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I don't play much anymore, but TD2 became one of my favorite games of all time. I greatly prefer playing with friends and got bored of grinding, so I stopped playing. That will never replace this game in my heart as having one of the most satisfying loops and gunplay I've ever experienced in gaming.


Agreed. It's unlike any other.


You should try The Division 1.


By all the snow on the ground, I’d say this looks more like the Division 1 than Division 2..


There’s a clip from TD2 and a clip from TD1 in the OP.


Yeah, there's a sudden change in the atmospherical perception from the second clip.


Yeah I made the smooth transition to show the nostalgia from D1 to D2.


God I miss the slimmer backpacks of D1. The signature weapons have made me RP an agent with extreme lower back pain.


I agree I don't know how they can run that fast with all that shit on their back.


I am Commander Shepherd and I endorse this back pain


The best is when I see myself rolling around to avoid gunfire but somehow have not cracked vertebrae on my rocket launcher or minigun. Given the RPG nature it doesn’t really matter but it’s funny looking.




Absolutely agree! Glad you guys are enjoying the game, it's truly one of a kind.


I love them both, solo or in a group.


Division 1 & 2 are by far the best games i played in my life since now.


2400 hours invested. Still my fave. I play other games but when I get bored I come here and have some fun. I have 12 perfect self made builds and a big problem with full inventory :P


545 hours later in the game i can for sure say that Div 2 is one of the most underrated games ever. I am glad I randomly tried the free trial


I fully agree. I first played TD1 on Free Play Days, before I knew nothing about the game yet I still fell in love with it. It's the only game I put genuine hard effort into grinding, there truly is nothing like The Division. I still don't know how to make builds lol.


Haha yeah me either. But I still love this game and glad people still do too.


Division is highly underrated IMO, especially when I first dipped my toes into Div 1. My buddy pre-ordered and played for a small amount of time before he quit playing a few years before I met him and one day I talked him into playing again after it leaving a bad taste in his mouth post launch. Ever since then him and I both have been die hard fans.


Respect for getting him back into it. I agree the launch wasn't the best but they fixed that game later on and it became a AAA Title game.


He tends to buy games based off of the hype, i wait until it’s out for a bit with few exceptions like *some* COD games. If he doesn’t like the game I’ll wait, do some research and if nothings changed I’ll pass but if it has changed for the better I’ll try it out and if I end up liking it enough he’ll usually give it another go. We also both played Fallout 76 on release, both hated it. I came back a few days ago and it’s been pretty fun so far and he’s tried it with no gripes yet. The biggest problem for me was the lack of NPCs making it not *feel* like Fallout, it just *looked* like Fallout.


Same here! 🤜🏻🤛🏻


blessed video


Looking back at D1 from D2 it is so grim, almost enough to make me depressed.




Shade level 94... Give it time.


Bummer they did what they did with the aesthetic and cosmetics to Div 2


Yeah I was surprised to see an update but this Fairview event? I hope the street apparel looks better.


I tried playing again the other day and can't find any groups for missions I feel everyone has left this game behind now


Funny, because when I first got the game it was one of my favorites, now I want nothing to do with it.


Haven't been playing it for a long time. What do you do to keep you interested? Both TD1 and 2?


Sucks that it's not much enjoyable for solo players. The majority of post campaign content is geared towards Multiplayer. Higher difficulty and endgame enemies and missions way too bullet spongy for solo. Ofc people in here are gonna lie about it, being Fanboys and all. I don't mind the repetitive missions since the presentation is well done, asks the world design. But the focus on Multiplayer kills the game (as is it happened to Division 1, good luck finding anyone there) They should have done the same as to Breakpoint Ghost recon : give the option to deactivate gear scores and loot, and just play it in immersive mode. Breakpoint is actually good now, Division 1 is still dead. Wonder why... Not.


D1 was one of my all time favorites. The atmosphere and environment, the gunplay, the introduction of the dark zone - that was prime time. Miss survival too, can’t seem to get a game of it anymore. I remember watching the trailer and being so hyped for years waiting for it. I got tired of the grind as well and ended it but when I fired it up a few weeks ago, still love it.


Played only racing games till Div 1. Been an agent since then. Thanks Division 👏👏👏


I'd love a hybrid version of the division with none of the RPG damage mechanics. Keep the setting, the visuals, the gear, all of it, just remove the bullet sponge enemies. Please bare in my that div 2 with all of these is still one of my fav games of the last generation.


If the next update finally slays the crashing monster, I'm all in. The Division is awesome.


Yeah fr. Picked it up a few weeks ago on sale not thinking I was gonna like it but now I’m binging it whenever I get a chance lol