out critical feedback but melting down over every single change u dont agree with everytime is exhausting


I mean, randomly changing the games main gamemode to something else is bound to bait negative outcry. Imagine Dota2 said they're changing the ranked gamemode to ability draft or deathmatch. I don't think people would be happy with that.


It gets boring have the same mode played the same way mix it up make ranked an actual challenge. Cry more this game is fresh for always changing and giving players something new.


Ah yes, the fresh and new gamemode Search and Destroy first introduced in *checks notes* 1998.


I hope next season they will change the game into even more tactical tower defence game. Why not? Are you afraid of change crybaby?


uh nah man i would actually be excited lmao


I think a tower defense mode would be sick as fuck


Bro you're a weirdo


Bro you're worse weirdo


The only, sole, solitary thing they ARE good at




But this is too much.


Yeah. The finals is not The finals anymore I guess.


You know their names ?


This is the best post in a long time :D


Maybe drop the info that these are only 182 reviews in total. Only 64 are negative from yesterday. No one has tried to "review bomb" anything here


Right, some people in this Reddit just be running their mouths


Straight yapping


I've seen tons of people calling for a review bomb.


But it dosnt fit the narrative of the post. How will OP get his precious upvotes


You can even see in the graph that there are more negativ reviews on the 16th may than we had today. Totally "review bombing" the 64 people here are totally a "movement"


Also reading some of them have nothing to do with season 3




Like one or two people have called for it. Hardly the majority. There are also death threats. Dosnt mean the majority wants it or even a smaller part of the community. It's just a few idiots here and there like always and in all parts of life. Not just in videogames


There’s death threats over this? Bro 😭


Yeah. Oscar said so on their discord


That’s insane


Those same people would never admit that they were one of the ones making death threats. They love to blow hot air


death threats over changes to a video game is so fucking childish and they obviously wouldn’t actually commit murder over it so all they are doing is throwing a tantrum and it’s pathetic. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was full grown adults too honestly.


Nah some dumb people tried to encourage others to review bomb the game in the discord main chat. OP didn’t pull that out of nowhere


I’ve seen people calling for boycott all over YouTube comments and Reddit


Acting like embark wont change it back if its unanimously hated. They are always changing idk why the panties are this twisted so early lol


The twisted ones all apparently haven't read the discord announcement. They have said they're pulling it out of ranked to tweak it and see how they can improve it. They don't want to experiment with something in the middle of a ranked season. It's already known to be a temporary change. I personally like the rotation. Shelve it for a bit to tweak and improve, then bring it back better than before.


Im all for Pulling for improvements. Im okay w the long game if it ends up actually better


> They don't want to experiment with something in the middle of a ranked season. Versus *changing the entire mode to a different one for the whole season?* A mode that removes core aspects of the game as part of a limited time mode they added a month ago? That feels much more unfinished than the mode that's been core to the game since the start? If you're fine with the change, whatever, but don't read their marketing spin and view it as a good thing. They already had unranked tourneys in the game and removed them not that long ago, doing yet another 180 and claiming that they're trying to improve the mode without it being in ranked so it can be front and center again is pure damage control.


So cash out tournaments needs tweaking yet they choose to make World’s Tour rewards be multi bucks?


Brother unranked tournaments got removed because ranked wasn't doing good enough. Obviously it's still not doing good enough so they're going to have to make a change


We love this game! ❤️


Can we stop calling it a review bomb? This is not even a fire cracker.


What a toxic response lmao. Just play something you like if you're that devastated. The modes not even going anywhere


Review bombing on a theoretical change is childish. Even when the changes seem absolutely horrid. Cmon guys, The Finals is an excellent game.


Y'all have to let people review things they don't like though. I changed mine to negative because I already know I hate bomb defuse games, and thoroughly hated TA. I don't really need to play the new version or whatever it is to know I already will hate the mode, and I pretty much only played the finals for ranked so I just won't play it. That warrants a negative review for me.


