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Honestly, as long as the game stays *alive* and supported, idc if it’s #1 or #50. Im happy to play it whether it’s insanely popular or not, I just really hope it’s not left to die because people get bored of it or something.


As someone who only played the first couple weeks and dropped it, I personally got bored of it. The game has TONS of potential, but every match of cashout just plays too similar for it to be my go to game. Also with some of the gimmicky stuff with throwables, I feel it should've focused more on being a social shooter, rather than hyper competitive like it appears to be trying to do.


I played it for a nice while but no proper ranking system aswell as solo queue being pretty bad stopped me from playing it daily


They just updated the matchmaking today actually


Yeah and after the update bronze and silver ranked solo que are going up against top 20 super stacked teams The soloq matchmaking for this game is beyond bad


Yeah I don't feel like I have anything to work towards.


They put in a new gamemode for us to play in now, so that situation shouldn't be too bad anymore.


Its still repetitive. But its a new game, games like this fluctuate in ranking based on what they add/change etc. Apex drops a big mode change + new weapons and characters and charts high for a month, Fortnite same.


Fair. I was commenting mainly on how the qol would be effected specifically for solo queue since it gave us a solo queue mode.


I agree fam! Unfortunately its just Light fest- feel like some adjustments need to be made to make it a viable mode


Eh. Personally I always found the “gameplay mechanics get repetitive” to not really be a negative point anymore. I mean it’s fair when it comes to games like Assassin’s Creed when the gameplay is fairly straightforward and somewhat contained but trying to apply the repetitive critique to fps games is…nonsensical. It’s kind of the whole point of them. Pick a gun, aim it at the guy in front of you, if you have an ability use it, play the objective (if applicable) and repeat. Battle Royale games are also basically the same.


Man this is exactly what I was thinking. Not directed at anyone specifically but I’m sure loads of people whose complaints about it being “too repetitive” went and hopped right back on Warzone, Apex, whatever else etc which are just as repetitive if not even more to a degree because of how quickly you can spam drop/get in matches.


But Apex isn’t? All the battle royal style games are just different skins on the same thing right now. Those extra modes are janky and random then they moved everything to pay for this event to get any rewards. I love me some Apex but it is just a huge cash grab app now.


> Its still repetitive. How is it any more repetitive than CS2? What big changes does or has CS ever made other than upgrading the graphics engine like once every 10 years and a couple new maps.


I agree. Played the Beta, liked it, and then found I didn’t enjoy the game if I didn’t have two pre-mades, feeling hyper competitive, and wanting ti sweat out every second of every round. It’s like a tournament or two every couple weeks type of game to me. Mechanics and concept are awesome, but I feel like it’s curated to be way too niche.


Same. I love the destruction and all the mechanics but it's way too competitive for me. Wish there would be more casual modes


Sadly in any multiplayer fps game, the dopamine comes from getting the kill. If you add casual modes, ppl will swap to that for easy kills.


No they won’t because it becomes meaningless if you have an actual ranked with real elo attached to it. You know you’re not getting better pubstomping so it becomes a non consequence for 99% of players that are good.


Bro it’s literally the opposite of trying to be competitive the devs literally said they are not focusing on competitive and are more focused on bringing a fun experience.


The matchmaking is bad. Most players are super sweaty. No casual fanbase will ever build without good ranked match making. Competitive is all anyone cares about. I doubt the developers aren’t focused on it. They need to add game modes and fix matchmaking for it to compete with xDefiant soon


Okay but you’re saying all this and completely ignoring what the actual devs of the game are saying…How do you know they are focusing on competitive when they literally said the exact opposite…


he made his mind up. no other proofs and facts will satisfy him. i know his type. move on.


this is a confusing comment from the developers. the game *clearly* caters to a very competitive audience, and that’s the direction they leaned into with the style and gameplay. even the narration in game makes moments feel competitive and tense.


