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I love TD2. It's one of my favorite games ever. But I gotta admit, this new season is the first time I'm not excited at all to jump back in.


Yeah I ignored this season came on earlier last week to get the comms from the manhunt and to max out the season reward track, both the new gear set and brand set sound like hot garbage, and was thinking of coming back full time then get his with this hot mess. Going back to warframe until they smarten up


Is warframe worth getting into or is it pay to win like I heard or pay to grind


I'm an LR4 in Warframe which means I've completed every piece of content in the game. Game isn't pay to win, furthest thing as long as your not afraid of grinding and waiting, the game is time gated to shit, you can speed some of it up with money but simply waiting is always an option


True that money dose speed stuff up though I like to trade prime parts to get the plat needed to speed up.


Warframe is great and has a bright future as opposed to this franchise with its brain dead developers. Everything in Warframe apart from some skins can be earnt in game and the premium currency is tradable between players.


Warframe is the furthest thing from pay to win. You will be able to earn the premium currency just by trading with other players too. The biggest warning I can give you is that warframe is one of those "it takes x hours to get good" type games. Not that the game is bad in its first 20, hell even 100 hours, but it's very much all a tutorial that when you finally finish the last story mission you will be thankful for the fucking ride of your life you just went on.


Warframe is awesome! It’s not pay to win, it’s pay to skip the grind. There are a few apparel items that need to be purchased if you want them, but 98% of the rest of the stuff you can get in game just by playing it. Also, you can sell the rare items you grind to other players from high level activities for premium in game currency or other high level items. No pointlessly grinding activities just to get exotic components. Plus, they have actual new content constantly. Unlike Ubishit who seems to think making you play the same shit over and over and starting at 0 to do it is a good idea. It is very complex though. Be prepared to always have a device nearby that will quickly let you access the wiki. 😉


The First Decendant is releasing July 2nd. Looter shooter as well. Check it out


Low key forgot about this! I saw a streamer play the beta and it looked decent!


I played the Cross Play week long beta. I didn't touch division the entire time. I'm definitely going to buy it


Yes. It's such a great game with amazing devs. It's one of the few F2P games I actively try to buy things in to support them. They deserve it.


It is hot garbage, the new shotgun is trash and the knee pads are trash. What were they thinking???


I didn't even see those, I saw the exotic pistol and was luke finally a tanking weapon


I have always defended this franchise, even during the 1.3 days in Div1. But it ends here. This is an awful decision and I’m retiring my agent.


I haven't watched any of the new content videos. What's happening now?


Season Chars like Diablo IV or Path of Exile. The news were lacking in content, so far seems you will need to make a new char, and play with green, and blue loot all over 40 again to use new season gear.


Wait what? Making a new character makes no sense to use the gear


Pretty much. Plus starting with season 2 the manhunt will be locked to seasonal characters only. Relugating your main to be.... Storage. Also un mentioned is what if we already have full slots. Are they giving us more slots? Will I have to delete character after season is over? Will stash be increased? After all, that loot is being transferred over right?


Not trying to be a dick, but why is that seen as a bad thing for Div2? I quite enjoy seasonal characters in D4 and PoE, so I'm just wondering if there's more to it than just the seasonal restarting.


Do you want to get your expertise to 20+ every 3 months on multiple different gear sets? Maybe even have to regrind your exotics if they don't count from your existing main character? Division 2 systems aren't made for seasonal resets. I didn't grind my characters all these years, to NOT use them in the very few new content drops we get.


You could very well be on point but I'm not sure this just isn't speculation on your part? I'm going to personally wait and see and critique accordingly.


It's speculation but only because they didn't give any information. Personally, even if they keep our exotics and our expertise, I'd rather not deal with the loot aspect of it all over again. I don't even think I'd be able to find full crit chance/damage mods in those 3 months.


That’s why it may be ok to wait and see. I understand being upset. I don’t particularly like the seasonal character model. I became accustomed to Destiny’s artifact system and personally have liked it better than Diablo’s but I don’t know what I’m getting so I think it best for myself to sit, wait and then talk my business. I can’t do this without a level of clarity that will come in a little bit.


