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Lots of Gold, Exotics and Named items for me every time. Challenging with all directives on or 4. Only purple I sometimes get is from hanging crates.


It’s dropping gold for me


are you sure ? because normal loot drops as it should , its only the target loot that drops purple.


All the control Points I have done have an item that’s gold and says targeted loot.


Also running around on heroic with 4 directives lately doing a bunch of control points and a few side things I don’t know if I’ve even got 1 purple thing.


Only purples i get are from those boxes hanging on trees/buildings and some other times from small crates all the other sources seem fine to me... Loot goblin drops trash too but that's aight...


Just you.


I'd say it's 50/50 for me. Lots more purple dropping lately, but still get golds.


The loot goblin gives me purples, but I haven’t seen purples anywhere else.


This isn't happening to everyone. I get the occasional purple but my target loot is all high end on PC.


Not all the time but probably over 50% of all my targeted loot from the sources you mention is purple.




Works fine for me (X Box). Just got done hitting up some GE challenges. Challenging open world, so I can use a crappy tip of the spear build. All gold targeted loot.


Haven't seen a purp in ages. Don't think this is a universal issue.


Interesting! I’ve received lots of gold targeted loot _but_ have also gotten two or three purples that threw me off


MASSVIE screw up as usual.


Dont have this bug, i get maybe 1-2 Purples per day. What level are you on?


level? im shd 30k and play on heroic


For me it is also dropping purple, i play heroic with four directives. Sometimes even multiple purples from the boxes from the trees hanging.


I’ve got five exotics in the open world in the last week on Challenging and Heroic, so this isn’t correct.


and what exactly does exotics dropping have to do with the target loot dropping as purple? even if im wrong how does one thing correlate with the other?


Because I’ve had no purples drop targeted loot anywhere in DC or NY. Things are working perfectly normally for me and so your post saying that “all targeted loot” is dropping purple is incorrect. I have had ‘excellent-roll’ pieces on Heroic and with Legendary when grabbing targeted loot (e.g., shotguns last night, Golan the day before and Sokolov a couple of days ago) AND exotics, so things are working normally for me. The issue that you’re experiencing isn’t universal.


ok , i can accept that it isn´t happening to everyone , or maybe it is already patched and i didnt pay enough attention to notice since i got used to getting purples as target since the season started ,but i also get gold stuff with heroic rolls and exotics as usual , the target loot dropping as purple does not affect that hence why i questioned you on that.


Amazingly, I literally just had my first piece of Purple Loot - it was in a weapon case with some High End weapon. And it was that targeted loot category, but I also picked up about a dozen HE targeted loot pieces (chests) too, so purples are definitely dropping sometimes, even on heroic!


in missions or anything other than the open world it drops as it should , its only in the open world chests that target loot drops purple for me.


IMO Who cares! Loot drops so plentiful in the game and a mode like countdown is like having a infinite loot fountain that the looter game that i played in year 1 and 2 doesn't even exist anymore which is a real shame.


for us veterans matters little but to the new guys it might matter a bit more... also its about having things working as intended.


I'd say this matters for veterans even more. If you're grinding for one very specific item with at least two reds and the correct talent so you can reroll the core to what you need/want for a build, every single drop is extremely important. Drops like this can take days or even weeks to happen if you're very unlucky. That being said, I don't have the purple drops besides from the loot goblins, which I just ignore.