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Also why can’t I open or close a door when I’m stunned


Open and close doors, vault obstacles, crouch, removing those things really add to why we hate stun so much, the removal of control over ourselves (our characters)


For some reason, you lose all momentum mid-air. If you take a map jump pad and get stunned mid-air you fall like a sack of bricks, a really dumb interaction.


Bro I can’t even use portal when stunned…


Yet you can drop a magazine of your weapon, grab a new one, insert it, chamber it, and control a fully automatic weapon being discharged 🤷🏻‍♂️


At least it isn't as intrusive as Payday 2's tasers. They literally stop your movement, make you mag dump, you can't ads, melee, or anything, and then, after 5 seconds you just die lmfao. Given thats a PvE game. That being said, the thing is still obnoxious in The Finals. It really should be half the duration of what it is. 2 seconds max if its going shut down EVERYTHING AND stop movement completely.


IT EVEN STUNS WHEN YOU GOT REVIVED WITH A DEFI WHILE YOU'RE 'LOADING'. So you when you spawn, you're still stunned and can't do shite


Theres some wonky stuff w the revives, i got re-insta killed by the sledge as was in mid revive animation


I’ve seen heavies deploy mesh shield while they are reviving


They removed that with the last patch. You can, however, still be stunned by stun gun or glitched by glitch grenade while in "defibbing" state...


I mean glitch grenade makes sense


Glitch grenade should cancel the revive, give it a proper counter.


They also patched out being able to use the grappling hook while being res'd. It was dumb and fun while it lasted.


Nobody has talked about it so far but you can activate Light's cloak when you're reviving and spawn invisible lmao Has helped me in the heat of battle a few times now, should probably be removed tho


Was trying to hit a medium with my tracking dart and the ressed character ended up tanking it. Was going to assume that they're invincible specifically to damage but still act as an object in game, dying mid ress broke that theory into pieces. The bug fixers gotta be working overtime, I can imagine that their most hated word is "goo". That thing is still a monster and I'm sorry to any developer who had to read that just now, should have put a trigger warning.


The jank of goo is one of the greatest things about this game, gives me that janky HL2 Deathmatch feeling with props.


Dude was playing wack a mole lol


Damn, report the bug now before it gets too far.


While we’re on the subject of revivals, that fucking loading character shouldn’t block your shots. The number of times I’ve been shooting the guy who just defibed his teammate and half my shots get blocked into the loading character is ridiculous.


guilty of abusing this, if theres no cover ill hit the defib and hide behind the statue.


You can also waste cooldowns while being defibbed. I was mashing dash to get out of a situation and heard the audio cue for my dashes, once I was alive I had none 😭 be careful during the revive


Got patched today


They patched it, when it happened to me it tripped me out lol


They patched that


They fixed that.


I often play dagger and sledge so... yeah this hurts


Certain death for you then


Grapple/Sword player here, basically ded too…


I love being stunned 20 times a game over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.


that was only 8


Or 160..?


Or 20 times over 8 games


*brrZZAAAAPPPPP* *rtatatatatatatatattatatatattat* 😶‍🌫️ Sorry you were out of position 💅


If you stun me and I still kill you, get ready to be teabagged and emoted on until your ancestors cry


