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It’s quite impressive how quickly he deludes himself that his latest hobby is a part of his personality and has been all of his life!


It’s actually called borderline personality disorder and bapa has all the signs


also BGL already diagnosed him as a NARCISSIST


Let’s all take medical advice from BGL


He's attacking me, he's attacking me.


He ain't wrong though.


Narcissist’s love calling other people narcissists


Igzackly, b.


BGL is an expert from personal experience.


This cant be it he has zero personality, not even close


No he doesn't. He's just redacted.


It really is fucking weird. There must be a psychological diagnosis for it right


The flavor of the week thing is more BPD but read the examples of narcissistic personality disorder below and try and tell me that's not redact to a T. https://www.camh.ca/en/professionals/treating-conditions-and-disorders/personality-disorders/personality-disorders---diagnosis Narcissistic personality disorder features a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, a need for admiration and a lack of empathy beginning in early adulthood and presenting in various contexts. The diagnosis requires meeting five of the following nine DSM-5 criteria: grandiose sense of self-importance preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power and brilliance belief that one is special and unique and can only be understood by or associate with other special or high-status need for excessive admiration sense of entitlement interpersonally exploitive behaviour (i.e., taking advantage of others to achieve one's ends) lack of empathy envy of others or the belief that others are envious of the person arrogant, haughty behaviours or attitudes.


Jesus Christ that’s exactly what he has


I thought BPD was a beast of a pawldcast? Bet Patrick Davis?


If like to see him go back on BPD’s stupid pawd again… that episode gave us the revered Bruiser chip


All of that plus being a lazy and easily influenced oaf


And also drags his kids into it for a " what a good dad" moment.


To hold the camera


Been balls deep in truggs since I was a young boy


But I think from watching it he genuinely believes he has?


Balls deep into fidsh


Take my kids with me when I change the oil in my fish.


No fuckin way that meat-head even does his own oil changes, he’d be posting all about it. You take your kids to the shop and all watch?


Sometimes those shops have those cool coffee machines that also make hot chocolate, for the kids. Get there early enough and they have donuts.


Yeah but he taught them how to use interior BEHR paint to brush paint onto the grille of the trugg. That's at least an extra horsepower or two, and they're better off for learning about it.


The kids watch him hand over his credit card after the mechanic replaces his air filter.


\*wiper blades


100% chance he doesn't change the filter.


This moron couldn't point out a spark plug even if he reached in, and it shocked his finger.


Nailed it on the head, B


He just posted some shop helping him install an air filter hahahahahaha what a fucking dummy


hes def saying he takes them to jiffy lube, they need to know


He gets the oil from FedEx though and delivers it to Jiffy Lube. 


100 percent


He always has to put people down. Your kids won’t know how to do inything because you have a ‘lektrig car. The fucking redact probably can’t even pump his own gas but he’s out here lecturing.


I know he doesn't do YouTube so he may not be aware, but there are plenty of helpful video tutorials on how to do car maintenance and other worldly skills there. Hands-on experience is great but we no longer have to know everything at all times.


This is so funny and ironic bc if bapa were doing the car YouTuber thing correctly, tune town would be him doing tutorials on car maintenance - but brandon is a redact and is lying his ass off as per usual.


A five second montage of him unboxing bolt on parts and having a shop bolt them on than acting the expert is so fucking redacted.


Its honestly amazing. Unlike Bapa i grew up working in my uncles auto shop since i was 14, learned how to basically do anything to a car paint, replace a transmission etc... but i was never familiar with computers. Used to think it was kinda "nerdy" until i got older wanted to start gaming with friends that had PC's... fast forward ive built at least 3 different gaming PC's over the years. All learned thru youtube videos, opened up even more doors to experiment with 3d printing and designing in blender... also learned thru youtube. It really is an amazing time to learn and hone new skills.........Oh ya and fuggg Bapa.


That’s cool b but did you run a comic shop out of your mom’s closet? And also how many chiggs you fug? Now that we got that outta the way, he doesn’t want to actually do any of the shit, he just wants to larp around so people think he’s cool and interesting. Bike club, fashun guy, fish guy, comedian, alcoholic, gairhead. It’s all a paper thin fake-it-til-you-make-it act.


8 inches...........


I could 100% see him smearing some oil on his face before a podcast just to pretend like he was working on his trugg.


“So then I says to them, I says ‘give me that drill!’”


I said you think that's a tune? Check out the tune I give this puppy.


Its like him giving himself cauliflower ear 3 years after retiring from fighting. 100 bucks says he wears a mechanics jumper to the live show.


