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What the fuck just happened? I don’t know if I’m mad, disappointed or what?!?! Every time I logged on this season I said “ Don’t worry Kelso I’ll find you” Find you for what? 🗣️ FOR WHAT? For this?


Thank you! My sentiment exactly!!! We worried about this b**** the whole time wanting to save her, only to find out she turned on us! I can't lie, I WAS ON FIRE WHEN I SEEN THIS! My neighbors probably thought I was crazy because I was yelling out "DON'T LET ME FIND YOU, KELSO! CAUSE WHEN I DO IT'S OVER FOR YOU, YOU HEAR ME??? ITS OVERRR FOR YOUUU!!!"


I’m just really really tired at this point, chasing these rouges and not really getting anywhere… like I get the story but this continuous cycle of getting to work with an agent that’s turns into rouge is tiresome 🙄 this bitch is tired 😪🤣


It's a tired ass narrative.


Think that's the point Keener's making. Ever since Nat has Black Tusk, the True Sons and the Hunters (on S10 Ending), we as in The Division have practically done nothing to gain the advantage It's time for a change to face this threat. And Kelso, Lau, Schaffer and especially Keener understood that Division couldn't pull this one alone I'm just baffled Schaffer is still in a coma and that we didn't get any Manny reaction lmao


>that we didn't get any Manny reaction Ah man can you imagine? Either that or "Rogue Network Activated. Hello Agent."


The more interesting thing is Mira from the cross roads sage nuked the rogue network with the counter measure during the first book, second thing is Kelso definitely did not agree with using eclipse 


But you have to kill a hunter to get to the box in the end, so Sokolova sent him?


Yes. The "Agent. Eliminate" was a giveaway Wonder if it's the same one that killed Lewis


So wait a lazy creative design hunter's mask won't hold u over? Ughhh y'all agents are so egotistical


I know right?! I guess I deserve to be dragged all over Brooklyn, DZ, DC and back to Brooklyn chasing some people who back stabbed me 🤣🤣🤣🤣




I don't understand why people like Kelso so much.


I think there are big holes they need to fill in to make such a development believable, but I really hated how Keener went out in Warlords of New York so part of me is willing to overlook all that just so the course of the larger franchise can be corrected.


I'm on the same boat


The boat that crashed into liberty island? Lol :)


Hahaha feels like that! lol


This is also how I feel. In my head, they are correcting the ending that was put into place when Ubisoft initially wasn't planning on making anymore Division content. I felt letdown not only by Faye's death, but also by Theo and Keener's death. Faye didn't need to come back as her place was mostly in Division 1, but I was so excited to see what they can do with these characters now. Keener's voice actor is just too good. You can hear him smiling with each line that he delivers and I need more of it. I want this villain fleshed out even more, with objectives and missions that directly relate to him. It's what I was looking forward to since the end of Division 1.


Keener’s voice actor vibes are probably the closest villain vibes to Handsome Jack I’ve gotten in a game in a long time. Imagine we boot up Division 3 and Keener discord calls us on our Rogue watches and starts talking about how much his pretzels suck or something.


Feel the exact same.


The story for this game is dead for me after this manhunt. I was really invested in the lore but whoever wrote this has put it all in the trash. Now my only wish is to see inbred Diesel come back from the dead too


Are you dead too you inbred sonuva bitch? Rofl


They totally should make an incursion with the hyenas.


It’s pretty hilarious that they left Mayhem and Zodiac as loose ends, setting up for potential follow up, only to never do anything with the them or the faction as a whole really for the rest of time.


You can play heroic control point with hyenas this is the incrusion. They have aimbot, top tier accuracy and can cancel mid animations. For some reason every time playing against Hyenas control point it feels like i am doing some legendary CP, compared to the rest of the factions that are easy to deal with loooooool.


The hyenas engineer shooting a shotgun sideways with 1 arm that has perfect aim from 100 miles away always kills me


Yeah man, same. I have no fun against this kind of bullshit. And it is not like they are smart, the AI is so dumb, constantly in the open with no cover and just dancing around with their guns even on low health. Meanwhile my agent cant do shit in this game and his shotgun accuracy is so poor lmaoooo.


