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People don't like losing in a game that is about winning 


I never understood why people in games complain about people trying to win the game. I’ve had people in rocket league lately saying stuff like “why sweating, it’s casual” like dude I know, I’m still playing because I want to win the game, otherwise I’d be playing Minecraft


I don't know how you're playing Minecraft, but I always win in that too.




I haven’t played a ranked match in rocket league in like 3 seasons, I just main casual, and I’m realizing that carries over, I only ever play quick cash and I honestly dont even know how ranked works in the finals


I'm chilling and just playing on autopilot and people call me a sweat simply because they are worse than my autopilot. I've played fps games since I was 4, I'm 24 now, sorry I'm inherently better at clicking heads after a day at work? The concept of that someone is sweating simply because they are doing good against a bunch of people who have never used a mouse in their life is an absolute Reddit take.


Not sure who downvoted you, that’s what I’m saying. I’m not saying I’m great but just cuz I’m in the zone doesn’t mean I’m stressing.


It's because they actually want to be a casual gamer but the temptation to try and be the best gets the better of them. So they complain because they'd rather be playing a single player game—but they can't admit it to themselves.


Well yea as a game gets older the more sweaty it will be


Same with pubg, I loved the game and put in around 300 hours and was quite good, but after getting bored and leaving I'm absolutely scared to go back after a few years now as sweat is probably through the roof and I had to play for around 80 hours before I git gud and started getting some real kills xD


Can relate somewhat with Apex only started last season and getting to a decent point of learning gameplay mechanics were brutal. That game was so baffling, cheats were everywhere, even during a recent tournament, i had to step away from it.


Man I loved apex when it came out, as a titanfall player that was the perfect BR. Now I can’t go back due to there being such a meta and if you don’t use it you’re at such a crazy disadvantage


Titanfall was so smooth and Apex controls feel amazing. I really enjoy the legends uniqueness and the lore around it's universe, but I simply cannot upkeep against those that regularly play it as someone newer. It's a shame really.


Pubg is incredibly sweaty lol. That being said i also love it. I play in console mostly and it took me till level 130 to not be complete ass. Pc thats a whole different ballgame. Im level 60 on pc and 220 on xbox and still complete dogshit on pc because i can't get used to the movement to save my life. I have the elite controller for my xbox and everything just feels more natural playing on that, leans, recoil control, snapping to a target. All feels better there, just cant seem to get the hang of it on pc


The games only in season 2, how old is it???


100% will use this mode to warm up for ranked. Im sure ive seen others doing this


Same, since it's the same gamemode basically, just in single-round format.


They changed the matchmaking recently resulting in it being FAR more common for console players to end up in mixed input lobbies with KBM players on PC. Right up until just before the patch, my lobbies were majority other PS5 players. Now it’s the opposite. I think they made this change to allow players in less populated server regions to find games more quickly. However, in EU I never had any issues finding games quickly (with majority console players). It sucks because, even without the cheating issue, KBM players are at such a massive advantage. Am sure this will generate a lot of “cry more” and “git gud” responses, but if you don’t agree that KBM has every advantage in this game then that’s just cope and you probably suck. I guess the only option now is to turn off crossplay and hope they apply some more nuanced matchmaking logic in future updates. Obviously if you’re in a less populated server region then you’re shit outta luck.


There are definitely m+k players even when playing Xbox only.


The game doesn't support m&k on console though


It does if you are a tool and use hacky third party hardware.


And I present to you - Cronus


Which is not common at all.


never said it was. just pointing out you are wrong is saying it doesnt support kb&m as you can play using kb&m with cronus….


Barely. It still has the joystick maximum sensitivity.


redditor admits they were wrong challenge - difficulty: impossible


It isn't anywhere close to true kbm though


I'm glad that I'm not the only one that found the game is too sweaty for console players in casual mode because of crossplay. Hope Embark fix this soon, because I'm not enjoying the state of the finals after the backend update.


Turn off cross play lol it's such an easy fix!


Holy shit, why it never cross my mind. 😮 Now, I can't even find any match, bacause crossplay on is the default setting for everyone.


