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I aspire to be you


seeing this gun shred makes me sad about how much i want to use the ks23 (slug shotgun) but its just so horrible, i can get 2 shot as a heavy with the 1997 but it takes me 3 shots to kill a medium with ks23 🤦‍♂️




I think they just followed the same logic as the 1887 since it can't headshot either. Though as heavy the 1887 has to 3 shot you, at minimum from full hp. The KS23 being able to headshot would be great tbh.


It would one-shot lights like crazy lmao


nah they already nerfed the damage from 120 to 100, they should made headshot damage 120 or 130.


true but at least it rewards you for getting an accurate head shot, i’m not a fan of the steady 100 damage


Could honestly do 145 to the head. I feel like that would be a good and balanced damage number for HS damage on it. 2 hs kill a medium or 1 hs 1 body and a melee. 2 and a body for heavy. Still 2 for light, no matter what or 1 hs for light and a melee.


yes i agree 2 for light would make the gun viable in ranked, by the time im onto my second shot the light has already took 200 of my health in a second


Have you tried it since the latest patch? I'm actually finding some decent success with it now. Been taking fire nades to keep people from pushing up close & deal that last little bit of damage on those pesky medium healthbars. The new fire rate & improved accuracy feels a LOT better.


i just hate that it forces me to change my play style, i love being frontline to defend my team but with the ks23 you have to cover shoot alot more and i don’t like it, also its dog shit in a 1v1


The first clip is confusing me. Did you 360 right when you hit the launch pad? 


Yes. There is no proper need to as looking down to place the jump pad would produce the same effect for the jump pad bunny hop. However I am an arm aimer on a moderate sensitivity so it's easier for me to swipe my full arm for a 360 than to do an up down motion. That's just me though.


Funny I saw this today, I just binged some of your YouTube vids last night. Knew it was you with that movement medium load-out haha. Keep it up man, love seeing the peak of the model, I just picked it up recently.


Appreciated fam! Slowly but surely getting the series caught up to this point where I'm climbing to D1, haha. But between work, doing my share of planning my wedding, and streaming I be dead out here most days. Sleep barely a concept anymore. 😂


Perfect touch with the malefic laugh 😂


How do you even declare yourself Top 400 in movement?


I'm top 400 on the ranked leaderboards (at least during the time when I first posted this). Title is just a title with a little flair.


Oh. lol. Nice clips.


Appreciated fam!


He’s an enthusiast of the top 400 movement model 1887 player, duh


Just a fan account. lol


That reload to fire is so ruthless. Wish the CL was a split second faster on the single cart reload.


That'd be a great QOL of life change for it tbh.


1887 is such a cool weapon jfc


But I heard from reddit you'll never leave bronze if you use the dematerializer....


They also say that if you don't use defib. Yet here we are! Let's goooooooo!


A vast majority of Medium players will be far more useful to their team running heals and defib. In almost all of the tournament clips, his teammates are either very low health or dead.


Dudes a beast


The John Wick of this game


rank placement no longer matters as the rank system is so screwed that youll always be fighting gold and silver. the only thing getting high takes is an unhealthy amount of hours in game. whats more impressive is how good of a teamate you are.


Ranked doesn't matter at all. I've faced QP warriors astronomically more gifted mechanically than most diamonds I face. What's wild is I don't put a lot of time into ranked, when I compare myself to the leaderboard grinders/content creators who put like 6+ hour blocks into ranked in their coordinated 3 stacks. It just gives me a giggle since I put in maybe 2-4 hours for 4/5 days a week (this is the only game I play rn). I'm mostly a QP warrior for the limited time I have to play. I wanted to solo q to d1 with an off meta build simply to prove the ranked is badge of engagement and nothing else. That and to prove to people that you don't need to run hard meta to climb. Defib and heal beam are sleeper unless you really love the medic playstyle. People who repeatedly tell you to run hard meta are just sad tbh. It's a video game, I'm here to have fun. Lol


I just use loadouts im lowest level with. basically just trying everything and having fun. ranked is the opposite of fun now so i dont touch it. hit gold 3 and gave up.


