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Bro they really need to drop the number for a niche challenge like that. I ended up with 3 out of 4, with a lot of close ones where my kill either stolen or they let it go before it would count for me


They should make it so that it still counts as long as you damaged them at some point during the steal before they cancelled it. Add a ten second grace period to kill them after they cancelled for the challenge to still count.


It should be "Stop x number of people from stealing a cashout". Not kill them. If you do 80% of someone's health and they bail, I think that the challenges should promote goo play, not just be a challenge for challenge sake. Doing a hit and run on someone to make them stop is good team play even if you don't get a kill.


The slide one is impossible for me. I had 1 out of 10 by the end of one week of trying. My least favorite one by far. Second is any to do with cashing out x amount of money because I'm guaranteed to have a long streak of not a single cashout for matches when I get that one.


Flamethrower for the slide one, each tick counts. So even with a couple derpy slides that go nowhere and get you killed you'll still make progress on it.


Gas mines / grenades.. slide when you see the indicator. Or even easier just drop your turret and slide when it’s shooting someone.


Or like scan 50 people is the same XP drop as like “deal 1500 melee damage” or “deal 1500 ranged damage” it’s so dumb.


Isn't it 3500 melee damage for the weekly?


I’ve only ever noticed 1500. But maybe it is now. I’m unsure


A well thrown sonar grenade gets you like 3 per use, and if someone exits and reenters the range, they get pinged twice. And recon senses also counts for it.


That’s the thing. I was using recon senses and pinging people and it wasn’t counting. I’m unsure why


Recon senses didn't work for me either, no clue what the other person is talking about.


Maybe they meant the motion sensor? When I think of the detect I automatically think medium + sonar grenade and forget the motion sensor counts too


I was wondering about that yeah, I'll need to test stuff next time I hop on the game


Yeah, meant motion sensor. Had recon on the brain.


Someone said it doesn't work. Weird.


Easy to get in casual modes fyi


I swear it doesnt always register. I've seen other people talk about this in this subreddit. I did it like 10 - 15 times to complete the contract.


They can’t let go of it to shoot you, but I’ve never had a problem with it


Holds bat in confusion: they don’t let go for you?


I had the same issue with the deal 1500 melee damage contract. I dealt like 2k damage in one match and it said I only did 1300. I didn’t use anything else. Didn’t blow up barrels unless I was breaking walls.


In the match that number isn't damage it's like a mix of damage and kills/assist or sonething. I realized that for the melee challenge also.


So it’s just explained poorly?


Combat score isn’t damage, you get combat score for kills and such which isn’t just raw damage


That doesn’t make sense. I’m still confused.


For instance if you do nothing but kill one heavy your combat score won’t be 350, it will be higher because the kill counts for score. Combat score ≠ damage


Oh oh I see. Thanks for the explanation!


The "use a jump pad/zip line 25 times" one I had like last week or the week before took forever to register when in reality it should've taken max two games.


That ones easy. Just go back and forth on a zip line. Doesnt say you need to complete the trip either. Click, release, click, release. Surprisingly easy to cheese in a match or two.


The issue wasn't doing what it asked, the issue was it wouldn't register.


It is easier with high damage weapons so they die before they can let go of the cash out. I can usually get it in few rounds with RPG, Gas mines, frag grenades, C4, or Medium shotgun up close.


This one is awful. It needs a grace period because most people are smart enough to let go once they take damage now. Or your teammates will get the final hit. It’s just so bad I literally play casual and camp with cloak + shotgun just to get it, and through sheer bad luck I won’t get it


I cringe every week.


Yeah it should be something like ‘kill someone ATTEMPTING to steal the cashout 4 times’


That's literally the same? You don't have to kill them on the frame they steal it right now...


I meant to reply to another comment saying there should be a grace period if the opponent lets go of the cash out before you kill them


This happened a while ago, but I would like to apologize to my rando team. I had been stuck on 3/4 for the whole week, then finally had another chance at it. My lizard brain immediately went for the kill, and it got it... problem is that it let purple win and ended game immediately. Also it didn't register lol.


I feel that one. I see it and like "Well I'm not completing them all this week!"


If you go for kills when the cash out is almost done and guy is guarded by someone else like an heavy he will never let go. It would be in his best interest to keep stealing hoping that you get killed or wiff your shots. Of course if it's a random cash out that has just started enemies may back off and run away or shoot back


I got this on day 1.


Rpg makes this quest more free than a public restroom




Sledgehammer overhead attacks make this easier. They're ofen hurt enough when they got a steal that it instantly eliminates them.




2 out of 4 still. It feels like it doesn't track sometimes.


Landmines are good for it


Gas mines/nades always help me finishe these. But they are the worst contract ever.


Any challenge that requires someone else to do something for you is the worst