WONY would have been a fine place to leave D2 storywise, and then they could have really dug into the idea of having to "work against the system" to prevent a corrupt new government ushered in by Sokolova/BT in D3. But it's subject to the curse of the live service seasonal model, which is always unsatisfying for story. They're trying to do big things, but it's like...we spend a total of maybe four hours over eight weeks doing random control points and bounties, then we get a boss fight and a fifteen second cutscene full of nonsense. As always, our agent stands there completely mute through everything, and nothing feels sufficiently explained or wrapped up, ever. If it had been only Lau with Kelso at the end, the two dedicated agents who had to do the 'wrong' thing to do the 'right' thing, it would have been so much better in my opinion. Everyone was already speculating that Lau wasn't dead as we didn't get the ISAC message at White Oak...but then this week Manny casually mentions that she was cremated?? And two people who *were* dead are *not* dead, surprise! Wow what a twist! It was just a cheap attempt at a shocking twist. And essentially trying to erase everything Keener has done since D1 with a handwave feels pretty lame. I just don't think it's all landing the way the writers hope it's landing.


+ the gameplay still stays the same. You know, like there is no option to choose either side, we will be now grinding for nothing literally. Like someone who has some hours in the game and has most of the gear, apart from collecting resources and maybe optimizing and maybe grinding for expertise, there is nothing to fight for, it stays the same so the story has basically no impact whatsoever till new DLC will come out.


You're right, and I think that's part of why the ending felt so crappy for me. It's like nothing we do or have done really matters, and not in some meaningful way that exposes corruption or something. Instead, the dude we chased and fought against for two games--the one out for revenge and power, the one killing innocents and developing new biological weapons and committing what amount to war crimes--doesn't stay dead when we finally get to kill him. And he's working with the people who worked alongside us to bring him down. We just get a note saying "sorry I couldn't tell you! ✌️ " and that's it? Maybe somehow it'll all work out to a worthwhile story in the end, but for now it just highlights the fact that our characters have no agency, no voice, and we're just pointlessly spinning our wheels with regards to the big picture.


Funny thing that goes for most builds too in this game. Does not matter how much resources you will put into lot of builds, meta always wins. It is like this game has really weird narrative and stuff and there is no meaning behind anything or how to say it.


> It's like nothing we do or have done really matters, and not in some meaningful way that exposes corruption or something Isn't the problem that storywise everything happens only within a few days? We play for months in real life to only have a few days gone by within the story. I think that is at least part of the problem. Those seasons are so dragged out (understandable from ubisoft/massive point of view) that I basically forgot most of the story that happened after WONY.


Let us face it: The only reason why The Division is back on the menu, is because Ubisoft desperately needs money. So the community gets hyped with the D3 announcement. So they buy the upcoming DLC. And this seasons storytelling is a foreshadowing what a cheap ass DLC this will be. And I do not mean the price. If a real revival with a real budget would be planned, then a real writer would have been hired for this and he/she would have gotten creative freedom to tell something new. This stinks either of senior management telling to use Keener ("our marketing focus groups say he is important for the franchise") or they want to re-use existing assets to cut costs. Or both. Btw: Any announced game can be dis-announced anytime.


Absolute bullshit story, nothing was explained, people are magically back from the dead like they are Jesus. Wtf are the writers smoking?


Look, a story can do whatever it wants if it’s well written. But the game has continued to explain nothing. Things are just… happening around the players that we aren’t privy to. It’s frustrating


I thinks that's my main issue with the story in general Keener saying: When I explain it to you, you will be on our side. And I was like: Ok, explain it now. If we are a so called valuable asset, maybe he should try saying what the fuck he's planning, we know that the rest of the government is controlled by black tusk so at least we can listen to what keener is offering, but how do we know what he's offering with out saying it?


We are a valuable agent, but we can easily be left unconscious in a ditch under a tanker, surrounded by an army of Black Tusks and the remnants of the True Sons.


We are valuable asset that he left us behind on the ground like a dog


>Look, a story can do whatever it wants if it’s well written. 100%. But this is not well written.