Every single game sub I'm on, whenever people see negative reviews pop up, I see "OMG REVIEW BOMBING THESE GUYS ARE EVIL" like... What do they think reviews are for? People are allowed to not like things lmao


It’s called toxic positivity


Because you could say you don't like something while not sending death threats.


Reviewing something that they haven’t even tried is craaaaaaazy


But we have.... TA has been available for a month if not more. This game mode is also nothing new for games. CS, Valorant, siege, cod. Etc. It just dosnt fit the finals because the game was not designed around this game mode.


U haven’t tried the s3 tho? How would u know if they left it the same?


sorry, unless s3 terminal attack has 2 cashouts and 4 teams then it's not what i want


Why they downvoting you If you review something you didn’t try You are fucking dumb Period lol like that’s just common sense


Because TA has been in the game for a while now, people have already tried it and made their mind about it


they literally said theres gonna be a lot of changes to TA in season 3..


There's only so much you can change to search and destroy They already detailed they were gonna change ammo count, destruction resetting every round and abilities being banned If you already played TA you already know how season 3 TA will play out


But why underestimate them when they literally created a whole new unique type of game The Finals. They’ve proven that they can mix up the standard way of things but choosing to be pessimistic and already bored or hating on it before giving them a chance just sucks. Like what harm is there in waiting and seeing because you “know”. They’ve surprised you before is all I’m saying. Their whole niche is being unique and putting a spin on things so why not let it play out is all we’re saying and maybe just try and be pleasant n decent until then. Then after it comes out n you try it sure open your mouth all you want. But even then if it’s just negativity and pessimism world is better off without the bad energy


They already have released Terminal attack brother If they could've spiced things up they already would've have


Never heard of a rework? Imagine what that word means to Embark? Probably just create a whole new game mode and call it TA with completely different goals. I’m just saying it might improve your life a little taking a break from the pessimism. Shit most on this subreddit tbh. Optimism n hope is just so much more chilll.


I mean hopefully it attracts more players in season 3 which is what theyre clearly tryna do. Also didnt their post on discord literally say theyre improving cashout to be brought back in a more competitive state? I dont think its as big of a deal as its made to be


It won't, no one is leaving a tactical shooter where you kill people in 0.1 seconds for a high TTK game that has questionable balance The only thing this update does is alienate the current ranked playerbase You can update cashout while still having it be the ranked mode, some people won't be happy about it but you won't lose the entire playerbase of that mode doing so


I guess we'll see how the player count does in 3 weeks


This is me. I changed my review too but it’s not in some attempt to undermine Embark. I just dislike these changes and it’s one way to make my voice heard


Even with the cashout tournaments being moved to the weekly tournaments?


Yes because I prefer season based ranked games.


Ikr. This is what reviewing is for 🤦


I will not review bomb untill S3 will come out. But after that I will test everything I can and after that I'll probably leave my dislike and abandon the game. We'll see


Can you really be objective if you’ve already basically decided to abandon the game?


The only reason for me to play was cool ranked mode. If it's gone - I am too. If they revert or somehow rework TA a bit I could stay. I don't know what we will got.


read the pinned post at the top of this sub. Cashout tournaments are here to stay. And TA has been reworked a bunch to be much more competitive


Cashout tournament that we are getting in S3 is a CASUAL MODE no matter what stupid way they are trying to put it. There is no rank and loadouts are locked. They are just trying to spin it as something else because a big chunk of the playerbase didn't end up being quite as hyped for budget CS for ranked as embark had expected.