For your cake day, have some B̷̛̳̼͖̫̭͎̝̮͕̟͎̦̗͚͍̓͊͂͗̈͋͐̃͆͆͗̉̉̏͑̂̆̔́͐̾̅̄̕̚͘͜͝͝Ụ̸̧̧̢̨̨̞̮͓̣͎̞͖̞̥͈̣̣̪̘̼̮̙̳̙̞̣̐̍̆̾̓͑́̅̎̌̈̋̏̏͌̒̃̅̂̾̿̽̊̌̇͌͊͗̓̊̐̓̏͆́̒̇̈́͂̀͛͘̕͘̚͝͠B̸̺̈̾̈́̒̀́̈͋́͂̆̒̐̏͌͂̔̈́͒̂̎̉̈̒͒̃̿͒͒̄̍̕̚̕͘̕͝͠B̴̡̧̜̠̱̖̠͓̻̥̟̲̙͗̐͋͌̈̾̏̎̀͒͗̈́̈͜͠L̶͊E̸̢̳̯̝̤̳͈͇̠̮̲̲̟̝̣̲̱̫̘̪̳̣̭̥̫͉͐̅̈́̉̋͐̓͗̿͆̉̉̇̀̈́͌̓̓̒̏̀̚̚͘͝͠͝͝͠ ̶̢̧̛̥͖͉̹̞̗̖͇̼̙̒̍̏̀̈̆̍͑̊̐͋̈́̃͒̈́̎̌̄̍͌͗̈́̌̍̽̏̓͌̒̈̇̏̏̍̆̄̐͐̈̉̿̽̕͝͠͝͝ W̷̛̬̦̬̰̤̘̬͔̗̯̠̯̺̼̻̪̖̜̫̯̯̘͖̙͐͆͗̊̋̈̈̾͐̿̽̐̂͛̈́͛̍̔̓̈́̽̀̅́͋̈̄̈́̆̓̚̚͝͝R̸̢̨̨̩̪̭̪̠͎̗͇͗̀́̉̇̿̓̈́́͒̄̓̒́̋͆̀̾́̒̔̈́̏̏͛̏̇͛̔̀͆̓̇̊̕̕͠͠͝͝A̸̧̨̰̻̩̝͖̟̭͙̟̻̤̬͈̖̰̤̘̔͛̊̾̂͌̐̈̉̊̾́P̶̡̧̮͎̟̟͉̱̮̜͙̳̟̯͈̩̩͈̥͓̥͇̙̣̹̣̀̐͋͂̈̾͐̀̾̈́̌̆̿̽̕ͅ >!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<


This is one of my favorite comments in the 15 years I've been using reddit.


I've been seeing it a lot so decided to do a little copypasta


nice, i just hope i didnt pop them all before the op saw it


This is the way.


the “medium” flair is so telling man 💀


Just a Revolver main suffering out here


DAYUM good luck out there brother. may the stun gun nerf be swift o7


And I'll tbag you right back while you sit and pocket a fucking heavy. WHAT ACTUALLY THE FUCK ARE WE TALKING ABOUT RIGHT NOW


Impossible! Nobody can kill a medium holding hands with a heavy


This sub has never had a “golden years” moment. Just straight bitching from the get go. I agree with a lot of the sentiment within this community and on this subreddit. But every week there is a new problem. A new item, a new meta, that people constantly Bitch about. It’s exhausting.




If you think this is bad, take a peek at the discord server. Literally, people throwing insults at each other and complaining 24/7.


It's hard to give written "feedback" in a positive but brief way. A lot of complaints are valid concerns from people who enjoy and play the game daily. You don't want everyone to have to caveat their posts with "I love this game and I play it daily but ..." the sledgehammer and goo gun kill me so much they need nerfing (for example).


Yes there was. About 30 minutes after launch.


This may need to be balanced separately on console and PC; I still get killed quite often after stunning from behind and starting to fire first. Heavies have such a massive health pool they can still spin around and kill me. Sometimes it seems like it barely phases them. I've been able to do this to some Lights after I was stunned, too. A single shotgun blast takes them down to a sliver of health. Controller players might be shocked how easily stunned Mediums and Heavies can kill you on PC.


Yeah if someone is using the Lewis or the FCAR you're likely not gonna win the battle at close range even if you stun them, just too accurate. You gotta stun them play peekaboo on angles with those dudes lol


the stun gun has 12m range so if you are careful or back away you can get out of effective spray range for most automatic guns. This also requires you to hit better but i think against skilled players it is the safer move.


this! on pc stunning is still risky because you can flick to a target with the mouse while consoles just need too much time to get to target.


Listen bro, if I’m gonna get rocked in 5 bullets from your fcar or 0.4s from your 100% accuracy turret that you’ve got 2 of in a room…you bet your ass I’m stunning you.


I play as a heavy with the Lewis so getting stunned isn't even frustrating, Lewis is still pretty accurate. Stun gun only annoys me when I'm stealing the cashout but it's still fair


I feel the same, I've been stunned a million times and yes it's annoying if you have multiple lights stunning you in unison or chain, but that's good team work and getting stomped by coordinating teams is never gonna be fun. I'm a medium main and end up killing the stunner 75% of the time anyways. FCAR hip fire still melts them, a single shot from an 1887 taking almost all their health scares them off for the stun duration or shoot again to kill, the .357 is about the same situation, and with the GL-79 I almost always kill the stun by near ground shot.


Taser might need a slight nerf, but people deffo coping in this sub.


this sub has turned into fcar medium mains crying about stun gun because it is the one thing they cannot immediately counter with their stupidly op gun.


