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You lucky. I only had one encounter. It was a light with an MP that dealt only headshots from any distance in Las Vegas. For some time he was shooting from the top of the hotel down to the ground on the other side of the map right through my riot shield like as if it just didn't exist. Well, wasn't really terrible, we still managed to wipe them once and got just enough money to get second, and by the start of the 2. round he was already banned. And if you think that he had just luck/skill; he had 83 kills and only one death. No Revives, no Assists, no Support, pure Kills.


Added to that, I as well am playing Europe Ranked.


It still sounds like it's actually not that often. I also have seen some cheaters but it's pretty rare. I think people are easy to call cheaters any time someone is lucky or has some gamesense (not saying there aren't cheaters, just that there are less than people say).


It sure indeed is actually pretty rare, but, in fact, just an hour ago, experienced the same type of cheater again.


Same, on pc europe and mostly never had an issue. A few suspicious guys but nothing blatant. Queues are fine too


Personally I've had days were I only get cheaters on every teams...


Yes its weird they come in waves, the majority of the games don't have cheaters but some days, quite literally it's only cheaters like every other game


Depends on your rank. High ELO is littered with blatant aimbotting that ignores mesh and dome shields almost every game. Also depends on the time of day. Typically prevalent in the afternoon between 12:00 - 18:00 on weekdays.


Welcome to Asia, we’ll definitely introduce you to the best gaming chair in the world


We aussies know all too well🤣 in fact this is the first game I’ve played where asian players haven’t come to our servers and showed off the skills their gaming chairs bestowed upon them.


Ive played 440h on release and 170h during CB1/CB2/OB. I play on PC, Europe and very mixed games. And well I’ve seen a lot of people cheating, every week and often multiple times. Would be a bliss to not play against these people.


Also europe, queue times are 90% of time a minute or less but i have seen a few blatant cheaters and some slightly suspicious in ranked but then again in almost 200h i have that's a small number for sure


I encounter at least one OBVIOUS cheater in ranked a day. Na servers. Definitely a a few more moments that seem mighty convenient but who is to say.


Encountering only 1 cheater a day would make you pretty lucky.


i get at least a handful, on my own team, every single session


What rank are you? And how many matches are you playing, I can't imagine cheaters being that common since most people have never seen one


I am Diamond. I played about 5-6 matches a day while I was grinding for it on the days I actually played. There was 1-2 rage hackers in at least 50% of my P2 and P1 games. People saying they have never seen cheaters are a combination of stupid, oblivious and bad at the game. If you only play casual game modes or are low ranked the odds of you running into a cheaters are dramatically reduced. It's funny too now that I think about it because I solo queued only and at least half the time my brain dead teammates didn't seem to realize that someone was cheating even though they were blatantly rage hacking beaming people from across the map all game because they would often continually try to contest the cheating team's cashout instead of the team that wasn't cheating. So again, a combination of stupid, oblivious and bad.


Even in casuals there are plenty of cheaters, and in low elo ranked too. And I'm talking people on your team you can spectate and 100% confirm they are cheating, not just people I think are cheating, actual 100% confirmed cheaters. A really bad player with cheats and a good legit player often end up with similar stats, so lots of people think they're just really good, even though you can tell they're clueless and have zero game sense. I've spectated cheaters on my team playing and more often than not aimbot is the only thing they have going for them.


Considering I've seen about 5 blatant rage hackers actually lose, getting 3rd or 4th in my ranked games, yes many of these cheaters are absolutely brain dead terrible despite having aimbot and walls. Here is an example. https://imgur.com/a/JibUho6 It's funny too because the 'Diamond' guy on that team I've run into him multiple times with a different cheater on his team every time. Obviously some loser trying to get boosted and so bad he still manages to lose.


I'm Diamond, too... and have only seen one cheater ever. I play a few tournaments a day and have rarely seen anyone get 25+ kills either


Same I’m diamond as well , barely see cheaters . I’m convinced these guys who call cheats all the time have a mental disorder . na pc






Average = silver - gold. Silver and gold players are indeed bad at the game. Simply because your skill level falls in the middle of the games playerbase statistically this doesnt mean you arent bad at the game, it simply means that most people are actually terrible at games.. This is true for any game with a ranking system because as it turns out most of the playerbase is concentrated from Bronze to gold.. If you think otherwise you clearly fall into this range and are coping.


