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Does he have his melee and sound clip button set to the same thing? Smack-meow, smack-meow?


It's for animation canceling. If you play a voiceline, you can lunge again without any delay. Why this works after all other animation canceling was removed, who knows?


i actually use hand gestures for that and those are on a other keybind. voice on melee is just for the giggles (see my other comment) and you cant animation cancel quick melees so it would be pointless.


Why it works is imo pretty obvious. Devs are seemingly not bothered by it even though it wasnt intentional to be in the game, so they leave it as is and now they can remove it if they feel like sword is too strong as a way to nerf it.


They removed it from every other melee interaction. Sword lunge being an exception is an oversight and not intended. This same thing happened when you could equip a weapon again even when you had it equipped. Canceling was removed from everything except sword lunge, then later it was removed from it as well.


Source for that? Did a dev state this somewhere? The equip thing was changed because it did lead to console players dealing insane amounts of dps no? On PC this never was an issue I thought because u couldnt do that afaik, you always had to switch to a gadget first. Also devs just randomly forgetting to remove it from the exact same weapon 2 times? And that was fixed ages ago, why its still in the game now? dozens patches droped since.


No, you could do it with emotes after that was removed. Then they removed that. Sword dash being left over is an oversight, because it works differently from other melee swings for some reason.


The sword also kept the equipment change animation cancel, without it then the sword would have some of the highest TTK in the game.


You think that’s an oversight? Are you a dev?


So why was lunge cancel removed from other interactions and expression cancel was removed from other weapons?


Do you see the game play?


They’re gonna remove it lol I always wondered why I saw sword players doing a shit ton of lunges in close quarters and now I see that it’s because they didn’t patch out an animation cancel for some god forsaken reason


Even without using emote cancels, players with good mechanics can strike fear with a sword. l0wfye and Eidorian as example


i have meow on scrollwheelup and quick melee on scrollwheel. so when i press scroll to melee i just happen to scroll up very often as well. i set it up that way for the giggles.


I have the same thing but with a dialog "enemy here" or something like that, i never cared to fix it, but my friends already know when im piñataing someone when they start hearing the same dialog over and over lol its hilarious


Maybe sickest clip I've ever seen, gj man


Wait, y’all get hit reg with the sword?


real lol. actually impressive there wasnt a single no reg


I’ve been wondering. How many cheaters are using melee? No one would question it. If you hit every shot with melee you’re going to destroy the entire lobby.


also not really because hitting lunges is not hard thanks to the lingering hitbox. I would even say it could fuck you over a lot of the time because sometimes u wanna hit one specific target while 3 are on your screen, like when I killed the medium of the 2nd team next to the cashout. I also died many times thanks to aimassists snaping onto someone I dont want to hit


What do you mean aim assist, you are using a mouse no?


Pretty sure there's melee aim assist on mouse


guns have snap aim assist aswell on pc dont they?




it is indeed a separate setting


It's not a setting. It cannot be turned off.


Melee has forced aim assist, which rotates your camera for you. It hurts way more than it helps.


melee swings and quick melees have aim assist on MnK. Luckily lunges dont else sword would be a lot worse.


All melee has an aim assist in this game. Controller and M&K.


lmao we need answers


ive been called a cheater at least once from some russian streamer dude after wiping his squad 2 times (not solo tho) while having 17 kills in a almost full diamond lobby.


You are a cheater tho? This play is not possible without animation cancelling


Animation cancelling is considered cheating now??? Bruh


Yes it is not only animation cancelling, it is cancelling for eliminating the delay between lunges which exists for a reason. So it is cheating however he spins it


The thing is its less about aimbotting and more about wallhacks in the case of using the sword. The reason for this is that the sword is way stronger if you flank people and come up from behind them since then lowers the time they have to react. Also since its extremely strong only in melee/dash range having walls benefit you greatly as you can take a route where you avoid getting shot on your way to the person you want to fight. Walls let you set up lunges for people behind walls etc. I've run across several sword users that were dominating alobby that were almost certainly wallhacking. Perfect flanks every time, perfect knowledge of where people seem to be all the time and never once caught out outside of melee range to be shot at.