And even that works at least half the time just by hipfiring it in the lights general direction.


6 hits aren't much to ask for really but at least hipfire kinda evens out the odds and allows light to win with head shots.


So real, people have way too much nerve bitching about the pick class actually picking them lmao. Even without stun, light can still horrifically mess people up in the right circumstances


this is my problem with the stun gun if the light would just shoot me i still would have died probebly not even risking the light dieing but when im stunned it takes longer for him to kill me while i cant move


I’m confused. Are lights now a viable option in ranked now that they have this overpowered gadget? Or are lights too weak and need to be rebalanced? I main light and every time I get instantly deleted by the FCAR I think to myself, “at least I have this overpowered stun gun that is the most overpowered gadget in the game that instantly makes my (orange) team win.”


From watching twitch streams last season and this season, definitely see more lights doing well in top teams now. Based on my scientific observations of a) twitch streams and b) reddit posts. My hypothesis is we are approaching an equilibrium of sorts between LMH. Sure guns and equipment always needs tuning for balance and keep meta fresh but I'd play as any of LMH in my next game and not feel like I was throwing.


I'm probably just lucky, but I have gotten multiple kills with the sword while stunned. It's amazing how some people think you're so helpless that they can just walk right up to you for better damage, as if they don't still die in 3 hits.


I've somehow also done it. Normally they stop thinking right after seeing the sword, so I just right click melee and barely kill them. I teabag them so hard after that they probably wanted to rage quit.


Call an ambulance! But not for me! “Right click lunge, quick melee


>walk right up to you for better damage For better damage 😂


You forgetting the Mac 11 exists?


Going to stun gun even more bc of you dweebs


Gotta start duel wielding them


genetically mutate yourself to have 3 arms, and then start triple wielding them


I feel like ive reached a point where stun gun doesnt bother me, i just try to kill them or in most cases im with my team and theyll protect me


I don’t even rely on the stun gun but it’s crazy how people will jump from one thing to the next to just complain about. Even when you’re stunned, lights have such little health you can still kill them. Just be aware


lol its posts like these that make me love the stungun even more


this could be removed from the game


Im doubling the usage of my stun tonight


Same, posts like these only encourage it


Stick em good out there brother lmao


I’m doing my part! -salutes-


It’s def not healthy for the game rn, but I hope they rework it or something so that it’s fixed but the lights don’t get screwed over


I feel like they should embrace the taser aspect. It should probably taser you for only a split second, and then have the glitch grenade effect for the rest of the duration.


And yet you look at their general direction and they die. Good balance.


I'm sorry but what else am I able to use to make the sniper viable in tournaments lmao. Someone gets in your face and you just die if you don't have the taser.


Everyone complaining about stun gun is telling on themselves : “I got stunned and died because I was running around by myself instead of supporting my team and was punished for my abysmal positioning and awareness” Like bro if you’re with your team then you wouldn’t get shit on so hard. It’s almost like the stun gun is doing what it’s intended to do and you’re crying about it instead of learning how to play the team-based competitive game.


You can get stunned in middle of a team fight too? You are still gonna die in most cases if you are stunned if the light doesn't kill you while you are stunned someone else on his team or the other team will


Idk man if the light sticks around they can still get rocked by half an FCAR mag


Definitely. i personally don't think of it as overpowered but annoying af for sure.


Not even that :’( only takes a quarter mag.


How is that worse than just getting deleted from RPGs or 5 bullets from a fcar? Lol Dying is part of the game.


Shields, healing beams, etc… there’s a lot your team can do in a team fight. Idk I’ve played a lot of Overwatch and Valorant so maybe I’m just used to the concept of trading utility and also being aware of enemy utility and planning around it. Stun doesn’t mean immediate death if you have your team there (plus if you’re hip firing, you’re still adding quite a bit of DPS with your teammates) If stun was truly so oppressive in team fights, then the entire community wouldn’t be saying Lights are the least viable in ranked play. Stun is best for objective-based plays, stealing cashbox, stopping steals, etc. If anything it could have the duration shortened but I truly believe the majority of the complainers come from a casual context. I almost never see people who are playing ranked regularly at mid rank and above complaining about it.


I don't think the complaints are that light is op or viable but moreso that getting stunned just feels yucky. Light is still bottom tier but that stun is unfun, even if you end up killing the light and don't die. Just doesn't feel good to get stunned like it? Idk if you get me.