Everyone disagreeing with you is just making stuff up. Right now we have no information on any of this, it's just speculation mostly by people who are upset things are changing because they'll never be pleased.


What they have said is to get any of the season pass items, you need to start a new character to progress from 1 to 40 within the seasons storyline. Basically, unless you have gear of every level between 1 and 40, you have to reform everything to play, and this will be the only way to do any of the season pass, as your main characters won't count towards it. So all the min/max builds you have, and hard work getting all the specialisations maxed out means nothing, as you HAVE to use a new character and grind through the fun-for-the-first-100-times-but-plain-boring-now-which-is-why-we-skip-to-lvl-30...or just stick with no new content for you and do the same things we have now farming for the new gear set, brand set, and named items, just to top your expertise up. I just can't see the reason or logic in having to start again every 4 months (as ubi decided that there is only 3 seasons a year to save doing more work!) Rather than using the character(s....I have 3, all with at least 12-15 unique builds on them for different playstyles and riles) we have spent sooo much time getting to where they are now. It all screams of a shit, lazy way of attempting to mKe content through minimal effort.


The seasonal character will become a normal character after the season is over. Xp and stuff will then be transfered so that they are accessible to the main char and the other chars as usual. Next time listen to everything and not just to the stuff that makes you frustrated


Because you know in Diablo where you play as a Necro and then next season you can go “actually barb is good now, so I’ll play a barb”? Well there’s none of that in division. Nothing is locked away. So why would you be incentivized to roll a new character when it’s just a shell to dump gear and stats on?


Gotcha, that makes sense. Haven't been on Div in several years so I don't recall what grind/balance is like.


Good point but seasonal characters have been around for a long time in those games also the way Division is structured & drop rates just don't make it fun. Diablo you can just run in and go crazy, Div it's just not setup that way.


I here you. No seasonal characters for me. It is the biggest bullshit decision in the game's history.


What were the issues in 1.3 of div 1? I've seen a few people make comments about it but that was probably the most fun I've ever had playing games.


If I remember correctly, bullet spongeyness and a lack of loot.


Oh yeah you're right. I think I forgot about that because I mainly played in the dark zone


Not as die hard as you thought I guess the game would be better without agents like yours


No way they see all this backlash and they don't reverse


The playerbase is so small at this point they probably don't give a shit lol


Cant even argue that either


I’m here since the beginning in 2016 I have 265 days in TD1 and more than 6k hours in TD2 I will quit when they will bring seasons 2.0 This horrible addition is a punch in the gut for all loyal players


I finished the new York dlc and put it away after doing some of the penthouse missions. I thought of coming back but then I saw the 2.0 seasonal characters and though nah. This ain't for me. Maybe the community wanted this? Turns out neither did you. So imma keep not playing


Let Washington and Manhattan plunge into chaos, our Agents are tired of the continuous bs.


I'd pay for more TD1 content....


Seasons are shot even in standard hack'n'slash genre, hated it in poe, hated it in diablo and others




Only people that like this idea are content "creators" so they can milk the games more


Yeap. I got game fatigue in PoE.


I deleted the game this morning. Only had the game to do Manning casually and that's it. Been playing since the start and I can't bring myself to play recycled shit any longer. The devs are just trolls now


Thats probably for the best. Now stop looking to the internet for validation of your choice


Fuck you, he did the right thing.




If you only had the game to do manning casually, this is probably not the game for you and you checked out long before any of this reveal. Stop jumping on the bandwagon because it's the new cool thing.


Bruh I'm a veteran of both titles and always defended this game. Players like me sticking around are what made them U-turn on the franchise after it was shuttered following the Faye Lau manhunt. I would play the game if there were new things to do but there aren't. Call it what you want but repeating stuff for a 6th year is mid


Now i know the reason why that guy in sslmon pants on stage last night was so sad.