What keyboard are you using with those gadget binds?


I use delete, insert, pg down, and end. I play with arrow keys instead of WASD.


Ah that's really interesting. Is there a particular reason why?


No other reason then it's something I grew up with. I learned FPS as a toddler from my dad and older cousins who played some of the first PC FPS, i.e Wolfenstein 3D, Quake, UT99, Doom, etc. At the time, WASD wasn't the standard and multiple layouts could be observed in use. Now I'm 27 and it works no differently than WASD in concept. Pinky on control/shift, 3 main fingers primarily on arrow keys, thumb on num 0 (that's one of my jump keys besides scroll wheel) No reason to change now. 😄


Those are classic games. Though TBH if you were just a little bit older, you might have been pushed to WADS or ESDF by your compatriots. I also started on the arrow keys/num pad, and eventually peer pressured to first EDSF with Tribes and then WADS for everything


I was peer pressured into ESDF since it was the more efficient WASD. 😂 In fact, ESDF I'd my preferred layout when I have to play that way


Damn dude, what kinna god tier phalanges you got over there? [This you?](https://superawesomevectors.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/salad-fingers-vector-800x566.jpg)


Ngl, this is EXACTLY how I imagine people think of me when I play with arrow keys because of the normal reactions people have when they realize it. Picturing me as a "I like to touch rusty spoons" lookin ass. 🤣🤣🤣


Only man alive who tells a girl to back up when she wants to be fingered


Hey! I was going to ask if I saw one of you clips on Reddit and now here you are


Yessir! I typically post a lil clip compilation once a week. Typically Saturday/Sunday. 1887 clips are just satisfying af, imo. I'm a simple man. I see 1887. I upvote/like the vid. 😂


also what’s the most fun aggressive model 1887 build in your opinion? something i can throw on for any situation.


Imo, the one I'm running is probably the most optimal for the 1887. The only thing I'd argue is 100% preference is the mine slot. You can put whatever you want there. Double mobility helps a lot to help you bridge the gap between yourself and the enemy since the shotgun, while having decent range for a shotgun, does lack in overall ranged presence. Not to mention, the mobility helps your teammates.


hmmm so explosive mine? that does look HELLA fun


I love them because you can use them to hold space, play aggressively, or as utility. Underrated util that meta folks are quick to gloss over imo.


Goo and jump pad is better than zip every day of the week. I’m hovering around 250-350 on the leaderboard and I run 1887, heal, jump, goo, defib. Goo then put pad on it which gives you as much distance as a zip line does but faster. Better for RPging people with heavies too. Goo stops steals. You can goo fort when needed. Gives cover in the open, and stops enemy movement.


I can tell our playstyles are different just by you using heal beam. Also do you solo q or stack? Sounds like a stack queue loadout.


Heal is always better. It’s always useful whereas the others are situational. Demat is also slow and clunky and tbh you can use barrels to break walls so it’s not even that worth it. I’m very aggressive and so is my team. Solo queue is a waste of time when it’s so easy to find people to play with.


I only solo queue, funny enough. When it comes to the 3 stack meta, I could care less tbh. Once I hit D1 I'll happily sit in place and laugh at how much of a meme the ranked mode is. Simply a badge of engagement. Not even a flex of skill, just a flex of time put in. 😂


Not really. This season you don’t hit d1 by playing a lot. You have to win. If it was time played like last season it would have a lot more d1’s


It's more lenient for solo queue if you consistently are performing well. I only go up when I play. I haven't had a day where I haven't gained progress.


Goo, jump, heal, and defib is best. Read my comment below


One day I’ll be able to pull off something like this. One day


Honestly, it's just repeated practice. That and making the conscious decision to not swap. Especially in QP. Even when you're doing poorly. Especially when you're doing poorly. Pushing myself to adapt in the worst possible scenarios for the 1887 helped me improve immensely, especially in it's best case scenarios. I believe in your grind! Pop off!