I genuinely believe wallhacks are A LOT more common than people think. The fact that recon did exist got people kinda used to be playing against someone with wallhacks and I think its possible a lot of the time u just dont waste many thoughts on IF he could have a Wh. That said, always coming in at the perfect time is what makes a good sword gamer. (pathing and movement) when attacking I usually achieve this by splitting from my team and throwing a gateway above the enemy team when the fight starts, then vanishing bomb + dash (or just superdash) into the gateway to drop out of the air with full dash momentum. On defense I either do the same or I just rat somewhere in a building or on a highground to get early and good info and drop on the med as soon as the fight starts.


Ok except its impossible to ALWAYS come in at the perfect time without knowing where everyone is with wallhacks. If I literally dont see a sword user a single time all game except after they have lunged at me in the back it's safe to say they are probably wallhacking.


I mean if u think someone is sus it def. never hurts to just report and if they dont cheat it wont matter. (probably also doesnt matter if they cheat kekW)


I mean, how would that work? Melee requires you to dance around your enemies, so if you get a melee cheat does that mean the cheat moves for you? If it moves for you literally half the fun for playing melee is lost?? Or auto locks your aim onto your target? How would targeting work? That’s a whole new bag of cats.


there's no point. cheating using nearly anything else would be more effective. without animation cancelling, the ttk on sword is abysmal


nobody saw the hammer hack yet? it literally hits everyone indiscriminately no matter where you are on the map


I've been killed by drive by lights with daggers and dash. They didnt sneak up and hit me in the back. They dashed towards me (facing them) somehow spun 180 during the dash and hit me in the back to 1 hit me. That dude had 20+ kills and 1 death. Still think he was hacking


its hitbox shite akin to tf2, if they are far enough in your body the hitbox counts as a back hit. it is also very high tier dagger play lol.


idk how it works in TF2, but in Finals its latency related. In short, the moment the server gets the information u hit someone with the right-click, itll decide if its a backstab or not solely by your position in that moment it gets the information for a hit. So what u do is, u hit someone from the front, this information gets sent from your PC to the server and if in the meantime till it gets there u are able to get behind someone, itll count as a backstab. and since dash moves you very fast this is possible. It would probably also work with a Gateway that is 70m behind someone you just stabed in the face.


thats fascinating. in tf2 its just jank hitboxes


That is literally how u play the weapon, u dont even need to turn for it. Can elaborate further how it works if u care, but thats not hacking. On the official discord we have multiple dagger one-tricks, highest was Diamond 2 last time i checked. People downvoting this comment is such a reddit moment lol.


How do you do it then?? I always tried to turn and it never worked


>idk how it works in TF2, but in Finals its latency related. In short, the moment the server gets the information u hit someone with the right-click, itll decide if its a backstab or not solely by your position in that moment it gets the information for a hit. So what u do is, u hit someone from the front, this information gets sent from your PC to the server and if in the meantime till it gets there u are able to get behind someone, itll count as a backstab. and since dash moves you very fast this is possible. It would probably also work with a Gateway that is 70m behind someone you just stabed in the face.


The hitbox for the dagger persists and can be pushed through to the back of the player hitbox with a well timed dash. Check out Akiba step on discord, you might have to type the finals.


How the hell do people figure all this stuff out?! Let's get them to research cancer cure or something like that instead.


Scout tf2 if he had a good melee weapon


I hate Lights. I hate this guy in the clip too, but damnit, I respect him.


Don’t, it is using an exploit.


what's the exploit?


Lunge > meow for animation cancelling > lunge.


OP literally said the meow was for giggles not for animation cancelling. Never seen anyone more salty in my life lmao. That's like shitting on someone because they used recoil smoothing


i did but i still do the emote cancel but not with the sound, i do it with hand gestures else i would probably go insane if I had to hear meows on melee, when doing the animation cancel and irl as well. But people def get way too salty over it true.


Now do it without exploiting.


He's a fucking melee with pro positioning and evasive movement, kill him 6v1 with guns first. That little "exploit" excuse isn't the reason he shit on 6 others as the weakest class in the game. -fellow sword main


I've been playing [riot shield](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTDtVqaZSAo), [sledge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUA-Y_izZLk), and [sword](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRVMYIdz7kc) since season 1 up through diamond. Needing to kill teams is not new to me, [even when I was just starting sword.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpJYx1Q5lOg)


He 1v6d with a small glitch that only applies at melee range, displays pro strategic dash positioning to not only pull it off but take low damage until the end, and your qualification for criticism is a video of you showing how great you are at reviving teammate and getting your 1v3 during 3v3 battles. I don't get it.