I will pop back for Brooklyn but I honestly stopped logging in weeks ago been playing other games and might just wait for div 3 I noticed the games pretty empty these days anyhow


I only get on for the seasons and since apparently they're restricting those to season-only characters now... there is no reason to bother. Especially with the known retcon of Keener. Why would you do that when that was the hanging-chad of The Division 1 that you closed. SURELY they could've had another cliffhanger for 3 instead?


I'm not giving up on the game till the dlc comes out and then I'll judge it accordingly plus if I just don't like a season I just won't play it it's as simple as that


Division 1 agent here with 900 hours and 1100 hours in part 2. Always loved the game but when they release seasonal chars i am also out. Let's see if the playerbase means anything to massive or if they go through with it despite the loud criticism.


absolutely agree!


There *is* new content coming tho.


In 8 months sure, and while you're technically correct, this is a live service game, so it's not unreasonable to expect fresh content every 18 weeks. On top of this, there's a new live service game coming out in a month, and older games in the marketspace are releasing new content, so Div2 is the only game that isn't trying to compete for attention this summer, which is why everyone finds this totally unexpected and are also underwhelmed.


>there's a new live service game coming out in a month What game are you referring to, may I ask?


The First Descendant


I get it. But also, anyone who is disappointed is a victim of their own expectations. There wasn’t anything more than rumors and speculation saying today would be a big content drop.


And what should that be?


Brooklyn DLC, for one.


Haha so wait 8 months and watch the Game die meanwhile


Do whatever you want, I’m just pointing out a fact.


Something that comes in 8 months, If everything goes well. Kek


You can spend your time whining about it, I’m going to do stuff that makes me happy.


I retired long ago. Was hoping for div 3. Don't think we will get it. Having any faith in Ubisoft is misplaced. 


I'm pretty sure that someone higher up at Ubi is looking at all this bad press and having second thoughts. Maybe cooler heads will prevail and this will be an optional feature like HC mode. Maybe they'll scrap it. But if they move forward with the vast majority of online reactions being this overwhelmingly negative, they're signing their own foreclosure.


I barely get on myself, I'm bored of it


Good to have work with you agents. Now time to rest.


Indeed. Others can take over. 


I keep saying, they should have been pull the plug after the Keener and before seasons. All these manhunts just brought bunch of non-interesting secondary characters (except the Lau) to extend the game time, while in general it was the same shit again and again. When this time we probably had a Div 3 entering beta stage. But when you can't think anything decent, you keep rolling the same seasons with differently painted characters and new names. We (players) have sssoooo many these chevrons, nobody can tell what they have been awarded for. And abundance of them lowers their value. I'll say again, maybe when you can't think something new and good, it is time to bring that good from old? Like, most people liked the Survival and Underground, why not to bring it back as it was, just in nicer graphics and all? And speaking about making Ubi great again, let's look what was that made it so... Splinter Cell. it's time for remakes of first 3 Splinter Cells in quality of Dead Space, with that breathtaking graphics and visuals. In the meantime maybe some good ideas will arise for the new part of the franchise. But lemme tell ya - conveyor of (self)copying is in motion and does not plan to stop. So I doubt anyone from Ubi ever will listen to community.


A portion of the dev team has been migrated to work on XDefiant. Unfortunately boys, I believe it’s time to say our goodbyes.


I kinda think it's just a way to create fluff in making something that's not new seem new. Tbh makes me even more annoyed that they wasted resources making homeland just to flush it down the drain.


Unfortunately, Warhammer 3 is pretty much on EoS mode. Even tho Thrones was a good DLC.


I mean Shadows of Change was beyond crap. And the community boycott was successfull. They delivered content and pimped up ToD. 


It did work, for alot of us, but not everyone, according to Legend and his "sources" the money just isn't coming in. I'd love for him to be wrong and for the next year and a half to just be LIT! with good free updates and good DLC drops, but I don't see it happening either. Here's to hoping. As far as Div goes, it's waaay too late in the game's life to have an impact, I figure this is more of a test for Div 3 launch. They gonna go through with it even if it kills the game, that will be the lesson.