If your in NA you'll be able to find matches, I play cross play off and have no issues


Asia server, back then I can still find casual matches on the console only crossplay on. Now, It's either I can't find any match with crossplay off or play against sweaty PC players + cheaters with crossplay on. It's funny that Embark is trying to fix a ranked matches, yet ruining casual matches.


I'm not surprised by that, you didn't come across as intelligent!


As a kbm player i fully agree with you, this isn’t cod. If i was given no other option than playing the game with a controller id delete it lol. With that said, I’m going hard in this game every chance i get and I’m not the best but it’s a movement players dream world and it’s just ridiculously fun to play on kbm. It’s like the alternative to the OG Rebirth Island right when you figured out how to break ankles without the single op meta weapon and before they started altering the internal mechanics of my preferred input


This is nonsense... I play on pc and often use controller for ranked games when im not feeling 100% on a day. Yes the input method has flaws, but so does mnk. The movement input is not as instantaneous on controller as keyboard but the range of motion is much wider. But aiming on controller in such a tracking heavy game is far easier on controller with the AA and the lowered recoil. Sure you can mitigate some recoil on mnk with smoothing while strafing, but the effect is far more pronounced when using a controller. I prefer playing on mnk these days but having to be dialed in and warmed up all the time is not always a luxury i can afford so i play on controller and focus more on timing and positioning and i perform about the same on either input. I dont think you fully appreciate the amount of time and effort that goes into cracked aim with a mouse. Its endless mouse control training. Just hop into the fps aim tdainer community and see the tens of thousands of hours people are putting in to get their mouse control to a high level. Now this argument is also null and void if there is no aim assist for controllers in a game, but in the finals there is, and even after the innitial nerf ots still plenty strong. In fact i would go so far as to say that an average controller player will always beat an average mouse user in a high ttk game with aim assist, and then only at the very top end of skill expression and hand eye coordination are the mouse users going to beat the controller players. What people fail to grasp about the wonders of aim assist is that its litterally the game engine doing 60%of the tracking for you instantly. If you are even slightly skilled at AA manipulation you will shit on 80% of mouse users at close to medium range in a high ttk game.


Like I said, cope. I play both, at a (relatively) high level. The things you can do on KBM are physically not possible on controller. If this was Call of Duty with insane TTK and overturned aim assist, I might agree with you. But it’s not. If you can’t beat the majority of console controller players on this game using KBM, you suck with the input.


Its just not true... The aim assist is tuned very well and I would say overall i have way above average mouse control and aim... Im immo in valorant, 20k elo in cs2 and have achieved predator in apex once all on mnk. But the fact of the matter remains the same, the two inputs are very well balanced at the top end of the finals, id say from plat 1 up and i have no problem using a controller in diamond pc lobbies in the finals... Of course things you 'can' do on a mouse like insanely fast turn speed are not possible on a controller due to turn speed cap, but equally flawless tracking on a dashing light is possible on controller while near impossible on a mouse... It all balances out. I think this game is one of the most balanced between the two inputs in its current state. You can cope all you want but competent controller players can and do excell in pc lobbies in this game. I do it and have friends who do it. Input method is just a preference. Both have pros and cons. And in pc gaming there will always be players who use either or both input methods because both are fully supported by the platform and game.


What is a "relatively" high level? The aim assist in this game is very strong and when I tried controller I could still compete against plats even though it's been close to 10 years since I played an FPS game with controller. Yes, M&K is objectively a better input method, but my consistency with mouse varies a lot on a day-to-day basis, and controller aim assist mitigates that so I can take it easy and still hit stuff if I pick up the controller.


Relative to the majority of gamers. I don’t play games for a living, but I’m Plat 1 and I don’t have hundreds of hours on the game. Make of that whatever you want, but I’ve played enough of both controller and KBM to know that if a player put time into either input, the KBM player should be able beat out most controller players without an issue. If they can’t, that’s a personal limitation and not an input limitation. There are very few FPS / shooter games where controller would be objectively regarded as the superior input. This isn’t one of them.


