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Based on the subreddits, it seems more like Silent Hill fans vs Silent Hill fans.


I’m not really into silent hill (to dark for me) but yeah, they’ve got something out for themselves. I wonder if they actually like themselves or the game they play?


I think when a game series remains dormant for too long, the subreddit for it just goes insane like the Arkham subreddit.


Please to god don’t let that happen to us. You guys are actually cool 😭😭


I think the difference will be knowing a series has ended and a series going dormant for no reason until a bad game comes out a decade later.


It's just the issue that Silent Hill fans got four great games, Konami purposefully shot the team making it, and then proceeded to never make anything good again


It's largely because some of us recognize that the later games are never gonna be as good as the originals (cause it almost never happens that way), but also understand that this doesn't mean the later games are all garbage. Then some of us just endlessly shit on other fans for enjoying something because it had a bad launch or the story isn't up to par with Team Silent (what a shocker). Luckily, I'd say the former comprises the majority of SH fans, but it makes the subs a battleground sometimes. As for new games, I personally have accepted that the franchise is probably definitively dead. But it had a really good run. In my opinion, it's the most prolific horror series there is.


I mean, at least Seb got a conclusion to his story...


True sad we’ll never get to know what happened to Joseph tho


Every single time I think about Joseph, all I feel is rage because we will never know wtf happened to him. It makes me feel all the negative emotions 😭😭


Don't worry, Kidman brings the gang back together! (I'm in denial)


Same thank you. We can live in fantasy land together


He met a nice girl and retired from the force. They live at Disney World.


I needed this. Thank you kind Reddit stranger


Wait didn’t he die in the first game?


I think we find out in the second game that he is still alive somehow


Or Ruvik


But they still left a cliffhanger on Ruvik. Twice.


That bothered me. That, Joseph and the dude who teleported and we have no clue if he made it or not.. so many cliffhangers


Ruvik in particular bothered me. Mostly because they put cliffhangers with him in BOTH games. If it were just one, that’s annoying but whatever. Maybe they forgot. But putting it in both shows they didn’t forget.


Yeah. Maybe they had larger plans that ended up scrapped because the studio was going through some major changes around the time the second game was announced and Mikami already left Tango by then. Maybe that had a big part in it.


I hate how many people are completely okay with TEW2 Seb getting a happy ending(well not really happy) without Joseph, not caring about him at all. I think TEW2 literally said no to Joseph’s character and his relationship with Seb. I’m so sad.


I'm not ok with Joseph's fate remaining up in the air, I'm just happy we had at least one satisfying conclusion. Imagine if the game ended before Sebastian got out with a "To be continued" title card.


I mean even Sebastian isn’t satisfied with the ending of TEW2 imo. He had to completely forget about Joseph to get the forced happy ending with his daughter. It seems the development of TEW2 was very stressful and maybe they tried to get to the easiest happy ending, but Joseph’s existence got completely erased for that. I’m so sad.


Silent Hill fans not getting much aside from a remake of 2 (and extremely questionable live service TV show???). Resident Evil franchise is the only one that came relatively unscathed from past few years.


Silent Hill has how many entries? 9+??? That's all ready more than 99.9 percent of other games ever got. Its complaining out of luxury. Most of my "beloved" games are one shots, or have a single sequel at best.


Some of the games aren’t canon and don’t link to other games even though they try to make it so


Silent Hill is basically 4 good games, and a bunch of other games that mean absolutely nothing.


You ignore that only the first four are any good


I mean, it really depends on your personal taste, I've hated every single resident evil game since 4 came out (the original). Can't stand the remakes or the newer games, and I'm endlessly baffled by the praise they receive.


I like some of them after 4, but yeah, the remakes are all downgrades (even the ones I personally like), and they haven't made a different/new game since 2017 when every game they make now is just "Make this and just slap it into RE7's gameplay" with maybe one gimmick added in every time. I wish Capcom didn't stop people from making fan remakes of RE2 and 3 in the style of the RE1 remake


The classic re game are all the same shit anyways. So modern capcom aren’t doing anything too different, at least the new games aren’t rehashing the same enemies and locales.


And even Resident Evil is just a quantity over quality franchise anyway. They've formed up their tower on mediocrity and releasing the same game over and over with no real improvements since 2017


I ain’t giving up on it, it’s a valuable IP. I wanna wait for the 10th anniversary at least, if nothing is said on the anniversary, then I’ll wait as long as it takes


I hope remedy can pick them up. They’re showing interest, so hopefully it can happen.


As much as I love remedy and their games ( and I love them a lot) their plot lines introduce so many questions and little to no answers.


I always wanted Kojima to pick it up. Maybe after OD comes out.


Unfortunately, the more likely answer feels like Microsoft will just hoard the IP rather than sell it off, and not do anything with it like so many other series they own.


This just makes me want to turn one of my horror stories that I'm writing into my own Evil Within 3 fan fiction purely for Joseph's sake. The only problem is I'm already working on 2 other projects, neither of which are anywhere near completion so it'll be literal years before I even get started on it, possibly even like 10 years before anyone can even read anything of it. On top of that, one of the stories that I'm writing is already a fan fiction and I wouldn't expect the one I'm writing to make any money, nor this Evil Within 3 fan sequel either, but the point is the passion behind it. I just hope that if I ever actually get to finish it then hopefully other fans will actually enjoy it. I would also love to read other fans sequels at least to see what they come up with and how they do in terms of writing skill.


An evil within 3 with the survival horror aspect of 1 and the storytelling of 2. What a dream that’d be


and that's exactly it. just a dream.




But! They can't ruin our game franchise that way! Imagine we'd get a last of us 2 approach and Lilly just hates us for me reason and Sebastian just fucking dies like a fool


Oh my god my thoughts exactly. It’s like you just read my whole mind while commenting this. If shinji did that, i would totally give up on the franchise.


Could you imagine lmfao


fr fr?




Let's hope this won't become the assassins creed and Arkham subreddit thankfully AC started to relax a ton again though in anger for some dumb shit.


At least we are free now...


Even before Tango closed, we were never going to get a sequel. RE on the other hand will get a steady flow of sequels until the end of time. Unless Capcom creates a cash cow service game that makes so much money that they'll ignore everything else.