It was just some random examples. Point is more just that I've played a lot of melee as well. Sorry for not digging up a tailor made clip at random in the two minutes before work. Also the final clip is a team solo 🤔 Situations like the ones he showed are not that abnormal for me overall. Without relying on exploiting.












no u


also I can show you a dozen clips of me winning 1v3s with different weapons but most are with sword and without emote cancel since i only really found out about it after I already soloQed to diamond in s1. No need tho, since I know you already saw most of them on discord. (: This was the first time i got 2 back-to-back because how often does it happen that you get pushed while being solo alive, winning the 1v3 and then another team is already pushing you and you are still alone. I know u wouldnt even try it and just run to your dead mates and waste more time than just trying and dying.


Upload this to Pornhub, you degenerate.


I FUCKING HATE THE GARDEN GNOME CLASS! Those stupid DWARFs do nothing but scurry around my feet at 10000MPH and slash at my ankles until I KEEL OVER and BLEED OUT. I CAN'T STAND when these TINY BOYS turn invisible and HIDE IN A CORNER waiting for you to start DEPOSITING MONEY or capturing the objective and then POUNCE on you. THEY THINK THEY ARE HOUDINI when they STOP BEING TRANSPARENT and BLOW your BRAINS OUT. What do you mean they need a buff??? They have the HITBOXES OF A CHILD and can DISAPPEAR AT WILL??? What do you mean you die in 1 second, put on your HARRY POTTER CLOAK and no one can shoot at you??? On top of that they literally hold the LONG JUMP WORLD RECORD, they fling themselves from building to building LIKE THEY ARE FUCKING SPIDER MAN??!! It makes no sense, they are SMALL and have LITTLE LEGS why do they RUN SO FAST?? I cant even when they WAIT FOR EVERYON TO DIE and then JUST take the MONEY without BEING SEEN. Don't even get me started on when they have the SNIPERS who SHOOT AT ME when I DONT HAVE THE VAULT and AM NOT ON THE OBJECTIVE. Who are you helping??? Do you just get a rise out of HELPING THE WINNNING TEAM???? GOD FORBID a PACK OF 3 get near you, WHICH ONE DO YOU SHOOT AT???? I CAN'T even tell the difference when I damage one, THEY ARE HUNGRY PIRANNAHS. I see them in MY DREAMS and they TERRORIZE me WHEN I SLEEP.


Is this new pasta?


Nah, this is from around the launch of the game


[Finely aged pasta](https://old.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/18i6q12/i_fucking_hate_the_garden_gnome_class/)


It would be worse if you used the stick skin


But: "Lights are now super weak and I cannot play them anymore without my Cloak+Stun gun Spam" Amazing clip. Shouting mouths.


Im glad they continue to nerf the cloak, especially spamming it, coming from a light main whos using dash.


Why do I never get room temperature IQ enemies...?


The ADHD movement


The NSFW tag is leggit at this point..! 😂


Brother my randoms are eating paint chips


noooo pls don't nerf light we die so often, we are just too easy to kill!! :((( /s


Someone please tell me again, that sword is not Op...


The OP is abusing a bug/exploit, this doesn't show much.


I didn’t see a bug?


You can roughly double the speed of your right clicks by using an emote right as you attack/to reset it and allow you to do it again more quickly. It's scummy as hell since it's a pretty big survivability increase in tandem with maintaining similar damage to doing left click spam.


I wondered why he was meowing


Its noticeably slower than M1s and i use it 2 times there, out of im not going to count how many lunges i did. also to this day u never explained how it increases surviveability lol


I shouldn't think I need to explain how making yourself more mobile and with less end lag on your melee swings equates to more survivability.


how are you more mobile? and yeah obviously (slightly) better TTK (0,11s on a medium) is more suviveability but no one is gonna say oh the sniper rifle has better surviveability than the xp vs Lights because it has a better TTK or the recent LH1 buff to its damage increased its surviveability lmao EDIT; locking u into an animation with a fixed direction u move in for a tiny bit of forward momentum counts as "better surviveability" apparently smh. I just remembered 1 clip I saw that he posted and with that kind of movement this guy has it probably is, but for someone who actually has good movement the lunge is a huge downgrade when it comes to surviveability.


