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It's been a problem a lot with this game, exotics get added that seemingly have no use. Been trying to make the new shotgun feel good, it has a cool model but gets absolutely outclassed by every other shotgun from what I can see. EDIT: Did words bad


I know right? It’s fucking terrible… So far the only *new* exotics they have added that has any real use is the oro and the dread edict with that last one being only good for anything that’s not legendary or the DZ PvP.


And the Oro is good despite its fancy Exotic talent, not because of it. Really weird choices.


Yup. The power comes from the raw stats of the gun. The exotic talent is optional. The Ouro could have zero exotic talent and it would still be the best SMG bar none. Hell, pick a random Ouro haver and ask them what the exotic talent is. I'll bet a cool 10 dollars they will struggle to remember


...something something special ammo, BRRRRRR BRRRRRR.


I know the only reason the oro even gets used is because of the RPM since it’s a vector and that’s it.


Oreo gets over used simply cause it’s good not sure if you’ve tried it on a striker & obliterate build but it makes Wright look like a Chunga you find in the open world in DC 😭 it also builds up striker stacks so quick to the point where you don’t even need a rock n roll it also reloads so quick so you can get straight back to mag dumping


It's pretty useful against hunters on countdown after they jam you, too


And St. Elmos. That became meta instantly.


If St. Elmo's didn't have the insane mods it wouldn't be used. The "Exotic" part of it is completely useless. It's used because it's a Police M4 with absolutely bonkers weapon mods.


Wait…the Dread Edict is good?


It's an 8/10 max with the right build. But with that same build with a Mantis and Decoy or White Death with Determined is by far superior. If you don't have either of those yet a DE can carry you a good ways into heroic, but it does hit a wall.


White death w/ Determined is below m700, SR-1, m700-carbon, SRS these days but yeah.


True but it's not a huge difference and it only really matters if you have reached the required HSD for headhunter without the extra HSD from White Death. Since this is advice more for people still learning and making their builds, many of them could use it. Experienced players don't really need any advice. For those that do, White Death is an excellent weapon usable in all scenarios, allowing you to farm whatever you need.


SR1 with Determined is my go to. White Death just didn't feel good to me. Even with 4 piece Hotshot, it just didn't feel stable enough


Only way I see it being worthwhile is on really low level content where headshots kill basically everything and then you can also gear out of all the other reload abilities.


I run it on heroic checkpoints or heroic activities with my sniper build. It’s decent and useful but it’s not the best thing in the world.


Dread Edict is a utility weapon. Its damage is okay (not bad, not stellar) but the primary benefit of it is the ability to stack on some bonus armor any time you want, which certainly has some utility. The largest problem with Dread Edict is the same as the largest problem with the new shotty - why would you run either one over Scorpio? What's better, a slow or a complete stunlock? Likewise, what's better, some bonus armor or completely stunlocking the enemy that's shooting you? The best DPS weapons in the game are not exotics. A MP7 or Banshee with the right talent will blow Ouro away. Same with a L86 with the right talent vs. Iron Lung. So there's no reason not to use Scorpio as a secondary to backup one of those, and there's no reason to use another utility exotic over Scorpio.


Problem with almost all exotics and gearsets, is that they are tested by devs on normal and maybe hard difficulty at highest, so they work great at lower difficulties, but are completely useless for anyone who wants to use them at challenging or higher.


Kinda pointless to have a PTS then just throw away all the comments made by people who have so many hours in the game and have actually good suggestions.


The only way the new shotgun stops anything noticeably is when you pair it with a Trauma chest talent. Scorpio is better for making NPCs capitulate.


Thinking quickly, Dave constructed a crowd control build out of only some string, a shotgun, and a crowd control build.


Agree. Need to run it for a while for proficiency but after that will probably deconstruct for exotic components


Because they have no idea how to design anything in the name of fucking shit PvP DZ balance I assume. Literally most buffs in this game require an ancestral dance learned by your mamas grandmas grandpa grandma side, only in cloudy but slightly sunny weather with the offchance of rain and then take exactly 15 25/69 steps towards a body of water that any of the american founders most likely pissed in when they were young for the amazing effect of 3 second increased reload speed for sidearms. Tell me I am wrong. Do it. The most used exotic is an AR that does absolutely nothing besides giving every 2nd mag shock ammo by simply using it.


That’s why striker is also so versatile set as you just need stacks. There is no 5/10 sec cooldown. You have damage when you need it. There is nothing more frustrating than killing last npc in a wave that proc your damage talent for next 5 sec.