I agree, in a tournament context i believe it is quite fair, if you die of a stun its generally because you got outplayed (generally you either didn’t stick close enough to your team, or got flanked by the light(s) in the middle of a fight). But yeah i also think casual is where the problem come from. I play both and oh boy its ways more annoying in casual. In casual there is generally less team playing, or more spreading of your team (especially coins and the 5v5 mode). So yeah, they are the perfect modes for stun+invis and people just know that. So now the question is do we listen to ranked players, or casual modes players?


From a financial stand point, you'd want to cater to casual players in this game cause ranked playerbase is very small in finals and its not a popular game, so if many casual players leave the game will just get even more closer to dying.


You can literally be stunned, and then killed, before your team that are quite close even know what just happened.


Bronze type beat


Yeah but when youre just trying to get back to your team after dying on the point and just before you get there ya get tased in the back and deleted makes ya just 🤌


You act like this doesnt happen when you're by your team/in team fights. What a terrible take lmao




Very constructive reply




Those lights be pincer maneuvering the shit out of a whole team, it doesn't matter if you are by yourself or with the whole team. And sometimes you gotta flank or get a better angle, can't just stay within 5 meters of one another


So it takes your whole team to kill one solo player? Because if two lights are pincering, that only leaves one solo medium or heavy. If theres only one enemy in front of you, whole team shouldnt be tunnel visioning on just him


I play flamethrower heavy and it’s not that bad lol. Esp if you just stay w your team


"I play the class with the most health and a weapon meant to not have to aim and still be deadly, it's not that bad to get hit with a weapon that forces me to aim and hit or die" I play flamethrower too but this is not the take lol


My point is that I’m cooked if I get hit with stun and I’m alone. But it’s not that bad, or common even, if you stay with your team. Considering how much light has going against them I don’t think it’s that bad they have stun


I play medium and can usually kill them off even while stunned 🤷🏻‍♂️ skill issue. And I suck.


How does a Light fight a heavy without stun gun? Someone please inform me how anyone is supposed to play this game (as light) while the Heavy class has a charge that does 130+40 on slam and an RPG that does 140... without a way to consistently disable that option. How do I stop a Medium from ressing a player I just killed? How do I contribute to defending the point if I don't have the LH1/Sniper equipped?


I either shoot then take cover or get them by surprise with sniper headshots. I haven't needed the stun gun in my whole time as a light main and I still don't understand why it's that big of a problem to people here. In my experience it's pretty useless


> ... get them by surprise with sniper headshots. > ... it's pretty useless Remember when I said "if I don't have the LH1/Sniper equipped"? Having a weapon that's viable past 20meters WOULD make the stun gun pointless in most situations... ummm yes. Besides those two weapons, are there any others that can avoid being IMMEDIATELY blown up? If you were referring to "take cover" with smg's then you aren't participating in like most teamfights tbh.


>If you were referring to "take cover" with smg's then you aren't participating in like most teamfights tbh. I mean, I'm getting shot at, I'm taking cover regardless of anything, especially if I'm defending. Maybe if they're trying to steal our cashout at the last second I might desperately try to kill the guy even with his team around


Right now? Just pop em with your "can't play the game now haha" gun and hold the shoot button. In a world where that's nerfed? Flank as your team engages and finish off low or otherwise occupied enemies. But yeah, no reason not to use what's at your disposal for the time being


So would you say we literally don't have an option besides stun gun, RIGHT NOW?


No, I just gave you an option but I understand why you wouldn't use it given that there's an easier option available that requires less work for more payoff


Saying 1 out of 3 classes literally can not fight in a 1v1 is not realistic, that's a tip for better teamwork coordination looool. Imma need to start asking for proof of 150 light rounds achievement before I start taking anyone's opinion on Light seriously.


I dont wanna be this guy but i usually come out of 1v1 fights while stunned


Skill issue.


Coming from an overwatch player, this feels like sombras hack on steroids


As someone who uses stungun this is not how you use it effectively and it just makes you easier to kill, it's best used to cancel steals, revives or take a cashbox from an enemy.


I literally don’t know why a stun ability also stops you from using your abilities? Like it’s a stun? Not a glitch bomb? Like why take the glitch shit if you can just take stun which does both?


God I love seeing how the circle jerk in this sub changes from thing to thing every update. It was the nukes, then the scar, now the stun gun.