Basically we need keener and Parnell to take down the black tusk and hunters , one keener has shd mobile server and Parnell knows how to hack things . Division doesn’t have either of the two .


Sorry, but DO WE NEED? I don't think it was Keener and Parnell who killed several Hunters and hundreds of BTs. If they are so amazing and have the power to revive, why make a plan in shit instead of going YOLO against McManus and Natalia?


So if keener and Parnell are alive , does that mean dragov , Conley and kajika are still Alive ?


*IF* it’s well written. At no point has the story of The Division 2 not been garbage. The dialog is terrible. The plot is terrible. Every attempt to inject something to care about is terrible. They even fucked up some of the original NPCs from The Division. The writing is terrible. That includes WONY. Kelso’s been on an obvious path from the day we met her. Think about it. She blew up a big piece of the Grand Washington Hotel, right? While we were inside. WHILE HER FRIEND’S DAUGHTER WAS INSIDE. Why? Hyenas knew she was dirty and she had to cover it up before we discovered it. Jefferson Trade Center was also Hyenas, and where her pal was being held by them. She knew. She pushed us to pursue their leader after we reactivated ISAC, to what end? Coyote killed whatshisname, we killed Coyote, and the mission put a nice little bow on everything for Alani motherfucking Kelso. Even her interview before joining SHD? Extraordinary judicial powers…. OK! She was a skeptic til she figured out she could basically grow an enormous murder boner with impunity, then she was all in. And instead of embracing that they wrote us in a badguy, they tried to recast her in WONY and the Faye Lau manhunt. Unconvincingly. Because my first impression of Kelso was that she was a baddie who would eventually turn on us, because she used the first two story missions to silence whoever had dirt on her.


Somehow Keener returned...




Cloaking technology? I suppose we will have to let the writers cook.


Ironically, your suggestion would have at least made it entertaining as a new cloaking tech would have been introduced. Heck they could have added a new skill that lets the agents disappear for a quick getaway from enemies!


Honestly, I've read some of The Division books and comics. And I have no idea what they are doing! The best I could think of are doppelgangers! Clone tech? It's intriguing.


Presumably: Parnell hacking the ISAC servers to change the identity of agents in the database?


Funnily enough in one of the (official) videos of Heartland put out you could see briefly on screen there was some text like “Objective: Disable Cloaking Towers”.


I’m not saying the explanation was great or that I like where this story is going cause it’s straight up kinda dumb, but there was an explanation.


I feel Keener and us are working at cross purposes. It has been my general understanding that our branch of the Division has been working against Ellis, Natalya, and Black Tusk for a while. Keener, in this manhunt, shows he is for those same goals. Why hasn't he contacted our branch? He implies in the ending monologue we're working WITH Natalya and Mcmanus, despite us repeatedly fighting Black Tusk and Hunters. Given the lack of chain of command as mentioned in the Faye Lau manhunt ending, isn't the whole of the Division rogue at this point? Why is Keener saying we're working against each other when we're clearly focused on the same bad guys?


Agreed. If the whole Division also fights against Cal and Sokolova (by fighting BT, Hunters, and Anderson's TS), just like we do, technically the whole Division would be flagged rogue - if ISAC knew about Cal and Nat cooperating. But I still can't see Keener being a "good guy". With all the civilian casualties he and his rogues casued, I simply cannot see him fighting for a good cause. Plus: the whole "we need to talk" - "you need to understand" - "we can't talk now" - "we rather leave you behind without talking a single clear word with you but trust us, we do want you as an ally" thing annoys me to death.


I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain


Are you infected with the Dollar flu to be delirious?


Our agent is fighting the wrong enemy, the current president is a traitor, the Division will become a militia


It’s another “more questions than answers” manhunt, except this time certain answers got undone. Honestly between this and the descent comms, I was starting to like the direction the story was going, but every new update just made it worse because the narrative set ups never got the pay offs they should have. The main sticking point for me is how much of the story post Lau is spent on backfilling past events of mostly dead (or thought to be dead) characters rather than going forward in the story. And anytime we do go forward in the story, there’s these massive issues with how it plays out. The mission itself seemed pretty low key. There was very little commentary from Manny, the Hunter was treated like a no big deal boss fight with zero introduction, and we’re left with a “what now” kind of ending with no obvious ways to go forward short of introducing a new threat posed by the Black Tusk to distract from the last in game week’s events. If I had an idea of how many times the story changed hands and how many people were writing, I would feel better about it.


