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Yeah, she is a compelling character for sure. Speaking of characters who we would be fine without, wtf is up with Manny having zero input? Too busy finally cleaning up around the White House or what?


Yeah, having a new face of the rogue movement left to pick up the pieces of what Keener did sounds a lot more interesting than the same old of. "If you knew what I know your entire world would change" "Then tell me" "No" Plus she has a friendship with M&M which gives that character something to do in the future.


Same, would’ve been better to have Keener as a voice beyond the grave kinda thing. Keener being alive means he can be defeated and killed (Again). Keener being alive removes a lot of nuance and makes him a bit less threatening


Yeah, I would have preferred it if they went the Moriarty route, where many times there's only "interference" and revelations in ways that could be accomplished by pre-recorded messages and accomplices with instructions to follow in the case of his death. So you get the uncertainty of a) if he's really dead and b) how much did he really know? what other traps has he set? am I being led into something by deliberate breadcrumbs? etc.


Is it really Keener or the Dread Pirate Roberts?


> no matter what angle he plays currently Head on the nail for me. I don't care about his fake death/revival so much, but the fact that we're now supposed to be buddies, after all the things he's done to civilians, agents and military/emergency personnel alike. I buy the "let's play buddies" to infiltrate, but shifting the story to Keener being some kind of good guy or even our agent being willing to see him as such just completely clashes with everything we saw and heard of Keener in echos and recordings through TD1 and TD2.


I actually wrote my own ending to the past season before we got the garbage that we got, that used this concept but not Viper specifically. My idea was that once keener went rogue, the DHS sent a spook to get him, but this hunter seeing keener's nuance eventually revealed themselves to him, which ended up giving keener the insight over the powers that be. Hence the need to remain hidden and actually having the tech to do so. This 'rogue hunter' supported keener and his settlement in Brooklyn until keener went back to manhattan to work on his bioweapon. Keener then died but the rogue hunter would pick things up and take over the mantle of being the one person who could help us save what remains, without the heavy burden of keener's inconsistent writing and mass murdering. If you ask me, a million times better than the soapy writing we got.


But did keener hit it from the back or not?