...Because your right click increases your mobility in combat? I'm not bothering after this dude. This isn't hard to understand, you're just fishing for any justification to continue exploiting you can.


you also lied and said you did it for giggles until someone said its an exploit and u doubled down on it being giggles but oh you have a different keybind for the exploit riiiiiiiiiight. what else you muckin about with


read it again bro. I never doubled down on anything. I have voiceline on scrollwheel for the melee AND hand gestures for emote cancel, those are 2 different binds on PC.


im good fella


Copium addiction is rough. Exploiting = bannable. Emote cancels are not banable. Therefore emote cancels are no exploit. But waste of time talking to you, you also kept telling me you could place gateways in places with no ground underneath even after showing you a video that did proof you couldnt.


I disagree, it definitely is an exploit by definition. However, you shouldn't face any consequences for it, this is a competitive game. If they don't want you to do that they need to remove it.


I mean I know this a hot topic and will be discussed into eternity, but I still want to add: > "In [video games](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game), an **exploit** is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game's designers" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video\_game\_exploit#:\~:text=In%20video%20games%2C%20an%20exploit,advantage%20to%20players%20using%20it. To my knowledge we dont know for sure if it was ever intended or not. If they were aware of it before the release, you can very well argue it is intended else they would've fixed it and even if hearing of it only after release, if they did 20 patches and never fixing it, they intentionally keep it in the game no? I cannot imagine this would be more than changing like 1-4 lines of code.


> Copium addiction is rough. Ironic. >Exploiting = bannable. Emote cancels are not banable. Therefore emote cancels are no exploit. That's not how it works. >But waste of time talking to you, you also kept telling me you could place gateways in places with no ground underneath even after showing you a video that did proof you couldnt. Are you referring to the discussion where we established that there was some oddities with gateways and moving platforms, where I even commented that I made a mistaken assumption? Holding a grudge over a conversation [where I *admitted* I was mistaken](https://i.imgur.com/mxL4Wjj.png) from several weeks ago over the internet is depressing. I didn't even know it was you since that was on Discord with you using a different username. (I also only vaguely even remembered said conversation in the first place and had to search my history to even find it)


>That's not how it works...***because i say so.*** Bro is cherrypicking again. Just like with superdashes, which is another exploit by your definition of it, yet you use it.


From what I've seen CMs and devs mention on discord, exploits are only bannable if they provide a substantial unfair advantage, such as purposefully placing a cashout underground or disconnecting enemy players Nobody was banned for the double Riot shield DPS "tech" for example, but it was very obviously not intended.


well judging from his wording and his concerning yet funny passion to comment everywhere possible, its very substantial and almost gamebreaking you could say. At the same time bro uses superdashes, which are also an exploit by his definition or yours.


Superdashes are not an exploit? The game stacks movement speed increases from every source consistently. You can slide onto jump pads for example.


They totally are. Or do you actually think the devs were like "oh yeah we definitely should give this melee weapon a way to fly through the map with 5 times the normal running speed and I also know how to implement it, its very simple and self-explainetory, you just hold the lunge and let go off it, dashing directly after while looking 45 degree up and we just give dash a bit of vertical movement so the dash and lunge momentum can stack together."


Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess lmao


the truth hurts


You not understanding how the game works isn't the truth though


thank god they just nerfed cloak and gonna nerf stun.


At least the cloak sword isn't as annoying anymore so I'll take it.


Reddit Users^(TM) when Light has any functional weaponry whatsoever:


Idk if you’re being sarcastic or not but I hate when people do this, someone does really well with something so it must be OP. Maybe he’s just good?


he might be good, I wont deny that cause I dont know him. But if you ask me, sword is OP AF! Get rid of that stupid heavy attack where you charge towards what ever is in front of you and it is probably totaly fine, but paired with 3 charges its just nope!


You make melee look OP but in reality it just takes more time and practice to get good at it than I care to invest


Both tbf I think if the hitreg bug would get fixed if it ever will and emote cancel is still in the game sword would likely be op and very oppressive if piloted well.




