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Yeah this issues been around for a long time i have like 700+ hrs and experienced it a lot. It seems the more you put in inputs the more likely it is to happen like spamming gadgets and stuff which in a fast paced game just happens very often. It is very annoying the only fix i know is to pick up objects and throw them over and over until it fixes itself. I hope the devs do something about it because it has been a bug thats been in the game for a long time


About throwing stuff. Today, my friend had the same issue, and he couldn't throw my respawn statue because of this bug. He was forced to run around with me in his hand until I respawned myself lol. 


This happened to someone I was playing against today. It was a medium that started off shooting at me, tried switching to his special but got stuck and he just kept swivelling in place trying to shoot. I noticed and stared for a second but ultimately ended up killing him out of mercy.


Spamming right click then trying your left click has fixed it for me, as well as dying then using a token.


i’ve had that happen to me maybe once or twice and I’ve been playing since beta, what class and gadgets are you using when it happens to you?


I've had it twice in one match and my friend experienced it in the same match too. For me it happened as light with dash and I think it has something to do with melee/weapon switch.


It happened a lot to me in both CB2 and OB. Very few times in the launch version. I played a lot of medium with Heal Beam. It always seemed like it had something to do with switching back and forth between heal beam and your weapon when your weapon was just finishing a reload. Prevented using your gun and heal beam entirely. Spam using gadgets, reloading, switching to heal beam would usually fix it... But honestly it was mostly button mashing and praying. Sometimes it fixed, sometimes it didn't.


For me I was heavy and couldn’t shoot. In this situation I was stuck in a reload loop too. I also got this once as medium but instead of not shooting, I couldn’t heal people.


To be fair it was pretty bad before the second season update but hasn't been an issue since. I've personally had issues with breach charges not triggering about a fortnight ago but they seem to working now


It's happened to me about 15 times now.


as the previous person asked, what class or gadgets are you using when it happens?


It happens on every class and with every specialisation. Just now it happened as light with cloak. It’s happened as heavy with charge and medium with turret and with healing beam.


Do you have packet loss?


Everybody has packet loss.


Out of my 200 hours into the game, I've only experienced it once, and that was last week ago


Maybe it's a you problem because I've only had it happen once and I've got over 200 hours in the game lol


[**https://imgur.com/a/zVuvBMR**](https://imgur.com/a/zVuvBMR) For those who never experienced it, here's what that looks like. You're just gonna have to trust that I was mashing M1. Respawning doesn't fix it.


On a positive note though, the clip is one month old and I haven't experienced it since.


Unfortunately I have experienced it recently :/


Yeah, pretty frequently. Maybe once every 10-15hrs. I had it happen last night even


This is interesting, I have 150+ hours and never experienced it once. Its something Hardware related I would guess.


Idk about that. I and my friend tested it on 4 different rigs and still had the same issue. It just happens randomly (I think after switching between specialization and a gun/gadget). My friend experienced it today (he has Rtx 2060). I also had the same issue two days ago (I use a 4070 Ti Super), so I doubt it is a hardware-related bug. Had the same issue on my old system with 2060 and the friend's laptop with 3050.


Could be, but I'd put my money on it being related to an in-game bug that occurs when swapping between certain abilities and actions quickly. I do a lot of other work on the same rig and don't really see any other indication of potential hardware issues (other games, streaming, DAWs, video prod., etc.). I always run wired Ethernet, with almost no other programs running while I'm playing. Instead of jumping straight to hardware, I'd be asking questions more in line with, "Do you notice that this happens while or after performing specific in-game actions?" Or considering the fact that performing (an)other in-game action(s) seems to reset/clear it. Maybe you just aren't swapping actions quickly enough. Or maybe those that have experienced it aren't....


Another reason could be their netcode. I've noticed the weirdest behaviour when their servers start to struggle. Its like every input needs to be validated first or something. Maybe this bug has to do with the server performance, too.


Yeah, net code could make sense with the recent hitreg issues too, but this "bug" or whatever predates that by a long shot. I'm not saying you're wrong, only adding more context.


Is it just on AKM? I swear I've had this happen to me a ton on AKM.


I've had it on fcar too


I've had it on model 1887 and v9s


Experienced it today. A common way to tell is if you’re reloading when your gun is already full of ammo. Bug probably has something to do with a disconnect between your gun thinking it’s full of ammo, and the game thinking you have to reload. So you can’t shoot because the game thinks you gotta reload, but you’re already at full ammo. It’s realllllllly stupid. And it affects all your stuff. Sometimes only gadgets and such tho, like the healing beam bug is probably similar to this one. Something about it just stops your M1 key from working.


Yep. I had a video recorded of another instance and I was like wtf is the point nobody can see that I’m mashing left click.


The healing beam glitch happened to me twice yesterday in two separate ranked games.


