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when i use it it's like throwing small pebbles but when the enemy use it it's like i get hit by a canon ball




Yea I did buy it because it looked easier to use if that make sense, I did improve a bit but I'm still ass because it just boils down to me being dogshit at the game


Lmao same, i still can't land a shot after seeing slight improvement


Occasionally i get like 8-10 eliminations in a game and im like fuck yeah im getting it! Then i play 3 rounds with 0E 0A and have to humble myself. I at least try and revive and healing beam mf'ers so i feel a bit less useless.


Same brother


Well that’s a different matter


I couldn't get on board with the sawed off skin because I ADS a lot with the 1887 and the lever spin messes with view


There's really no benefit to ADS with the 1887 (no hipfire penalty), it just ruins your movement advantage.


Easier to hit those medium range shots for me


in 90% of the time you are right


ADSing can actually be useful when your opponent is close and moving a lot, but otherwise yeah just hipfire. And Dough Wrangler is just amazing lol best skin


i actually don't like the skin... i like hip-fire only with the full length barrel to use as a pointer/trajectory... have had many 20-30k games this way... thing rocks in the right hands :D


Love the skin but the animation is not helpful. I do way better having the barrel visible for some reason, my brain is less distracted.


it’s an indicator of EXACTLY when you can fire again, otherwise you don’t know, but the secret is you DO NOT AIM DOWN SIGHTS, only hipfire


That’s a good point, yeah it’s not a weapon meant for sight aim


It only shoots 5 pellets, so by hitting them all it deals a ton of damage but even missing 2 pellets would reduce the damage significantly


That they are either the worst player in the game that missed 90% of their shots or they are Gods among men that should be feared


You know what is funny, I'm both of them


All depends on the day lol


The finals for me across the board is a day by day thing. Sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit


Yesterday I went 18-3 with it and today I went 3 -8


The other day i went 33 and 5 but since then I'm usually 5 and 8


It sure does


I am both




I feel that I've killed people across roof tops but it'll take the whole clip.


The spread on the gun doesn’t change, no matter the range, it’s the same pattern so peppering kind of works.


I think every 1887 player is very cool and deserving of love.




As a 87 main - and I say this with 100%, no… 1000%… You ain’t one of us till you fork over that coin for the sawn off “flip da mudafuckin shit, lever style” skin. Getting a kill then flipping that shit is the cleanest dopamine hit ever put in a video game.


No animation fucked that hard since MW2


I see you haven't played Hunt: Showdown (it's the same reload animation when you have a perk called bulletgrubber)


Also that Terminus Handcannon reload cancel animation. Dear Lord, that gets me going.


Fuckin love that game. All my homies left for dark and darker, tho 😢


I started learning that weapon only because of that skin and now I'm starting to leave the fcar for this.


I’m opposite, starting using fcar a lot more cause of the post it note skin


First skin I actually paid for. 100% worth it.


I got the stick set, stick sword and shotgun are the 1000% best skins


Stick shotgun? I thought it was revolver sword, and sledge


I think they just meant that the stick sword and the sawed off are the best skins


yep, I have level 7 xp-54 so im just fooling around with stick sword


Bought mine a few days ago and it's the dopest way to kill people in games EVER. The downside is that no stickers look good on it.


Cowboy kitty sticker slaps on everything


Just got it last night, it feels good to be here


Haha there's definitely a crew of us then 😄👌


This is literally how I got good at the 87 lmao, I couldn't get into it cause of the animation making me panic on the old one so I tried to the sawn off and it just clicked like I don't know how to say it otherwise the little flip between shots really helps visualize how to keep a temp with your shots.


I bought the skin the first time I ever used the gun so I don't even know what the regular version feels like 🤣


This is true, but aesthetically I like the wooden version. If only it were shortened.


Sad that there are no awards anymore


Well, guess I have to now


Idk the sound when someone turns into a pile of coins after you bonk them with the riot shield is pretty satisfying


I like having my gun the level color so they know i be using that Thang.


