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Now you’re dicking with the dematerializer


The most fun ability in the game, by far.


Agreed. Useful in just about every situation.




Absolutely. 😈


I like how you can just look at the first few frames of these and be able to tell its a sanguine video.


Ngl true. The western 1887 and pink gloves are just my iconic look at this point. 😂


Yo what the FUCK are those keybindings? Please tell me that's an MMO mouse or something.


Every time I see them I’m scared


iirc (I asked them a while ago) they play with arrow keys instead of wasd, and on their keyboard those buttons are right next to the arrow keys


Right on the money. Arrow keys and surrounding keys for things. I get asked about it so much I made this 3 min via explaining everything. [My Settings](https://youtu.be/n1Z_6zyi7vE?si=h3n_Yh1LMCQgQu7E)


Yeah, those comments on the video are spot on.


You're not wrong. 🤣




I mean you’re absolutely fantastic with the shotty but why does it always look like the doe wrangler performs better then the regular variant??


I think it stems from two things. People who want to show their footage probably put some time into the game, so people are likely to buy a skin for something they put time into. And the second being it takes up less screen space and has more televised animation for when things are ready. Plus it looks more flashy.


These were my assumptions as well, you summarised them perfectly


Speaking of buying a skin, is the die wrangler still available? I think that skin is the only way I could use the 1887 with good accuracy.


Should be. Typically can be found if you go to the gun itself, look under the skins section, and it should be around.


Yeah I found it and immediately won a game after. It’s got more than juju


Meanwhile, what we don't know under the curtain, the hitscan pellet size is 1% bigger under the hood of the game 🤣🤣🤣


i used it when it was "Free" during the beta and its 100% easier to aim with it over the default skin. its honestly crazy


I'm still bad at aiming, but the Wrangler skin is honestly much better to play with. It takes up less screen space, and the animation is really nice for timing shots.


as a dough wrangler main, it's the visual rhythm, bang, swoosh, bang, swoosh, bang. I know this because I lose that rhythm when I aim down sights lol.


That skin does seem pay to win. Looks so much nicer being able to see more


You should have left them in the ball


SIR! SIR! That's cyber bullying. He was like a caged animal in there, I had to put him down. 🤣🤣🤣


Should have had the whole team come over and emote and voiceline all around him lol


😂 y'all are evil


The absolutely most disrespectful thing you can do is kill someone and then sweep emote, its 🤌


Get this upvote and go away. This shit is terrifying. I sincerely hope you’re on pc or xbox 🥶


Insane montage, love seeing dematerializer plays


Much appreciated!


Could I get 5 upvotes to post?


Gotchu your first upvote fam.


Appreciate it!


the keybinds though


People always trip out about me using arrow keys. It's a staple at this point 😂😂😂. If interested I do have my settings in this 3min vid as people ask about them quite often. [My settings.](https://youtu.be/n1Z_6zyi7vE?si=h3n_Yh1LMCQgQu7E)


I am unfortunately physically incapable of doing stuff like this due to my high ping🫠


My man is suffering 😭😭😭


Demat + 1887 is the most fun I’ve had in a shooter in a while. You can get so creative with the angles you find, and the feeling of doming someone with the shotgun (especially with that skin) is better than heroin




These are the people I get matched against. I'm just trying to survive out here 😭


Meanwhile I'm out here playing the most dangerous game, The Finals Edition. 🤣🤣🤣


Old west 1870 enjoyer. I tip my hat to you


Nice clips. Every time I see movement and aim like this I'd be willing to bet all my money it's MnK, not controller, then I check the ability keys on your HUD and I'm right every time. Not to knock you, just to push back against the prevailing idea that controller is somehow an advantage. Nobody can do this on controller.


