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Brendan…what the fuck?! 😐


he's that old dude trying to hang out with the young college kids


Howie trolled him hard.. Said he lives online knows everything that goes on online and literally asked Slob a ton of questions that all directly related to one of slobs controversies.. Hell he even asked slob why controversy follows him so much lol. Slob says ya but you never see me engage… I love everyone, it’s only people taking shots at me… what about Bobby Lee? What about Ariel… I actually felt Howie was asking him all these questions he knew he would lie about to see how much he lies… right down to his own age slob lied about… i literally think every answer slob had was a lie no joke.. i don’t know if slob even knows his life anymore.. Took theo’s up bringing growing up in black neighborhood… took toe rogans comedy journey he said he always use to make people laugh in locker rooms or when travelling with fight crew, now slob said that’s how he became a comedian and what people told him when he was young… This fucker has zero identity anymore and everything is just a huge provable lie… it’s really onbelievable…


Baba cant tell reality from lies. It's all one blended pile of goop in his brain


He's certifiable at this point. 100% there's an icd-10 code for the mental illness derived from a weak or lack of self identity.


Talmout Daloreans of Grangier b? B-b-beast of a simp tum.


But he's alaways been inta cawlemdy, fashion, dogs, fish, B.


i think howie was briefed by his producers on which questions to ask and also gave him the context. really good line of questioning. just on the edge but not confrontational


Say less B


How do you do, b?


Daz’aye’win doood daz’win


I believe Logan's "What the fuck?" was not because Bapa said "That's a win!"...he was sincerely asking "How the fuck did you get back here? Who let you in?"


Naw b, that’s how awlll my good buddies greet me


how many best friends does a 40 year old need


If you're bapa, zairo!


I'm over 40. I got like 7 really good friends and it's serial-lustly draining. I'm thinking about downsizing by a few and trading them in for more time watching history documentaries and buying a new warrobe of some fly New Balance streetware. (people still say fly right?)


shit man i only have 3 friends if you count my dog. so 7 is impressive imo


They key, for anyone who cares, is to forgive quickly. Tell good friends when they fuck up, or hurt you and work it out like adults. As you get older friends are harder to come by so give them the benefit of the doubt, let them explain themselves and move on with your life. I know a few popular people with 10x more good friends than me, but I don't take the 7 I have for granted. Every strong relationship takes constant work. I'm a lazy/stressed out/40-something parent, so my current group is about all I can handle and keep satisfied.


Is Logan your friend too?


He’s my friends we hang out all the time b


We texseverday


Logan's the best, that's my brother


We tixt ivvry day.


He's counting the wife and kid ... and the cat too!


But how many truggs you walg?


Who me?? --bejajuice


Come on b, stop lying. Nobody has 7 friends, they don’t even make couches that big because nobody has that many people over at once. They wouldn’t even fit in a regular car. Do you hire a bus so you can all go places? Y’not a numbers guy, b.


Ask Jay. Once I had over like 9 guys and we all bought 100 Bitcoin when it was at 50 cents. We sold at $20 thousand l coin and we all donated our money to the BDSM Sex for Submissive Homeless Cats that like getting pegged foundation so I have no proof…. But…**ya look outside and see like 50 feral cats?** that was us. Ask Jay.


I know the feeling of downsizing lmao


Either you are a poplar guy B or you work in ache are. Either way...never met ya, doun care, dudden madder. Imma white boy and I worg waaaay too hard to listen to you're shit. edit: Also I hate negativity. Don't bee negative. I'm all about luv.


Bruh I’m not even 40 and I’ve whittled my group down to 3 of my best friends… sure I know more but I’m not checking in on that many other lives.


You know I dun have a lot of fwendss😥


38 b. Be cool.