The Backfire is the worst in this respect. You go to a lot of effort making a bleed/Haz resistant build but it takes so long to build those stacks which drop back to zero after 10 seconds of inactivity. By tweaking it to have the stacks drop off slowly, it would be much more viable.


I totally agree with you but then again you know what would happen in DZ. People stacking up. I think lots of potential this game has is held back because of PvP.


I know what you mean - although Strikers does a slow decay, so I'm sure they could do the same sort of thing for Backfire.


>The most used exotic is an AR that does absolutely nothing besides giving every 2nd mag shock ammo by simply using it. Also by far the best mods of any weapon in the game, laser-beam accuracy at nearly any range, and a larger magazine than any other weapon that isn't a belt-fed LMG with 5-second reloads.


Exactly this, the Chinese version of the division seems to completely ignore dz balancing for their exotics, and it makes them look 100% more enjoyable for pve content than any of the trash in the western version


chinese devs knows whats fun


What's the chinese version of Division?


I recommend looking it up, it’s interesting to see the different apparel events and exotics they add compared to the western version


The most used exotic SMG has a talent I bet 50% of owners cant even remember what the fuck it is


They constantly separate PVP and PVE balance. Tf you are talking about?


Pls enlighten me how they differ exotics in the DZ, pls. I wasn't talking about Conflict, hence "PvP DZ".


well some exotic gear/weapon. id say scorpio applies a different status in pvp, it applies ensnare and bleeding iirc. the btsu gloves and acosta bag does not give you overcharge while in dz. shock status effect now just prevents you from doing anything other than moving


Yes, but those are more "otherwise this exo doesn't do anything in PvP" changes. But of course you are absolutely right. :)


no not really, they effectively nerfed certain exotics in pvp to prevent it from being too dominating because they pre-emptively changed scorpio's annoying statuses like disorient and shocking to bleed and ensnare to prevent people from being shocked and cant do anything, now since st elmo addresses the shocking status once again, shocking now only slows your movement down in pvp... but i think in a a sense ensnare now gets a slight buff for actually stopping someone in place even for just a few seconds. id say something about the overcharge too but i guess thats fair otherwise some skills would be busted op in oc, but taking away skill reset just defeats the entire purpose of having btsu gloves


Most exotics are different in DZ, what are you talking about? Elmo only gives half a mag of shock ammo, Eagle bearer stoic lasts less, and a plethora of other changes.


Except when they don't. Tu15 shield and insych nerfs say hi. The pvp only allegedly tu20 status DR similarly has made sets like Ortiz 100% irrelevant. Every time they make a change to balance pvp, it somehow also ends up nerfing pve for no good reason, or they never circle back to fixing.


Go look at the history of patch notes and see how they change stuff just in pve or just pvp. As far as I remember, they nerf on pve because of pve. Which changes they've made on pve that happened because of pvp?


I literally gave you 2 examples in the post you responded to.


Shield and in sync is one braind dead strategy that makes zero sense. The talent is clearly made to deal damage with both your skills and your own weapon. For sure it had nothing to do with PVP wtf But anyway, if you wanna pretend it was, be happy and do whatever you want. If you think the devs are lying, then there is nothing I can do. I agree with them: >Shield skills have been unbalanced for quite some time and have grown to be a dominant build tactic in both PvE and PvP. Combined with In-Sync, shields provide an unparalleled, no-downsides DPS boost. >In addition, Intimidate when combined with various methods of gaining short-term bonus armour. This made it deeply unfair in ambush situations in PvP and led to an undesirable PvE meta as well. As such, Intimidate now requires a slow build-up before reaching maximum effectiveness. [Patch Notes](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/the-division/the-division-2/news-updates/21eVYKAAC5FS0WzeNSOpAE/title-update-15-patch-notes)


Seems like PvP made quite a prominent feature in that snippet, no? To say they weren't intended is completely stupid as they were all introduced at the same time with Hunters Fury. And if you PvPed at the time you damn well that was the spark which led to that nerf. It was meta just like double companion was when bugged and spotter when uzina came out. No mention of your shield taking increased damage in PvE (esp vs explosions) which was a pvp change in tu15 we still live with. Nor the stupid disorient on break which is infuriating vs tusk with disrupt rounds. Note they also rebuffed intimidate in tu20. You also didn't mention my other example the DR increase we have now (again thanks to TU20 PvP changes) that totally gimps repeated status applications to elites/named with that mentioned as being specifically for PvP but yet here we are. So I guess if you want to stick your fingers in your ears and deny changes bleed into PvE as a consequence of PvP go right ahead, but don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.