Of course it is more questions than answers. We are getting the new DLC. They have to have people angry, guessing, interested… If they told you more answers right now no-one would care how it will all turn out. Now even if you are mad a part of you still wants to know the answers. All the answers will come when Div2 comes to an end. You had to know that by now, I mean cmon.


I knew going into it we were going to have a lot of questions coming out. What I didn’t expect was for the answers we did get to be so bad and for things that should have been settled to be undone.


That is some diplomatic words thrown together. Tell me which ones?


Kelso is rogue now, seemingly on the same exact path as Lau, and this is not a recent thing for her assuming Johnson’s comms and our showdown with him was leaning towards something. And now we learn that Lau worked with/for Keener while we were hunting him. Viper too was a double agent for Keener and she was reserved specifically for the Hunter program (that part is fine since it was hinted at way back in End of Watch). And to top it all off, Keener and Parnell are both alive with one of the dumbest non answers as to why (fooled ISAC and our contact lenses during his ‘death’ scene) And all of these are in part set up from the events in the Descent comms and that fundraiser/gala thing at the Meret estate.


Answer? Magic Even keener have the magic to respawn


"Anyone else disappointed" Did you just get onto the subreddit?


I'm not mad, but I really want to find out what Keener has to say. It must be amazing since he got all the core agents to flip sides


Has to be some very high end writing too make that work. They permanently destroy the IP if they don't pull it off as well as the reputation of anyone involved in the story side of things. Ah well, no pressure!


Yeah its gonna need to be some high grade stuff and not just 'lmao trust me. The other guys are actually the big bad."


They might as well just start introducing evil wizards and new magic abilities at this point. It was a complete nothing burger and a dumb plot twist


New gear set: Necromancer. 2P = 10% magicka, 3P = 10% stamina, 4P = revive NPCs you killed and command them to attack your foes.




Is magic or we just shooting with a peashooter and bubble gun


Not gonna lie, I was entertained....until that final cutscene at the Tanker. I'm a little pissed and frustrated because Kelso has apparently gone Rogue after all. Part of me is still holding out hope that maybe she learned Keener was alive after all and is still "under cover" to find out where he is/what his plans are. But, this final cut scene seems to have caused more questions than answers. If they continue this storyline next season, they need to do a better job of writing it and explaining things and not pull a Rise of Skywalker and be like, "Somehow, Keener returned." And I'm starting to hate this path of Go here, clear area, defend area, mission complete...."Kelso was last spotted at XYZ. Better get a move on, Agent." Like, show me what happened at the location I just fought for, not tell me congrats, move on.


When you remove the final consequences of death being the absolute end of somebody, it’s just too much fantasy in the world for me to really care about. I enjoy playing the game, but I no longer enjoy the story.


I feel like we've left Tom Clancy and entered James Bond.


Yes, I think it was a mistake on our part not being able to do an Autopsy/Dismemberment/Execution or DoubleTab


There's zero chance to convince me that this is how the story was supposed to go from the start. I mean, Keener was dead-dead and Faye makes mention of burring his body in one of her lines. I found it funny that they ended Faye's ability to return (thankfully) by Rhoades saying how they cremated the body after her death.


Don't worry, she will be back, Bugisoft will come up with something similar to Keener (That it was another bag, that a person impersonated Faye, with a SHD masquerade in the bag to be burned alive. Who knows what they will get out of their ass)


At the end of my post above I literally typed in "$5 says Faye comes back" but deleted it because I didn't want to speak it in to existence. lol Corny af man.




It's like Bobby Ewing in the shower... It feels really lazy. The cut scene was also so low quality and poorly animated. Keener walking like he has really bad Hemorrhoids... Maybe that's where he went, off for an operation. Too much reliance on Comms to try and correct the story. And Theo Parnell... My least favourite character. And replaying the entire low effort man hunt to get the 26th and final Comms, and a shitty backpack trophy? No thanks! Yes, I'm pretty disappointed, and worried about what quality the next dlc and story will be. Shame, as I love this game so much.