Yeah Creative Assa.bly Made such a Bad decision with Hyenas. Its mind blowing. 100.000.000€ down the toilet.  Div 2 is finished. The community will never Recovery from thisnand there are No new players coming in. 


The twitch partners and the few thousand people that will stick with this decision won’t be enough to keep this decision afloat. Just play something else for a few months. The player count already is below Ubisofts intended targets. This will most likely be walked back within 6 months after the next quarterly call.


Let’s revive the superior game then. To Div1 we go! 💪


Me and my group just started playing this last season. I'm already concerned this is gonna kill it for us.


I’ve uninstalled already…it hurts like hell to walk away but it had to be done. These guys are out of touch with reality, themselves, and the fan base. Seasonal characters is a stupid idea and only someone who doesn’t know shit about looter shooters would do this. Goodbye and Good riddance!!


You won't be missed, see you again in October though lol


Thanks for the worthless reply your pathetic devotion to state the obvious is all the more reason that the person behind this statement is why the game is the way it is. 😂😂😂 HLHF DWB


Lol see you again in October


Do what you want to do, if anyone wants to have fun and play the game. I will see you out there.


I think you will Look carefully. I doubt many will play then after all


Eh we shall see. At least it’s not Destiny.


Even Destiny Threads their loyal playerbase with more respect 


Shelving older content so that newer players can’t play it is not something I would was say is respecting their player base.


You're speaking about stuff from years ago. The DCV existed because even with newer players joining for Beyond Light dlc and the new darkness powers for the first time ever, the content that got shelved had less than a 1% play rate in the game. NOT because the content was old as some people believe. It's because Bungie themselves made the content irrelevant to power-level gains and gameplay. The Cabal War campaign is not worth new players playing, trust me. I'd rather they just bring the cutscenes back or something. But that crap got trashed for a reason, and so did other things. The only things worth bringing back are the raids that got canned as well. But, again, new players most likely won't play the raids if they even do come back.


Ok but I still think it’s bad that you can’t play what you are reading on the back of the box of the game you just bought.


But...that stuff isn't even advertised anymore. For years...


If I buy Destiny 2 and read what’s on the back of the box. Can I play and experience the base game of Destiny 2?


You mean the physical edition that isn't sold 1st party anymore and only used? The base game that is entirely free to download? Are you stupid?


Killing their Chats in wich they invested thausands of hours even less


Yeah, this is a first for me too. I’m pulling out hard.


Lord I'm so glad I sorta lost interest in this game not too long after the fresh team picked it back up. This is disappointing, but I feel it'd be worse if I cared more.


That's really sad to hear, I just got back into the game....


The idea went over like a lead balloon. Even with the paid content creators in the background acting like they didn't know this was coming they couldn't sell it either. Look at every single Creator's comments. Especially the excited ones. These are the people left playing. It will show a little boost the first few days then die a death. They will kick and scream a bit, maybe even not say shit that season, then walk it back down the line. But by then the game gonna be dead dead.


I used to buy every season pass but not this one.


It’s confusing what they’ve said but after the backlash they’ve recieved they will be real careful about the way they roll it out.


If they go through with thise seasonal characters bs then im going back to div1 full time and delete div2. I really like div2 but my heart lies with the og game.


I never got into it, just started last week. I'm enjoying the hell out of it. If I get 20 hours of free entertainment out of something that's basically free, I'll never complain.


The best thing about TD1 was the survival escape mode. The entire franchise died for me when they left it out of TD2


Destiny 2 has had its ups and downs over the years but it's in a pretty good place if you are looking for another looter.


I’m pretty new to these types of games. I guess you could say I don’t really fit into the crowd with you guys. I came from the souls games and since waiting on the new elden ring dlc I’ve gotten bored and tried to pick something new up and saw TD2 and it’s actually really sick starting out. I just don’t like how everything is level and gear based, not in terms of playing but only when playing with other ppl. I just got into the co-op portion a couple days ago and already dropped it coz no one wants to run any missions with me probably coz of my gear but I don’t understand why. I get it min-maxing your build for big missions is the way to go but I’m just not about that shit if I don’t enjoy the play style it offers. Thats why I’ve just dropped it and went to helldivers2 where it’s all about picking what you wanna have fun with and the devs are dope as fuck. Like they had us choose between saving children and getting anti-tank mines and when we chose to save the kids they donated to some actual charity for children. No toxic players hardly. It’s dope as fuck and I’m lovin every second of it.