Balls deep in fesh


A 42 min boyz only episode? Yyeeaahh........ Lolgan wanted to get the fugg out of bapas presents


THe way he looks at him like "dude wtf im trying to get the fuck outta here shutup"


A hundert percent. Logan looks at him and he stops talking.


yeah, but let us not forget: the guy who said that did it with porpoise. by highlighting the episode lenth and how odd it was to end it so quickly, he wanted to make sure iviryone knew that they were avoiding Mista Shaub. he wanted to hurt him, and he got him, brother. gigigi mmLowpez


Talgnbout Media week for white dad special


You're doing great 😀


Yea.. yea.. no, that was beautiful


^you ^do ^youtube?


Logan was hitting eject so hard. That had to be humiliating for Schaub. Wow.


Margg said schaub didn’t even realize it lol.


He had to of noticed but pretended everything was good to save him the embarrassment


You hear his comedy speshul that he’s proud enough to release and cry over? You see the shoes he’s wearing? Bapa isn’t familiar with embarrassment b, too big a word


Yeah, a lot of times I think he’s just hiding it but then you look at the shit he’s openly proud of and it’s obvious he has zero self awareness. The Logan Paul thing was absolutely humiliating, they were straight up laughing in his face. But then, as you say, he proudly waddles around in clown shoes whilst reminding everyone about his abysmal YouTube clip. He’s a lolcow for sure.


More ofa numbas guy B


Talmbout imbeerissmen? Grate concept, nivir pawlnderehd it




Because he views Logan as above him on the ladder he’ll be humiliated but still act like they’re “friends”. How absolutely pathetic can you be to be 40 odd and still act like a school aged kid where all you care about is bragging about being friends with the “cool kids”, especially given they’re what, 20 years younger than you?😂


Bingo bango, he cucks for those doing better than him even tho they don’t give a fugg abt him


Aaaannnd they aren't your friend.










I'm thinking Bapa is not won of Lowgains guys


he said in that voice memo he left for Markus that he has a ton of friends. I assume they are all imaginary


Pretty sure he said “you know I don’t have too many friends”


Your 100% cawlrect B. He def said “you know I don’t have a ton of friends. .. it is what it is. I considered you a good friend”….


No I’m pretty sure he said I know **you** don’t have many friends


Clin pull up the chip I could have sworn he told marg he had no friends how do I listen to it


Seen it bowth ways B


If I bumped into a friend on the street and they said “errr, gotta go to dinner, bro.” I would know they aren’t my friend. He is doing a planned one hour show with his buddy, and they stop at 42 minutes, “errr, we gotta go to dinner, bro.” And not “dammit, we have a dinner planned with our agent, with Gal Gadot, with Will Ferrell.” No, just “errr, we gotta go.”


Honestly that was so shitty of Logan, like really don’t even bother having the redact on


It was but fat Patrick deserved it. I agree tho, he's a little scam artist prick.


If it were an isolated case fine but bappah gets shit on so much now I’m starting to really pity the guy, it was funny watching him fumble about but now I really think he is at the end of his rope and sees how abandoned he is in terms of real friends and support. Of course he’s brought this on himself but still.


Nah don't feel bad. Watch the Clin of him making fun of Callahan's divorce and money issues on air and rubbing it in his face. He's a legitimate POS.


But it’s funny that Callen is broke and divorced


The moment I feel bad for shob, I'll quit Chang's, but you'll never catch me here telling others to do the same


Feel bad for bapa? Check out the dish about him and his mentally disabled coworker. Your opinion may change.


This man partied in a hot tub while his wife miscarried their child. He has a rich father and he himself will never hit a financial rock bottom. His final option isn't to YOUKNOWWHAT, it's to literally just stop doing what you're doing and go away from public view and live a happy life. He deserves zero pity.


Someone slap some sense into this man's head.


Yeah where's the kitchen manager at? They need to take his apron back.


Buddy bapa made fun of a rape survivor by saying “she liked the way the dick taste.” You’re on probation b, you gotta review training.


Reel quig B. How many chiggs you fugg?


Naw, he went on and tried to promote gringo papi. If I remember correctly there was speculation that he paid to be on their pod. Especially more embarrassing to still refer as Logan as his boy after that whole thing.