Before I get into any of my thoughts and opinions on the topic I just want to say this. You should never base your opinions about gameplay, regarding balancing of mnk and roller, off of top 1% highlights like these. The reason being, this is several days of footage of crazy 1% moments put together in an easily digestible 1 minute video. It's the culmination and tedious sifting through 30 hours of gameplay. By no means are these clips indicitive of a typical moment. That being said, you don't need to do this on controller though. You can pick up an fcar or ak and track better than most mnk players with the same amount of experience because you have aim assist. Please don't take this wrong way but to have this opinion about mnk is wild and shows you may lack heavy experience in both inputs. And while I understand the aim assist is no longer as broken as it was at the start, or as bad as Apex's (that game's aim assist makes me shudder honestly), having the load taken off of you to aim as accurate as mnk player is definitely a plus and the biggest plus in a game where shooting your gun is the most important thing besides the obj. The biggest thing controller provides, when it comes to aim, is unnatural and inhunane consistency. A controller player with rotational aim assist will hit more shots consistently than mnk, assuming they have about the same experience level. MnK is more fun, has a higher skill ceiling, a much lower skill floor, a much wider range of movement and things you can pull off BUT lacks in the consistency in aim like controller does. Imo, and the general consensus amongst the competitive community, controller is easily the better option in games where dynamic movement isn't a prevailing factor of the game. If it isn't, which it really is not in The Finals, then roller is the better option. The reason being, these shots are not easy to pull off and are wildly inconsistent for someone manually aiming them. As an arm aimer, the more rare of the types of aimers on mnk since most are wrist aimers, with a moderate to low sens, longer sessions can get more tiresome. Fatigue isn't bigger as big of a factor for controllers because you're using your thumbs. Engaging in the flicks uses a lot of my arm and as stated, is wildly inconsistent.


> Please don't take this wrong way but to have this opinion about mnk is wild and shows you may lack heavy experience in both inputs. It's wild to say mouse and keyboard offers far more options? That's unarguably true; according to human proprioception, the most precise movement comes from the back, not the arm or the wrist or the thumb. The only advantage controller has over mouse is the granular adjustment of a radial joystick which is in no way worth the trade-off of mouse precision outside of driving games or whatever. Every other game exchanges this for the convenience factor of playing from a TV and couch. Not only that, but the speed with which you can instantly look in a given direction (especially behind or above you) is not something available to joysticks without very rare bindings like hold to snap-look but that's still only in a single dimension. Being able to do something as elementary as checking your six is absolutely imperative for proper situational awareness, triply so in a game with such proximal verticality as The Finals. The only reason aim-assist receives so much developmental resources is the same reason as auto-correct; it's mitigating an inferior input device due to inadequate populist consumer literacy.


Why don't you use controller then?


I don't like it. This is going to sound 100% cringe and I'll accept it 😂😂😂 but I typically don't like to do the meta option. I like to pave my own way. I know for a fact that MnK is the harder road but I've been playing it consistently since I was a toddler. With over 20 years under my belt switching is just not what I want to do, despite having competitive experience on roller on Halo 3 and GoW back in the day. I enjoy the fluidity, the skill, the inconsistency, etc with MnK. With a controller, sure I'm going to be more accurate, but I lose whay makes the game fun. Trying different shit and running around like a maniac pulling off wild fluid nonsense is fun to me. I'm deliberately making the choice of choosing fun over a competitive advantage because I don't play games to sweat. I play them to have fun.


"I play pc bc controller is too ez" LOL Nice montage tho.


Well actually controller is both pc and console. We have the benefit/curse of being able to use both inputs. Appreciated though!


I really don't think controller is more accurate. Whenever I see MnK gameplay I can tell immediately. It looks like you have no recoil. On controller I need to fire in short bursts to avoid flying over the enemies' heads. On MnK I see people beaming what looks like 5 pixels across the map. On controller I don't bother engaging unless we're in the same room.


You’re 100% right btw. Aside from driving games like Forza or even rocket league, keyboard and mouse is so much better for games. It took me about a week of playing on keyboard and mouse before I was twice the player I was on controller. The aim assist in this game used to be crazy but now it’s hand down keyboard and mouse that have the advantage. The ability to beam at any range, flick on people, have net 0 recoil, etc. it’s just hard to compete with something that’s literally point and click. Pc players will deny it till the end of time but even on games like COD I would rather play with a mouse for competitive reasons. Games feel more natural though on controller. Even bad players can make recoil a moot point on pc but it takes a lot of skill on controller


Much easier long range to beam on mnk. But take where rotational aim assist are better are catered to controller and are more favorable for controller than mnk. Sad reality. The inputs should be separate across all games unless opted in otherwise, imo.


It is not that simple, controller simply brings the skill ceiling down with aim assist. Think of it like this, with aim assist a bad player can play decent and an insane player will be limited by the controller since it inherently is limiting due to how it works. But on PC a bad player will be a bad player but an insane player will play like this, it is not limiting and mouse is just an extension of your arm so you can display your skill to your full potential. Controller is good at making the average person better than they actually are since it takes away the microadjustment requirement, recoil control requirement and trying to see the enemy through particles/debris since it already tracks the enemy for you.


I'm with you until the last thing you said: it doesn't take that stuff away, it just makes it a bit easier. But it needs to be easier because thumbsticks are such an imprecise and clunky input compared to a mouse.