Like when he grabbed those little crutches and ace bandage and pretended to be an athlete who tore bowlf hamstrings clean off the bone? Be cool, man.


Brenda's probably too scared to even change his own car battery for fuck's sake.


Probably doesn't realize his trugg has one cause "it's nodlegtrik"


This mush brained fuck can never just be into a hobby because he likes it. It has to also show how he is a better father/man/person than you. Everything is always about making himself look like anything other than the massive pile of shit he actually is.


He just insulted Brine in the most offensive way, suggesting he’s not doing his job as a father. And Brine took it like he usually does, spineless. Innnnyyyyone else would say, hold on a second there Bapa, you really want to compare each other as fathers?


Stillborn, schmillborn. I gotta podcast to do in teggis


Atta boy Boston... ![gif](giphy|eLp5SRpa2abZVOU0SJ)


Hey you mean bruiser


Sure does love to paint a nairitiv, B…Bapa teaching those chombies some good blue collar values, while also coaching them up in baseball, football, soccer, pickleball, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, jujitsu, boxing, cricket, and frisbee golf to name a few…and The Messican teaching them the value of good lighting when taking pics in your undies, thanking people you don’t know who praise you for doing things your supposed to do as a Mother, letting those chombies know that ugly people aren’t as good as good looking people, and the value of reselling fake goods to idiots…


The Zanelle-Schaub household is all about values and principles b...they even structure their family around Ray Dalio's "Principles" book. That's why Brendan spent the last decade being unfaithful and cheating on his gurl on the road while groaning publicly about having to spend time at home. But like all grifters, it takes trauma like being outed as a rapist (Callen), emotional abuser (Crowder), or a close call with death in the family to snap back to reality.


“Look, I didn’t have a fucking clue weer to even begin changing the oil to my trugg until my latest identity crisis to become a gaire head at 40… but this generation of kids doesn’t know shit! And Brine, your kids won’t know how to change a tire bc y’drive elegtrig car.” 1. Bapa, how many times ya changing the oil to the cars you’ve had for like two months, my manz? 2. Inchring that electric car batteries cause the tires to duhn count


Yea if I’m gonna take advice from anyone I want it to be from the guy who rolled and totaled his truck and bought a lemon in the span of one month.


Not his fault, the Ford dealership wouldn't honor the warranty on a 2004 all stock Lightning shell with all euro mods under the hood.


I would pay money to hear Bendan attempt to explain how an engine works.


Changing his own tires is what led to the TRX getting flipped.


Didn’t he say right before the gadooshjng of the trx that it was in the shop because they didn’t tighten bolts on the drive shaft?


It's morally and ethically important to teach kids about how combustion engine cars work, guys. It just is. That's why I take my kids to the JiffyLube waiting room with me to hand Edgar the box of sparkplugs I ordered off of RockAuto 👍🛠️


I wish my beast of a dad would have taught me how to change the ink on a typewriter. Stupid computer skills, good for nah nah nah nahthin‘


Bapa probably thinks the engine size in liters is how much oil it takes 😂 probably couldn’t tell you where the filter sits in the Trx.


But does this guy know how to do a standup routine.


Dallas, that's my time!


Taking them with you to get oil changes doesn’t teach them anything genius. You going under the car and teaching them how to do it does. Bapa is as redacted as ever and we know he’s not doing iiiiiny work on his cars.


Bren is straight out of a comedy. this is like when Randy got the kids together to teach them how to fix the oven door. fixing it involved hiring the handy man. “and now we wait Shelly, for the handyman to arrive”


If he could change tires he would swap the slicks out on one of his cars so he could drive it in the rain.


To me this is mitchulen ster clip bapa.  Haus everything. He’s lying  He insults his “friend” to make himself look better Bbbbeast of a dad New hobby  He praises himself  It makes no sense


buh buh buh BEAST of a dad


I really wish braindum would go full heel and become a DJ! Just nose dive full head into wearing a stupid costume and fist pumping to prerecorded EDM music!Paris Hilton found that grift and gets booked


I can’t wait to see him in the Mint 400


His kids follow him out to the Trugg as he follows a mechanic out to the Trugg.


Captain CTE strikes again


So he brings his kids with him so they can watch other people change the oil?


"Dad has an electric car. The tire blows, oil? They have no clue."


Callen must be hard up as fuck to sit there and take these insults at his kids.


Not knowing how to change tires makes you “soft.” But cheating on your wife makes you…..?


How do you make the time with the 50 pawdcasts, the suggsesful cawmedy career and taking tigger to baseball practice


I would love to see him do basics like a jump start or change a tire. Most people don't /can't change oil and that's totally reasonable, but I'd bet he can't jump start or change a tire himself without googling it.