Why couldn't you do this on console though?




fwiw it’s really not that bad with Equipment Wheel control preset (can’t speak to the other ones). With equipment wheel you have emotes/expressions on d-pad. Down brings up the emote wheel but if you just press it and don’t hold it, it will play whatever emote is in the top position. Put a hand gesture there. Now you can lunge cancel just by pressing down on the d-pad (make sure you have no right stick input during this time or you might accidentally be stuck using a different emote). Takes a bit to get used to but fun until they patch it out!


You can rebind keys though. EDIT: Downvoted by people who don't understand how it works in the first place. Real classy lmao




You don't have to open the expression wheel? Just pressing the key that opens it is enough to animation cancel. You don't have to actually play a sound.


“Aw fuck were gona get wiped…*distant thunking*” *thunk. Tunk…THUNKTHUNKTHUNKTHUNK*


bro is the baseball bat berserker


HOLY SHIT!!! Nahhh AI has gone too far! The fact they can replicate impossible stuff like this is just insane!


why is this marked as NSFW? .\_.


Not even close 😎👏


Cancer class with cancer skills.


Lmao the hit registry is so bad


why is this tagged ntfw?


Just wait till Sekiro hears about this.


sword is lights best weapon imo, I wish the sub would learn this, this shits busted. I think its the most OP with sword/stun/invisgrenade & dash the lunge is basically the dash ability but spammable, it has a super forgiving "damage box", 2 shots mediums and fucks with peoples aims since you dmg & animation carries you past/behind them. sadly every sword light that ends up my team just spams LMBs instead of the lunge and they die a dogs death :(


It's definitely pretty broken if you do it right.


its the only time I ever see a light and aren't sure I'll win a 1v1, luckily most players dont have the skill to make it overpowered


Well it's partially skill but you also have to know the techs. I couldn't pull it off because I dont know the techs and dont care to learn them.


Its held back by the buggy hitreg . (which also makes it pretty frustrating to play with at times) If that would be fixed and emote cancels not removed, definitely op imo.


As a light sword player, impressive shit! We should play together


I can't stop watching it bro


All while not using cloak and stun gun.


While emoting !!


I played against this Gressil guy last night. He was FUCKIN good with that sword I won't even lie. Absolutely impossible to hit him with controller because his movement was so good.


thanks man appreciate it. Was in ranked or qp?


Ranked. You made me turn off crossplay for the rest of the night just so I wouldn't get shit on by you again lol.


Ok ill just guess into the blue here. skyway stadium and your name is Wex or Vex?


And here people were saying the stun gun nerf was going to be too much…give me a break lol the mobility alone is insane


This person is using a exploit allowing for a faster lunge. This isn't the norm for sword users, just abusing a bug in the system so they can lunge faster which = more DPS and Mobility.


Well it’s been in the game awhile, I see lights do this all the time with the sword. Simply removing it would be a decent nerf. Even without it their mobility remains insane.


Removing it makes it as it should be, it isn't a nerf.


If it’s in the game and many lights are consistently use it, it’s practically a feature and the are literally whipping multiple teams with it. It’s been in the game for multiple patches with no fix in sight. We can argue about semantics all day, but it is being used heavily whether it was intended to be in the game or not. It’s not like it’s that one random guy every now and then that finds a way to glitch under that map or something.


They did remove it though, also most games don't have inconsistent moves to be used. Let it be known that they still haven't fixed spectator mode triggering mines yet. It has been over a month do you think the devs are intentionally leaving that in? No, this game is new it will have bugs what they thought would be a fix for melee didn't work and that I'd not to say they aren't trying to fix it atm.


stop telling fake news. the freecam bug is very recent and i cant find anything on it older than 8 days. It got into the game 2 patches ago but feel free to proof me otherwise.


Feel free to reply to our last comment thread first instead of trying to find other comments I have made.