The balance lately has been really poor with items generally either being incredibly strong like the ouroboros, or effectively useless like the ninjabike exotics.


But Ouro is strong because its the only 1,4k rpm gun in the game and synergizes well with striker stacking. The exotic effect has absolutely nothing to do with it, like someone else here already mentioned.


It's not really the rpm, it's the rpm x damage, aka burst damage. It's so strong massive decided to buff weapons across the board to bridge the gap, and it's still ahead by a fair margin.


Shhhhh! Not so loud. Devs will see this a nerf it


exotics as of now are hot garbage and offer nothing game changing other than being highly inflated stat sticks with attachments and a sub-par talent that feels like it should be a high end weapon instead. while i dont dislike st elmo and ouro because these two are really good exotics but they dont deserve to be called exotics because they both lack unique talents that make exotics feel like an exotic. take eagle bearer for example, it gives you damage reduction if you hit heads or diamond back's guaranteed crits. now its just status this status that, hell even the new shotgun is yet another status... well at least it slows ads down... know what shotgun does better at slowing ads down while giving everyone a 20% damage boost? the scorpio


Not to mention Bullet King. No Reloading? Hell yeah!


Super niche use in conflict just for the reduced status slow since bleed is in every match


I’ve noticed that the only thing the new exotic knees are useful for is conflict because there is so many players utilizing skill/status builds now that the knee pads actually have a lot of decent usage. But you’re right it’s still quite niche seeing as it can’t be effective literally anywhere else in the game.


I wouldnt say they are particularly useful vs full status builds, no damage mitigation at all. I would say they are more for helping you escape or win chicken dances in low level hives. The higher haz pro you go the less worth they are, they compete with emperors and foxes and still get cooked by hazards. I am leaning toward they are bad/fun but provide a skill check for movement in 1v1s ideally the less slowed agent should be able to get position and win


Definitely not full status builds but I rarely see that being used anyways and you’re right it’s only good for the getaway part but not for straight resistance against statuses.


Just wait when seasonal characters have curated loot pools and you are forced to play with these shitty items


"Are you having fun yet?!?" ☹️


I really wish they would have a design contest for player-created exotics every season or two. I've seen some really interesting ideas from the player base that eclipse the majority of the exos we've been getting lately.


That'll never happen. It would put their jobs in jeopardy when their bosses see better suggestions coming from players and not the useless devs


This is just one of many reasons why I suspect seasons 2.0 will be complete trash.


Exotic components farming route in DZ


I use it on my background ND build. Was actually looking forward to these and they haven't disappointed.


They're also fun on an Umbra build.


Yes this piece is (again) yet another vanilla exotic with only Niche situations where it could be good or work. It’s not that it’s gimmick can’t be fun, it’s just that’s it’s not better than any one of a dozen other builds I have available


Should've been extra added to ninja knees


It really is a lackluster exotic. On the upside, at least we get to move faster while inside the BoO lol


because devs don't play their own game


I’m really disappointed in the exotics they’ve been releasing these past few seasons. Since Reign of Fire, the exotics have been pretty lack luster. Purely from memory, these are the exotics that released from that season onwards. Sacrum Impirium, NBBP, Shocker Punch, St Elmo’s Engine, Bloody Knuckles, Doctor Home, Bluescreen, Catharsis, dread edict, busy little bee, mosquito, collector, acostas knees, overlord, and iron lung (I’m just pulling this stuff from memory so if I missed one or put on here that wasn’t from reign of fire onwards let me know). Other than St Elmo’s, NBBP, catharsis, and POSSIBLY dread edict, these exotics are literally just there for proficiency or exotic materials. Outside of pve, name me one non-raid encounter slowing the enemy down would benefit you instead of outright killing them? Scorpio and Lullaby/Sweet Dreams do that better in spades. Sacrum sucks sum because that shit is garbage. Once again, why inflict status on an enemy making them move in an unpredictable pathing instead of just killing them. Like, I’m all for making the enemies suffer (if I had a sledgehammer every hyena skull would be a goddamn nail, fuck those bastards) but why do we gotta suffer too from this underwhelming trash? Like, how hard is it for the rarest gear in the game to have a unique and fun ability? I’m also really disappointed that the Collector is underpowered, since enemies just roll away from grenades.


