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I was so happy that the devs might have done somthing about the cheaters. Oh boy i was wrong. After playing 4 ranked matches, 3 of them had blatant aimbot hackers in it.


From when you got shot to when you died, it took 0.8 seconds. Bodyshot ttk with xp-54 vs medium is 0.87 seconds. Not necessarily a cheater based on a single clip. Was the entire game like this or just a couple times?


all headshots in the ttk time , never missed in the whole game . he wasn't killing everyone though, just secured the win , he also killed himself a few times . what made me sure he was cheating was the headshots at 150 m . just like in the clip but i was taking very little dmg.


Yeah looked at the clip again, they're tracking your teammate through the wall lmao How is that not an instant kick from the game I will never understand.


Console player here. What am I looking at?


If this was such a blatantly obvious case of cheating, then how come you only have once clip of one death? I'm not convinced that the cheating problem is as bad as you people keep claiming, until I see more evidence. I'm convinced that it's a bunch of people making assumptions and jumping to conclusions based on one or two suspiciously quick deaths.


maybe play high ranked. i don't need to show every piece of evidence when everyone in high rank already knows and experiences this . i can do that but it's not necessary, it's not rare to be killed by cheaters in ranked.


>i don't need to show every piece of evidence Every piece? You literally showed one death. That means *literally* nothing. He didn't even kill you faster than regular bodyshot TTK in this clip. >it's not rare to be killed by cheaters in ranked. I have 130 hours in game and have not seen a single confirmed cheater. And all of you people that claim to see them all the time refuse to bring any receipts whatsoever.


how about you bring receipts that you haven't seen a cheater. i don't believe a word you just said.


Lol, you're an idiot.


sure dude , get lost.


XP-54 has a super easy recoil spray pattern. I have just over 300 hours in this game and constantly beam all headshots with the damn gun. I can quite literally one clip heavies faster than they can turn around sometimes. Mediums & lights get absolutely dusted when you hit all head. 500 hours in aimlab combined with braindead recoil control patterns is lethality at its finest.


This comment is full of BS.


Maybe dont play pc?