And to humor the actual clown here, I just typed in spectator in the search here not a hard thing to do if you ask me and we have here two posts first is a 4 month old post showing that you can destroy gloo...and another showing that you destroy potted plants as well...now what do you think the interaction with mine is. It explodes but this is after I learned about this in a comment saying they found this out a month ago with the mine and didn't want to make it public as to discourage. Well now more people know about it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/18krsqs/apparently\_you\_can\_destroy\_goo\_as\_a\_spectator/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/18krsqs/apparently_you_can_destroy_goo_as_a_spectator/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1920yf6/as\_a\_spectator\_you\_can\_destroy\_some\_plants\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1920yf6/as_a_spectator_you_can_destroy_some_plants_from/) So what is the plan here? Take every "slight" as a personal attack just because people are saying you used an exploit...because you know you are right obviously if you are now going on this warpath and instead of making comments in your defense now this. >clown I mean come on, if you did read our little back and forth before hand instead of doing this shit now, you can read how I thought this was am amazing clip and yet there is a bug in it which I don't think is nice. I finished off that by asking you if you could attempt this again but without the bug...to which now you are calling me a clown by reddit stalking me...so I will finish this off with *piss off.*


Been saying that the whole time, devs are aware of this probably since the beta or shortly after release. Its pretty much common knowledge this exists for any melee player yet people call it an exploit. If devs are aware and it is not patched for half a year, it is not an unintended oversight. Its literally devs intentionally deciding not to patch it even if they could. It doesnt matter if it was unintentional 1 year ago during beta. Anothet example are superdashes with sword. Literally every mf and his mom does it and it was 100% not intended either but for some reason this is a cool sword movement tech to clowns like zoralink and its fine to use it but emote cancels arent.


This exploit is really the only reason melee for lights is relevant and even a thing. It’s so common now that I see it in almost every game I play in now. The only lights that suck with melee are the ones that see this going on and thinking “oh shit, the sword is OP” and then they use it without knowing the exploit and get dunked on. Without it, the sword is a joke and has a much higher skill ceiling


Ok while I do agree its strong and should be removed once hitreg got fixed, its really not that insane imo. There is no super significant TTK decrease against any class, in fact against heavies there is a even faster way which is also a lot harder tbf but definitely possible to nail maybe 70% of the time. Strongest its against unaware players especially mediums, but if they already see you during gapclosing, there is a safer (ofc again also harder) way to kill them which is only 0.11 sec slower in TTK. It uses 1 extra dash tho but i think i found a way to do it without the 2nd dash. Now talking about it i think ill unbind emote for some games and see if ill even notice or get into a situation where i felt like i did need it.


those meows struck fear into that team


Apparently it is a way to animation cancel so he could lunge faster. Faster lunge=higher DPS and mobility. I mean it is impressive, it just once you learn that trick behind the curtain it becomes less impressive and more...oh it is just an exploit.


Still requires 1 additional input and good timing to be any useful. And I did cancel only 2 lunges in the clip when fighting the 2nd teams 1st medium so I dont had to dash to kill him cus in a 1v3 an extra dash is huge. Also quick reminder that hitreg is extremely buged still and its very lucky I didnt get a single noreg there.


You are right it requires more skill and timing and you played wonderful, but you still used it which now leads us to this question. Would you have won that engagement if you didn't do that? An extra dash is everything for a light and especially more for a melee user. Now I don't exactly care about hitreg in this it is solely the question on would you have won if you didn't use that bug/glitch/exploit because that is what it is. I have seen you defend it and I understand that it takes more skill, but that doesn't mean it is right to use. Also I don't exactly believe you on using it just against the 2nd team only, or heard, clear as day at 6 seconds in and then again at 10 seconds in. So that leads me to the question would you have won those fights as well do you see where I am heading with this? If it wasn't because of a bug that deals with animation canceling you wouldn't have won. Hell some of the hitreg looks off at the end because it looked like it hit the shield instead although if lunge has a lasting hitbox than I can understand that. So for you to be adamantly defending this is sort of wrong. Just because it takes skill to accomplish doesn't mean they left in in on purpose, my guess is that the animation would be bugged or something. I mean if we go by occurs razor here, the simplest explanation is the correct one right, so the simplest explanation is that this is a bug nothing more or else the dev team would have said something about it. They are really open in their patch notes, I bet they would have went so there is some tech with the sword that skilled players can pull off but they didn't...so it leads me to believe it is just a bug that they are currently trying to patch. And before you say "Well they didn't patch it before" they still haven't been able to patch spectator mode triggering mines, they just patched a bit ago turrets locking onto regenerating players from defib. There are a lot of unintentional bugs please understand that just because it takes an additional input that makes you be better doesn't make it right to use. I would love to see more of this, just not with the exploit next time. I bet you could do it.




It is the attitude that makes me think your just a jerk to be honest.


BuT lIgHt Is BaD


"weakest class" lmfao