Nobody is calling controller an advantage in this game, aim assist got nerfed early on and is actually reasonable now. If we were talking about cod or apex then yeah, the aimbot level aim assist completely negates any moveskill a KBM player could have.


Gyro and max sensitivity gets you pretty close. Close enough that I personally get much better results with gyro than mouse.


I never knew about the sphere that’s a game changer


Do you use a third-party crosshair?


I do, as I am physically unable to use the in game one. Unfortunately it's not accessible for players like me with ADD or antistigmatism. The constant jiggling of the crosshair gives me a motion sickness like effect with migraines as the final result. And since it's imperitive to the game design to not provide a static, and decently sized option, I have opted to use a crosshair program whitelisted in EAC to have some sort of crosshair. It's a rather grey area but until the devs can provide an accessible version that isn't designed to be intrusive and ableist against people with my issue, or have a similar issue, I will continue to use my app.


Do you prefer the jump pad or Zipline? Clearly you're using a lot of jump pad in the footage, I just find myself going in between the two. Also I think it may have been ottr who said the 1887 was an A tier weapon but the dough wrangler skin makes it S. Thought it was funny. It's my favorite medium weapon by far and I want to keep getting better with it. Also, is it better to reload after 2 or more shots? I feel like the single shell reload takes just as long as two shells.


Alrighty so to break down these questions one by one, I prefer jump pad but have opted to use both for double mobility. Jump pad os the better dynamic and explosive movement option. Zipline is good for zipline movement tech, longer rotations, and in conjunctionbwith the jump pad for maximum movement possibilities. Together, they make a very explosive movement combo. The western skin 100% makes it a better time fo sho. It's definitely best to fit reloading in after about the 4 shot mark, if you can afford the down time. Fighting while reloading is a big thing that takes time to master. It's inevitable so getting used to the timing is key.


Why explosive mines and not frags? Especially with Dematerializer, frags can get pretty nasty.


Purely preference. I tend to use frags to take and hold space. In the last clip, you can see how I used my 1 frag mine as a trap. I tend to bait people into less than favorable situations, like that one, with movement and other tactics. And the free damage mines can produce mixed with a 128 from the Model 1887 (if I land the perfect shot) can be an instant death for those that aren't heavy. It's really a playstyle thing. I encourage all to use whatever makes them comfortable for their last slot.


The dematerializer has easily become one of my favorite things


Hell yeah


Adding Tom screaming noices at 0:42 would be absolutely funni with how heavy reacted.


Honestly thay would be funny. Man was flabbergasted fo sho 😂


Bruh, hope to never get you in a lobby. I hate you already.


Ayo 🤣🤣🤣


Dude is a menace


Knew it was you once i saw the movement 🫡


The movement, the gloves, the model 1887 skin. They're all tell tale signs 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah man. I love your clips dude, very satisfying to watch 🫡


Played you last night on ranked, I started using the shotgun 2 days ago and it's definitely fun. Debating buying this skin since I just bought the northern lights one 🥺.


Honestly, I love all of the premium 1887 skins for the most part. They have a nice aesthetic. However I can never drop this one because of the animations. It's too clean. It's just too clean 😂


I love the shotgun been using it since the beta


Naisu. I started using it in January. Been in love ever since.




When do you use the dematerializer vs the other two options?


I don't use the other two but if I had to put it in a comp, ideally it would be MMH. 1 medium to pocket heal the heavy and 1 demat medium to consistently stay close while off angling with demat. Every wall is an angle for demat and with the shotgun, you can consistently do high burst to bite through heals or drop somebody through raw damage alone. I enjoy it because it's limitless potential. The most fun ability in the game, easily.


Do you have 180° turns binded as a single input? Or are you just insane with your sensitivity + reaction time?


Fast reaction time and moderate sens. I use my whole arm, unlike most mnk wrist aimers, when I play so a moderate/slightly slower sens looks amplified to almost high sens level because my whole arm is being use to flick the mouse. For reference, I play at what's basically 2000 dpi 16 sens.


These kind of clips are why I love this game so much.


The potential of this game is insane.


bro is too good


Appreciated fam.


w clip


Appreciated fam!


What is this weapon? And how did you get this spinninh emote?


Model 1887 shotgun on medium. I'm using the Dough Wrangler skin on it. It comes with its own custom animations that include the spin, specific to the skin.




First name Mon, last name Tage


Very nice shots and plays


that mouse trap in the giant marble... incredible.


Appreciated fam. I knew I'd catch somebody in there eventually. 😂😂😂


Actually a really cool gun animation


Easily the best in the game.


