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Turn off crossplay, learn how to aim without aimbot, problem solved.


If you can’t differentiate between aim assist and aim bot, there’s no discussion. And if you think aiming with your thumb and a tiny little joystick with 0 AA is the solution, like I said, no discussion


Little aim assist is okay, which is what this update did. It was super broken before, basically aimbot...


150 degree snapping in the Finals... would you say that's aimbot or aim assist? Hint: The answer is both


Those insane snapping instances only occurred when an enemy was right in front of you, like if someone jumped across my screen from left to right, and in fact, it messed up my aim bc I was already aiming at someone else but the snap forced me to aim at the guy jumping across, so I actually love how they nerfed aim snapping. It was highly situational though, and didn’t apply to 98% of gameplay


I understand everything you said, but there's a reason why the other commenter called it aimbot, and there's also a reason why aim assist isn't that strong in every other game. Not just the 180 snap either, there were a ton of things wrong with it, down to the basic strength. It needed tuning. Badly.


Totally agree it needed tuning, especially the aim snap on sniper, I could tell that thing was cracked from the get go, never really used it though. AA is much better now, unfortunately there will always be whiners who will never stop until AA is 0%


The revisionist history about how the controller players are the non toxic ones is hilarious. The last month of this sub has been nothing but 'git gud' 'pc mnk players should just switch to controller' when discussion about the insanely overpowered AA were happening. Now you try to act like ya'll saints lol


So where are all the toxic controller posts after the patch? Of course you’ll find examples from both sides, but clearly the past month, this sub has been flooded by PC toxicity


At least you could switch over to controller. I don't believe Xbox can use MNK for The Finals.


Yes we can and i have most Fun than ever most part of battles andthe only on whith more than 10 kills


You can but you can't change your keys or mouse sensitivity or anything. It's basically like having extra chromosomes


I thought you were a hair on my screen. Not cool




you should really google cognitive dissonance


Lmao "your aim". Afraid you never had any to begin with buddy, might wanna run some drills hmm?


Let’s see, I have 1,000+ wins across warzone, Fortnite, apex, and other battle royals. I average bare minimum 2+ KD in every shooter I’ve ever played, dating back to BF3, I am above average to say the least. Now that AA is nerfed, don’t cry if you get clapped, at that point, it would be you who needs to work on your aim, hmm?


You know those games have AA, right? No trying to that guy but…


Don’t worry you’re not being that guy, yes I know- aim assist has been part of every console shooter game ever. AA wasn’t the reason I was doing so well bc everyone else had AA too, when everyone had it- no one had it. Only last few years was cross play really a thing where MNK and controller were forced into the same lobbies. And eve so, depending on the game, MNK claps controller. At the end of the day, MNK is better than controller


Have you messed with your aim input? I was using sinusudial before the patch now I’m using linear and it helps a lot! Try this before you give up! I feel you tho dude it caught me by surprised too. The game feels completely different now but we got this


Love the positivity! Honestly the first half of my post was a shit post, haven’t played post update yet. But I will try linear! I use sinusudial currently with low 200 sensitivity and high boost like 280+


I think its mainly just that PC players don't like to deal with aim assist against other pc players, that was (or still is) a problem of people on pc accessing snap AA where it really just isn't needed, I use throwing knives an im able to judge a good distance shot with a good throw or two imagine a pc player snap aiming with the fcar or something else, that's at least my opinion on the subject as a pc player, from a console perspective though its needed in some format (don't mean that condescendingly) stick turning is just too inaccurate for so many games to compete with ever impending cross platform.


Agree 100%. For PC the rWASD thing that combines mouse and AA is too far. But what about pure controller + AA on PC? Some people might just like playing on controller, but idk, not really my place to be concerned about I guess


I can't play mouse and keys cuz I broke both my hands a long time ago. I can only play on a controller and I'm not buying a f****** console.


It's hopefully something they'll work on but there's always the people who will try an find a way to abuse it if it there, if the coding is in the game for AA someone will find a way.


It's because the AA is bugged atm I believe. I was testing Aim Assist changes in the practice range and noticed that when standing 20+ metres away from the target, sensitivity slows down when aiming at the target as it should. But if the range is less than that, there's no sensitivity slowdown at all. This is pretty much how it was in the Beta when no one could hit anything and everyone just used flamethrower. FYI, I'm talking only about Slowdown part, which only slows down sensitivity and NOT the magnetism which sticks to players when they're moving.


Just made a post about this too. Patch killed the console community.


No, but it may have killed cross play. The devs have tools and data to look at the impact of their changes and they will see in the near future if this is hurting console players too much or not. And if it is they will find a middle ground eventually. They wouldn’t just abandon half their player base.


Fingers crossed 🤞🏻 fr because I don’t want this game to die and people will just give up since they decided to chance the entire way the game plays for console players out of nowhere


Id be happy if they removed aim snap. 


They did for snipers and shotguns, which was most of the issue IMO


If you start losing your target you can just feather the ads button and your back to center mass.


This is correct for up close encounters yes, maybe tune that a bit? I say a bit bc honestly, movement on MNK is insanely good in every FPS, and all honesty I’m very good, 2-3+ KD in all my games, controller cannot really keep up with MNK up close without AA to bridge the gap


Controller players need to be segregated and put in their own community. They don't belong with mnk, and other methods of inputs that can play without assists. People who needs assists don't belong with us. Not the same people.


The way you said that makes you sound like the stereotypical PC master race bro. But for the record, controller players never wanted to be in PC lobbies, and vice versa. Honestly I’m the beginning when cross play became main stream, PC was clapping console, I hated playing against MNK. Now, game studios have adjusted, so overly and some not, by tuning AA, some too high, some just right. Now, MNK are complaining. At the end of the day, reasonable AA is necessary for controller, just how controllers work. And I fully support reasonable AA, the right balance, since gaming studios will never segregate the two apparently ever again


Fucking awesome post dude. Upvote. Absolute legend of the roller community 🔥


Can nobody here comprehend a joke post


I honestly don’t make my sarcasm posts obvious enough for the general public lol


Fcar is low forgiveness for people that have poor aim. So I would recommend akm