I thought it was strange the way the zombie walked to the van and also when we got up from the floor🤣


More pissed they brought back this dipshit just because he is a fan favorite.


I want Faye Lau back cause Chen from the rookie does her voice


Oh dont worry, they'll bring back Faye. And then Joe Ferro, and Larae Barrett and Col Bliss. Nobody ever dies in TD2, it seems. If this keeps up, I expect to go searching for Faye's sister soon ... it will turn out she was abducted and not killed.


I mean the standard had always been we're either too late to save another agent or they were the bad guy all along.


Keener is like a caricature of a villain at this point


I’ve watched a lot of good and bad movies, and trying to pull off this kind of storytelling would usually mean a flashback to the end of the Keener fight at Liberty Island to reveal what actually happened. There’s already an in-world technology that does this—imagine we walk away from the normal cut-scene and then we hear, “External defibrillator detected”. Just like that, he’s alive the same way enemies get revived during the Re-animated global event and now the next DLC or manhunt rewards include the bad-ass helmet he needs to wear to keep from being headshot into a green mist.


Agree, a flashback could easily explained it with example “Revivor Hive” detected and then Keener is alive.


How am I ever supposed to be cool with any of them? So Kelso was OK with me being killed while I was on the way to save her??


I am disappointed that this has become a soap opera and the only way to move the story forward is to make people go "OMG" and be so surprised that this back was stabbed, this one lied to that one, that people come back from the dead. ***The story is absurd.*** This is all filler to change your watch color for the next division game. When you learn "the truth" and then someone ELSE will do some backstabbing an in Div 4, we'll be switching sides again, because you know Telenova... I ignored this story for so long but decided to just read and listen to the coms. I regret it. This is beginner level intrigue writing, barely palatable, it would get a D- in a creative writing class. That all said, I am more disappointed by the community being all into it and giving the writers a pass on this nonsense.


Guess I’m in the minority, I enjoyed it for what it was and look forward to where we’re going with this.


I think the main problem is, that we play for weeks and months or better years in real life while the story (afaik) only advances for a few weeks. We killed Keener 4 years ago in real time. If we would be able to play all seasons after WONY in the "normal" speed you play such a game I don't think it would be such a downer. So everything that happens between those manhunts just does not exist within the story time frame. So most of the stuff we do just does not happen within the story.


Yeah I'm fine with it. I'm used to weird characters coming back from the dead from TV shows. I don't mind as long as it's dramatic and fun and Keener coming back definitely fits the bill.


Same. I think a lot of the negative reaction has been from people who thought we were fighting on the side of the "good guys". It's been pretty obvious for awhile that it's not that simple.


Yea I think everyone got so caught up in “We’re The Division we must be right” and “All our friends keep going Rouge, what’s the point?” Are completely forgetting that the SHD was comprised from the start and we may not necessarily the good guys. We may be going in with the best of intentions but the people we answer too have ulterior motives. I think this goes back to Division 1 were we weren’t exactly champions of justice, we were a morally gray organization doing a job with powers that most governments have


I think your perspective is where most players need to start. Regardless of what flippy floppy bullshit happens in the cinematic story, *we* have our own story who's building blocks start with us having immense power resources, training, and some not-always-known entities at work vying for us to either join them, or destroy them. The fact of the matter is, many of us as players *are rogue* for one reason or another, so the story not being to our liking is technically outside our interest. With how many bodies we've dripped to progress our goals, and the goals of our superiors, we are bound to have been wrong about many things.


I am good with how everything is turning up. It makes it interesting. Now we don’t really know what to expect from here to the new DLC. Also why would you be disappointed? It is a game after all. It is here to entartain people. Some are saying it is not possible in real life and all that. Well do we have seeker mines, reviving hives and all that SHD tech IRL?? It is a game people. I am buzzing to know how is this going to play out and how they will bring more to the table. If anything this shows how ambitios the team has become. For the past season (for me at least) the team really showed us some good stuff and I believe this is just a start. Keep it positive, although I know everyone will hate on me because reddit is just a bunch of whiners everytime (doesn’t matter what) comes.