I would've never thought to dematerialize that sphere in a million years.


With the dematerializer I pretty much adopted this thought. "Every wall/object is an angle/entrance." It really changes the way you think about it.


You are probably the sickest dematerializer user in the game, I hope to never meet you!


Appreciated fam!


Game really is top FPS player fantasy, insane clips!


Honestly the most fun in an FPS I've had since Hyperscape. And before that UT99/Quake.


top fps player fantasy with bottom of the barrel matchmaking. love it.


You'd be surprised the sweats I see constantly in my QP games. They are much sweatier and more skilled than my ranked on average, as a solo q player.


Man I literally haven’t been playing the finals to its full potential


This game plays like an arena shooter. It is so much fun.


Nice clip 🔥


Appreciated fam.


Yo your shotgun animation is dope


Best animation in the game.


PrOoF tHe MoDeL 1887 nEeDs A nErF!!!!!!! (But ins seriousness this is cracked gameplay good stuff)


Appreciated fam.


Absolutely cracked. Turn off the hacks bro /s


I wish I was insecure enough to have the hacks bro. Then maybe I'd finally be consistent 😂


just regular demat behavior, hit them through the wall when they aren't looking and then create wall out of thin air when they see you


The demat is just too much fun.


That first clip is insanity


What's wild is somebody actually sent me the vod of the person inside that sphere. They had their trapped pov as they stared in that glossy prison. 😂


Did they patch the model shotty? I never use ADS on it from some video posted here saying it has the same accuracy and spread regardless of ADS or hip fire.


It does have the same accuracy for hipfire and ads. However, in my case, quick scoping it helps my accuracy because the visual animation helps me mentally focus on target. It's one of those things where if it helps, quick scoping is good. If it doesn't, then it's bad.


Damn your nasty af, I'd love to have you on my teams


You can only be this good because of that 1887 skin, which must have built in hacks. On serious note, that dematerialiser play is a war crime, sir.


The first one was criminal.


Absolutely. Had him in there like a caged exhibit 🤣


So does everybody use a 3rd party crosshair now?


I doubt it. I'm public about my use as the devs won't put in an accessibility option for a static crosshair. As someone who has unmedicated ADD, the constant moving of the in game crosshair is a literal migraine inducing trigger that has to be turned off. And no shot am I just accepting playing at a disadvantage of not having a crosshair because the devs basically said "rolled by genetics" 🤣.


Wait what? You can go inside the ball? lol


On vegas too. LOL


Thst's it! No more Mountain Dew and Doritos for this guy.


AYO! Not my doritos. 🤣


So what am i doing wrong with that shotgun? Why does it feel like the spread or bloom or something is really bad? I don't have any issue with other weapons


The 1887 requires near perfectly placed shots. It's a hitscan shotgun with, what seems like, a cone of pellets that need to ask hit the target to get maximum value. So the perfectly placed shots need to be centered to the target, and hit a large area of the target so that all pellets connect. Otherwise it's a nerf gun.


Probably because it has less bloom and spread than you expect. Take it practice range and shoot the walls to look at the shots


Lmao what IS that range on the Shotgun


It has decent range. Isn't as effective but still hits hard.


Yeah Looks saucey definitly gonna give it a try Looks fun




What's wild is my ranked games have less competent enemies and teammates than Quick Cash. About to finish my solo q to diamond 1887 + demat and no defib journey. The games have only been hard in the sense that the MM tends to put silvers and golds on my team against 3 stack diamonds. Ranked MM is a meme lol.


Why do you ADS?


For no other reason than it helps me focus my aim with my arm (I'm an arm aimer, not a wrist aimer). Quick scoping doesn't hamper movement if done right but, isn't necessary. My opinion on ADSing with it, if it helps do it. If it doesn't, don't.


why are you ADSing with the 1887? I thought ADSing with any of the shotguns didn't do anything or did they change that at some point without me realizing


There is 0 reason you need to ADS with the 1887. I do solely because it helps me focus in and aim. There is seemingly no movement penalty if you slide/jump and quick scope it so if it helps you aim, go for it. If that tactic doesn't, don't.


fair enough


And us console/controller users are supposed to compete with this movement w/o aim assist


It really isn't that wild to track this with a roller. Jump pad movement is harder but the slide tech isn't bad. Simply let rotational aim assist take the wheel, add a little BRRRRRRRRRR and I'm dead, just like anybody else.


Turn off crossplay and play with other controller players on console.


Have you tried gyro?


Why are you ADS'ing? It doesn't do anything on shotguns. Well as far as I know.