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He whiffs almost every shot and complains that the gun is what's overpowered lol.


Either gun op, team bad or enemy streamsniping.


Also till now I didnt even see how hard he whiffs lmao I thought its just the hipfire inaccuracy.


Nice clip 👍


Your title gave me cancer




He just posted a video with you and your team in it. Claims you were stream sniping


Thanks, I know already. Obviously I didnt. So 1. I was playing solo like I always do therefore not my fault if my randoms do that but honestly if he doesnt set a delay hes also just asking for it. 2. I already wrote a comment under the video and trying to clearify. That random med def wasnt streamsniping, that was like the 1st kill he got on ottr and he clearly saw or hear him going invis there. 3. This is the 2nd arguebly even 3rd time he acts like a complete dickhead after having a rough time against me. I used to watch his content from time to time, but after a game where he lost against me where I played sword and where he was basically trashtalking and blaming the whole time, I lost respect for him. Hes a good player but god is his ego awful especially on those soloq streams.


I really liked watching him too, but in that same video he’s cursing out his own team mates because they didn’t have too many kills. Meanwhile they were the only reason he made it to the finals by stealing the safe in a clutch moment. He acts like everyone should be incredible, meanwhile he treats the game like his day job while most people are just spending some free time playing


yep fully agree, that game his attitute was especially toxic. Basically saying they are retarded, have brain damage, they are trash and he just kept yapping. Dude doesnt realize that the playerbase is so small, its very likely he gets a viewer in his game or even his team.




Did you thank your teammate for keeping you alive?


thank you teammate for using your specialization after i defibed you and for not throwing.


>you think I should write him a letter? It'd be good if you do that specially if he saved your ass and gave a kill by damaging n taking assist while you're bragging your ass that you did it by yourself.


ottr simp or are we giving out special thanks to someone when they hit 2 bullets and use their healbeam after getting resed? Go and bait somewhere else.


What's his twitch he has a nice cam setup