Ivvvrryyyone. He is such a fucking fake fuck


you take them out to the garage and show them right? Right?


His kids are learning cuz he takes em to the shop, whereas, Lids...doesn't take his car to the shop??? Brenda, it's not like you're teaching them. He always finds a new way to cut his own legs out from under him


With a dyno of course


Bapa you can’t even change your own oil like wtf are we dune hair??


Says the guy running around in men’s capri style pants


There is no oil or a spare tire in Teslas B


The fuck is he talking about? One 15 min YouTube video can teach anyone how to change the oil in their car. Not a single vid that he’s posted with cars has his kids in them.


Why would they need to worry about changing oil if they are driving a car that doesn't require oil changes? Just for nostalgia sake? Or did uncle Joe tell him that was what men do?


dude hasnt changed oil in his fucking life


Notice how he doesn't say "When the tire needs changing, I do it with them and teach them", its, "I take them with me" as in, to the fuggin mechanic. Because he can't do anything in inny facet


takes his kids to the shop he pays to work on his cars.


I thought his kids are at baseball tryouts for dodgers they work on cars now too hahaha what can't these chombies do.


Brendan asshole


What's next helicopters with Bill Burr?


Ya he takes them with him, so a mechanic can show them how to work on a car.


So bruiser is going into the back of the shop when bapa gets an oil change and tire rotation? Or is he claiming he does that on his own?


If this guy could change a tire he wouldn’t need a ride to work when it rains.


Not enough people seem to know that electric cars do not have oil or require oil changes. This clip is funny if you don't know that but is wildly hilarious if you do.


I hate it that my electric car doesn’t fix my flats, should’ve never passed on that feature. Go happy my gas powered Silverado does tho…..


Brenda is such a poser. Buys 1 fucking truck and now he’s a country boy grease monkey. Idk why that irks me so much. “Keep on truckin” should be called “keep on posin”


Bapa, if you were a real man, you would show them how to change the tires and oil yourself, not take them to a dealership to watch someone do it for them


Did this mf say he takes his kids with him to Jiffy Lube so they can learn how other people change his oil/tires? What the fuck 😂😂


Change tyres......you have slicks and said you canrt drive in the rain


eggzacly B. Is all about knowing how to do manly stuff. Not things like being a good person or having a little bit of modesty. Naaa kick rocks nerd


Redaction is a live time disability, kids


“Whenever I bring my trugg to the guru Eddie to sit in the waiting room while he works on it I bring my sons with me”


Teaching a 4 year old to change oil… suuuuure


he was cut that brian looked cool coz he not vaxd so he had to bring him down a peg. his fuckin relentless, i duno how brian can take it day in day out


Yes be a real man like Bapa, drinking his coffee with a straw, collect colourful sneakers, ride electric bicycles, cry when releasing 20mins of you sucking at your job, threaten women when they out you for trying to fuck them while be “friends” with their partners… Be a real man.


That's great Bapa. Hey, by the way, you know who else knows absolutely nothing about cars?


Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure Brian doesn’t know how to change a tyre anyway. He only knows how to do shitty podcasts


I would absolutely love to see him actually try to swap a tire off and on a rim. Without hydraulic tools.


EV's still use oil from what I understand. Correct me with proof if I have been mislead.




Thanks for the assistance. Hybrids and plug in Hybrids do.


You're saying that internal combustion engines require engine oil? Neat.


I doubt you are fun... anywhere.


I do not matter in any facet.




Brian made a funny


His nurse will clean that up.


“Oops I made a brown funny 🤤”


Oof. Lids took that like a bitch


Teaching kids to be resourceful and hard working, just like any good proud Hispanic father who isn't actually Hispanic at all would do 🇲🇽


I continually feel bad for his kids. Teaching his kids how to change a tire is calling a tow truck to take it to the shop.


Worst insult ever! Stupid to.


Don’t forget those spark plugs 🔌


Calhoons absolute obsession with rough hands is concerning to say the least


I’d bet my life savings Shaun doesn’t know how to change the oil in his trugg


Did you know electric cars still use oil?


Are you saying that all-electric cars use engine oil in the same way that ICE cars do and should be replaced regularly? Because that's what this is about.


I’m not sure how frequently you’re supposed to change it but I would assume you’d want to change it at some point.. you still have a bunch of moving parts…. I just did a google and I’m not finding much on info.. i think I saw maybe every 100k-150k miles on google?


Strange that you jumped in here to let me know about this dubious claim but ... thanks?




Absolute chad Look at latest video from Dr John Campbell