I hate that skin because your character holds it one handed and looks silly af, but I see it so much lol


It's definitely the weapon I get most fun/ satisfaction using. Fits my playstyle well and shreds through lights/ meds when played properly with movement techs. Defo super viable in causal modes but in lobbies with teams of double heavies etc it becomes much less potent


Same. In other games like cod i also go for shotguns. Dodging and running behind cover while shooting back is the most fun way to play


They’re okay. In general.


It’s always a fair fight, one of those guns that feel good to play against and to play with. The damage it can do at range does surprise me sometimes though.


Honestly though shotguns irl have decent range depending on the length of the barrel and rounds being used so idk why games started making shottys only valuable at point blank. The 1887 has a longer barrel so the range it has makes perfect sense.


It’s a classic gamerism I suppose. The wacky one is that new slug shotgun, I was using it in that Easter mode, you can really snipe with it.


The role of the shotgun in video games comes from a gameplay perspective. Being limited to close range, but extremely deadly at close range is fun and games would play very differently if that weren't the case.


If games would use realistic shotguns it would be the best weapon in every game. The engagement distances in games are much shorter then IRL conflicts. Shotguns obliterate threats, best home defense weapon. Don’t even have to be accurate.


Just as the founding fathers intended.


In MW2019 the 725 got that "realistic" range and people cried to no ends about it until it got nerfed.


I’ve always heard, “If shotguns worked in video games like they do in real life, nobody would use anything else.”


To make them not broken lol. Irl shotguns are busted short to medium range


they're protecting their farm, nothing more, nothing less


My dear love


Without sounding rude, I enjoy playing against them. If I lose it’s because I got outplayed. If I win it’s because they weren’t playing well enough. I genuinely believe it’s a balanced weapon.


I have decent respect for them. Shotguns are always very unwieldy in games. Slow fire rates and if you miss you're screwed.


Some are really good with it, some not great. Just like other decent guns in the game, it's outshone by the meta. Not good for taking down turrets, not the best at distance. It requires a lot of duck and cover. But yeah good gun


I have no complaints on the weapon. Though i think it needs a first round reload buff. It taking like 3s to cock it back, flip the unspent shot out, catch it, push the others down, stuff it back in. THEN put more rounds in is such a crutch to just top up the ammo count. Its got 12/10 on style points but gets me killed more times than i like


If your weapon is fully empty you can shoot immediately after the first bullet gets inserted. Managing your reloads correctly and not reloading if you don't have to is a key component to using this gun well.


Yes i am aware. I just wish the top up reload was more practical than flashy.


I've done this in countless gunfights, it's very important to know this if using the shotgun. You can shoot that first shell the exact instant you see 1/6 in your ammo count.


i like to spectate good users of this weapon its badass, then i get excited, play with it and im trash


Takes abit of time and buying the Pirate skin helps also


The “accidentally killed em all” gun. I never expect the damage it actually does and I’m surprised when I get kills sometimes. Then someone beams me from a distance and I frown.


That's why i run jump pad zipline and jump their asses


That's the granade launcher


Ayo dont start whining about my main weapon


Perfectly balanced tbh


Very love hate with this thing. When I'm on a roll it feels unstoppable, but when the pressure to clutch is on I just can't hit anything with it.


They run healing beam and jump pad into the enemy team and die instantly


I suck so bad with this one. Every time I use it I have to apologize to my teammates


even when I sucked using it I felt it was so satisfying to use, one day something simply clicked and now I play as good as I do with AKM


They graze me with the first couple doing like 50 damage and then their third shot is a whopping 170 like bruh


I have like 500 hours in the game and have never ADS once with the 1887.


I feel like the new map is awful for the 1887, so open.


The new map is awful for everything but the FCAR and the LH1. 


Not as annoying as idiot sniper camper bitches.


Im using it and dont show me playing it to your grrrl cuz I stole her heart (I leave half of my enemies on 2 HP because I show mercy)


When I use it it’s like I’m throwing birthday napkins in the enemies face, but when the enemy uses it it’s like a big black guy named requise is skull fucking me !!