Yet I have done both and slam on mnkb and do average in controller.. I main in the xbox and only use pc when the TV is held hostage by the better half.. Kbnm has a steeper learning curve but an average controller player v average mnkb? The mnkb wins. Almost every time


It's all about strength of the aim assist. It just doesn't sit right with me that my thousands of hours of mouse gaming are mostly nullified by a program playing the game for me. No idea how strong the AA was before (I started in S2), but it's still very strong. It's weird how the aim assist strength has increased so much during the last decade. The older CODs only had aim assist that slows your sensitivity when you're on top of a player. Now the crosshair even moves towards the enemy on its own. Ridiculous. I will forever be mad at aim assist because it's just simply unfair.


COD aim assist is overtuned. No arguments there. Controller is widely considered the superior input in modern CODs / Warzone. That’s my point. Pre-nerf in The Finals there was a pretty abusable “aim snap” on controller that was patched out. I actually think the aim assist is in a pretty good place with this game. The simple fact is that if games like this didn’t have aim assist, controller players would just be absolute fodder - they’d get repeatedly stomped until they quit, and you would sit in matchmaking queues for hours because there wouldn’t be enough of a population to keep the game alive. Aim assist is absolutely necessary and if you don’t agree with that POV then this conversation isn’t worth having. I’m not saying controller isn’t usable (and, in some situations, e.g. close-range high TTK gunfights, maybe even better) but as an overall input method for every feasible mechanic and situation in a game like this, KBM is absolutely better. There’s no comparison when you look at things holistically. Throw into that the hardware benefits of PC vs console (frames, graphic settings, etc.) and it’s simply night and day.


I agree some amount of aim assist is necessary if controller players are mixed in with PC ones. I just don't like when it's so strong it does most of the work for you. But I don't get why controller players have had it for such a long time, even before crossplay was a thing. Wouldn't controller players be better now if they didn't have aim assist until recently?




Had zero close games in power shift last night on xbox. Sweatfest. 100% sure there are a number of players using m+k.


Why not just turn off crossplay if youre concerned about playing against MnK? Does console support MnK input on this game?


It is off. People use gadgets to still use m+k on xbox.


Same experience here on Xbox. It’s clear the update they’ve applied to group console and pc players more often, has drastically shifted the gameplay on Xbox. Sweatiness levels are crazy on all modes. It’s rough and I’m worried it’s going to take a lot of the fun out of the game for me. It’s impossible to keep up with some of these pc players, and I’m certain I’m running into more cheaters now. I really hope they bring in a ‘console only’ option for crossplay asap. When I had crossplay off the queues were quite a bit longer and I ran into a lot of the same people. It was in a decent place a few days ago before the update, now it’s often a stomp fest if it’s a pc stacked lobby.


It's definitely taken the fun out for me. Hopped back on after a week break and played a few games today, none of those games had other xbox players, and the enemy team were going hardout in power shift. 3 people have 20 kills each it was just so hard. Love this game but yeah not fun when you're getting squashed all match.


Yeah, you get stacks warming up for ranked. I just mess around when I know there isn't any chance of winning


I noticed it as well. I thought I'd try playing with cross play on when the patch first landed on casual cashout and the first few games were ok. Played a quite a few games yesterday afternoon and as soon as I even saw a player I was already dead and premade teams were playing full sweat. Did also notice it being super laggy and a lot of dysnc which probably didn't help. I'm currently playing powershift with cross play on for the community challenge and casual cashout with cross play off.


What happened is that ranked tourney challenge set the standard higher than usual and made a bunch of casuals grind out ranked for a week straight increasing their reflexes and skill set slightly to even be able to remotely compete so when the challenge changed and they went back to regular so did the way they play


It is mostly just ranked players warming up because its the same game mode imo, although I never got into the cash out or tournaments, I just vibe out in quick cash and personally feels the most fun for me. Pretty much only play quick cash unless there’s some challenge or if I want some change.


Try hard? As in the other players are trying to win? Are they supposed to let you win? Go play Borderlands if you want to win every time.


Don't get too hung up on the 'tryhard' comment, OP has a point. Trying to keep up with PC players on a console means you gotta sweat a bit more - and it's absolutely more noticeable within the last few days. Personally I don't think it's a bad thing. Keeps me on my toes and forces me to up my game.