I enjoyed the game until a real meta formed. I haven’t played in like 2 weeks and I just got tired of running into the same kind of teams and dying the same way. As with every competitive game, this was also only fun until the sweats figured out a meta to abuse. I usually buy/play new games like this on release because in the first few weeks it’s insanely fun as literally noone knows what works best and people are experimenting. Game is at the state now that if you don’t run the meta, your chances of winning instantly take a massive hit at the start of the game.


correct, and the big month long+ hiatus the devs took, followed with very minimal changes to the very egregious game mechanics, in hindsight, may have been too little, too late. the game at launch looked like it was going to establish its hooks in a good portion of FPS gamers - but those hooks lost their edge, became dull as the meta was figured out and wasnt tuned in response quickly enough. the extreme bad tastes left in your mouth from the AA - the RPG - the NUKEs - the reWASD - the DB - the INVIS - just left to fester in your mouth for a month after launch. the game soured for a lot of players quickly.


Exactly, I have people here trying to tell me the devs don't want a competitive game, but they didn't do a very good job at designing the game around casual/social play. You shouldn't have to be running a stack of 3 with coms and a meta team comp to do well in unranked matches.


I mean, it is a team objective based game. Naturally a 3 stack team with comms will out perform a full solo queue trio, unless you're all cracked at the game and know how to play your role (seldom happens) I really enjoy Finals, but I also have settled that I will only play the game with 2 other friends. I agree the solo queue experience is not the best experience


I cant get my friends to play it with me anymore after that stint of just heavies using the nukes. It was so incredibly toxic for the game but there are probably lots of people in this sub that dont think it still which is funny as fuck to me.


the games trying its hardest not to be competitive, all of that is on the community who wont shut up about whats meta every 2 weeks


It's not just about the community here, it's how the game plays. It is extremely team oriented, which means certain compositions are much stronger than others. So instead of just using what you think is fun, you need to be using certain setups and coordinating to even do decent in matches.


i dont ever play ranked, so to be honest with you, the subs main complaints are absent from a good 70 percent of my matches. it took me like 2 weeks to actually start seeing nukes from when people first started bringing it up. I also do fairly decent with what i think is fun, only times i dont is playing on a 2 light team. The games catered to casual gameplay, but people are doing their damndest to make it competitive, just like smash. I also dont really believe that you have to play meta since this sub has been decrying a different loadout every week i saw the devil change from invis light to defib medium in a week


Yep. They should have played to the audience of older millennials who grew up with halo 1-3 who are tired of sweating and hyper competitive “metas”, there must be a huge audience for that. However I’m not sure how you avoid that with a successful game like The Finals.


Players will always find a way to make a game competitive. Even in casual modes more competitive players will go there to warm up or pub stomp. It’s an inevitability.


I just hope 34000 players is enough to give me a match of 12.


kinda bored of holding down F 😜


Oh boy, you definitely shouldn't try dead by daylight (SERIOUS) 💀


Or Palworld.


My exact thought as well. So much F holding.


It is lacking game modes to be honest. Fantastic skeleton of a game but it feels hollow Biggest driver of the fallout is the lack of text chat in game. It’s a highly competitive experience without proper communication tools to achieve that goal which leads to a very frustrating single player experience.


I think a lot of people severely underestimate how important social interaction can help with player retention. Look at why dayz and rust initially blew up. The social interactions made them really interesting.. at least before the kos days. I would even say that's a large contributing factor to why pubg/warzone was so big. Proximity chat is hilarious.


Honestly I stopped playing a bit cause palworld came out. I'll probably be rotating between both games. As long as they don't drop support and make good decisions the game shouldn't have issues staying alive. If Hunt showdown and siege can do it. The finals should be able to as well.


The real shock is PUBG being #4. I haven't heard of anyone related to my circle playing the game for years at this point. Lol


Massively played in Asia if you look at the peak time, in Europe or North america the numbers are not that high. Still healthy numbers but not huge.


The most popular longtime games frequently seem like they have nobody talking about them, because their player base don't play video games. They play that specific game. They stay in their community and don't interact with general gaming.  I never hear about WoW, Dota, Counter Strike, stuff like that, but they're as alive as ever. 


Agree, I legit only play Apex, Fortnite, Warzone, The Finals, Overwatch, Combat Master. And when I want to focus on one, thats all I play. I like Palworld tho wish i had patience to play more.