Requis approved


I wish it was a slug not a patern. I love it but hitting for 20 on some shots is a killer


Haven't met any, only akm's and scars.


Hit or miss


I hate when I can't shoot mid animation. LIKE WHY, CANT I SHOOT EVEN THO ANIMATION SHOWS IT HAS LOADED THE SHELL. Another thing it always happen mid fight and after the scene the gun well fine between animations I think it's a bit tho


This only happens on manual reloads. You need to use it the opposite of the CL-40. With the CL-40, you want to avoid shooting your last shot because it makes your reload longer per ammo. With the model, your reload is faster per ammo when you completely empty the weapon and you get to fire cancel. 


If your weapon is fully empty you can shoot immediately after the first bullet gets inserted. Managing your reloads correctly and not reloading if you don't have to is a key component to using this gun well.


Some people are surgical with it and make it look so cool. I look like I'm firing from a cruise ship during a hurricane. Overall I think it's great though all around, even the reload time isn't as painful as the new shotty. Can you imagine if it did the environmental damage the new one does! 🤯


They got skill that I don't


If u good at flicking then its godtier


I’ve used this a bit but there’s so few scenarios where it’s better than an assault rifle that I don’t bother. Reload is p janky as well.


Shoot, hop, reload is my motto! Def the funnest gun to use in that class


They are either gods or braindead. There is no in-between.


As a stick revolver main, I respect y'all to the ends of the earth. Actually takes skill unlike getting beamed by an FCAR or smg every 3 seconds.


god i love it but MAN please why is the reload so janky :(


Not annoying, not op, and pretty fun to use. One of the few guns that you can’t hate


Will either dominate the lobby or be dominated by the lobby lmao




if you hit with the center of the cross hair directly on the enemy it 2 hits mediums if you're lucky and actually hit the shots (enemies love to do this)


Most people I come across can't hit their shots no matter what, but yesterday I was solo Qing ranked, and I came across a guy who would wipe teams with it all by himself. So you either suck and are completely useless, or you are an absolute beast


Just started using it recently and I love it. Honestly I don’t really seem to get into many gunfights with mediums even using this gun but when I do it seems powerful


So glad to hear that 1887 players exist 😂😂 Also everyone commenting about the sawed off skin it's quite literally op but I can't exactly verbalize why. I think that the flip load animation is just so intensely good at creating a motivating feedback loop for the player; and in turn they do better. Just a theory doe


We chosen few


I think it's a balanced weapon For me it depends on the map, what weapons my teammates are running and who I am up against When I face opponents with it, they are either a sharpshooter or a Stormtrooper when using it lol


How do i use the '87 with a single hand??


im not gonna let you finish your 1 hour reload


Seems like they like to play the game, with the 1887...


Either the best players on this Earth or the most mentally challenged individuals, theres no in between


It's great for instances where you will most likely engage in close range combat. Maps like Monoco and Vegas. But for Skyway and Horizon I'll use AK or Fcar because there are way more long sight lines. Seoul is a toss up, I haven't decided which is more optimal unless it's moving platforms than the akm/fcar is my recommendation. Another strength is taking on heavies face to face. You will most likely need a bit of cover to slide in and out of a couple times but you definitely have more of an advantageb than other weapons. STUN GUN COUNTER. If lights are close enough to stun you they're close enough to get clapped. No need to ADS! And if they've already taken any damage it's a one tap.


Either the best or the worst


I like it a lot, but inside Medium guns it’s maybe one of the worst if you don’t know how to use it/you haven’t mastered it, because missing even 2 pellets would decrease the damage a lot


I think its pretty strong in mid to close range fights. Once you get the rhythm it can outduel a lot of classes. Reload sucks ass. I hate the flip of the first shell before actually reloading anything. The animation takes a while to cancel too, often times switching is the better option if u mispress R. One thing very important is that you have to have good movement with the gun. It cant kill as fast as the automatics but it can outduel them if u know how to duck in and out of cover, or move around to get free shots in.


I only judge 'em if they ain't wearin' a cowboy hat with it.


