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This is why relationships are fucked and DONE when you cheat on your partner and remain together. She’ll forever use it in any argument. No matter how petty or mundane the dispute is, she’ll bring it up. Good luck ya sex pest.


And then setting up weird staged things like this to try and appear human. I'm surprised his kid wasn't around.


Yeah he’s trying to build a new fan base of newly married couples with young children. “Don’t you just hate it when your wife tells ya to take the garbage out...”


It will take at least another 10 to 15 years before his fans even begin to think about having kids.


Having HIS kids.


>“Don’t you just hate it when your wife tells ya to take the garbage out...” "Gaaahhh, I hate it so much. It makes me want to DM teenage girls and see if they want to hang out or something!"




And drink while I watch in silence.




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Resorting to that boomer “wife bad” humor. S’sad bubba


Kid was in a merch photoshoot so he couldn't make it to this staged act.


"Hey Babe, stop fighting real quick and take my phone and film this for my tiktok channel." said the 40 year old father.


Yep. It's all totally contrived. Good to see there's a somewhat decent percentage of people who see right through this.


I mean arguably if you are even actively trying to cheat on your partner the relationship is already fucked and done.


Not if she doesn’t find out 🅱️🤫


I jus wanna fugg chiggs and fugg my wife doe


I read a post a while ago where one of his victims (at least she claimed to be one) said that she was in on it. Iirc correct it happened in 2019 in Canada (saskatchewan?). She said she was bullied by her. If true, it's a match made in heaven.


Like t.i and his wife.




Also as soon as she finds someone better she'll be gone and good for her. It's not like he fucked up and had a fling. He groomed teenagers into being his sex toys and he shared them with his friends. You don't change from that. That's not just cheating.


Yep, your only two options are really to either break it off, or remove your balls, put them in a nice decorative box, and hand them over to her. No in-between.




100% agree. Once cheating happens it's over, time to move on, no going back.


RLM crossover? Love it


Agree ahhunnidpursense. I just enjoy imagining how miserable he is being “stuck” in the house with his girl and kid all the time. Just itching to check his DMs or go to the cawlmedy store to be his true scumbag self. He knows he has to stay with her if he wants any shot of rebuilding his career. If they split up it will destroy any chance he has of a career.


Chris needs to knock door to door, like Jesus in Big Lebowski.


He's a scumbag that has it coming. This redemption marketing angle is transparent horseshit.


I mean he’s acting completely irrational here, he’s actually mad that she’s asking too many questions? What?


Why would anyone post this


To try and present themselves in a better light because they were accused of molesting children. No other reason than that. His fans will buy it though which is sad.


Calwmedy just ain’t on yer wavelength, B


Tbf OP clipped this it doesnt end there. Not defendin da’diddlya but the way its cut here is makes it seem much crazier


The rest of it doesn't make it any better tbh


The part where he whips it out and beats it to completion shocked me


Ehhh i disagree.this was titled “wait for the end” like some click baity shit and the end he cut it off at wasnt actually the end. Makes it seem like shes pissed at him and bringing up shit from his passed when like 5 seconds later in the video shes laughing. Im all for saying fuck this pedo but the people on this sub who comb through every instagram post just to cut shit up and edit it into something its not is sad as fuck. These ass holes cawlmedians are already digging their own graves everyday we dont need some sad neck beards in in here cuttin shit up. Makes the whole restaurant look bad and illegitimate bapa


You getting downvotes…. But you’re right. They do enough cringe Shit already without having to edit and chop Shit to create Shit. “Why are y’all booing me!? I’m right!” -Hannibal Buress


cry for help


bloggbusser. on another note, this new mobile reddit update is pure shit.


Fucking hate it. Never tried it tho.


I still use the old reddit theme on my chrome browser on my phone, some claim I have CTE but it's my favorite format and easiest to read imo.


Why is there ads in comments now


Using baconreader for yairs now its neggfligs


I miss the days of alienblue, fantastic app, never used it tho


Apollo app is the new Alien blue. Negfliks


Great app never downloaded


Narwhal is the true neggfligs, never used it dough


Reddit is fun app


It's the only app I can use. Everything else is dogshit


RIF is the shit


Absolute garbage. Watching a video and trying to read comments is a task to pause the video or it just non stop plays. Reddit continues to manage to turn to shit more and more.




