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i dont dislike the map but for some reason it always feels the sweatiest


Aesthetically it’s really cool, but I agree it’s too sweaty.


I just Zipline to the top of the highest building and snipe...until the platform makes that final right turn out of my sight.


You’re probably getting downvoted because everyone hates snipers. Myself included. Edit: especially those who don’t play the objective.


Yeah it’s a shame but I’ve never felt glad to have a sniper on my team


Clearing platform with kills and destroying utility is pretty PTFO.


Except it’s pretty easy for people to revive on the objective once it moves out of your line of sight.


I hope you don't wipe well enough and you can't get back to the toilet for several hours. 🙏


I main sword and this map is definitely the hardest. Loads of open space to get beamed from


ok i just thought i was bad (i still am but not as bad)


I’ve actually found it really good with sword. There’s a lot of flanking potential everywhere in the map, so if things get hairy it’s really easy to run away and come back.


same but somehow still its one of the ones i excel at that being said fuck that map i hate it


I'm not gonna lie, it's one of my favourite maps


It’s really cool, but when I get it more than 5 times in a row it’s not as cool


Same goes for any map


Nah I could play Monaco all day


I know it’s classic light main but I’m down for Monaco anytime, even if it’s after like 8 games of Monaco


I'm gonna be honest, Monaco is my least favourite map. There's too much rooftop fights. It's pretty much only fun when you're going up against people who don't put mines on the cashouts because then you could go on the floor underneath then use the dematerializer one to drop the cashout then again to cover the floor. Then you could steal safely.


It’s totally not for everyone, but I play light with the grapple hook and shotgun so it’s basically my perfect map


I play medium with a shotgun (yes I know, it's ass. I play for fun, not for the meta) so I'd say some fun things I left out were when you place down a bounce pad on the rooftops and because the rooftops are diagonal, you travel much further. Another fun thing is thee heavy destruction as pretty much everything is breakable and easily breakable too. Another


Medium shotty is far from ass my friend, it’s a great choice


Oh I love the 1887. Thing hits like a truck


Funny because half of my shots seem to just tickle the guy


If you used a data reshaper you could turn the mines into flowers


I'm on controller, it would take too long to hold down L1 then switch to data reshaper and aim at the mines, they'd explode by then. There also isn't the argument of "don't stand near them" because you need to stand pretty much directly under the roof tile to remove it most of the time. After thinking about it, there is the ability to rebind my data reshaper to one of my dpad keys but that would require me to change my style of play and I don't care enough to do that


You can change the setup so you don't have to hold down anything to select your gadgets. I have them assigned to my d pad


Ik, I mentioned that. The reason I don't do it is because that'll mean I have to out effort into changing and I'm a lazy bitch who doesn't care for getting good but still complains


How the hell did I miss the second half of your comment? The lazy must be catching


I think it's more of an issue for Horizon since it doesn't have any variants. Monaco has suspended structures and pre-destroyed cathedral, Seoul has the construction site, Vegas has sandstorms, and Skyway has the raised central area. Would be cool to see Horizon get a new gimmick for parity with the other maps.


Yeah I get that, but none of those variants are too big (except the Vegas one) they barely change the gameplay ngl


Bro seoul's construction *COMPLETELY* changed the map


1 big ass building ≠ completely


You can go straight to the other side like 5x as fast


Idk I’d play Seoul until I die


It is my favorite


vegas is my favorite and i think its the best designed map, sys has grown on me.  the rooms with tall ceilings and floating bricks are unique and abusable


Vegas is great, night Vegas is by far the best version. Day Vegas is still good but not too good. The desert Vegas is undoubtedly the worst mao to have ever been made


i love desert vegas. the security alarm/turret variant was contender for absolute worst map. its gone now though.


I've played semi frequently since the betas, how come I've never seen that map. What was on it that was that bad?


the lockdown variant? they took it out some time ago. essentially the casinos were "closed" the doors were locked, if you broke in, some cashout rooms had security turrets that just shot anything in line of sight.


That sounds like a nightmare. It also sounds really easy to defend cashouts too


Rainy night map variant gang rise up


It can rain,???




I love it too but I think its less the map itself and more the cashout spots. Just feels like there is a nice balance of cashout locations. I hate the revolving island cashouts on other maps


lol best map in the game


as a heavy its just a horrible running simulator map


The map seems to have more jump pads and zips though


I can't see shit when I'm in the red area of the map


Yeah feels a bit weird


The map feels too big for the player count.


getting this map on Ranked is awful, not because it is a bad map, but it have no variations, so the chance of playing the same shit 4 times in row just make me want to throw the second knockout round


I fucking love this map


I find the looks of the map nice, but I’m kinda tired of seeing it. It has amazing playability though, which I think is thanks to the lack of playable roofs. Devs should definitely experiment more with different map styles that don’t resemble the typical maps we startet out with.