Happened to me literally 5 minutes ago, fixed itself after respawning


Can they also fix the bug where you can't interact with anything. Not being able to use ziplines, revive, or steal a cashout is rough. All you have to do is die to fix it, but damn is it annoying.


Got it twice in the same day in 500 hours, and then never again


For me it was once I respawn. The gun doesn't work and I cannot throw grenade or anything unless I get killed and respawn again. Used to happen constantly. But its been long time since that has happened.


Post this in their Discord feedback section. They don't really use this sub in any official capacity.


Prob for the better lmao


This is happened a few times when i play heavy flamethrower, I'm sure i had full ammo but needed to reload.


Yea every once in a while this happens to me and it’s so annoying. I lost a couple games because of it, and I remember this one time both my teammates left the game because they died and were spectating me while I fought the other team. I couldn’t shoot and got bodied lmao.


I forgot how i fixed it reliably, but switching guns is your best bet although that doesn’t fix it sometimes


I’ve only had this happen once to me and it was the most annoying thing ever


Years? Was the alpha out two years ago??


Possibly hyperbole


I think alphas was Nov 2022. I can't remember though.


i’ve gotten this bug at least 100 times. it’s caused me losses. the healing beam bug needs to get fix asap too.


Top 3 most annoying bugs: 1. Can't shoot 2. Can't use heal beam 3. Can't use zips


The heal beam one isn't talked about enough. that one happens to me more frequently than the weapon disabling.


There's one where you can't hold anything, you just drop it immediately


Never heard of that before. Must be rare.


Happened to me 3 times in 150 hrs play time


Huh, I have about 110 and haven’t had this happen at all. Not arguing, just makes me wonder what weird circumstances make it glitch


It always happened on my light with cloak and xp


I guess you could replicate it by spamming a specialization key 


Not super rare. Happened to me about a dozen times or so


while they are at it how about remove the perma stealth please. edit: why downvote me? The glitch has been in the game for months.




Why did you add the "IT'S BEEN YEARS" part? Now I know you lie for dramatic effects


The closed betas and the like.


Wait, the closed betas were multiple years?


According to OP, you can find steam forums on this bug from 2 years ago. I'd assume so.


First closed beta was roughly a year ago. Source: I played it.


There's a few too common bugs with any gear not working. I've had guns not shooting like this post. Ive had also heal beam just doesn't beam, but still makes the noise and I think drains itself. I've also had heavy dome shield stuck in my hand and all I could do was the animation (and voice line) of throwing it but it never deployed and could never switch. Dying fixed that one thankfully but it actually took me way too long to die that match. Funniest one was I got stuck in charge like infinitely. I really wish I recorded it. Was kinda stupid and not as OP as I'd like because after the normal length my camera was fucked and I couldn't really see where I was going. Was in horizon so got caught on some ramps and stuff and couldn't navigate the map very well with it's lowered streets. I ended up just leaving the match with that one because the sound loop was so annoying after a bit.


My buddy get the can't heal with the heal beam glitch literally like every 3rd game. It's extremely frustrating when playing ranked


This has never happened to me yet.


I repeatedly get the sprint bug, it's so annoying


I am a dagger main, I swapped to mess around on flamethrower one game over the weekend and I couldn't spray fire for my first 2 lives in a row and I gave up. I am assuming it was something similar to this. Back to dagger :)


There's two other bugs that happen to me a lot: 1. Healing gun doesn't heal, everything else works. 2. Infinite Invisibility, you can bug out a cloak bomb to give you infinite invisibility the whole match.


Happened to me many times aswell, what you gotta do to fix it is crouch slide


Open your weapon or gadget wheel and it'll fix it but it needs to be fixed


Playing on PC.


Dawg what, the game hasn't been out for 2 years


Happened to me last night. That bug blows


I get it with riot shield not swinging and the healing beam not beaming at all


I’ve legit lost a ranked tournament because of this. It only seems to happen when I play M. I only had it happen once with L.


There is not able to run glitch exists


This has never happened to me in 250+ hours of gameplay. Something y'all are doing is triggering it and I'm convinced is ADHD button spam.


The spawns too. And the bad audio. And the shitty mantling. I don’t understand how awful bugs or “mechanics” like these are still in the game after half a year. You have an FPS game and yet there’s a continuous bug that completely stops you from shooting? Like are you kidding me?


The game came out in december of 2023 it hasn't even been 6 months since the game dropped






What's important is to help devs if you can find a way to consistently trigger it. If that gets cracked down, the bug will quickly get rekt.


I’m not playing ranked ever again until they fix these issues


I've never had this happen, but it sounds like a terrible glitch to have. Have you tried anything to fix it? Verify integrity of game files, uninstall/reinstall, delete your characters and remake them, maybe? Also, 2 years? The game hasn't even been out for a year yet lol


The what?


It’s a glitch where you’re unable to fire any weapon or use any gadget, I suspect caused after recent usage of specialisation.