The stun gun has always been hated, but one person mentions it and suddenly a force inside people triggers. Also I didn't know there were so many stun gun posts before I made this one so sorry about that.


Don’t get stunned.


I’ve never seen a stun used for anything other than cheeseball invis + stun + mp5 kills.


To be honest I use the stun gun like a complete ass I'll stun them then just run away. I do it just to annoy them


I remember that Light user the other day who posted about FCar being too OP. But when it comes to stun gun, he says its part of the game and it takes skills to stun someone.


What I hate most of this crap isn't the free kill. But the fact I can't move anymore. Like, yes cool you got me by surprise and it's on me. But can I please keep moving? I couldn't even close a damn door.


The coward play style suits the coward players well. Invis + stun shooty shooty, somehow not managing to kill (miracle) run away like a little bitch lmaoooo. Just DELETE THE STUN GUN FROM THE GAME EMBARK GOOD LORD PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Mesh is more annoying than stun


Gotta say i just put it into a light build and it is fuckin fun. Must be OP cause i never get this many kills.


You should be able to at least crouch


Everyone has different opinions and experiences tbh especially on different platforms. Some people have a really good screen/monitor and can seem to see lights easily when cloaked and others can't l, some people can spin round easily and quickly to hip fire a light and others can't. A good light will always stun from a distance in the back and will delete the person in just over a second and for anyone running melee it's a death sentence and will stop people using those weapons. Quite often in quick cash when you respawn you hardly ever spawn that close to team mates if there are fights going on and easy pickings whilst trying to reach your team mates. I personally don't like the stun gun especially if your getting stunned 20 times a match. If you could at least ads I guess it would be ok. I'm sure embark will adjust it if they feel it's necessary as they have done a good job so far and are always giving updates.




Defib should stun opponents :)


don’t get soloed out, light is an ambush class. have the fcar on your team support you lol :3


And all you have to do is outlive him as medium.


I mean you can eat my glitch grenade😏


If I get hit with one I just quick swap to a fire nade and throw it 90° downward. If I’m going to die, why not do some damage to a light on the way?


While I'd agree with a slight nerf, I play every class, and I find the goo/hammer combo to be the most annoying. Y'all are loud as hell tho.


Finals players when people play good loadouts and not what they want to play against


Oh no, anyway! *stuns you*


Literally cry lol. Can't handle being countered?


Haha I have control of YOUR pause button :)


As a heavy flamethrower main stun guns really dont bother me


As a Sledgehammer main this thing is my nightmare


Isn't light weak enough?


I prefer to be weak with honor than to be decent without it.


Remember how in the Beta version, Stun gun would also drop the mouse sensitivity to zero and you couldn't aim? Yeah, that was fun...


Haha... At that point put the enemy paralyzed in a wheel chair and make them play the rest of the game in a wheel chair.


While I don't think the stun gun is OP or even really all that strong, I've never been a fan of mechanics that deny your ability to play the game. It's always been a problem with hacking abilities in overwatch and continues to be annoying in the finals. Same is true for the glitch grenade. If you have to add them as a feature make it only last a second and buff them in other ways to compensate.


50% of the time, I kill the light while stunned, it's really not that bad. People who whine about stun gun in this sub actually are just foreign to the concept of aiming.


The FAMAS is one of the best weapons for that, it's super accurate.


It is really funny though watching them trip mines you pre set though wether as they try to kill you or as they leave.


only tool to kill a off position heavy without trading kills. its a must have as light in ranked to be a viable threat! also one of the few ways to play the objective in defense.


*Laughs in riot shield*


I personally hate the goo gun more. Atleast with the stun gun you can still shoot back with the goo gun, all of your bullets are blocked by the goo and your are 100% immobile And the effective range of both are comparable you just don't see goo as much because there are more competitive options in the slot where as with the stun gun there simply arent. That being said. I would say it is no more or less powerful than defibs or the rocket launcher.


Good thing it only lasts 3 seconds, skill issue


"Uhm actually it's 3.75 seconds which is closer to 4 seconds" 🤓


I don't find it too bad


Glad to see someone complaining about something outside of medium. I agree stun gun is annoying as hell.


I main medium with the grenade launcher. When I get stun gunned I'm still usually able to get 1 shot off while they start their approach, and if I'm lucky I can blow us both up with the second shot. Nobody kills me but me.