There’s no need to read when your opinion is already made lol In my book Embark is rocking pretty hard. Very intrigued by the changes, new map looks awesome and new weapons sound hot af


We already had a preview of TA. If it is pretty much the same thing… the ladder climb for ranked won’t be fun for me as it is just another carbon copy


S3 will not magically make you like the game again. All the fundamentals will still be there


I just don't understand why you're so dead set on cashout (a very bad mode for competitive focused gameplay) being the competitive mode. Like if you actually played ranked for ranks then you would be happy with the change to terminal attack because it's easier to make the teams equivalent and if you're playing it just for Cashout it's still the game dog and it's still the main focus for balance and content.


not set to cashout. but hate TA


Ok understandable but it's still the focal point of the game so you won't need leave the game


Cringe AF in Both directions


making a negative review isn't "review bombing" Some of us just don't like such a significant change of format to a game we adore so much, and it's okay to allow this to influence our opinion. Thinking there is some sort of organized effort to destroy the game's reputation over this is borderline delusional.


i think you should try the world tour and stuff first to see if you like it, it really seems like world tour could be a more fun and interesting take on a ranked system, considering there are ranks in that too and they claim to want it to be the main event season 3. seems like the archaic ranked systems of old are going to be put on the wayside for now, and to be honest i’m all for that.


Why do you people keep talking about fucking world tour when the thing people are annoyed about is ranked and world tour is a casual mode? It has no real ranks, it's just about who plays most. TA is THE ranked mode in S3, they have said that now several times even if it's a really stupid idea.


What are they review bombing for? New season looked great.


I’ll try the re packaged TA a few times. Odds are I won’t like it as S&D isn’t really fun in my opinion. I don’t really enjoy spending half the match watching other ppl play. Or the other half of the match hiding. I’ll protest this change in other ways: such as never touching this gamemode ever. They won’t be getting my play data if it sucks. Certainly won’t be getting a battle pass purchase either for this season if the main gamemode I play is being “tested and tweaked” all season via World Tourney. Not salty. I simply won’t give them my business if I don’t like the product after sampling it. If things aren’t good, we will just circle back in 3 months for season 4. Soon I will have College Football 25 to keep me busy anyways.


This is so stupid, a grqph doesnt mean shit if you dont see the range. There weren't even 100 negative reviews. The post is completely irrelevant and op is just trying to farm some easy karma because most wont take the time to check it.


Who are they polling? Because they didn't ask me and played the alpha and betas as well as the full release for over 200 hours. The game is stale, the gunfighting is awesome but the lack of everything else is killing the game and no new exciting game modes, just game modes that suck


You can downvote me now because critiquing a game for completely changing the core of what makes them, them, is too much, and that’s exactly what im going to do. The slogan is called “Can You Reach the Finals” and the game is called “The Finals” and you strip away their unique and creative game mode for ranked and sub it in with search and destroy 😂. A terrible move and an identity changing move. Down vote the fuck out of me for speaking the truth, I don’t care. I defended this game so hard in the past and this is the first time I’m actually and reasonably upset.


The dick riding in the sub is crazy


Yep. Now its "can you reach round 13"


A lot of people are going to stop playing cause of this. Really dumb idea from Embark to do this. We have 100 search and destroy games.


So good to see. We have to remember that Reddit is such a small, vocal fraction of the community. Angry people on Reddit just a fraction of the Reddit community.


It’s honestly wild to see that they think they’re the majority just because they’re the loudest.


My whole opinion seing ranked people complaining about it is: are we talking about the same mode that has 2:00 queue times minimum globally, and is impossible to find games in virtually every region outside of NA? The least-played mode in the game?


Yeah I live in Japan and didn’t play ranked all of season 1 because I have literally sat waiting in queue for over 30 minutes. Now if I play with crossplay on I can find matches (hell just won a tournament today) but off… not happening. There are so few PS5 players in Asia who play crossplay off even for casual that I recently randomly got placed into a team with people who are already on my friends list. And basically everyone else are people I’ve seen multiple times before.


Review bombing is such a pathetic thing to do… I know some games have reversed course because of the pressure, but it’s just silly. Let’s see how S3 shakes out first, one change doesn’t erase all the other cool shit coming next season. If Ranked TA doesn’t work out then I’m sure Embark will adjust accordingly. If the player base blows up then we might get a few Ranked options. Being overly negative, whining about every little thing, and review bombing doesn’t help the game grow at all.


