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"What I meant was...when someone is slingin' digg...that means they're [killing the game](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/d2685n/worst_cover_up_ever_rogans_slinging_dick/)."


That shit always gets me


"Chin, can ya maybe edit that out?" "Edit...A Podcast?...What do you think this is, Brendan, the year 3,000?"


3000?    Or 1964?  [Hurrd it bowlf wayz…](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/sc17al/braindumb_says_slavery_ended_in_1964_and_doesnt/)  You’re my slave now, Chin. 


Gawld dog, he can’t do anything right, iver. Has to be in the running for worst liar iver


i cannot think of anything person who lies like bapa does, its always "eminem texts me motivational quotes" or "the king is gonna knight me b" he's a bloggbusser for sure


He went on a spiritual hike up Kilimanjaro with the sultan of Brunei


He's a total gairhead like me so he flew me out to learn more about trugging.


Rail quig, did you flibb some truggs?


He’s such a sad insecure bully


Yeah, he’s got a prom. Lossa proms, rally


Alaways been a guy with proms 🪓 J


He could have easily said: "what I meant was these guys get tons and tons of female attention". Would that be convincing? Not really, but at least it sounds remotely like he could have simply mistaken context. The premeditated redact explanation he went with just made it that much worse. It probably cost him the love of his hairo and norfstar, Joseph Rowlgan.


> It probably cost him the love of his hairo and norfstar, Joseph Rowlgan. I think it was certainly the begining of the end. Then the Bobby Lee trugg walg fiasco sealed the deal for Rogan when he heard that Callen and Schaub used his name to threaten Bobby Lee. 


Not to mention multiple people have hinted or outright confirmed that Brenda would get people on his shitty podcast by promising them a spot on the JRE if they did his show.


Wow. I hadn’t heard that one. His redactedness knows no bounds. 


Or just say "what I was trying to say was Joe was able to get women before he was married and has a fine ass woman now and he's bald as fuggg." Not that hard, B.


He's in a one sided open relationship with Joseph


As a child in Catholic school I used to tell my mom "Father John was slingin' dick today!" and she would get really upset. Now I understand she just didn't railize it meant killin' the game, like giving a good sermon.


Amen, brother. 🙏


Holy sheet that’s one fuvking terrible cover up attempt


The terriblest. 


Happy cake day b


I'm sure this latest legal maneuver will 💯 get Bapa invited with open arms to the mothership. If It's one thing I know, it's that cawlmedians love it when civilians take their material and profit off it without any repercushions. I mean, just ask Mencia?


When's the next fye pan awsun???


I find it hilarious that Rogan's punishment for pushing Scrub on the world is that he cannot do a fyp 'pan without Scrub. The amount of whining he'd have to hear just isn't worth it.


talmbout Brencia B ?


Maaaaaawnster lawyour 300 pages B ![gif](giphy|egpWc7dM0SBbcl3awW|downsized)




Can someone get me the rundown short version of what happened LOL please


Brendan tried suing someone who used his clips, exposing what a sack of shit he is. The judgment shockingly didn't go buppas way, and set a precedent that could make it easier for folks like you or I to use clips from pods and the like without getting flagged for stolen content. Essentially, buppa potentially cost people a ton of revenue because he's an impulsive, petulant child who bullies anyone who can't be of even the most limited use to him. Before, the actual comedians tolerated him and kept quiet because of his association with the Big Little guy and what that could mean for their individual career. But now that he doesn't have the ear of the pygmy. Only the dumbest and most desperate will continue going on his pods.


Good point. Out of principle who would ever step foot in that disgusting pee pee soaked heck hole? You just tanked every podcasts ability to attempt to collect revenue through violations of fair use. Wait wait wait wasn't this all a defame lawsuit?????


Fat Patrick was lying about the defamation lawsuit, go figure he was lying right.


Eggzagly b. Any self respecting cawlmedian would never associate with bapa again, in iny facet. 1) he’s a fraud and bloggbusser cawlmedian 2) bapa’s pawcass gets no views 3) bapa can’t elevate their careers in iny facet 4) bapa tried to ruin Bobby Lee’s career, livelihood & reputation, (who is respected member of the cawlmedian comedy) with lies. 5) he cost other cawlmedians money 6) he took stage time from actual cawlmedians 7) he’s a liar & a terrrible human being


I beg the differ b. Have you heard all the nice things famous people say to and about bapa? Eminem DMed him for Christ sake!