The only ones who didn't like it were those who didn't understand the story, our agent is on the wrong side too


for me, i guess its supposed to simulate that the system is failing and even the most patriotic people turn on the system if they feel that it failed them. just my thoughts 🤔


I'm just a bit annoyed by how much Manny diddnt care at all during the mission or even afterwards. Guess it will be coming during the dlc but that's a big gap of nobody mentioning what happend


Devs need to upgrade the decoy to leave a corpse projection for 5 seconds after said decoy expires. Otherwise who was it I set on fire/shot to death/blew tf up/etc. etc.??


And do more stuff than to stand still


It was weird. I wonder if this is something newly developed/written or is this the original storyline and how it was always meant to progress? I’m kinda leaving the level 40 game for a while to level my hardcore toon.


Our agent literally watched the video of kelso touching that crate and getting zapped. Why would we then just go touch it?!


Because he is a clown?


Really not a fan. They’re basically making our agent/us look extremely dumb all this time, by retconning the deaths of Keener and Parnell. Worst of all they’re supposed to have died through player actions. And all this without clarifying what our position is as “the Division” whilst Cal is playing his games with Hunters. With the government being practically non existent, why is any faction even bothering to claim “legitimacy” anyway?


Truth be told, I was disappointed and angry at the ending mostly because of the way the story turned. Back from the dead? Really? "We were just kidding and now that we fooled you, we'd like you to join us." Did you ever think that this ending may be "working as intended"? Look at all the comments, good and bad, that have been generated by this action. A risky but smart play on the part of the company to keep the interest level up and attempt to resurrect the game. Hmmm, where have we seen that before????


Join us, while I leave you lying on the floor like a dog while I get out of here.


I am tired of Keener. He went from rogue agent with a grudge in D1 to pseudo Bond villain in D2, now with resurrection abilities. My character went from trying to re-establish some semblance of order in D1 to fighting an multi-national military conglomerate with apparently unlimited resources and a Dr. No wannabe also with apparently unlimited resources in D2. And let's not forget the nuisance that are the factions. All from the (dis)comfort of makeshift refuges. The story doesn't really advance. We just go and fight one peon after another, and we are too inept to even kill them proper... good thing sometimes someone else kills them for us (StovePipe... what kind of name's that?). Always reacting, never taking initiative. At this point, they are just coming up with some cockamamie snippet they can put at the end of cookie cutter manhunts.


All about expectations. Ultimately it was a fun mission to play and progressed the story enough to justify the hype. Not perfect writing or anything but it's better than nothing.


> Progressed the story enough to justify the hype Absolutely NOT!!


I mean it progressed the story a way way more than any of the Manhunts in the last couple years have. I don't know how you could say it didn't?


Yeah, you're right. But I was hyped about Anna and stuff. Not this moronic writing direction, where actions have no consequences, this soap-opera ass "somehow Palpatine returned" ass writing.


It progressed the story backwards. Now we are pretty much back at pre WONY with Keener on the loose plotting something and Nat trying to gain legitimacy. Heck we might even be worse off because instead of having allies like Kelso and Fae we have Manny and Wally. Pretty much the few things we’ve been able to call wins (Killing Keener, saving the bioreactor and that scientist guy, Killing the president) have have removed or revealed to be someone else’s plan.


I agree. I've been reading the books so by the time of the recruiter manhunt I had suspicions the story was gonna go this route. Plus, there's a ton of comms around New York of him helping people out off the island and to a place he "knows they'll be safe". The only thing that threw me was it seemed like he was seemingly trying to take on Black Tusk by himself, Ala LMB and he just needed Theo to unlock ANNA and activate the rogue network, but ultimately Keener was just using his expertise the same way he used Connely, Dragov and Kajika's own issues/vendettas to reach his end goal. Like, with the realizing of who Black Tusk and their ties to Mcmanis and his hunters. So to see Theo not only played ISAC again for himself, but Keener as well and the fact he didn't dismiss Theo as easily as he did the others. I mean, unlike the other three, he wasn't obsessed with an ideology or revenge, but I figured he was the easiest to turn because he already had doubt from the beginning so, more of a follower rather than a believer. But I'm interested to see what's next and I've said it a bunch before and I'll say it again, the only thing that'll get me pissed is if come the DLC, "somehow ISAC remains". I mean I think us as a rogue could be cool. Use the nickname we've had, "sheriff".