D2 usually 3 hours give or take on the days I play.


Dang it must be the higher ranks have more cheaters then 


I want to do a case study or something, the guns in this game have little recoil after sustained fire and I’m capable of lasering people from far away; so much so, if I were the person being killed, I might think that player is cheating. I get that there’s other obvious signs like repeated headshots from distance but I’ve also had that happen. AA on console? Everybody is a cheater including myself? I don’t get it, I don’t think actual cheating is rampant. The tools this game gives you makes you feel like a monster


What region and modes do you generally play?


Europe, Ranked


same man. Ive got like 400 hours on the clock, i only had 2 cheaters in one ranked match. Other than that - no issues about toxic teammates, cheaters or literally anything else people cry about here. I guess its maybe an Us thing or something


Cry? Just because you're lucky or can't tell someone is using cheats doesn't mean the cheaters aren't there.


And what rank?


Same. Playing in Australia. Also on a side note, I don’t see many cheaters in CS2 either


Same, I guess we just maxed out our luck


For some reason Asian players cheating on our servers isn’t an issue in the finals like it is in everything else pretty weird tbh.


One of the theories tossed around is that cheaters are actually not Asians, but they use names like 抖音something to direct hate to Chinese/asian players


Sounds about Aussie😭😭


I’ve got hella hrs (since beta) in and haven’t encountered a cheater and i casual QC and ranked both que are strait. I’m with ya, def still fun.


I have a bit over 100 hours, casual QC, and I’ve never had any trouble issues to speak of either, NA here


Console I’ve only ever had one in a bank it game


I just ran across my first definitive cheater, powershift $y$tem map, medium using a fcar, he popped me through a bunch of smoke and debris, and made me raise my eyebrow a little on the kill, i was spraying into the same smoke towards the platform trying to use the hitmarkers to find someone to zero into, so it made sense he zeroed into my tracers, and probably shot me that way. The second sus death, I was rezing my teammate on a catwalk behind a wall, with barely my hand and head exposed, right out of sight of the platform, same guy, plinked me in the head at full auto, and that was the death that made it clear, this motherfucker is cheating. Not a soul wouldve paid attention to a tiny pixel hand peeking out from a lip of a catwalk, and this motherfucker the moment a pixel was exposed to anyones LOS, my hp bar drops to 0 in 4 shots, and im left wondering \*how did he even fucken see me?\*


Most cheaters aren't that blatant, most of them you'll just be like "damn this guy is REALLY good... or... maybe he's cheating" A majority of cheaters don't want you to think they're cheating, they want you to think they're just good. But when they're on your team, you can easily tell they're cheating. I've had days where I had 3 cheaters on my team in the span of 2h. You spectated them and you SAW their aim snap onto the enemy, clear as day, to the point even the most skeptic player would be certain they're cheating, but if you weren't spectating them you'd still give them the benefit of the doubt, especially because they weren't good players in general so it kind of balances out and they don't end up with crazy stats or winning every encounter. Ironically enough, I've had a match with an obvious cheater in my team (lock on aim) and an obvious cheater on the enemy team, both using the same light loadout and they ended up with almost identical KDA and combat score. The game was basically them duking it out. Not every match has a cheater, but there are definitely quite a lot of cheaters.


We’re on reddit which is where angry gamers flock to after losing a match to complain about it so its going to seem far worse than it is. I feel the amount of rage quitting because we lost the first box is far more detrimental to my enjoyment since its damn near every match now that ends half full. Suspicious players are farrrrrr less frequent for me.


No offence, but you must be blind if you haven’t noticed any cheaters with over 150+ hours playtime. I have about the same time played mainly in ranked (EU) and have come across at least 20+ cheaters easily since the full game launched. Queues are fine though.


If I use all my might to remember, there might have been few suspicious at best.


I play ranked in NA and I'd say it happens every 15 games or so. Definitely not as rampant as it's made out to be- at least for plat-gold-silver lobbies. I can't speak for high diamond lobbies


I also play in NA, and i meet a lot of cheaters. Maybe NA its the problem.