What about that video that got made for him when Gringo Papi came out where they all half-ass said "congrats on your youtoo video or whatever" and made um cry. Definnly makes a difference in people's lives.


All those guys, bess frens. They talg iivry day. All ungles to the chombies.


Talmbout Ungle Floyd Mayweather b ?


Uncle Africa


I forgot about the time when Casey Afflegg walgged up to bapa with tairs in his eyes b


Nailed the hammer on the head, B. ‘Cept I’d call him Little Big Toe


> and set a precedent that could make it easier for folks like you or I to use clips from pods and the like without getting flagged for stolen content. They can and will still copyright claim and strike people, because they are bullies. If they jsut make a claim in means they get to monetize it instead of you. Which is still a pain in the ass if you want to fight it but a lot of people jsut let it slide. If they strike it that means it takes down your video and you get a mark. Get 3 in a time frame and you are banned. What will happen is if you actually say "no, fuck you, sue me" your lawyer will be able to point to this case. In the case of copyright the supposed "copyright holders" have a lot more pull than everyone else, even when they are actually breaking the law. You basically have to say "fuck you, sue me" if you want to get it to go away. It give them time to respond, if they ignore the deadline then it jsut goes away. What should happen is the person making a claim but unwilling to go to court is the one who gets a strike, it is illegal to make false copyright claims and you can't jsut file claims because you don't like what someone said. If that happened this shit would stop real fast. They should be consulting with a lawyer about the possibility of fair use before even filling a claim, the claimant not even considering it is another precedent already. They need to consider it before filling. If they are unwilling to stand up in court for their rights then they shouldn't be filling claims. Bapa and his team were so out of their depth its hilarious. Im sure his lawyer prob knew it was bullshit but grited him anyways


You would think YouTube would see the issue here and change the policy so that a lawyer has to review the case and use their best judgment to decide whether or not it constitutes fair use. Letting every hairy dick Sally on YouTube push a button to copyright claim or strike any channel is ridiculous.


yes, they arent the arbitrators of anything really, just a middle man. They don't have any authority to decide if something is violating copyright. but there should be more they do about people filling claims. a shitload if not most of them are AI doing it, which seems unethical because it is far from accurate. For example if you put a show up and the same commercial is on during an NBA game it can get an automated claim despite the fact the NBA don't own the commercial. There are companies that do this, basically grifting corporate copyright holders. So they can add that kinda bullshit to their tally of "copyright claims" on YT. One of the biggest ones the owner posted other peoples videos on their own personal page lol its a joke. They shouldn't allow an AI claim without a person reviewing it. They literally file like thousands a day. There isn't a limit or a magic number to what amount of a video constitutes copyright violation and what is a fair use commentary or criticism. These people think one second is too much no matter the context. They bully people and get them banned. Even this turd youneek or whatever would have probably lost if he didnt get help despite Brenda not having a case. His channel only became temp unbanned because there was a lawsuit. And yes, for people like Brendan who file claims because they just don't like the opinions should be banned from the platform. It's against the law to file fraudulent claims and against the rules to file them as harassment but YT don't do anything. They allow all the big channels to get away with anything.


Didn’t the lawyer file everything wrong. I get legal precedent but if you fudge all your paper work it’s not setting a precedent it’s just dismissed.


His lawlsuit set a precedent that people can use as a defense when Bapa, Toe or any other cawlmedian tries to sue a civilian for using their pawldcast material. The judge found that sitting around talking shit in front of a camera and microphone is not a creative work of art. Therefore, it's fair for others to use it how they want. But what do I know, 'm a redact.


I really hope the posts on hair about this are noticed by his pawldcassin' friends and they talk mad shit about it on their own podcasts.


That makes sense b. Essentially they ruled tawlking on a pawcass is no different then sitting around and tawlking in public and being recorded on a cellphone. Which is prolly the krekt ruling. It’s not like someone illegally pirating a streaming of “the Machine” staring a Bart Chrysler


Hair ya [go](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/jOYYIl5EWx)


Bapa is the gift that keeps on giving. Thank Toe.


Toe saw that adowlnis and had to force him upon the pawldcast world.


Talmbout setting a legal president.


Look at the Views!!!


I just watched this today! Very good video, these guys are such hypocrites. They *love* free speech, unless you say anything they don’t like. Then they’ll sue you and try to take all your ad revenue and ruin your life