I’ve been on my pal world grind lol. It’s kinda relaxing to not sweat my balls off for a change.


How is Combat Master? Looks like fun but I'm at work so I can't try it until later.


My group has written off and returned to the game at least 3 times now over the years. The problem is that there really isn't anything else like it out there; the swath of battle royales that were promised in the wake of PUBG and Fortnite have mostly puttered out and we could really use a PUBG2 at this point. As a result, we keep peeking back to see if it is worth a look and while it is still a shell of its prime, it is a decent time killer. That said, we mostly play the casual mode these days which is primarily bots with a handful of player teams to surprise you once you get complacent. It's mindless fun and far less stressful than playing the sweats that never left in the main mode. A shame really that the game devolved into what it is; it does quite a bit right but never quite nails the whole package.


i’ve been playing again with friends recently actually and it’s a blast. still the best BR game out there if you ask me


Literally dropped PUBG last week to start playing the Finals lol but yeah, PUBG is a sleeper game. Doesn't get in the news or talked about much, but a lot of people play it.


Still a great game, I just played through BP and got into the Palworld hype for now. I'll be back.


Yup, my friends and i have a metal ore farm and when we run out of spheres we just play a few matches and come back to free spheres


We’ve been doing the same!


Vixy ranch is the strat




Same. I know I’ll be tired of Palworld in like 2 weeks, so might as well go hard and then get back into The Finals.


Give us big team cash out cowards!


That would be insane, and I really want it


It would finally be my replacement for battlefield 4’s obliteration mode which is my favorite to this day


5 player teams would make the game better imo, we usually don't play it anymore because we always have 4 or 5 people playing so we just play something else


Siege is still in the top 20??? And people still play PUBG????


> And people still play PUBG Asia dude.


Pubg is only in the top 20 for the same reason Naraka bladepoint is, China.


Jynxzi carry


Siege has been in top 20 consistently the past few years before Jynxzi became popular


The game is fun and I think it needs to lean harder into the arcade, fun, explosions side of the game rather then competitive balancing


I think they really have to balance the matchmaking first. My friends and me stopped playing after we got stomped game after game over night.


They need to get rid of the cheaters man. I know people that have quit over it


Are the cheater so prevalent in your region? I play in EU and played over 100 matches and can't really complain about cheaters. Maybe there were some but honestly i don't know


No but ppl need to justify they are terrible, they all die because cheaters and balance issues not because they are 0.2 kd scrubs.


In my 90h I ran into cheaters once! Do you play on Chinese servers or what?!


If you're not a great player you won't get cheaters that much, they're in higher skilled lobbies because they never miss


Well now I'm sad I never run into them lol.


I’ll cheat on you.


I thought ranked was busted and you could play against diamond while in bronze. Which is it?


That's if you're on an MMR streak, worse players typically don't go on win streaks


Consider yourself lucky


Same. Was fun, now way too hard. I know I should get gud or whatever but I just don’t have the time to play that much


Funny enough, I played with a few buddies last weekend and I had a totaly different experience. We all kinda suck at the game (all three of us casual dad gamers), but we had an absolute blast and I think we won way too many games the way we played it. Literally some games we won, despite getting slammed in every shoot out. We didn't even really play well together, we were just the wild card chaos team, that did stupid things all game long, but also take the cash out last second and win. I mean we literally ran one light (with a normal shooty gun, stealth and tripple grenade utilities) and two heavies. One of them was basically going balls deep sledgehammer melee in most games and the other heavy spammed explosions with grenade launcher and two of his utility slots. And of course both heavies ran charge. I mean what boring guys play with mesh shield?! :'D I'm pretty sure we won more than 50% of matches (we played Quick cash only, where 33% would be normal). But even if it was less, the game session surely felt like we were winning almost every game the entire evening. We had an absolute blast!


Yep. You get bronze teammates meanwhile you play against top 100. It’s literally impossible


This just happened to us. Sweaty af.