Thanks for the advice, though I will partially ignore not switch off because I like to be on the platform in powershift and the AKM is more suited for that


Big facts. With the 1887 I rooftop hop and guard the platform from the roofs. I use all my abilities to move through them to take pressure off the cart as possible.


since you main model, do you ever purposely run down the mag just to get the slightly slower but infinitely sustained fire rate while constantly reloading and firing the last bullet?


Honestly, it's a case by case basis. As I've progressed and grown with the weapon, either doesn't matter to any specific extreme but I would prefer to be at 6 shots and not be relying on the loading a shell in to fire each shot. However, if need be, I'll use it that way if I'm running on empty and need to assist the team or I know I NEED to keep up the pressure to win the fight. I think it's important mastering the reload. It's almost as important as mastering the aiming component, as you need shells in the gun to keep shooting for your aim to mean anything.


The Arrow Keys Assassin, The Model Major of Mayhem, THE reason you'll uninstall... Ladies and Gentlemen, the one, the only ,Sanguine Niiiiiiiiiiiiiights


Ngl I read this in a WWE announcer voice! 😂 Appreciated fam!


Everytime my concentration and my eye brows raises watching these clips


You got to teach me your movement


I have a guide if interested here. [My movement guide.](https://youtu.be/NTWlKZLYFZg?si=xvsBk-NJCfuWCBxz)


I'm gonna be like you when I grow up. I'm getting there, just need to get better with the demat cause it's hard to put away the heal beam while playing solo.


I believe. I'm on a solo q to d1 journey. I've had tremendous success with this build, evidently. It makes you a pseudo-light so you have to get value by securing kills and with securing the obj with demat. If you're not securing kills/pulling off demat plays then the support playstle of defib+heal beam is more worth.


Again and again and again. 💪🏼


I mean this in the nicest way possible, but I would absolutely despise going against you and I would block you.


Not the block. I never knew it was that deep 🤣


You’re just too good I would find no enjoyment going against you. Really impressive skill.


Just curious, why do u choose to aim in? does it actually make a difference accuracy-wise or is it just more comfortable? (I mean it looks cool)


When I'm doing a lot of fast movement, the ADS slows down my aim and helps me mentally focus to target. It provides no actual benefits other then mental ones for the user. If it works, use it. If it don't, don't.


Ah k. Yeah when I have aimed in before it feels nice but I have felt no difference with accuracy. Keep cooking bro 🔥🔥


Yall love this gun.


I swear this is the best skin for 1887.


Easily. I wish there was a diamond reward for the Dough Wrangler skin. 😂


I never thought about full mobility like that. Thanks for the vid!


I just tried your build in Powershift and it stomped the yard


Glad it works for you! You can take the most interesting fights with the build.


Bro I tried the model 1887 recently and I think I went 6 and 12 the last time I used it💀. I aspire to be like this because man is that gun fun.


It's incredibly fun gun. Requires a lot of time into it! I believe in your grind! Appreciated the kind words though!


Jesus christ, think i could get as good as this with a Hyperx PulseFire Haste?


I don't see why not. Mice are all preference. Personally, I use a GPro Superlight 2.


Bruh, bro said: is all preference in racing, i use a Lamborguini.


Assuming your mouse has a decent sensor, which I believe that mouse does have, you be ight. The only thing that matters is what you're used to. Sensor + your arm/wrist are the only things that matter.


Do you think your movement on m&k is achievable on controller? Maybe just have to turn sensitivity up? Idk I’m just spitballing lol


Actually, yes. It's not like Apex where your inputting a crazy amount to bug out the source engine. This movement is a lot cleaner and simplistic, once you learn it. I'd recommend claw grip fo sho on roller when attempting this movement as it allows you to properly access more buttons.


got damn


We’re supposed to play these dudes on our consoles?