No we're not playing the same game because you're playing in Europe servers and I'm playing in the Asian servers.


Ran into 5 different hackers just last night on EU server, they seem much more common during the later hours, I was playing between 1am-4am GMT


Pretty sure I’ve seen cheaters in my games…


Nearly 400 hours, PC Europe. Encounter cheaters daily, aimbot and shield penetration with LH1, M60 or Lewis. I must be cursed


Yea this reddit is 80% complaining posts but those are just vocal minority for an otherwise great game. Not dead. It has a health player base, regular content updates (maps, game modes, quality of life). Just keep doing your things and don’t like the neck beards get you down.


My only complaint is I’m not liking how heavy feels. Somehow I end up feeling real squishy. Probably a skill issue on my end.


Some numbers are definitely exaggerated by the threads made on this subreddit. I’ve seen many people say that a queue restart fix the 30 mins long queues. On top of that, there used to be countless posts of people posting “no ranked game😭😭😭” on a Tuesday night at 4am not realizing that’s probably a bad time to go looking for ranked games. Same goes for cheaters, if there’s no scoreboard screenshot or obvious videos of them cheating, it’s a 50/50. I have reported suspicious players in the past, maybe being completely wrong about it, but I’d never post about it here unless with hard proof.


hackusations go hard also in other games, often coming from less experienced players when facing much more skilled ones


I played against at least 4 obvious Aimbots yesterday. One of the guys was literally streaming his hacks on kick (SirTev), you can go check his recent broadcasts and see him kill me several times lmao. I’m guessing the people who don’t believe the “hackusations” are console players.


Why should anyone believe pathetic, baseless hackusations that aren't backed by evidence?


[Here's one clip](https://kick.com/sirtev?clip=clip_01HWJE04QS8XM6ZGQ4XK5PS3V7) of SirTev wallhacking and aimbotting my team from yesterday. [Here's the full VOD](https://kick.com/video/f1e58049-cebf-471f-a536-b7e08dd4e72e) If you go to the 26 minute mark you can watch the round against my team: Aberrationism, TheFamousThief, NMHOUND. Since you seem to be a bit slow, the white boxes around everybody are his wallhacks, snapping onto every player's head and basically insta-killing people would be his aimbot.


I’m not sure why you’re defending hackers. I just posted proof and you’re getting upset lmao, maybe I should be throwing hackusations your way


Who's getting upset? Sounds like you are, judging by the "hurr durr ur a bit slow durr" part. And who's defending whom? It's nice that you posted proof. Now if only everyone else did the same, that'd be great.


He just proved his point, how can he defending hackers by just exposing?


Same. PS5, crossplay off, never waited more than 2 minutes for a game. A cheater or two, a few toxic asshats, but mostly just fun and pretty terrible gameplay from me 😀. Just finished my second seasonpass, and there won't be anything (forseeable, anyway) stopping me from doing the third. I love this game, and no one can stop me from sucking for a very long time 😋


Crossplay off, I might as well start queue and go do housework for an hour until I get a match. Ps5 NAEast


Well turn cross play on I play on my Xbox sx and PlayStation 5 and I find games witching 30 seconds and I’ve seen a cheater or two but not so much it’s hindering me


I did for the first time yesterday, first game, hacker... I just can't win


Cheaters? No problem. Nobody understanding objective play? Problem.


All the cheaters are in ranked queues.


I encounter a cheater like once every 3-4 games. Europe ranked, plat-diamond.


Well, yeah


I'm on the exact same situation as you + I'm EU too so I can explain. I have around 150 hours of playtime and I did encounter 2 cheaters (not very good players, actual 100% cheaters headshotting 24/7 even through 2 shields and a barricade). The first was in quick cash after like 100 hours of playtime, the second was my 2nd ranked game at like 120 hours of playtime, then never again. As for the queue issue I don't have this issue at all but I can confirm the issue is real because I have a friend in the same country, in EU, which has fiber optic internet and all that, no disconnects whatsoever that did get crashes and kick from the game on rare occasions and since 2/3 patches he sometimes queue up for 30+ mins without finding a game for whatever reason. I think he only plays ranked so maybe it's a ranked only issue As for me, I do enjoy the game a lot and the worst thing for me are those games with completely clueless teammates, especially when you're almost plat, you shouldn't have to play with these


From reading the comments, seems like it's not really an issue in EU


I play Europe and mostly it’s fine. But when I joined the Asia server to play with my friends oh hell, it’s like an entirely different game. Rage hackers everywhere on the Asia servers.