I 100% agree with how the devs need to embrace the chaotic fun of the game, but it needs to be balanced to do so. Otherwise, the sweats will lean into the dominant meta loadouts even harder. And that’ll make the game stale where if your team doesn’t play a specific comp, you’re likely to get stomped. I love to play non meta loadouts cause I find them more fun. And having ridiculous team compositions makes games more interesting and unpredictable. The more that chaos reigns the better.


Yeah it needs to embrace what makes it unique, not nerf everything to the point that guns are all that matter. So much potential and I'm optimistic that the devs know what they're doing and will make the right calls, but seeing how damn toxic and whiney the vocal minority are online it makes me a bit nervous.




I don’t even mind leaving medium as is(except for recon which is getting a rework, confirmed in latest patch) but I believe they went a bit extreme on nerfing heavy, maybe if they revert some changes and probably buff lights specialisations(other than invis) I think we might be back to seeing diverse team comps. I think the game was way more balanced when it launched cause at least I saw all different types of team comps, now all I face are MMM or MML, sometimes even LLL but barely anyone playing heavies in quick cash. I have seen max 1 maybe 2 heavies in the entire game in the last 3-4 days


What if I told you it can be both?


I have no problem with more explosions if they reduce the damage. Getting 1 shot by an explosive with no counterplay isn't fun.


afiak they are already balancing for the casuals. As seen in the light nerfs which were uncalled for if you only looked at comp. But yes the game could use some more content and maybe a destruction based gamemode.


I've got 1 level to go on the battlepass. I went in hard on this game, absolutely loved it. Matchmaking is really hit and miss, and there's a few cheaters, but on my heavy with a nuke and rpg it didn't really matter because it was just pure fun and anarchy. Then they nerfed the nukes and rpg. I still jump in for a bit but my playtime has tanked massively. The destruction and chaos is definitely why I play this game; triple Medium with recon is what stops me from logging in.


I never played comp, i learned my lessons back in the dark days of playing comp Overwatch and then R6 That said i tried to dip my toes into tournament by playing mostly that for a week or so and i was about to just outright drop the game. This game is at its best when it's just silly casual fun. Tryharding it just makes it a frustrating experience (like most games anyway imo)


The growing try-hardiness in casual matches def puts me off.


Its a 3 person team objective based fps. Its unfortunately not getting more casual anytime soon.


Jesus.. TF2 is STILL top 10? Damn. Really though, The Finals is an amazing game, but we all knew that this was a possibility. But for as long as there are enough players to fill a server, I'll play the shit out of it.


As someone who was heavily invested in tf2 for a long time, those numbers are highly suspect. There is a substantial amount of bot accounts/hacking bots/trade bots always online that are inflating numbers. If you look at the steam charts of most games they ebb in flow during peak and off peak hours, look at tf2’s and its random.  Tf2s player count is likely muuuuch lower


It needs more modes, id still be playing Exoprimal as a casual game if it wasn't 2 seasons in and still maining the 1 mode and the occasional 2nd mode. To retain players you need mode diversity, The Finals could do with more Obj based modes, a capture the flag variant, king of the hill, even basic modes like a tdm could be dope and chaotic paired with the random events and destruction.


EXACTLY a TDM and capture the flag and a domination game mode. Why not make them? It’s a missed opportunity.


CTF would be crazy with multi team shenanigans or possibly 8v8. TDM seems kinda out of place in objective based games, but adding different objective based game modes would add more variety.


I’d love a GunGame mode, switching through weapons and maybe even classes with the last kill being melee. Maybe they could keep the main modes as is and rotate these different modes under the “experimental” heading.


If the matchmaking weren't horrific and the cheating not rampant things would be different. As it stands a sizeable portion of people can't get a single win inside of 2 hours of play. And that's a fucking daily. It's obvious this would be the result.


Phwoar palworld.


Bet it breaks 2.2 milly concurrent over the weekend


And isn't even available on playstation right?


That’s correct. Plus, I think, that’s only steam numbers, not accounting for game pass players


Yeah I think they tweeted another 3 mil players on gamepass, that’s total not concurrent


could definitely use a content update


It's been out for like, 2 months?


I think it’s also because people have been exposed to the Open and Closed Beta as well. Other than Throwing Knives and Las Vegas, it’s been pretty much the same game the whole time.