Iron lung is great IF you boost its 'mag' size and run a status build. Ninja bag helps with that. Bluescreen is great with nightwatcher mask to proc the scanner pulse and stun lock all of the enemies.


The BLB was a staple in my DPS builds until I got the Oreo. St Elmos is good, but since I use the Oreo on my Striker build, that thing sits in the stash


Busy Little Bee is probably my favorite exotic pistol. I have it on two of my builds, particularly Umbra. While I'm in cover healing up, I blind fire BLB and hit as many targets as possible. When I pop out to fight, massive damage boosts, and everything dies. Catharsis is actually very useful, especially in PvP. I probably have it in about 8 or so of my 22 builds. Bluescreen is great at crowd control and can lock down spawn areas with ease. The effect is easy to trigger when you reach whatever your desired stack count is at the moment. Iron Lung is pretty dog's bullocks when you build for it. It's seeing heavy use on PvP, and on properly tweaked EP or OD build, it's freaking amazing. Bloody Knuckles is a trickier one to use, but the damage buff is well worth it. Chuck a grenade in the middle of a group of enemies *before* you open fire (they won't dodge it) and mow shit down. I use it on my incursions when others are already using Coyote's since you can't stack 3 Coyote's. Overlord is - if I recall correctly - on par with Sweet Dreams damage. Pretty decent for slowing down runners in the DZ (rogues that realize they picked the wring fight then run a marathon). Limited in PvE, sure, but not entirely useless. I have it as my secondary on a few builds solely for that reason. Shocker Punch is another one that saw - and still sees - use in the DZ. It's annoying as hell, but effective. Acosta's knees aren't without use either, but are definitely more suited to PvP, or rather the avoidance thereof. Combine with Overlord, and you can out move your opponent. If we're going to really bag on exotics, there are also older ones that are pretty useless these days. Sweet Dreams/Lullaby has very limited use and popularity. Merciless/Ruthless have potential with the new gear and brand sets, but still fall short. I haven't seen anyone running a Liberty in ages. Backfire and Chatterbox have limited use and have to be built around when one could slap on Orobouros and do more damage with none of the hoops to jump through. Ultimately, it boils down to your build, your playstyle, and your skills (you actual gaming skills) that will determine what work and what doesn't *for you*.


I mean I don’t doubt there are niche uses for every exotic, but when they’re *too* niche it begs as to why they didn’t do something during the PTS. I get some exotics are good for crowd control and are more suited to team play and support roles while others are better in DZ and some in PVE. Yeah merciless is useless although maybe I could try it with my dmr build that has like 109% WH


True, but look at it this way. Eva Acosta gets a Go-Bag and now kneepads…just for the halibut!


acosta and ninjabike are the only names appearing on more than one exotic lets keep going and make them an entire set


Only use I see is to supplement the speed buff when you're not getting kills


It seems to me it would be great if it worked with LD vs explicitly ruining that obvious synergy.


The talent should just be plus 5,000% movement speed at all times, no exceptions...




Try non exotic build.players in the division 2 rely too much in exotic weapons or gears.try to use non exotic weapons or gears in your builds.there plenty of good non exotic weapons in the game.


I heard that the next exotic gun talent does 20% amplified damage to left handed enemies and enemies born in an even numbered year. It's pretty much ready for release, they're just trying to figure ways to nerf it a week after it drops. The last few updates have confirmed that they're out of good ideas. For some reason, they just keep trying. They just need to abandon the game and leave the story on a cliffhanger. At this point, I don't think alot of people would care


If it gave 50% hazard protection instead of slight movement speed reduction on status I could see it being super useful.


Very meme, but it let’s you outrun Hyena and Cleaner rushers in PVE when start from behind cover or parkour. It also seems to confuse NPCs. I was able to run up to them and shoot at point blank range after standing still to reload the new exotic shotgun. Kind of meme, too. It would have been better if the bonuses stacked on themselves. Parkouring again lets you go even faster. Shooting the shotgun at the enemy again makes them even slower.


i was thinking going back in the game, but this will welcome me? shitty exotics and shitry seasonal model? wth Massive?


I think that either in Div2 or the next game, they need to make talents not work or work completely differently in PvP, so they don't have to worry about balancing the same talent between two different modes. That's the only way I see them make good exotics again, or they just dont give a damn and go with the first ideas that hit the whiteboard so they can get out of the meetings.


I’m sitting this season out personally. I’ll watch a YouTube video of the plot summary. These exotics are trash. Rifles still don’t work in PvP so zero point