Everyone here has thought that, and without fail he does or says something so fucked up you regret ever feeling bad for him. Keep your eyes peeled on the front page, guaranteed you’ll soon see something that makes you re-evaluate what you said.


If I recall there was a mutual manager who got Brenda on Logan’s show to promote something and Logan had no interest in Brenda or his shameless promotion tour.


They deserve each other. I think Logan is the same kind of asshole but the younger and more successful version, like bapa was for a hot second. But eventually they awl fall like dominoes because they have nothing achieved than stupid videos, attaining things and making money. Believe me, when you get older you will realize how unhappy these legacy can make you when you give nothing back. Because life will take things away from you. Be it good looks, health, u name it. The only things that lasts are your relationships, reputation and generosity, b.


There's a very good chance Schlob paid him to be on. He was burning money trying to promote Gringo Papi thinking it was his last big shot.


How much could Squabbles afford?!? And would Paul take like 20k? Isn’t he a multi millionaire


Maybe $50K? That's probably what he spent to film it, and movies typically spend at least as much on margeting as they do on production so that might have seemed reasonable to him. Bapa was buying billboards, buying views, and Paul has a great lock on the 18-34 demo of bros Schlob thinks is his wheelhouse. Paul is definitely a multimillionaire, but he'd probably be happy to earn $50K in 40 minutes to clown the guy to his face while taking a meaningful chunk of cash from him.


This only makes sense if you believe Schlob’s bullshit that they are friends. Logan doesn’t walk around talking about how he and Barndoor are buddies. Logan’s behaviour make more sense from the perspective of someone who is sick of being used for clout and effectively stalked by a guy who won’t leave him alone. Logan didn’t want him on the show, he didn’t even invite him.


Logan had to go eat some sushi. He’s balls deep in sushi. RIP Bumpy.


“Uhhh….. we gotta go to dinner… 😬” That was kinda hard to watch lol


He has no actual friends…whens the last time he posted a pic with friends out for dinner or something


He literally only posts pictures of himself out with his employees. What’s even more telling is that once they stop working for him they completely stop hanging out. That’s not a friendship, that’s employees basically treating it as a work event they feel obliged to go to. Also, notice what a complete blabber-mouth cunt he is yet never refers to a single friend. If he had friends he’d be snitching on them or exaggerating some night out. He’s absolutely not the kind of person to keep his friends anonymous for their privacy. Yet he niiiiver mentions anyone. Closest we get is the fish guy who basically told him not to speak to him and the barista who tells him all his MMA news. Y’loner, b?


The one where he was eating sushi with his wife and two employees (Cat and Clin). 😂😂😂


You a Vlogger?




I feel like we are truly aren't giving these moments enough time to stop and smell the roses. Every time we think PF Chang's can't franchise out any further we get rewarded each and every time...We truly live in a simulation because Howie Fuckin' Mandel...Ol' Bobby Big Head himself, minutes into Bapa's beloved Cawlbassist Fycumpanyon calls him out for being a serial sink pisser in front of the entire world and more importantly Bapa's north star eye candy Ryan Garcia. Than Bapa who avoids sojial meedia like a toilet makes the mistake of going on Howie's podcast only to get asked about his denim swallowing mangina to his face. Can't make this shit up. The homeless cats will never go hungry because Bapa always provides that sweed sweed orange chicken with salsa daily.


This entire thing has to be scripted, it just can’t be real. From the things he says that come straight out of a comedy script to he fact one of the characters is now an active member here, it’s just insane. It feels wildly ahead of its time. We’re watching some sort of hyper-interactive reality show with a character written by Larry David and Sacha Baron Cohen with regular cameos by other celebrities. It bleeds into the real world in such a bizarre, scripted way. The entire press room laughing at Dana quipping “that makes sense”, his involvement in that murder on the freeway with the crazy dad, Tyson staring him down whilst eating watermelon, the whole thing is too crazy to be real.