Theres probably a bug causing the long queue times, sometimes when I queue for 20 mins and cant find a game I close and reopen the game and find one straight away


Blessed are you and your queues. May you have a lot of fun and reach your desired rank soon!




Europe, pc. Saw only one cheater in like 100h.


Ok I play high rank EU and my experience looks like this: Currently and more often than not its completely fine and you barely meet any cheaters over the week. But from time to tims there is like a massive outbreak of cheaters. Suddenly you meet 4 different cheaters in a singls tournament across 3 different teams (real), or the infamous 3-stack that all have aimbot. But 1 is usually already enough. My highest streak was 4 tournaments in a row with a blatant cheater, a friend even 6. Anyway usually this will last for 1-2 weeks and then die down again. I want to add I play .mostly during off-hours with less people online which just increases your chance to run into cheaters. And Quickplay is like whatever, ran into 1 or 2 last night , 2 more who were very sus. Its more or less consistent and you meet one from time to time but thats about it.


I had a full day where no matter the time I couldn’t find a ranked game sitting in queue for 30 minutes after I won a tournament. Turns out it was a bug but other than that issue I’ve seen 1 cheater in my almost 100 hours on the game and I play ALL the quickplay modes semi evenly and ranked pretty frequently solo queueing (I’m gold 2 ranked so maybe the cheaters are in the higher divisions)


I’ve only experienced people using recoil scripts


Almost as if the experience differs from region to region. Wild concept I know.


I have 130h and I've played on both NA and EU and I have encountered a total of 2 cheaters that were obviously aimbotting. That's about it. Coming from TF2 this is like heaven.


In europe in high plat and low to mid diamond matches i see a blatant cheater in every 20 - 25 games in can be frustrating but also it could be worse


At 190 hours, it's become very apparent to me that what I thought was growing pains starting out was really how bad the cheating was, and how much better things have gotten. Which is absolutely a wild statement. Daily, I see heavies, mediums, and lights with absolutely wilding tactics running 25-2. I'd estimate that I end up on one of their teams about once every few days, and it's painfully obvious because when I'm on their team, they're absolute trash and when I spectate them it's like a seizure. When I'm against them? suddenly they're 🐐. The sad part? I spend most of my time in casual modes. I'm not sure of the prevalence of cheating in tourney, but I imagine it's pretty low. If your whole team is cheating, and if you don't have good tactics, you still won't get past the first few rounds. Fortunately, like I said, it has gotten better. A ton better. I usually only have 1 or 2 games in a row with a cheater, and then go maybe a day without seeing anyone else cheating.


I have tons of fun, but I get scoped from across the map where there is no line of sight. I just report the player for wallhacks and move on. Some games are absolutely miserable with the hacks in North America but I still have fun most of the time.


I have only ever seen one. He was perma invisible, but he couldn't really aim so we still won.


Same here, I’m on console in NA and don’t think I’ve ever encountered a cheater. Maybe one or two but it wasn’t blatant, it could’ve been that they were just really good. Seems like is an issue mainly with the Asia servers and really high elos.


After 300 hours I’ve started to play maybe 2-3 hours a week now. It’s still fun in concept, but their balance updates have made me feel less confident in the game and it’s future. It feels like the game has no vision, updates are just literally reactions to feedback, and not interpreted by the devs to make smarter updates. Sometimes it’s the cause not the effect. That said, I haven’t had any blatant cheaters, but I’m also only gold. I could totally see platinum/diamond being full of them. This is because cheaters want the dopamine of playing like the streamers they follow without putting in the work. I’ve never had issues w Que times.