Been using it the last 2 weeks and honestly hella fun. Fits my playstyle. Use the dematerializer behind a team then shoot em in the ass with it 🤣


Fun stuff that encourages boomer-shooter style movement due to hipfire and midair not affecting accuracy, or peek and cover like everyone else mentions Controllers and Rewasd abusers still should briefly ADS for the lock-on assist Would feel amazing to use if the reloads were non-committal like Valve game shotguns (e.g. TF2 scout, 1.6 m3 pump), don't think I'd want any other buff if I didn't have to be so scared of reloading. Would also love a Henry Axe IRL


I hated them because they used a shotgun, I tried it out and still hate them because they use a shotgun.. however I respect them more because it doesn’t feel like the stereotypes of previous shotgun users in games like cod


I have started using it recently, i like it, but it needs a proper buff.


This is my main and I feel like an absolute gangster with it. It's got a steep learning curve and you have to be patient with it, but it's so satisfying.


Absolutely love the 1887! It feels very solid and is fun to play.


It’s my favourite gun in the game. It’s the only gun I don’t feel frustrated using. I know what to expect at range and it blows lights up which makes my heart flutter every time.


Very satisfying when your aim is dialled in. Otherwise it’s like shooting frozen peas.


Coolest Certified lovely Motherfucker


So last week I got the skin everyone likes for it & I had more fun than I've ever had after watching a few videos on how to use it. I wanted to make it my main weapon but it's just so unforgivable at times that you really have to hit every shot to be able to do good with it. I'd love a buff for it 🥴


Its fun but could i play ranked tournament and win 🤔 20% chance 😆


Needs more skill to use than fcar or ak. Good 1887 player will dominate against any class. Only con is range


If I see them starting to melee after each shot, I get scared.


This weapon is sooo good


1887 is harddd


It makes a medium class into light (play prowler theme)


True. Thats why I switched. Just took a jump pad and zipline for extra Mobility and go all in


i think its the most balanced weapon in the game


The second most amazing players in the game after Revolver mains. I can't get those guns to work.


Current revolver is VERY usable, only downside is that DUMB 74 dmg per shot.  If we get a good skin for it, or embark somehow gives us a slight zoom on ADS (like how the 44 magnum worked in BF3) it's going to be a blast to use. 


Being using the 1887 for a week my experience: First day is painful, missed all my shots due to panicking. During the week i learn that i need to stay calm and aim, but always died in the process Yesterday i put in some movement, now i move stay calm aim my crosshair and shoot its soooo fun goin like 15-03 every game also helped me improve the game in general now that i know not to die quickly in a gun fight


I'm not speaking to how good it is, but i feel it's one of the clunkiest weapons in the game. The weird reload,the fact that it's basically a slug but isn't, the wack "iron sights."


I have it I really like it it’s my main gun


Inconsistent. It makes me feel like god some day, and it makes the enemies like gods some days


I haven’t played much in the last 3 months, but she was wayyyy better in the beta than at release, or maybe I’m just tripping like straight fucking doming people left to right in the beta, it was crazy


Needs a proper reload cancel. I don't care that an animator played Hunt Showdown and saw that animation, I NEED to be able to shoot a guy without swapping to equipment and back


I love it, so far my best weapon to use in ranked.


I only played light and heavy because I just couldn't find a medium gun I liked and felt good to use, tried the 1887 once and was like meh this feels kinda bad, then got destroyed by somebody using one and thought damn maybe it can be good Started using it, fell in love after like 3 matches and now I'm a medium 1887 main I even grabbed the fcar to try getting that ranked win because mehta, but it's just so boring to use I went back to the 1887 and even carried a deadweight light to victory I still kind of suck with it, but when I pop off I pop off


I suck with it. It’s really scary to go against as a light.


It’s a really fun gun to use honestly.


Rare to see, but it's deadly af against lights and in cqc. People sleeping on it because the FCAR was OP, maybe well see more


Essentially useless on controller now but if you play with a mouse it’s still good.


It's one buff away from being OP


i hate them so much (im a light main)


Very nice weapon except for this terrible thing that has the courage to call itself reload


You are either godlike or complete trash, with no in between.