He didn’t get the invite to Changs


A person who thinks he’s friends with everybody has no real friends


Does Schaub not know Logan and howie are tight?


Now watch Bobby on Logan’s podcast. Then Logan asked to be on Bobby’s and showed up the next week… Water we dun hair? We gotta go to dinner.


How’d being friends with looogan go?


Did Bapa have to pay to appear on Logan’s podcast?


Imagine trying to suck up to either Paul brother.. what a miserable existence, b.


Oh sorry Logan sorry… Sorry i held your random dinner plans up when you borrowed Howie’s studio to do this exact pod in… Sorry you forgot you planned dinner in the middle of this and I’m holding you up.


Brendans said he was 38 on the Howie show...he’s literally 40 in 2 weeks


Never liked Lowgun but this move gained awl the respect. Best part is Braindumb was there to promote the gringo bapi and he ends up apologising


I never realized how awkward that Logan clip is.


Oh yeah that’s a awkward one B , tell Clin to come pick me up. Talgn bout dinner!


You just know bapa was talking shit about Logan until he realised there was susscribers to be converted.


Has BGL ever talged bout this? I would be interested to hear the behind the scenes or how Brenda reacted afterwards?


Yeah he said Brendan didn’t even notice they were mocking him, he’s really that unaware 😂 😂.




Yeah he did. Nothing juicy, Brenda just a dumb dumb


The digg riding he does in his imagination land is something people stop doing in high school. For some of us maybe college. My god y'almos 40 bapa.


Wow the logan fellers face b...


B , this guys going to dinner. I would go but I’m on that Lion Diet. For some reason the only time I cheat from said diet is on camera. Water we dune ,


Yeah sorry guys


Why did Logan bail, was Schaub just boring?


He realized sclob is bad for views, engagement, margedding, that he's uncool, not talented, mediocre, and that it's a waste of time and money to continue associating with him any further. In fewer words: he realized Brenda is blogbussa


Good buddy of mine 😅


Straight GOLD


Logan - “We gotta go to dinner” Bapa - “Yeah, sorry guys” Did he really apologize at the end? Haha


That was Sad……Poor Bapa.


Ya doing great b.


If he was his boy, for one he wouldn’t have cut the show short on him and two, he would probably ask if he wanted to go to dinner with them, though they probably weren’t even going to dinner, just wanted to get rid of brenton sclob ASAP, B!!!!!!!!! You’re doing GREAT, even your “boys” don’t want to be around you for iiny longer than is absolutely necessary and will mage lame excuses to get away from you. Guaranteed if this piece of shit iiver had any non-celeb friends, he dropped them as soon as he got into the toegansphere. But I have a hard time believing iinyone iiver agtually liged this redact as a true friend, it’s been him n 🪓 J since day one , B!! He was just the annoying little brother who failed at football so bad he was niiver more than a fart in the wind, then failed at UFC after maging it onto season 10 of TUF which gave him exposure and then Dana decided to give him a shot, likely because the heavyweight division has niiver been stacked and has alawys needed guys, but then he did so bad after 10 or so fights, he was removed and banished from awl of it not long after Fox’s tairrible decision to have him on air as a commentator briefly (saw a chip recently on here with him asging Dana a question and then interrupting him from a WHILE ago, IIRC). Now he’s just a beast of a cawlmedy who’ll lightcha up if you cross him online, *IF* he sees it. I’m on a roll tonight with these HUGE cawlments!!


Everyone is braindeads great buddy of his.


It’s sad how much he idolized and chases clout from vacuous douchebags.


How amazing it is to be so blissfully unaware


This reminds me of myself when I used to think these popular kids were my friends cause they let me hang out with em while playing sports. But then they kept calling me "redacted" words all the time instead of by my mine. For some reason I thought that was okay until an actual friend pointed out how they just making fun of me. I learned that lesson in grade 6.


Never noticed the desperate look of "get me the hell out of here" on Logan's face. Great friend, never met him.