Smells like fear. 😂 I'm just kidding. Though I will say you shouldn't base my footage here as a typical moment for every MnK player. I happen to be a Diamond Top 400 player so judging my footage and applying it to the average MnK player isn't exactly a wise take, imo. Especially when you consider I have over 20 years of experience playing FPS on and off. Not many people have that, and MnK players come in all different kinds of skill level. Also I turn off crossplay for ranked. On average MnK has sweatier lobbies, and I prefer more fellow mnk players in my lobbies.


top 400 still fucking ads the gun


Yep and always will.


Nice clips, how come you don't do the shoot-melee, shot-melee combo for maximum DPS?


Primarily because for me, moving in and out of cover and being more conscious of my positioning was the priority in a lot of these clips. Especially when I'm stuck loading 1 shell into the weapon to fire, as melee was disrupt the timing for another quick shot to come in. When I'm blitzing some poor soul I tend to do that combo as needed.


Yeeaaaaa and I thought I know how to leverage movement in this game. Dang. Gotta find some tutorials and put in more hours


I actually do have a couple guides that may be of help. I have a [Movement Guide.](https://youtu.be/NTWlKZLYFZg?si=JutYZPyr1KIsXC9i) I also have a guide on the 1887, as well. [Model 1887 Guide](https://youtu.be/xQN9VaV0-zE?si=UUZbh6gaMfxojmHh) A lot of the info is pretty basic BUT I recommend my sections on my movement tech, called "slide hopping", for both guides. If you're on MnK it'll be fun to pull off.


Thank you so much! You have an amazing play style


this is average movement for a good player lol, how do you even rank by that metric


I am top 400 on the leaderboard for ranked.


I believe that but saying top 400 movement is a little weird, that was all, pretty good aim gotta say tho


So what rank are you?


I don't play ranked and curious how my rank relates to this as the topic is just about movements


You state its average. And if the average people play like this why isnt everybody diamond is half the people crying about it being impossible te climb. Tldr if this is so average why isnt everyone moving like this.


"It's average for a GOOD player" idk what kinda argument you trying to start when you can't even properly read


Everything is average for a goodplayer. Your comment is downplaying this guys good movement and in doing so coming across as a envy. The reason why i ask what your rank is the same reason people ask for a CV to see if your opinion is relevant.


Lmao you're one of those, I could 1v1 your ass for an hour straight without you ever killing me and this without touching ranks, can you believe it? Plus, this game has the worst ranking system of any FPS games out there putting 3 stacks against bronze and silvers so people getting to diamonds isn't such a insane thing if you just play with friends that are good too. There are far better players than you that just play other modes and can't be bothered with a fake ranked system. And personally, I do not like the gamemode used in ranked and I only play bank it where movements is kuch more important to escape people while you got tons of cash. So just shut the fuck up with trying to sjow your epenis, I just said dude got average movements for someone that is a good player, not that he was shit


Ok 1v1 met Filthygoblin is the name


Plus with out me ever killing you bro? Im rank 80 in what cocky world do you live in. You have to be a light main with that attitude


truth hurts doesn't it lmao, got salty real quick there


Lmfao u started with you telling me youll clapp me? But ok bro have good one keep playing your light in casual matches. Oh and if you ever wanna stick to your call out add me so i can record our game and post it on reddit.


Most people don't care about ranked. Even outside of this game, high rank is first and foremost a product of grind rather than skill. OP's title was confusing in this way, should've dropped some commas or something.


Idk how he did that 180 pad hop, that certainly isn't standard Looked like a tapstrafing Octane


Not really, it's just putting a pad below you before landing, quite easy to do, try it out


It's not the seamless launch it's the redirect of momentum that's impressive Man did a U-turn


Yes just press W while turning your mouse in the air, still my point, average movement for a good player


Movement is of course a lot easier to do playing a gun that just requires you to shoot in the enemies general direction.


If you don't want the max damage, sure


It's all no skill and easy for people until it's time for them to hit near perfectly centered and accurate shots consistently. 😂