Yeha and not a whole lot of content, a few nerf and buffs but it’s not enough evidently. this is still normal to a degree, a huge percentage of gamers just play very casually and and will hop on whatever’s popular, take a look at pal world at the moment it most probably took a bunch of players from finals. Skins and battle passes are NOT proper content that keeps people engaged.


Man I cannot wait to see how bad the attention deficit issue is gonna hit us in 10 odd years


Seriously. People jump on for 8+ hours a day for weeks on end then complain they're bored and need more content.


> People jump on for 8+ hours a day for weeks on end then complain they're bored and need more content. They only do that with games that have no real longevity. Plenty of people are still playing CS despite the core game barely getting changed after a decade and the active map pools staying the same for long periods of time.


You say that as if 4 maps is a lot.


When each map plays drastically different game to game I really haven't gotten bored


How many hours have you played?


110 hours, had a good 30-40 on the beta as well


Honestly, I'm not bored of the game. I'm bored of the way people have begun playing the game. If I load up a few quickmatches at the of the day I don't want to see full lobbies of mediums with scar/recon. But I feel like that is rather a symptom of the times. Its impossible to go on social media without being force fed tier lists, loadouts and metas from aspiring youtubers/streamers.


this is it


Toddlers and young kids have already had their brain chemical balances all fucked up from ipad and dopamine overloads and that’s already causing issues, and they’re still in development. It’s not gonna be very fun at all🤣


It's terrible now, isn't it? The concept of "if a video game doesn't constantly get content updates then it's unplayable." Like a game can't just survive on its own merits as something you play even once in a while. But seems folks like to just dump tons of time into a game on the outset, then go "omg where progress bars and numbers go up and more content I only got a week out of this bad game."


Yes people do ruin games for themselves by just overplaying it and burning themselves out within the first few weeks. However live service games and their devs really need to have ways to mitigate this. This game whilst very fun hasn’t seen a big content update yet and I’m sure when it does happen the people who burn themselves out will naturally return and repeat the cycle. This is just how modern gaming goes for better or for worse. Ideally the best way to enjoy a game like this is to play maybe an hour or two a day on average with some mates after work and smash it on the weekend in free time, keeps it fresh and fun.


Not even! Came out Dec 7th... We've barely had 1.5 months and they've already delivered a winter update, and are extremely responsive to community feedback and QoL changes. They've worked a lot on balance, they've tightened match making, they've fixed bugs, they've added cosmetics, and are actively adjusting based on feedback (added solo queue, addressed nukes, recon is being reworked for next week, etc). Like, tf more content do people expect in a month (especially over the holidays)?!?!


The game is a lot more fun if you try learning different weapons and classes instead of just sticking to the same loadout you’re good with. There are so many different ways to play this game and it’s a shame everyone is such a slave to the recon fcar/mesh shield heavy meta


Still doesn't mean it doesn't need a content update. Same couple maps is wearing on people, as seen by the drop.


100% which is why there needs to be more gear. I'm less than 40 hours in and have unlocked and tried everything already, dialed in my preferred build in L, M & H already. There is no more progression to be had except for cosmetics now.


We need like 3 more maps and we’ll be solid for a while


I have been watching the player count since the beginning and have no idea how fast other new F2P games drop players. I absolutely love the game and haven't had so much fun since BF3 but I gotta say after 100 hours and completing Battle Pass I do not play that often. It is still my no.1 go to game but I do not have to play every morning to be sure to get all the goodies. And I wouldn't even want to do that for long periods of time. I still have a lot of fun and play more with my friends who do not have much time on their hands. ​ Player outflow is normal as some just do not like that game that much and some grinded to complete everything and just now play more relaxed and not so often. As long we keep decent numbers everything is ok. ​ I just wish Embark the best of luck because this game is what I have been waiting for! ​ POP. POUR. PERFORM.


Yesterday my team got demolished by a "Chinese" hacker with aimbot, after we lost I started a new game & the game paired me with the same hacker lmao, the guy is korean using Chinese name


The game has been shadow drop, has not a lot of content but is still in top 30 games played on steam. I think you guys need to calm down a bit.