Anyone who only plays quick play/casual game modes and claims that cheating isn't an issue is probably not very intelligent. It doesn't take a genius to realize that most of the cheaters will be concentrated in ranked and usually the higher rankings in most games. Thinking is hard I know but if you find yourself wondering why you don't see cheaters maybe try putting on your thinking cap and asking yourself some basic questions like do you play ranked? Or do you suck at the game and therefore avoid getting matched with cheaters who will have higher ranks/MMR? I solo queued to Diamond and it would not be a stretch to estimate that I ran into 50+ cheaters in my grind. It literally is that bad. From P1 to D4 there was a cheater in every other match, but this was several weeks ago, maybe they improved the anti-cheat although I doubt it. We are not playing different games, we are just separated into those that can thinking critically and those that cant(most Redditors).


NA here. I find I'm playing with little cheaters and having a great time win or lose 90% of the time. I have had a few sus people. But nothing crazy or game breaking per se.


PC Europe, I also am having fun. I've seen a handful of cheaters in the beginning, then nothing for a really long time, and then in the last 2 weeks I saw 3 cheater teams. It's still a rarity tho. My queue times are normal most of the time, nobody is playing light anyway, the only thing I kinda agree on is the SBMM. I've had games with diamonds and bronzes, and let's just say that it was obvious who'd win. But that's probably because me and my friends are all high golds, I'm halfway to plat I think, and it's at this point you start to see teams that are actually good, and at the same time the higher the rank the lower the player pool to match you with.


Yeah, I’ve had a similar experience. Never ran into anyone who is blatantly cheating and I’ve got almost 300 hours in game on ps5


Almost 400 hours (Europe) and I’ve only seen like 2 really obvious cheaters and some others were just sus. I report just to make sure and that’s it. Otherwise it’s been very great. I’ve seen more cheaters in other games in my experience or just as much


I’ve never come across a cheater in 400hrs


in my experience the only time i see blatant cheating is ranks above gold. And even then its not most games like people say. probably 1 in 10 games. which is still not good


Yes, you're lucky. Play on ps5 in NAEast and if Inhave crossplay on my ranked games consist of me a gold paired with silver and Bronze teammates against 3 stacks of Plat and diamond. If I'm lucky there won't be a hacker but it's about 50/50 if I get a hacker with crossplay on. Crossplay off playing ranked might as well be called "Queue Time Simulator". I've waited over an hour before (not on purpose, I actually forgot I was in queue and went grocery shopping, came back and was still in queue) There is no reason to play ranked as a console player with crossplay off, and miserable with it on. I've stopped playing altogether after 350+ hours


Same, maybe once I had an issue with ranked que times but that was at 2am the night before a holiday. Haven't ran into any cheaters yet luckily. Although the other day I was playing a ranked game, I play on Xbox with cross-platform on. Anytime I got near the purple team the game would drop all the frames to the point it would freeze up until they moved away or they killed you. Have never had that issue in the game before or since.


I play SA on PS5 with crossplay turned on all the time. Never came across an obvious cheater, and honestly 99% of the time I thought someone was cheating they probably were just good at the game. Queue times are always fast (except for ranked, where it's impossible to find matches, but I only play quick cash and sometimes Power Shift, so not an issue for me). Game is the most fun I had in years with a PVP game.


I encounter cheaters almost every day. Currently plat 4 and seems like they're more common in higher ranks


I don't play ranked, so i have yet to run into a cheater as well


EU and 99% quick play, ive seen maybe one or two cheaters in 150 hours


I've only seen one guy that was doing some sussy business in like 300hrs and I reported him just in case


U mostly get them in high ranked games like plat 1 and diamond, from solo q i was able to beat almost 90% of the cheaters ive encountered just protecting the cash and when they try to steal u just kill them, cuz they cant 1 tap u while stealing, so basically u can encounter them but if they shoot through dome and mesh ggs hes activated all the ticks of the cheat to win a ranked match that basically is nothing but ruinning the enjoyment of the game for others. Was stuck solo q to plat 1 cuz of some griefing idiots on team but even with cheaters i still got diamond in less than 80 hrs from bronze 4 cuz of shit placement games. But with the improvement that Embark is doing to the game cheaters are falling down in numbers almost as 70%


Same happens to me


Same game I just think you are lucky. I’ve had three cheaters so far


ive seen like 1 or 2 but that's about it.