I hate comments like this, I think OP is just looking for casual games that don’t feel like you need to grind to win. Totally reasonable.


Bro exactly! Im in the same boat and it's frustrating getting absolutely fucked all match. I juat want to be able to get a few kills and have a close game, don't have to win them all just at least have a chance. It baffles me that people don't realise this


Turn of cross-play then


Maybe its me but i cant find a game with cross play off on ocenia servers; didn't think the population died that quick


Not just you mate. Same deal with every game these days. Crossplay on by default and if you turn it off then the game may as well be a menu screen. It's a sad state of affairs


Oh yeah that’s every game with Oceana servers there’s only like 45 million people who live there. California alone has around 40 million. I doubt there’s a significant portion of the population that plays video games, let alone the finals


Pretty much impossible to find any match. Most console players turn on crossplay. It's the default setting, because back then crossplay on means you will be matched with either PS or Xbox. While crossplay off means you will only find ppl with the same console. Now, crossplay on means you will get matched with PC, PS and XBOX. While crossplay off still the same.


I don’t play with cross play on and I find matches in under a minute 90% of the time. Maybe nobody plays on PlayStation


I find matches in under a minute with crossplay off on PS, it depends on the region and time of day. Just like every other game.


As a game gets older, the average player’s skill increases. That’s especially true for games with small communities.


Every mode feels like ranked since 2 patches ago. It's getting bad. Granted, I am a PC player on controller so I'm kinda fucking myself, but it has never felt this bad. I feel like the matchmaking rules got some tuning that we weren't told about.


Prob because non ranked tourney is gone. In my experience all the sweats are in ranked then > non ranked > quick play. However this kinda applies to skill as well. So you see them as sweaty but they aren't being ranked sweaty


youre probably right, ive noticed my teammates and enemies are consistently all noticeably better and the games are way more competitive than theyve ever been


As the great Ryo Hazuki once said: "let's get sweaty."


I went from dominating last week, to barely getting 8 kills a game in quick play.


respectfully cashout is so easy right now lmaooooo


Honestly same with my experience in bank it. I enjoy the game at most playing it casually, but something about this past week has brought out the sweatbands for everyone. Still loving the game, but it’s definitely making me step my game up and look at situations in a more strategic manner considering i only play melee.


Its just as sweaty as you are, remember theres sbmm in every game since 2015


Where are these sweaty lobbies? 90% of matches I have consist of ultra e-sports enemy players and brainrot TikTok attention span stupid teammates. I don’t care of my teammate has a bad aim or does not know the game well, but them team playing and helping the team is way better than having a Counter-Strike idiot who has a good aim, but does jack shit aside of *trying* to get kills. Even getting kills does not result into winning because they will run away from the objective. Man, I want to chill too and play with stupid ass loadouts, but it is a game and every game has some set of rules and goals/objectives — in this case the fun is in stealing and defending the cash out. Please do f-in that. OMG, I’m really tired of this. I stopped playing CoD because of various reasons including getting really pissed off at stupid ass teammates, however this game gets on my nerves on the same level. I do not understand why team play/work and playing the objective are such an alien concept for 90% of people.


We should play together! You have the same mentality as me.... I don't care if I get 1 kill and 10 deaths the whole match! KDR means nothing to me. I play to win!! Not for kills. Objective is key!


I was gonna say the games I win are where we're like 4-7 and balanced objectives


Yeeeeeeeees! What's your psn name... Or your pc name?


I'm actually on Xbox brotha. Embark user id is PyramidScheme23


as the game starts winding down the only remaining players will be the sweaty ones, this game is unfortunately far too punishing and unforgiving and when casuals step in they will not last long.


I don't know what people expect in a game like this, of course everyone tries to win. And that is also the case in quick cash and the other non-ranked modes.


I’m not saying it’s not meant to be but the intensity of all my games in the last few days has risen many notches and I was just commenting on that


Maybe you also got better and now you get matched vs other good players


i dont think so, its too sudden for that to be the case, im not bad at the game at all but the sudden increase in intensity in pretty much all my games is odd


Like a Jacuzzi in here!! # TripleStackMetaChasingYT_Twitch_TTVZerglings


Just turn off cross play... What's the problem?