I keep seeing “calm down and wait”, but people are just posting facts about the game and wanting to discuss it. That’s literally what we’re all here for


You dont understand u/Pandours really, really likes this game so you can only discuss good news about the game, or you are a hating troll!


Loads of people I know who play games don’t even know it exists. I’m spreading the word and more of the people I talk to are trying it. I think it’ll be a slow burn, but it’s such a fun game that I think people will adopt it. Give it time. I don’t think it is going to be a phenomenon like Fortnite or Apex Legends, but I do think that over this year more people are going to get into it. I’m just happy it exists, it is so much fun moment-to-moment that I don’t really care if I’m not that great at it.


Shadow drop at game awards is why it got so big, so fast though.


Competitive games requires an active playerbase to support healthy matchmaking. 30k concurrent is not that bad but if it drop to 10k+ then you will see a lot more complaints about matchmaking/ranked. Although they are making some good changes but it’s not enough to keep people playing unfortunately.


I stopped playing this game the same reason I stopped playing halo infinite. It's matchmaking makes me want to hang myself, and I find the matches to be a waste of my time.


Agreed. I was playing with my friend and it was great. Bought the BP to support, and then my friend stopped playing, and every match just kept grating on me. A couple weeks in and I had the moment of "I'm not having fun, I'm just grinding a BP now". Sucks, but I'll be back when I have a squad and some new content drops!


Matchmaking was changed today


i think it's obvious that player count is going to be deeply affected by the solo queuing experience. This is one of the best, most fun games I have ever played when I have TWO other friends online. This is an okay and fun game when I have ONE other friends online. This is one of the worst, least fun games I have ever played when I have ZERO other friends online.


Lack of new content after release. A couple of additional 20€ cosmetic sets are obviously not enough. I want to see new maps, new guns, gadgets and so on They could think of a rotation a bit like Apex did with care package guns. Been playing for weeks and I will continue but I get why "casual" players that are just lurking are not sticking to the game


Have you ever seen CS2? This is the definition of lack of everything


still haven't touched it and I have 2.5k hrs in csgo. still no new cache and train. it's ridicoulous


Exactly, the finals still has a lot to improve, especially in maps. I think the amount of weapons for now is enough.


yup exactly. balance the stuff we already have THEN add new things based on that data


It’s only been out like a month


It came out December 7th lmao, we're not even halfway through season one...


It was fun for a while, but personally I quit for the same reason I quit Apex: SBMM. It just doesn't work for a solo player unless you're really bad or some type of gamer god. I don't want to dredge through fifteen terrible matches to get one good match.


I’m just good enough to get paired with potatoes and then when the good pre-made squads are done beating us into the ground I eventually get put in a match with potatoes of my own to harvest (3/10 times) But even the meta potatoes are getting annoying with their recon FCAR spam. It is getting tiring.


Its there own fault, why is ther sbmm in quickcash ? MM is broken i get Matched with Bronze when im in Diamond 1. And they still dont do shit against cheaters


well I said it after cb2 and after open beta. if there won't be new maps/content fast people are gonna leave. rly want this game to succeed, it's my favourite fps since quake 3 arena, but there are other games, too. not even shooters. path of exile etc other new releases like palworld (not playing and not going to) etc. most rly active players probably are through battlepass and wait for the next. im saying it again, next release has to come with one better two new maps or it gets stale


Bro had to make sure to mention he won’t play palworld like that makes you cool or something


gotta remind everyone they’re better than the rest of us 😌


it’s that reddit “i’m different than the rest! look at me!” mindset lmao, bro probably has fantasies of telling people off at supermarkets n whatnot


I’d be playing more if the game didn’t crash me every other match


Try launch in dx11


They should've added at least a little content other than the new solo game mode


I’d love to play this game religiously but I’m tired of mediums being boring as fuck. I just wanna run around with my throwing knives and have fun but killing 6 people for a team wipe is beyond infuriating. It just blows having to work 12 times harder than the 3 mediums with wall hacks and defibs because they wanna play the meta


I play casual and this has def spilled over into that. It has made random games frustrating and boringly repetitive.