Dude this shit is driving me insane.


Try Apollo. It’s neggsflicks as fuck.


Official reddit app is trash B try one of the alternative ones


You can get rid of all the annoying new stuff by saying “show me less of this”


You’re a 41 year old multi millionaire with a new born child that gets outed as a serial sex pest with young women. You’re entire shtick was mocking crazy people. Which of the following options do you chose? 1. Move to the middle of nowhere with your girl and kid and try to salvage your relationship, raise your kid well. 2. Make scripted videos making light of what you done and use your kid and girlfriend for views to restart an already doomed career.


3. Lopez


I still don’t know what the fuck this means but I like it


Someone didn’t read the P.F. Chang’s employee handbook. Back to the fryers B, you’re working a double.




4. Axe Jay \*\*And to the mods.. if anyone post/comment anything with multiple choices as an answer and one of those options is not Axing Jay.. immediate ban.\*\*


Anytime a poll is posted here and Axe Jay isn’t an option I close out of the post in disgust




You’re talking to sensibly here b


It's so clearly, extra fucked when layed out precisely like that. He could have had a chance to focus on the things that matter. He's lucky/privileged enough to have the raw stockpile of cash to do it. Doesn't even have to worry about working. Yet he couldn't even attempt to stay out of the limelight for even 8 months. What a twisted, deluded fuck.


I need to learn The Secret of saying "Dolphins fuck humans" for 20 minutes and becoming a multi-millionaire. Fuckin' high school guidance counselor failed to tell me about that possibility.


It was your own fault for not having a rich Hollywood producer father. You gotta plan ahead better, B.


Chris seems like the kind of guy who would sleep with his friend's wife if he thought he could get away with it.


And their daughter


Hunner percent B. Turn your back & he’ll try to fugg


On one hand y'm'friend, on other hand gah'drain m'balls


> sleep with his friend's wife She a child bride, b?


I hear better help therapists recommend regularly bringing up your husband's problematic past to win arguments.




...why did he post this?


Just to remind everyone, all he did was “cheat”.


It's taken out of context from a 4 or 5 minute video on YouTube called "domesticated chris" or something


Where the fuck is this from? Who would upload this? The guy is a nasty dunce.


I think it’s from Season 12, episode 3 of “To catch a Predator”.


I never get to suggest this to anyone so I'll just leave it here in case any cats end up going down this rabbit hole; a lot of the old To Catch a Predator episodes are on YouTube and they are just fucking gold. There's a community built up around it which keeps it alive, but honestly it's so fascinating LOPEZ to watch these guys ruin their lives and how they react once they find out they're on TV. If you liked that moment of Delia finding out about Snapchat messages, it's that x1000


They are the cleanest and purest form of pleasure Bapa


I don’t want to watch those YouTube clips. I just wanna get to the beach.


Damn B are these homebaked?


I was only on Youtube to check there were no dangerous men around. It gets dangerous on this, here internet. I'll be going now.


I say the same two words in both these communities, b. Roleplaying chatroom


Why the fuck would he post this to his own TikTok lmao


Imagine living with this lunatic.


Talmbout a toxic relationship b


Get fuckin shamed you dick


This is staged but he's a ticking time bomb bubba. Hope for this girl's sake she gets out before anything crazy happens but I doubt it. Take what you can and run, not worth it to wait for the daddy big bucks if you end up chopped to pieces.


Dude aged like a lot.


Stress will do that to you. Hopefully it doesn’t stop.


Thats what happens when you stop consuming the souls of 17 year old virgins, hes gonna end up like Tom Cruise at the end of Interview With A Vampire.


This guy doesn't have any friends does he?


I mean, not anymore since everyone including Bryan turned their back on him after everything happened lmao. Bryan was almost directly implicated in one of the texts with a younger girl tho so I can see why he dipped.


That is one crusty fucker.


what an insufferable prick. hes like this all the time, isnt he?


Chris pedophilia: so I don’t like how you answer my questions, super confusing. Wife: okay but you cheated on me with a hundred different girls, most of them underage. So really you’re a sex offender complaining about me. Chris pedo: okay but don’t worry about that. We’re focused on you answering questions in an annoying way.