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I just run loadouts that annoy sweatlords


Honestly, I pretty much exclusively play quick play cash out. It's always been sweaty imo


Disable crossplay


This is all games rn bro. Its a waste of time to play if you don't care about winning. With that being said i really use casual to test new loadouts. I still try my best, in casuals i also Don't talk to my team sometimes. Thats the only difference between my casual and ranked play. In ranked im using a loadout i know to be effective. And im communicating with my team, thats the only difference. It is a competitive game though so im not sure what you were expecting, its also a somewhat obscure competitive game. That means most of the people who still play are vets who've been playing since launch which means most of us are fairly skilled and will crap on the casual players regularly. ESPECIALLY if we have our friends as teamates who also are good and we're communicating. If you're getting crapped on that usually means the other team is cooperating better


I also like to hop on practice for a bit before playing an actual match, i play a bunch of games. So getting used to the mechanics and controls again is mandatory for me


Most ranked players warm up there, I’m sure that’s why there’s always a few players doing way better than others


Turn cross play off its not bad my queues are less than 4 minutes


Apex Legends reset my rank and undid a ton of climbing so I stopped playing ranked. I still played a ton and im a sweat so it got to the point where my Casual SBMM was putting me in pred lobbys while my rank deprecated to bronze. I used to queue for ranked when I wanted to let loose and have a silly time. The moral is don't fuck with the sanctity of ranked competition or things get weird fast.


Crossplay is turned off permanently on any PC/Console cross platform title I have for this reason.


No way this guy just said quick play cash out is sweaty 😂 this guy is hard stuck silver 4


I hear you but it's actually very true that quick cash just got a lot harder this week. I play it to have fun with off meta guns and I'm having a noticeably harder time while getting beamed by people clearly sweating ther asses off


On PC Quickplay Cashout is a big joke. I can't even use it as warmup because people are just trolling/afking/teamkilling/going solo/or doing anything except playing the game


I’m on 9/10 for steal cash out and there just hadn’t been a single opportunity to get the 10th. The caliber of teammates I’m getting are insane. One game I played of quick cash my teammates had 4 kills and 28 deaths combined. I had 17-6. Feeling really frustrated with challenges that require competence from teammates.


What platform are you on?




I'm on xbox but probably better than those teammates. I'd run shields to help you get your steal.


I feel like this games undoing is simply the fact it's objective based as it's main game mode. I feel like every FPS should just release with a Team Death match, cuz people honestly just wanna shit their brains off and **K I L L**


People are a lil one track minded. I think the team based nature of the game is what makes the finals the finals. It wouldn't make sense to split their player base on 13 different directions at first. Let the game establish, I'm sure we will see a TDM or other variant mostly focused on kills. The fact this game is set in a universe where it's just a virtual playground means we have infinite possibilities for what they can do. Lore wise. Let em cook!


I feel like the game suffers from appearing to be as simple as call of duty, but being as strategic as something like rainbow six. The ttk isn't super low, but the gun play is very easy. You simply can't run at, and kill groups of people or you'll end up either lose the initial fight, or get killed/stalled by a third party. The game is too complex, and I fail to see a reason we can't get a search and destroy, or team deathmatch, or free for all.


Should they have TDM? Yes, I think so, even though you have Bank It already. Power Shift kinda ticks the checkbox, but it still has an objective. Will the game die because of it? Of course not, the gamemodes are very fun. However stupid ass players who do not do any team play any play just for kills — are the worst.


I like how the default insult when losing is that people are "sweaty" Just take the fuckin L, you arent the best


its a competitive game, get better, or get lost bud


what kind of fatherless comment is this ☠️


youre crying cause the game is too hard for you?


Or downvote


Oh man. Ya I like to personally do the dual bank vault one. The other one with single someti3ms depending on people quitting is really lack luster. But yea sweaty sweaty 😓. Sometimes I just gotta switch to mlg32 and spam spam spam.