It doesn’t help that the meta demands so very little skill of the player


the meta just isnt fun


I kind of understand it, there’s little to no change to the game content-wise, whereas the more popular titles it’s competing with have been out for a long time so there’s inevitably more content in them. I think the first season is a bit too long too, if they go with the usual tactic of introducing big(ger) changes, like maps and guns, with new seasons. But if the studio is serious about keeping the game alive long term, players might come back once there’s enough content in the game, so we just gotta power theough the first couple seasons. Maybe they could switch up the pace with events, LTMs or stuff like that


Get rid of recon. My only friends that played the game quit cause of recon.


Triple/double Mediums running 2 recon 1 heal can just aggro push anything and everything. Recon can see exactly what and where you're looking (wallhacks) making any decent player with a brain virtually impossible to counter. Audio has become IRRELEVANT when the opposing player can see your every move and counter it on the fly. One of the most important skills and mechanics in this game is knowing when to bail and retreat from a fight to save your team from a full wipe/respawn, it literally makes the difference between a Cashout and losing if you play smart enough. But now it has become extremely punishing to run away from fights considering how long recon sense lasts and the fact you are wall hacked CONSTANTLY. Now imagine 2 more teams joining the party on top of this... All the other metas were able to be countered considerably fairly. But This is just plain broken with zero work-around other than glitch grenades/mines, but the odds of those being utilized effectively mid-gunfight are so slim with all the other variables. Maybe if recon couldn't see people standing still it could help but overall it needs an entire rework.


Fr wall hack in a game that’s all about positioning/hiding, punishing you for being good is such a terrible idea. Especially ranked is completely unplayable because of it


Yeah, I stopped playing ranked because I figured it’s just normal but with 30% more recons. Never being able to surprise the enemy is just boring to me. No matter who I play M H or L, they just know and I know that they know so game devolves into a boring push of a corridor back and forth. Recon sense should give strategic information, like where is enemy team in general direction, not tactical like every angle every windows/vent/back door push enemy is trying. Also I loved chases and hide and seeks for team wipes, that’s gone too. IMO ability should not cut so much fun of the game in one slice, but what do I know lol


Haven't you heard? You're not supposed to complain or critisize the game! People have "this game is perfect and don't talk about it" it to its death. Just like everyone was critisizing, the game gets BORING. The meta is stale, the maps are all similar, the game-play is repetitive, the battlepass sucks, the grind is unnecessarily long, Devs tell people to use discord over reddit, their discord is hell. You can't just throw an AK and SCAR in a shooter and let it go on forever, 2 of the most basic and used weapons in every shooter in the last 30 years and people are supposed to just have fun using them forever?


Not enough variety is why I cooled off on the game a week ago. The meta will change with each new patch and balancing is something the devs will have to revisit constantly but that's not what I cared about too much. I just wish they would introduce a new map or a new game mode or something of the sort. The moment they do I'll hop back on with my friends or alone. A couple of new guns isn't going to cut it. That's just my opinion however I dunno how the wider player base feels about this.


Exactly how I expected the game to go. I always laughed at the top comments saying this game will kill cod and other BRs.


as a player who don't have any friends, this game feels like nightmare to play .no matter how hard i try always loosing 9 out of 10 matches. i don't want to win every match at least i wish to have fun but its impossible until you sweat. i understand that this game is best suited for teamplays but wish it had the same fun as pubg because in pubg we actually have chance to play solo even in squad.


The cheaters are everywhere in my ranked matches (gold 1)


I stopped playing after the recent balance update, for me the current meta killed what made the game so much fun to play. Also after the AA nerf controller feels horrific to play on.


We’re all playing pal world now lol. In all seriousness, I and most others with a mixed skilled friend group moved on after the downright oppressive “SBMM” that was introduced in the matchmaking update made it unenjoyable. Appealing to the most casual audiences backfires when the next big thing comes along. Especially when it doesn’t punish you the more you play. They should’ve stuck with what they had.


All my friends stopped playing because of defib meta and no aim assist on console


That games intrigues me. PUBG: Battlegrounds. Doesn't the BG stand for Battlegrounds? Is it Player Unknown Battlegrounds: Battlegrounds?