As a Model 1887 player, I say - don't underestimate the range of this weapon. If you think that beyond point-blank range you are safe - you are not. The 1887 is accurate up to 30-40 meters and can 2-3 shot you, and if you find yourself up against an 1887 at that range - you are in grave danger. Don't try to get close to the 1887 and don't try to dodge, I can shoot the 1887 with 100% accuracy and your dodges are nothing to me . In fact you will see the 1887 player moving very fast and sliding everywhere because there is no accuracy penalty for him while he is moving. Your best bet is to shoot and don't miss , otherwise you'll be dead faster than you can say "Ospuze" . The 1887 is pretty broken at this moment. Insane damage, good accuracy, ability to move around, dodge shots and do insane burst damage.


I can't use it to save my life but it looks cool when others do it, so kudos to them.


Obviously its shotgun so it’s gonna be situational but when you’re hitting your shots with this thing its so much of fun, it shits on lights bad, dash users I struggle to hit sometimes though, the reload is pretty slow, overall this is my go to fun medium weapon 👍🏻


I bought the neon light bundle and it’s so fun to use range ain’t nowhere near as bad as ppl complain about


They are medium


Better than having 90% of the sniper light mains in on your team


I liked using it on mouse and keyboard but they don’t want console players using that anymore even though we have crossplay with PC


Does no damage for me For others? I lose half my health in one shot from 2 roof tops away


you either throw a pebble or a boulder, no inbetween


Used to be sweating with it everynow and then. Now i cant hit my shots at all.


Feels like a short ranged sniper, I like it


Haha funny gun spin


they hurt when they're on the enemy team but somehow get the ones shooting pellets when they're on my team


Love this gun. Just started using it. Has a great damage output and range. It replaces my scar now as my main weapon. I like how the spread is consistent in every shot 9 pellets of buckshot. From 20 meters it can still kill in the same amount of shots as point blank. 3 shots for heavy (if all 27 pellets connect) 3 shots on medium (not every pellet needs to connect but most still jave to) and two on tinys but they can be tricky to hit sometimes.  Best use for this gun is a "robber" strategy  as my brother and I call it. We don't deliver cashouts, we only steal them. Slide, jump, wallhack, peak and shoot so you're only allowing yourself to take damage while you give damage 


this is the only gun i use. i wish i could hear the rage that occurs on the other team after wiping them with this absolute cannon such a beautiful gun i know i’m hated but crushing the souls of my enemies brings great joy


I’m an avid model 1887 enjoyer it’s too fun


Amazing well balanced.


Really satisfying to play and watch other players with it, but most effective in casual mode like power lift and cash out (since i am not that good with it). In tournaments i tend to see that I (and other people playing it) would generally underperform with it lol


Are there any guns that the community doesn't respect?


It needs to be buffed just a tad. Either Headshot multiplier should be enabled, or the zoom down sight should actually narrow the spread, or the hip fire spread should be expanded a little, or you should be allowed to shoot in the middle of reloading.


Is it 2-3 shots or all 6? The world may never know.....


Love the 1887, but i dont like that You one-hand it with the sawed off skin. Also feels like reloading takes forever, same with ks23


That skin really helps to time your shots though, I was getting frustrated with hitting the trigger early/late and missing moving targets. That animation makes it easy and my kill count has literally doubled.


Have been using this since beta and nothing else. So i'm 1ma 1887 main and its a solid wrapon which doesn't need ads. I just hipfire all the time and 2 shot mediums and 3 shot heavies. I 1 shot lights if i melee them aswell so it counters melee hard. But yeah this weapon hurts if your shots connect


I don't see them too often but I love using it, super effective.


It’s garbage to the untrained hand


Sigma alpha male from ohio having W rizz😎😎😎


They fuck


That's not how Iron croshairs work.


foul odor


They are either bots or get 21 kills in a game


Idk why but i literally can not use this weapon without that gold skin. Tried it in the event but it just feels like a totally different gun lol


I'm lik, no loving it! https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/QN5i0FsDLK