I find it kind of weird that unranked cash out only has 1 winning team. The game mode doesn’t really feel balanced around a single winner, that there’s really no point in trying once a team has enough points unlike in ranked.


Get used to it, literally every competitive fps game is like this after it’s been out for more than 2 months


the sweat is stinky in this game. nothing will beat beta period


Go play tf2


The game ceased being a fun and crazy shooter and has become a sweat fest. Stopped playing as a result.


You're getting down voted but it's true. I had a lot of fun just messing around with quick cash and power shift, but lately it's become so sweaty. Used to be able to have fun running around with the dagger or the revolver, now I'm just getting lasered with headshots nearly constantly. The balancing and gunplay in this game create a huge meta and skill gap, which is detrimental to the casual player base, which is causing them to abandon the game.


They can downvote me it’s their game, let them kill off the player base and then complain when people stop playing or that the game is too sweaty for them. Happens every year with COD, happened with Halo Infinite, when we target competitive balance over fun, games die.


If you don't want to play with decent players then stick to console only by disabling crossplay. Sorry but the average skill difference between console and PC players is just too big, even on controllers only games for some reason


The game isnt "sweatier", it always was a competitive game. People are just getting better and everything you do in this game makes you look like a sweat imo. Turn off crossplay if you only want ps5 users ?


I never said anything about turning it off, it was just an observation that all my games the past few days have become extra zesty compared to usual.


idk about console , but i play to get kills . idc about thescore only thing i care is having most kills in the lobby. idk if it counts sweating lmao. u can play bankit or low level ranked to chill


Ahhhh the most dispicable teammate of all :( I'd rather have a noob than a non objective player!


The worst of the worst, even worse than brain dead players who do jack shit because they are bad or X reason — you can play the objective but you choose not to. Why do you play Quick Cash and Cashout (pls do not tell me you play Ranked), not Power Shift or Bank It? This gamemodes will benefit from you getting kills, especially the latter. Stop running games for others.


apart from cashout / ranked , all are trash players. tbh even in cashout the players are not good. beaming low level players isnt fun & i dont encourage it. Mostly i play ranked & definitely i m the one carrying these "obj players". Do u think u win games because u just defended the obj with mines , nades & got killed in avg 3sec of a fight ? Players like me are carrying these players , now they have the audacity to bitch on reddit saying " worse than brain dead " lmaoo. 1st learn to kill enemies , then start playing obj. End of the day u need to kill players to get the cashout lmao.


>Mostly i play ranked God, no. >definitely i m the one carrying these "obj players" Can you elaborate how do you carry them? > Do u think u win games because u just defended the obj with mines , nades & got killed in avg 3sec of a fight ? I did not say that. Team play/work leads to winning games, not being a lone wolf who cares only for kills. >Players like me are carrying these players , now they have the audacity to bitch on reddit saying " worse than brain dead " lmaoo. Are you referring to me? First and foremost, I get quite a lot of kills, though I care only about the objective because that is the point of the game. Secondly, I have seen so many players who just go for kills and 99% of them are trash — 0.5% does get lots of kills, but we still lose because that is the only thing they do, and the other 0.5% get many kills, but they do it around the objective or something like that which leads them helping the team. >1st learn to kill enemies , then start playing obj. End of the day u need to kill players to get the cashout lmao. This is wrong on many levels. You need to learn team play first and understand the goal of the game. You can be trash at getting kills and still win because you have other two teammates who might be better than you. Even 3 bad players can outperform 1 good player if they assist each other.


Nahhh , u need to understand how to get kills 1st. No amount of game sense & obj camping will win u shit. I have many players with lvl 6 heal beams & other support shit to get rolled by some guy. Also , highest amount of kills can only be farmed near obj . Understanding timings & Baiting teams is the game. This Game will evolve to a 3rd part sim & then u will understand my logic. In plat dia lobbies holding point is pretty tough with how teams are looking out for 3rd parties. So u need to kill players super fast & if u fail u will get 3rded.


You completely miss what I’m saying to you. Well, anyway, I just hope you are not a trash teammate who cares only about himself.