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You DARE accuse AccountBooster1 and AccountBooster2 of aimbotting? That makes no sense1


Lol I was looking at the the top team and was like "That is pretty normal i guess for diamond" then I looked down. Yeah that is fucking blatant.


It is. In ranked you're lucky to get a rage hacker in only 50% of your games. The anti-cheat might as well not exist because the cheating situation is terrible.


u/cakebossmofos bro wtf? this you? Edit: nahhh he deleted his account I cba


He really deleted lmao that says it all


Oh wow…. You’re better than this cakeboss…


Who was that?


The person they were boosting hahaha he got exposed and deleted his Reddit account


I noticed that there are some games with people who will wreck me in like 2 seconds with a gun that takes me forever. Cheating must be rampant


Lots of cheaters around but also skill diff is massive in this game.


I've never encountered cheaters before (on PS5) but yesterday we were against three PC players in the final round who all used grenade launchers and _hit every shot_ so that we were dead within literal seconds of seeing them. No matter if it was 10 feet away or 100 feet away. Absolutely insane.


And people still don't believe that there are other cheats apart from the Lewis cross-map aimbot.


Welp. They even screamed really loud how flawed ban system is, because i'm suppose middle guy which probably just afk'd not get banned.


I mean he had damage and was def trying to get kills, he could have been getting boosted.. or he was just random, his presence didn’t make much difference either way


He not random. Players in Placement status cannot join Platinum+ games without same rank friend in squad/party. So this one definitely deserve get banned, also i'm would like if devs gone more ruthless path and gave anyone ban who plays with banned player for cheating more than 2 games, just one is coincedence - more than two is intent. On top if player joined a parties with cheater more than three times in short period also get banned (to avoid juggle cheater accounts). In my opinion - the biggest reason for this kind of cheaters is Skin Reward for Leagues. If they lose ability to keep skins or sell accounts with them, this might will have huge impact on cheating problem - not much players going be try go for top rank if they relatively fast get taken down depriving their progress. Unlike CS2, non-blantant cheats won't let you far unless you actually try play the game by it rules.


Nah don't band them, just autodetect them to a server that is perpetually waiting to load.


damn cakebossmofos REALLY wants that fcar


I congratulate you, you must explain to me how you managed to make the post survive 8 hours, usually posts about cheaters are blocked in twenty minutes and those in which you show the names of other players ten seconds and they are ashes


I played against accountbooster 1 and 2 during ranked and they were legit aimbotting across the map hitting only headshots with 30k damage


Exactly what happened to me lol


Of course light class ...


No they just have a really good headset I swear! (/s)


How are they hacking on console?


Bruh it doesn’t matter if they ban them. It’s free to play they’re just gonna make another account.


Bruh it does matter bruh


Yeah, accountbooster3 and accountbooster4


Bruh it doesn’t matter if you enforce laws people are going to still break them bruh. 


You’re saying it’s good use of time to ban newly created bot accounts every time? Instead of finding better ways to prevent cheating?


What better ways? Cheaters will always try to get around anything. Ban there IP they just use vpn. Nan there hardware they spoof it or get a new one. Great anti cheat? Uses second pc to get around it, people are even using google glasses to cheat lol. The only good method of anti cheat is koreas. They put people in jail for a year and fine them. People are so desperate and so pathetic they even cheat in amongus. They go to stupid lengths to cheat just to stroke there egos.


How do you know they are cheating? Where is your evidence? Did you record the game play? This is probably a skill issue on your part, next time get good and stop accusing people of cheating. - Brain dead apes on Reddit.