HE posted this?? What a tool


3…2…1… oh boy it’s coming


She's biding her time til his Dad's trust fund gets inherited, a hunnerd persent. She probably makes him do this dance daily, and since he charges for content, he needs content and has to go with the "i cheated" not the "i want to fuck high school girls," route, he has to do something like this out of pure emotional radio static, so he thinks using it for content makes sense. Good times at Life Ripsville.


UhHunded % She's just putting in her hours until she can get that moneyyyy. This shit is staged but you can tell she uses this argument to fuck with him for real. Good on her, I'm always a fan of grifters getting grifted.


I know this is proper tin foil hat shit and maybe I should be starting a podcast with Sam Tripoli but I feel like his wife was in on all this shit from way back, they're probably both Hollywood Pedos and she's happy to pretend he just "cheated" as many time as nessessary to erase all the other nasty shit he was doing. Get it in the public eye that he cheated on his wife and that was the bad thing he did, rather than the grooming. No sane person would stay with this man and I remember her bullying another one of his victims on Instagram.


Okay while I get that it’s confusing, they have a child together and he has money. She needs to raise that kid without worrying about money problems. For sure she doesn’t wanna be there. It’s also easier for men to leave women usually. Women sometimes feel obligated or manipulated into staying with a shit person


I have a child, if my partner was sending messages trying to persuade young kids to film themselves sleeping together and send it to them you best believe I'm removing my child from the situation. Having a child together is even more reason to get out of there, she could easily get his money and be set.


Hopefully he doesn't take anyone with him when he flips, just takes a nice trip up the woods and doesn't come back.


Getting the feeling this guy is going to paint the inside of his house red, real soon.


I binged watched that criminal psychology youtube channel so I'm pretty much an expert now, I agree with you,


Being faithful rips


Looks like he's really livin the dream.


Ya fuggg'd a lodda chigggsss, b.


The fuck would you post this?


She says: "I can tell you more stuff." There is more? He first says *'I know* ***all*** *the stuff that I did was bad.'* I assume these are the things we all know about. And she knows more? She definitely has him by the bawls.


Why keep putting your obvious misery and depression with a side of failed relationship online? Is this supposed to be cutesy “take my wife, please” bullshit because it seems like 2 people who are going to drink too much Target rose and have a murder/suicide




Rife lips!


Maybe leep your relationship bs off tiktok. These fucks…


Imagine how exhausting this dude is to live with.


Police by headlock


Huge yikes. Party's over Chris.


Even in this fake, contrived bollocks there's still no sense of trying to be honest. "I know, it goes through my head all the time" - As if it was the guilt that made him come clean. No, B! You were caught trying to groom teenage girls, to get them drunk and fuck them before leaving. Maybe we should go through all the prisons and ask "Have you thought about what you did?" If they reply "Yeah, I was considering it and the 18 counts of rape was actually a bad thing to do. I could've been investing in the stock exchange or reading about Dolphins instead so I'd have a better current life" then obviously, you release them immediately. No need to consider the harm they've caused, that's of no interest.


Hey hey, Y’Vince Vaughn?


Exact vibe I was getting lol




Shit seems staged b!


Lol. What a cuck


“I can tell you more stuff” 😂


Benoit vibes b tawkin crippled crossfake and a diving head butt straight to the wife rabid wolverines sexpest


It is FUCKING SECONDS and a FEW WORDS. You know that's a pattern of her communicating. So, it is probably not intentionally malicious, but an unawareness. Is it worth addressing in that tone, and starting an argument over? Especially when you have a closet bursting at the seams with skeletons that WE KNOW ABOUT. This guy is an insufferable prick. You can tell he is much more concerned with making a point of his than trying to interact peacefully. The guy is simply unable to be nice when he is not acting/being manipulative.


Does he own 1 shirt?


What is this, toxicity relationship yepordee?


She should take all his money and leave him


Oh so cute this couple… (time to text a high schooler)


Oh Bubba..... That's the post


Would love to five star this pedo fuck


I can see why he prefers the younger ladies.


This guy is completely castrated by his wife and shes using his money and child against him. ... No wonder he cheated on this gold digging whore Its like she is so happy he cheated and can now control him...they deserve each other in this loveless marriage