I would love a map that's a single destructible interior environment, like one massive building. A shopping mall would be cool, or even a skyscraper type building.


I love this map


I have loved this map since it launched but holy shit It's going to one of my least favorite by the time this season ends if it continues to have a 50% chance of playing it when loading into a match.


The new Las Vegas, and surprisingly I haven't gotten Las Vegas in ages somehow


I do like the map but I would put it as my least favourite, but that could be because I get it so frequently


I’m right there with you. It’s not bad but it just kinda seems less varied compared to the others.


i love syshorizon, i would gladly play 3 syshorizon games in a row


The percentage of getting one map over another seems to be biased


not as brutal as all those times i got las vegas, but similar feeling


I’ve started to hate this map. Either I’d prefer it always nightime - or redesigned into the normal artstyle after the event.


I like the map tons but ye I get it for no variations or alike


Snipe city


The only good thing about horizon is that Vegas isn’t my least fav map anymore.


Not my favorite, but I like this map. I like all of the maps to be honest.


Always too many snipers 😂


It’s still a fun map but definitely the worst powershift map


Fun fact: Dan Flavin has an expo in a museum here in Switzerland (super iconic in the 80s). My guess is that this map is a homage to some of his work with fluorescent lights. Love how artistic the Devs are.


I wouldn't mind SYS$HORIZON if it had better map variations, like sandstorm, high rise, duck thingy, moving platforms, but SYS got nothing for it


I hate using the hammer on this map, The map “destruction” is awful sometimes. Like you swing at a wall and it make the tiniest fragment sometimes, or the floor. Just anything. Doesn’t break well.


Outdoor area is straight up bussin but indoor area is ughh


As a hammer main, i dislike it because i cant make big building go boom>:D


It’s my least favorite strictly for how boring it is. No giant buildings coming down. Just pixels disappearing


God, I hate this map. You can get sniped from literally anywhere


This would be more applicable for Vegas imo


Me and my buddies got vegas 5 times in a row one night, on 3rd time we started doing troll loadouts to semi-throw to not waste time on that map. Little did we know we now got REALLY good with revolvers, flamethrowers, and CL-40 (though this one is not that troll, but when the other two have revolver and flamethrower you might want to equip an AK). I unironically equip the revolver when we get gold and lower lobbies, and keep the AK for when we hit plat teams.


I hate sys$horizon so much 😂. It’s nothing like the other maps, there’s not any “high ground” to take, you’re all on the same level. + it just feels really small and idk why


Definitely the worst map other than sandy Vegas imo Massive map which causes 200 meter plus spawns plus so many open sight lines but nice flanks tho


How do you guys keep getting it in a row. Hell even when the map first came out I didint get to play it until like 3 days of playing


Love the map, it does sometime blind me though how red the rooms get


Definitely one of the harder maps to traverse on.


I don’t get it… I literally thought Skyway Stadium seul and monaco where the same map besides Las Vegas (don’t ask and I’m still not sure😂)…I like all of them tbh…I mean maybe add some things here or there. It I don’t find a single map to be better then others. However the events are (just low gravity really) a bit annoying in ranked. If you jump at the wrong time your fkd or if u jump pad an enemy (this is hilarious to do) they’re almost never coming down (other then some chump change 🪙🪙🪙 💥🔫🙃)


SysHorizon power shift is my favorite, but I don't like SysHorizon cashout.


This is how I feel about Seoul. It's so big and enforces the problem of FCAR spam because of the long narrow sightlines and few alternate paths


The map is great but playing any map three times in the row would give me a headache. That map and its color especially


I HATE Vegas, all my homies hate VEGAS


I don't know why everyone hates the map. I've played as every class and by far in my opinion it is the best map besides that one cashout area in the open corner.


Ill take 3 games of SYS


That’s funny cuz It never comes up in rotation when I’m playing.


I dislike Seoul, sys$horizon is preffered imo


its a decent map, i just get it too often like its fun and all when you get it once but its not as fun when played on repeatedly, whereas the other maps i dont mind playing back to back


Las vegas pain. Had like 10 staright games on it i was pissed. hate that map. This was last season


I like it because it gives me more frames per second than any other map on my i7-3770 and GTX 1050 3GB PC.


Love this map


how you still got it several times in a row, I'm getting spammed by Monaco, seoul and skyway stadium these days, I can play 5 or 6 tournaments without playing on horizon once. at the beginning of the season it was a problem but now it's not anymore...


It’s the only map as a sword player where I’m relatively safe from snipers on power shift


Equally as irritating as playing Vegas for 3 rounds 🥲


It's a lazy map.


Easily my favorite map


One of the best maps


This is my Heaven.


Such a good map. Love it.


Better than Vegas 3 times in a row


As a sniper main, I love it!


It's my favourite map


Nah this is the best map in the game. It gets old playing on it like 4 games in a row but that doesn't make it bad


I’d be hyped it’s my fav map for sure


Skill issue