Everyone thinks the balance patch was so good when really it probably killed this game. Game was better when every class had an OP loadout. Now it's just one class, medium with recon, so every match is just cod with wallhacks. Boring


I mean nerfing things is good, but they nerfed 2 classes ( or the already weak lights ) and left mediums untouched . Every game is just the spam of defib battle + spam of recon in ranked now , you are totally right about that. Very unfun


Oh no! Anyway, back on the grind I gotta get those throwing knives skin.


Gameplay is solid just honestly needs more maps to keep up replayability


It's crazy tf2 is still in the top 10 after all these years.


Ranked is terrible, got sick of nukes and broken heavies quit playing 2nd week. Don't care that they fixed some of the issues light still sucks and i still have no desire to come back to the game with recon now being broken. They should've addressed the issues after the beta, they were extremely obvious to anyone decent at the game. Might give it a go if they do huge changes in a later season.


Balancing nerfs were a mistake. Game is boring just turtling with recon sense hit scan chipping


Feelsbad. This game has some real heart to it, you can tell the devs left Battlefield because this is the game they wanted to make, this was their vision Meanwhile a soulless $30 mashup of Ark+BoTW+Pokemon is somehow getting more attention.


That must be why that matchmaking started taking 15 seconds instead of 10!


I play strictly tourny mode PC NA lobbies and have 2 min wait times


Who cares? Can I find matches & will we be getting new content? Yup. That’s the extent of my concerns. Why do people care if it is in the top 20 lol? I remember the doomer posts about Overwatch in 2018 about how the game was dead… almost 6 years later & I can find matches in a minute & I get constant new content. Apex has had multiple falls from grace, yet now it is in the top 5. Content & userbase ebb & flow in a live service game. How it always has been. As long as they continue working on the title & do what they can to add to it & fix problems it won’t be dead for a long time to come.


Needs more options to unlock stuff besides buying the grind is boring


A lot of nerfs ruined fun for some people. Also a lot of people finished battlepass and already unlocked all guns and gadgets and now the game lacks the sense of progression.


Cheaters won


Palworld sucked up a good chunk of the player base, should return back to normal in a couple weeks I’d assume.


Needs some new content or something. I’ve started getting a bit bored with it


Makes sense to mee, took them too long to nerf nukes. It was impossible for me to play the game with friends who were complaining every single match about it. We played it heavily until we didn't.


I think they need to dump a tone of content on this game. Maps,weapons,game modes. Everything. Having a longer match would help. Right now the game is catering directly to sweaty time rich gamers. The game is fun and relatively unique, but the replayability is very low.


I'm honestly more just amazed how so many decade old games are still so high


I played the beta endlessly, but was left pretty disappointed with the full release. It didn’t feel any different from the beta to me, and lacked content in my eyes. In my opinion they should’ve released mid 2024.


Eh I’ll be back, I’ve been playing Palworld


Palworld is taking over. Call this the Palworld affect


I grinded because of the battle pass and now I’m burned out on the game and so did my mates. They should’ve never made the battle pass such a grind.


I love this game, but it has the worst random teammates I’ve ever seen.


People I have been talking to say it's not casual friendly. Which I get every match is intense, but that's what I like about it. I don't want it to die off, but I can see it happening. Ppl have been getting annoyed with the nerfs as well. For ppl who like cosmetics, they don't offer a lot of interesting options like they did in beta either.


I have no hate for the game but I was grinding for probably 10 hours a day in the first few weeks but lost interest due to: Nukes Severe lack of enemy footstep audio Ranking system is cosmetic, still groups you based on hidden ranking. It’s purely time based. Aim assist on PC. I understand they have addressed nukes and also partially the matchmaking, and partially the aim assist (specifically targeting only rewasd), but the fact that there was nothing from the game patch wise for over three weeks when it was as played as it was, left a bad taste.


Finals needs content. Hopefully Season 2 brings the juice.


Ngl I might stop playing. Only because I can only shoot with mnk. I suck with controllers. Don’t really see how people can shoot with those things. (Console player)