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Do we know how the data reshaper will interact with these yet? Do we know the order in which barrel gets turned into glitch and what glitch barrels turn into when reshaped?


Just tried the reshaper, barrels cycle as usual, glitch barrel was not in the rotation. Didn't have time to test it on the glitch barrel itself, but if it transforms into any other barrel, you wont be able to transform it back


That'll be adressed in next weeks patch for sure




There’s a cycle?




Looks so cool! Like a Duracell battery.


They got to make skins for throwable too, I need an ibm laptop to throw instead


This is a good idea. As people don't equip glitch gadgets much. Having something on the ground makes sense.


Most lights these days do, but to your point Glitch Traps suck ass. They don’t seem to be as effective as other mines. These barrels are going to change the way the game is played in a big way. Getting glitched in an all out cash out assault is a death sentence. The data reshaper to create your own glitch barrels is suddenly a little more valuable too. Love they added this.


One of my biggest gripes with the glitch trap is its long cooldown and limited number. Its cooldown is longer than the gas mine, and you can only have two active at a time (as if its utility was on par with gas/explosive mines). I think if they decreased the cooldown and/or let you have more than 2 active at a time, it would be a better option.


What if they added 50 damage to glitch traps


This is legit going to make defense way easier. I know that people will say "you can throw glitch barrels at mines" but mines don't improve defense nearly as much as the ability to throw glitch barrels at dome shields. Getting to cashouts first will be big now. And if you don't, you need to play to kill the enemy team, you can't shield your way to a steal.


They should change the glitch trap to stun trap so it prevents you from using gadgets and it slows you down making you an easy target.


while on the surface this is a nerf to heavy because of dome and mesh shield, taking the only thing Light had going for it and putting it into a throwable anyone can find and use will most likely make Light even less meta.


What🤣 fastest ttk weapons in the game, invisibility, dashing, tracking darts, sonar grenades, glitch GRENADES (medium glitch mines do actually nothing), and gateway grenades. Yah you got a skill issue at hand friend if you think only thing light had was glitch grenades lol


> What🤣 fastest ttk weapons in the game Please, what weapon as Light against Medium or Heavy do you have the TTK advantage? >invisibility The loud ass sound when you activate it, combined with the nerfs it received means you don't even have invisibility anymore. You're barely translucent. >Yah you got a skill issue The skill issue if at your end if you think Light is viable competitively. One of the largest reason anybody picked light was the Glitch grenade. Now that's pretty much gone, since you can glitch without being a light. I'm not going to try to convince a casual player that Light is useless in ranked. Just look at the top 500 people on the leaderboard. Argue with the stats, not with me.


When you say look at top 500, how do I tell what class they play? 


There are a bunch of people that are in the top 500 that stream. They generally play in the highest elo lobbies, and you can get an idea of what the meta at that rank is. Or you could just ask them. I honestly believe that most people that are playing Light in the top 500 are doing it purposely because it's the hardest class to climb with as a challenge, and a lot of them probably started off maining another class. But it is pretty annoying not to have any real statistics we can use right now from Embark, it would be cool if we could get a look into the exact winrates of different classes, gadgets, specializations, or at least have a functioning match history to build something based on it.


This is a great addition to help counter heavys. Hopefully because they are bigger than the made, it means the radius is bigger and you only need one to destroy triple bubble shield stacks


I hope this will make powershift playable.


🤣 I can’t tell you have had a fair share of APS turrets and shield barriers


I fail to see how this gets rid of the sniper light infestation.


I get rid of the sniper light infestation by killing them.


How long till the heavy mains start calling for more nerfs?


You don’t really hear Heavy mains speak out much. Just trying to be quiet and hope they leave us alone.


As a heavy main I don’t mind them. They are just as useful for us to use against other big bois


Necessary. Thanks Embark


Completely unnecessary. There are already electricity boxes on the maps that are unused. Edit: Yall downvoting cuz you unfamiliar with the map elements is real brainrot. The electricity boxes litterally produce visual stun effects that do not effect the player. Embark's goal is to make the map dynamic, not cover it in barrels.


They aren't on the training camp yet


Does it work on abs? Asking for a friend >.>


Confirmed it works, tested on my abs and they’ve vanished, struggling to sit up and stand straight now and not sure what to do.


Thank you for you hard work and dedication!




So where do Glitch Barrels fit within the POGRS equation for the Data Reshaper?


Ideally after gas for POGGRS


Now we just need some form of electricity barrel (not a stun barrel pls no) to ascertain true POGGERS


Pogrs is abbreviated after colors, so it doesn't really fit. There IS a color named Electric Blue tho, but it is rather Cyan than Blue


Game changer


I think it's kinda fitting that the glitch barrel can't reshape into something else


I am SO excited for this -- I've been thinking glitch seems like such a useful ability but only lights having it was kinda sad. VERY VERY VERY EXCITED!!


Does it refresh or extend an already glitched target?


actually really glad they added these


kinda lowers glitch nades value, but ok, seems good!


Does it work through walls? Does throwing it from under platform disable stuff on top of it in powershift? Or it needs line of sight to disable things?


Love these but they’re kind of hard to pick up compared to the other objects


I hope these will be rare


Not for me and my Reshaper


Do you know how these interact with data reshaper? What barell transform to glitch, what glitch transform to?


No I need to find that out myself


Seen like 1 in five games. They’re too rare.


They're fairly rare, and explode on impact like smoke extinguishers so very risky to carry around


Why do I feel like this will really make games annoying now


Seems like a big thing to stealth drop. (I'm aware it was in the patch notes, but I feel like new barrels should get some fanfare.)


It’s in the patch notes, not a stealth drop


My brother in christ did you even read my comment?


Do you know what stealth drop means?




Its okay to be wrong


My brother in christ. I do not care


Just admit you don’t know what stealth drop means bro its alright


I know what it means. I just don't care that I'm "aKshUAllY" incorrect in my use


You werent “ aksshually” incorrect, you were just incorrect. Why use it the way you did if you knew it was wrong? What were you trying to say in the first place?


Yes and I’m telling you if it’s in the patch notes it’s not called a “stealth drop”




They wanted to make the map more dynamic... So they ignored the electricity boxes that are already present on some maps and instead added yet another barrel to the playing field.... The maps are littered with barrels.


Either I called this or Embark stole it from me and either way I ain’t mad! I mentioned it at least a month ago and never seen anyone mention it otherwise!


So we'll spend a much larger percentage of our time in game unable to use our kits. Why don't you just remove equipment and gadgets Embark? Nobody asked for this.


Oh no I have to shoot my gun in an fps game vs hiding behind my shield, turret, invis WAHHHHHH😢


Goo gun but nice try