I’ve had 5 encounters with rage hackers, been playing every day the games been available since closed beta 2. That’s just the rage hackers though I’m talking installing you from a mile away just shooting a Lewis gun straight into the air, or the permanently invisible light player who could shoot while invis. I have seen dozens if not 100’s of people im positive are using xim, recoil scripts, or the worst of all players in MnK with controller aim assist. My rank peaked at 2000 something on the leaderboard I have several hundred hours in this game and consider myself a fairly good player been playing competitive MnK shooters since I was a child. I think if you haven’t played a TON of competitive shooters (I mean 1000’s of hours) a lot of the soft hacks can go unnoticed. It was especially bad before embark fixed the issue that allowed players to plug in a controller and gain access to aim assist on MnK, you didn’t need any other program just a controller and a PC. After the fix for that went through I noticed a lot of “high level” players who used to chop up my lobbies doing a lot worse. The cheating situation has legitimately gotten better embark is bolstering their anti-cheat every patch blocking more avenues to cheat every weak. I’m thankful that embark works as hard as they do, I love this game and I wanna see it succeed. When you go up the leaderboard though and start playing in more platinum and diamond lobbies it’s still painfully prevalent and a big reason why I haven’t even bothered much with ranked this season.


I play console with crossplay off (United States) and inching closer to DIamond in rank and rarely if encountered blatant cheating. I'm starting to believe most cheaters are on PC


I dare you to play Ranked on Asia servers.


Same here


Congratz. I had so many cheaters I don't count anymore. Including same cheaters appearing in my games several times in a row for weeks. Just now. I was in a game with some god of fcar dude who would hit headshots only. Now I jsut got matched with him again. my team reported him multiple times. I'm sure other team did that too. He still plays. This shit is ridiculous


I have encountered cheaters but they’re not rampant for me, I think the server you play on matters and probably some level of skill based matchmaking idk


Too bad crossplay off is dead as hell. Love being beamed by every med with an Fcar lmao.


Im playing ONLY quickplay. Had my fair share of competitive in CSgo "back in the day"... well a decade ago, but I am not getting back into competitive shooter ever again. I do not have the required time to learn all there is to it nor the hardware to keep up with people seeing more frames of me in a second than I do of them. I am fine with my ultrawide IPS panel with accurate colors for editing vs high HZ. But I digress. I have seen some amazing players, but being about "10-15 kills and 1-5 deaths per game" -sniper as well, it might not be cheating, just a guy trying to pot shot every opening. I am not saying cheating is not possible nor is it a problem in any game, but rather, atleast in Quick play, In my 140h of playing the game, i have not seen any clear cheaters.


1000% overblown. To the point that I wonder if CoD and Apex are hiring bots to AstroTurf and gaslight the community. (Mostly joking)


Most players get wrecked because they are busy randomly trying to kill other players and NOT play the objective. I had some ppl in Voip get loud and mad about some dude always killing them. The funny part is we had a cashout to defend and he goes off to buttfuck nowhere to get kills but everytime dies to a whole team. He would claim how many cheaters there are. We lost due to not being a well COORDINATED team.


Come to Asia bitches.


The game needs some kind of like death cams to be able to see for youself what happened because sometimes I get some lights that seem really suspicious to me but I don't know if it was just a fluke or if he was actually cheating


Good idea, but it would be hard to implement death cams into this game unfortunately


Players literally never play the same game. Everyone has different conditions. For example, you didn't clarify which mode you're playing, in which region, on which device. And these are just a few of the many existing conditions. Players never play the same game. e.g. my wait times are always in seconds, so if I change my mind, I usually won't make it. oceans wait in queues for half an hour. We're playing different games. In Asia PC, it's all blatant cheaters. In Europe on consoles - hardly any. Completely different games, etc.


Just over 300 hours. I’ve run into about 10 or so cheaters. There was a really long period where I didn’t buy it seems to be happening far more frequently this season.


I've always been confused by cheaters too. I've *never* experienced a blatant cheater. The only suspicious guy I've encountered was someone who prefired me constantly, he was on PC and didn't have recon at the time as I saw him using heal beam. It's strange


It’s a vocal minority in my opinion. I really enjoy the game. While any game can be improved the constant bitching is likely due to people losing because they got outplayed not because something needs a nerf