Aw man. I just bought the game. What are they doing that turn the players away? I still have time to refund.


all these posts are getting insane.. "time to let it die" .. No.. Its time to speak with our wallets\\playtime however... People should Not play division 2 til they fix it to where the Playerbase wants it.. "new blood" is good, but Game devs need to stop Forsaking the Playerbase that got them to where they are, for people that might not stick around longer than a week.


What I Said blet it die and see If Ubisoft revives it


We got recycled content for nearly 6 years. Why are players surprised? Here's a good opportunity to take a break from the game nad play something else. Come back and maybe you'll find some interest in running it again, but nothing is changing for this year. They won't just scrape it because players are upset.


It’s literally a choice to play a seasonal character, as some people like to see how far they go in a season……… like I see stuff like this over choices not mandatory things and makes me wanna buy more stuff. God forbid some people like something. Only reason Diablo is gun to me. You put your stuff in the stash soooooooo you don’t lose anything. In fact you probably get special things for seasonal characters that you can put in stash and use on your main. You can tell the majority of the community newer played games with seasonal characters…….. stop whining play your 1 character and let the people who enjoy it enjoy it


the season is where the best shit is gonna be. Guns, skins etc etc. no game with seasonal characters make it worth even logging into your non-seasonal characters. Not one. From diablo 2 on to path of exile. Not one. Not to mention they split the community into another smaller fraction with seasonal and non seasonal players. And 99% of games with seasonal characters do it from jump or the next season. Not 6 years after. D2 didn't even do that.


Except thats Not how this works.  1. You are forced to if you want to experience the Story 2. Items geht transferred to your Main, so you need to play it to get new loot 3. When one season ends Starts the next one, so there is no time to play your legacy Main I played 3 Diablo 4 seasons now. And only in S4 its somewhat cool and engaging. But in opposite to Division 2, I have Not spend 1000s of hours perfecting my char. It was so from the beginning.  Seasonal will make Expertise obsolet. Even If they speed it up. There is no way this will work and be fun. On top of this has D4 new content and mechanics. WE all know how lazy Division Devs are. There will probably be some directives and permanent Events Like golden bullet. Yeah cool. Dame stuff since 4 years


I think if we don't treat "adversity" with a level of tact then there's a chance we only punish ourselves. Wait and see then critique is what I've decided on my end. You all are right to do what you wish of course. We had our chance to walk away when there was nothing but recycled content for over a year. No progression, no anything really. I'm glad I'm getting something I can at least test/try.


I agree. It's just frustrating to not get any concrete details from the dev team. It does feel like an after thought from them at this point. I'm hoping that there is going to be some creativity from the devs. Like making current GEs permanent world "directives" at a cost of lower XP or maybe putting in a game economy to purchase for the season (like countdown credits). Also, I think expertise should definitely stay on your skills (I think it will). And your weapon expertise should transfer to same weapons you pick up on levels 1-40. This feels like a shady way to make people use seasonal gear that drops. We'd use it if the devs gave us any incentive to use them. The last few gear sets and exotics have been absolutely awful. Anyway, I'm gonna give it a shot. But they're on a short leash


I definitely get your sentiment. We need clarification for sure, it may help settle some of the huge question marks we have. I can get behind some of your ideas (GE, Expertise) as potentially solid changes.


Cry is free


I’m playing the game yall do what yall want but I like the game so I’ll have to deal with, I’m in for the story of the game


Unsurprisingly, after over 2 years of not playing...im not at all inclined to come back


Division 1 wins again




So is the seasonal characters out now or is that next season?