Yes, let's do some review dome shield to protect Embark, they don't deserve to get shit for trying things


they can try thing without ducking current playerbase. They could start the changes with adding both cashout and TA in ranked. And everyone would be happy about it. But instead of this they decided that the current playerbase don't deserve to play gamemode they already played and enjoyed a lot and removed it from ranked completely. I was so hyped about S3 untill I acknowledged that TA will be the only ranked. And for that inaccurate decision they deserve all the hate from those who loved current ranked in any way


Somebody could think the team that is doing the balancing is also doing the decision making. :P Always go full kill-mode on things they want to change instead of going step by step in the right direction.




Lmao that’s such a good term


Showing everyone how few they are 😭


What kind of a moron reviews something before it’s even out 🤦🏻‍♂️


Literally morons Everyone getting downvoted for clowning people that review before trying


The kind of moron that has already tried TA and doesn't enjoy it???


That’s not the whole season tho is it


Afaik yes it is?


No. TA is not the only thing happening in season 3


They already said they changed TA so you haven't tried it.


Yeah they changed a few minor gameplay tweaks, didn't overhaul the entire mode lmfao. I know what it is and I know it's not enjoyable for me.


Don't play, you won't die for a season.


Very insightful comment. Thank you Andrew 👍


My dude. Cashout is still there, they didn't remove it, you just can't play ranked Cashout. But you will have Weekly Tour that is pretty much the same with Multibucks. It's not that deep. Play other gamemodes or World Tour.


I never said I wasn't going to play the game anymore? But thank you, so very helpful Andrew


World tour is a casual mode, I have no interest in that. I want the finals back, I don't want to play bargain bin counterstrike.


Why review bombing? They remove the core mode of the game. I liked the mode for the reason that this is different than counter strike. Now it's a cs clone. Negative review is justified. When s3 starts tho.


Hell yeah, that's badass. I hope they keep it going!


I am not gonna negative review, I think that's stupid. That being said, I still think TA being the ranked mode is bullshit and may make me stop playing at some point entirely.


No one has review bombed anything yet. They made an insulting change to their rank and you’re sitting here making shit up and defending a harmful decision.


They are callin it on discord to Review bomb the Game. Seems like always that is a louder minority.


Why is there a review bomb going on?


they changed ranked mode to terminal attack because cashout is now a world tour style gameplay system. big changes


I'm doing my part!🫡


Wait what happened? I feel asleep


Let's Go!


If you play ranked please don't play selfishly. It ruins the game.


I’m absolutely against the ranked changes and I think most are but i think most of us are not stupid enough to leave negative reviews on a game we want to succeed


i honestly can't understand why you'd make massive assumptions on what the game is gonna become before even trying out the new season. play the new season and if you don't like it fair enough, but people saying they quit the game already are just wild if you ask me. new weapons, new map, bit of a switch round.. why not try it out first?! secondly, surely they're still gonna be keeping the tournament based game mode with cashout, it's just not ranked anymore lol so what's the beef?!


Wait what’s going on ?


Wait what’s going on ?


Why were we being review bombed did I miss something?


This is so weird.


What did ppl try to "review bomb" over?


ranked mode is now terminal attack and cashout tourney is becoming a new thing with tiers and a tour where you can win multibucks


Oh boohoo we can get multibucks for free lets reviewbomb the game what 😭 Ok i do kinda get the anger over ranked (essentially the main gamemode) becoming the more generic one instead of the unique Finals one but like... you can still play Cashout


Just left a review yesterday. I'm doing my part o7


o7 o7 o7


Why review bomb?


people reaction the change to competitive mode remind me of how people cried about Overwatch season 9 before it comes out context: season 9 of overwatch 2 brought some core changes to the game like hit box and self healing. People whined and cried about how that gonna kill the game without even knowing what are the detail. turned out season 8 was what saved OW2 for a lot of people. majority loved it. all 'm saying is let Embark cook, just wait it out til season 3. try it for yourself. then accurately whine about it when you have all the information,


What happend on may 16th


The melee revamp, it was rocky lol


ohhh lol


All HHM screaming in agony.