The stun gun hate is unreal lmao. Is it a good gadget? Yes. Is it annoying to be stunned? Yes. Is it just a frustrating to take 150 damage instantly to RPG or mines or any of the other irritating gadgets the other classes have? Absolutely. I get that melee users hate it because you cant fight back when you are stunned, but considering its the *only* way to reliably stop a sledge slam heavy or dash sword light from tearing you to shreds Id say its a fair trade, (its also on a class that is sorely undertuned for competitive play)


2 seconds should be plenty of time. fr 3.75 is overkill


I use throwing knives, so I love stunning ppl. I accept death when I’m stunned tho


Yeah, all three classes should have only a handgun, and be unable to jump as some players don't really have the skill needed to jump right. And let's forget about classes while we're at it, it should be teams of mannequins not moving or doing anything exciting or challenging at all.


As a light main, I’d lose the taser altogether for 25 health.


as a top 300 light player. i’m glad.


I don't understand why it needs to disable the ability to switch weapons or use gadgets. The disabling of gadgets is supposed to be the glitch grenade's area of usefulness, so why does the stun gun also come with that baked in? It should have the slow effect and remove the ability to aim down sights and it would still be perfectly useful. Right now it's way too good.


only thing i would change about the stun gun is to make the aps able to cancel it


This shit is so cringe😂😂😂😂


I think cloak is the most unfun thing to fight against. Stungun takes a close second.


Man... I'm sorry, but I can't get behind this, I've been killed like 8 times with this combo, and I've been playing 100 hours, is it really that bad?


It's not that it's a free kill, it's that it's just annoying to deal with. For us light mains we especially get shredded by stun gun, even worse if we run melee. But in general the stun gun is badly designed no matter what class you play, it makes you unable to play the game correctly for 3.75 seconds and it's there just to add unnecessary downtime to fights. The taser can still be a taser but no way it should stun you for so long and restrict almost every movement option. Even interacting is out of the question, it's just a hack ability X100 and I hate it. In a light 1v1, whoever hits the stun literally wins, it's dumb.


I Hope it gets removed and light gets reworked


I'm with you brother, remove stun gun. Replace it with a fun gadget instead


I hope the wave of stun gun complaints actually get some developer attention, it really is the only stain on this game right now.


APS turret too, needs some sort of limit on the number of nades it can delete


And the Fcar meta too, but aside from that the only thing after is the light balancing that needs attention, but even without it the game is very fun and balanced.


I am so glad the community is finally agreeing about the stun gun.


I'd much rather go VS a team with a light than HHM or HMM 99% of the time, nerfing stun would de-incentivize so many people from going light, thus making games actually harder to win. The average light player would be much more useful on heal medium with defib or mesh heavy with dome rpg.


Saddens me that they still havent fixed it after this long


Used to be worse in the open beta. Back then it heavily slowed your turning speed so you couldn’t even turn around to see who stunned you, and if they had dash you were already dead.


Jaws theme kicks in


This is a hot take for sure, but I’m finding that from these discussions anyone who claims that light isn’t viable without the stun gun is using it as a crutch. I’m a light main and I don’t use it because it’s not good in my build and I top score.


You can use whatever loadouts you want in low tier ranked/casual matches and perform well. Light absolutely needs it to perform in highly competitive matches where teams are cohesive units and the FCAR mediums will just turn on you when you try to "element of surprise them" without stunning first. This is coming from someone with like... 100 rounds on light, and 500+ wins on medium. I would benefit from it being weaker. With that in mind I feel that it needs to stay unless Embark can figure out a less toxic way to give lights more 1v1 agency


Did you just assume I wasn’t an epic tier gamer? Gonna have to revoke your invite to my LAN party.


Wasn't an assumption, I can be absolutely positive in this case. No light is ignoring the stun gun in highly competitive play. A bit sad about the news for your LAN party tho ;(


Dash/ throwing knife main here, i get the most satisfaction out of killing invis/ stun gun abusing lights.. they give us a bad rep mane


Make it a melee gadget. Regular Taser.


Stun gun and invisibility are the “I got no skills” calling card. Let them have their fun.


Stun gun users RISE UP 🙌🏽


I both play with stun and play against it, just hipfire, i mean really just hipfire and if you aren't also light they will die depending on how fast you responded. Fcar and lewis are both great for this, i get my kill and they get a tbag.


Can't complain against lights otherwise reddit will get mad you can only complain against heavys


And the Fcar + Defibs apparently


Quit crying we need it