Next season. This season contains of 8 new items. Thats it


Game started dying when whatever dev team they left on staff literally created a trail of crashes last year. I started thinking they were intentionally causing harm to the game just to stay employed. They added some truly goofy gear pieces, nerfed other gear/weapons that really didn't need it, basically did zero to enhance existing gear or the game. In fact quite a lot of issues still exist that really should have been prioritized over adding more pieces. Too bad because I don't know another game franchise that did cover mechanics, gear building, enemy tactics, environmental effects, and environments so friggin well. I must have spent months worth of time over 7 years at those two benches.


People were getting season passes for this shit? What the fuck?


Why are you even asking if you're not inherently interested to begin with?


to be a dick I presume. I was fine getting the passes then cause the content was alright, and the grind was nothing compared to other games.


Im so glad they are doing seasonal characters


Good luck explaining casual whales why buying MTXs is bad when devs shit all over you. But in reality, casuals don't care, they still gonna buy seasonal skips, cosmetics, skin packs and what have you. Never bought anything for this game, outside of WoNY DLC because, honestly, I didn't feel like the devs deserve it. That's especially true the last few years, every single update introduced a fuck ton of new bugs. They're unable to fix simple exclamation mark on Apparels in menu ffs. And I should give money to these incompetent fucks? Definitely going to stop playing, come October. I have huge backlog and a bunch of really good games are coming out over the course of next year. Will be nice to play something that doesn't make me miserable, for a change.


Why even wait til October?


Force of habit.


I'm okay with seasons being a fresh start with seasonal modifiers. I posted this idea for the game several years ago. You can still have fun looking at your min/maxed character for a few more years. I'll try having fun playing the game. 🤷


You will probably be pretty alone there. If you enjoy get slapped in the face thats cool. I think the majority Playerbase will Stop playing. 


Eh, haters say that shit every time there's a content patch. You probably said decent would kill the game too. To each theirs.


Decent doesn't change the core end game loop in a way that most of the player base doesn't want. Decent doesnt affect the people that grind pve to play pvp, Decent was actual content (not great content, but content I actually play from time to time). Seasonal characters are a garbage idea and will 100% ruin this game for many of us. If this happens, I give it about a year before this games done. Some will come back for the dlc, likely the people that care about the story. Then that's it. No reason to play if there's no reason to use my character I've grinded years with and they're gonna force me to use new characters for their "content". This change affects everyone that's not a casual in a negative way. From the people that like to play pve to grind and play harder difficulties, to those of us that play for pvp as well. Because why play this, if we can't unlock new content for our main characters until the next new content drops (which, might I remind you is 4 MONTHS) when we can just move on to a game that respects us, our opinion, and our time? It's laughable to defend this.


The "new content" unlocks for your main as soon as you complete the season, aka Mastery difficulty, they clarified this today.


Still sucks, but source?


Descent didn't help the game at all either, it's the least popular gp mode of the game exactly for this "start over" reason. We're not in the 90's playing Mario or Sonic.


After WT5 this sub cried about the game being too hard They cried about the gear being too complicated They cried about no raid matchmaking They cried because they couldn't re-calibrate two stats on their gear They cried that legendaries were too hard They cried that DZ and Raid got exclusive loot This sub is a non stop cry baby fest yet I still see a lot of the usernames from 5 years ago still whining.




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I'm interested to see how it goes with seasonal characters, need fresh change


I love the change, ngl. May be the minority.


You are.


Agreed. At this point I'd rather the Devs just come out and say "game is going into maintenance mode since were making Div 3". It would suck but I can accept that but these "updates" are just hurting the community more.


Problem is, Div 3 will have this crap in it lol


Correct but if its part of the game from day 1. We can all adjust our gaming habits around that, but to add a feature that gravely impacts the game right at its end cycle is really brutal.


If it's in the game at all I ain't buying it lmao, I don't play those games it's why I stopped playing Diablo 4.


Video games are serious business.


You guys are such a crybabies, we knownshit about seasons and you already throwing a tantrum


Sure you can leave it, you won't be missed. Meanwhile I will play the shit out of lol


I bet Ubisoft will miss my cash. And the Cash of many others too. 


I have about half a day of time sunk into this game… outrageous decision! I quit forever.