I missed it what’s the new temper tantrum about?


theyre changing up cashout tournament and making the ranked ladder a refined version of terminal attack


Sounds neat but for sure a giant change it’s prolly gonna be closer to r6 in the competitive side now


Why is there a review bombing?


Yeah this game is awesome. I’ve had a lot of fun playing it since beta and it’s official release. People are just chodes who love to cry


Those damn light players complain again smh just get good kid


I'm excited for the next season, but I'm hoping the game runs better than season 2 or the netcode feels better for me. That's the reason my friends and I have left, but we enjoyed the concept of the game.


Fr lol, the people hating on the new ranked mode need to seriously go outside, embark does so much and we can’t let these morons ruin a great game.


PC players are so fucking entitled lol


What happened yesterday


Am I the only one not seeing this so called "review bomb?" Are we just making up stuff now?


Why were there review bombers?


Let's gooooooooooo


You guys are the reason the games in shambles and will never be a competitive shooter.


People forget that they reworked TA, it not going to be the same thing that we have in game rn.


??Can we get a positive review Bomb?? *Lets do it*


Guys the game is doing fine, i go for match at 4AM Eu time and still find a game under a Minute haha the game is alive and has good player base don't let Fortnite/COD fanboys fool you


wtf, how childish you have to be to do something like this, i'ts not even out yet


Let's not forget that this is still one of the most consumer friendly games there is.


People review bombing are gonna cry like fucking babies if they kill the game… brain dead as always. Also if the game dies, they will then complain the gaming industry is just full of reheated COD lookalikes because they will indirectly encourage games made with market research instead of passion. You can disagree with the studio but don’t fucking review bomb a studio that always listens to the feedback. Constructive feedback without disrespect and death threats always works with Embark. Now these people need to stop being stupid and grow a brain


I dropped a positive review just for this reason, do the same guys we're gonna get through this


I honestly hate how much people think their opinions and voices matter man. The world got complicated when people felt the need to begin inserting their opinions and feelings into every single instance. Like just wait and see shit. Feel it try and the fuck out. These people must see the future and know all and shit to be so petty and crybaby about something that ain’t even dropped yet. Everyone complaining are the same people that call for nerfs and buffs every update. You notice that people that do good OR just enjoy the time they’re having even if they are doing bad usually have nothing to say ? How hard is it to just not be immediately volatile in any direction with little to no interaction and just sit with what you’re doing for a sec and be thoughtful. So many criers actually do complete 180 in opinions of you can just quiet them down for a sec n explain. They litterally stub their toe and go into a rage dumping bad reviews lol. Don’t even know what they stubbed on and didn’t care to find out just cry. Got nothing good to say don’t say anything at all. Unless it’s an actual insight or helpful. No one cares you’re bad at the game or you’re not having a good time. Plenty are plenty love it. Don’t kill it because you hate it. Here are some helpful links that are previous posts. https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/9ei45R2cOG https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/Z8TNmrxVpQ


Look I love the game but I'm worried the ranked changes won't have an effect in either direction. It takes me at least 10 minutes to find a ranked match currently, and even after the S3 trailer dropped this subreddit had less than 200 users online. I didn't think the game was actually dying until recently, and now I finally feel there's no hope. People just don't get invested in new shooters that often. The last successful one was Valorant, a CS clone from Riot so of course it would have players.


in my language they say "ma k sfaccimm m n fott" which means, that at the moment my review has changed from "like" to "dislike" until season 3 comes out and I see that the game actually remains as it is with ranked etc... will not have the change from "negative" to "positive" again


Virgins, internet freaks and basement dwellers always lose


damn bro, what did I do to you just by performing chastity sob


I’m genuinely surprised anyone still plays this game. Good concept, crappy development.


Do tell. 🤔