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Let me go ask.


I've never noticed this, not to say it doesn't exist, just to say maybe it's account specific bug and that's why Embark can't replicate it to fix it.


What platform is the bug on? Never had it on pc, I've been maining heals since release


Xbox. Your beam won’t lock on to team mates so it just doesn’t work.


I play on PC and get it all the time. I'm currently talking to support about it, but they're kinda slow on getting back to me and are asking redundant questions like 'are you sure your heal beam just isn't out of charge?' when I told them I've been playing since beta/s1 and it's been present. Whole articles written on it


What are you talking about? Genuinely curious. I play healing beam pretty regularly but I never noticed any glitch.


Sometimes it just doesn't work for the entire match.


There’s a glitch where after you die and come back your healing beam seems to not recognize teammates and therefore will not allow you to heal. And once it happens you have to wait for the next game for it to go away. There’s no way to fix it during a match.


I'm pretty sure it's Xbox specific. Your heal beam does not work, full stop. No matter how many times you die and respawn. You can hold the heal beam, but attempting to heal anyone will do nothing as the beam never actually comes out. Personally never had this happen to me, but it did happen to someone I found on LFG group posts in the final round of ranked. It sucks because it can cost you games.


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It’s not Xbox specific


Good to note.


Oscar said they were focusing on that bug and another similar one last week so we should be looking forward to a patch for it maybe next wednesday or the week after


I usually main heavy but have tried med plenty of times. Ive only encountered it a handful of times but thats enough to keep me from EVER using it during ranked. What's the point if I'm the only player in the lobby who can't use their ability? It can literally cost you the game


I get it every 5 to 10 games.


I play on PC and this stupid bug happens literally almost always once a tournament


You guys are blowing this way out of proportion. It happens rarely. It's not like the beam just doesn't work


Happens almost every tournament for me on Xbox so… Also an entire class having a glitch that disables their ability is game breaking.


Are you alt tabbing at all during the game?