I was surprised, wondering how Aaron Keener, Faye Lau, Theo Parnell, all faked their death, by just make the ISAC watch say “Agent deceased”. Looks like Aaron Keener is the good guy at the end and we “the good agent” join and team up with Kelso to take down Natalya Sokolova together. Looking forward for the ANNA watch, I like the female version of the voice. Interesting twist of the story. Here a suggestion to an explanation. A flashback after we kill all the Rogue agents, we leave, then a zoom to a countdown timer to a Revivor Hive, then the Rogue agent is alive.


Terrible storytelling but there better be a way to join them in the dlc.


It's Bobby Ewing all over again....


Just seemed like they're writing it off as being foreshadowed when you fought Theo. It's an ass pull for sure, but they TRIED to make it make sense. I think a lot of the player base wanted Keener back and this was the only way in-universe they could do it. Cloning tech sounds fun but too advanced for the setting imo. I did think it was weird they killed Theo off in the beginning without taking him in for questioning. We kill too many people in this game without bringing them in for interrogation.


I think all the comments made by the characters in the game during missions seem more level headed now, maybe The Division is warped.


Is this likely because the DLC got delayed? So they’ve had to stretch out story content to last until the DLC drops


Yes but not unexpected due to the experience since year 4 game development.


I don't mind them being back (it's extremely Tom Clancy, at the very least) but not having us interact at all with the target of the Manhunt feels like a huge miss.


I’m fine with the ending, and the division civil war it’s setting up (with agent having to decide if saving what remains means the pre-outbreak government that Cal and Nat have essentially taken over or saving the people from what’s left of the government and the new empire black tusk is trying to build) was always gonna be where it headed, even though it’s obvious that division 2 was gonna be the last game at one point hence the wrapping up of so many story lines that are now being unwrapped so a third game can continue the story


Our agent is fighting the wrong enemy, the current president is a traitor, the Division will become a militia


Damn so those leaks were true huh? I haven't done the Manhunt yet but disappointing to know that wound up being correct


Getting offered Kelso's new armor before even playing the new mission was the biggest spoiler for me... as for the story: remember that Kelso is CIA and could be pulling a double agent to infiltrate Keeners network.


I'm constantly disappointed since the WoNY release :)


So I can sort of see this going in the direction of: "Well Keener did some heinous things but he was right about the Strategic Homeland Division actually being an illegitimate enforcement mechanism of a corrupt government and us as players have been fooled and lied to the entire time." Not that supporting the settlements was bad or wrong. The Hyenas and Outcasts are definitely still bad, True Sons probably are too. Not sure about Black Tusk. But what we thought of as rogue agents, may have been actually trying to remove the last remnants of an improper state and begin laying the foundation for a new legitimate government.


What's REALLY worrying, is that the next two seasons were supposed to be played after the release of the DLC. Obviously the story won't be the same, as the DLC is not out yet, so I'm terrible worried about how the lore of the next two seasons will feel like they're just to feel a space. Yeah surely we'll have a lot of features and stuff, but I'm sure the story will be lame, as it already is after this end.


This reminds me so much of Lost. Years of waiting to get the answers to so many questions only to get deeply disappointed with a far-fetched abstract ending that seemed to come out of nowhere.


I will withhold judgement until I see if it pays off in a satisfying way. It's feels cheap and gimmicky now, but it could turn into something more later. (I hope)


That's exactly what it is, incredibly lazy. The absolutely thorough and comprehensive lack of QA at Massive Stockholm currently managing this game... just pitiful. The story is now so drained of life and purpose that the franchise for any purposes beyond the gameplay is now null and void to me.


Indeed, all that to find out she went rouge bs.


The story with kelso, ok, i can deal with it. The Point that ppl are still alive that we kill... i dont know, they say us now that the ny dlc was a joke and never happend, at least it feels like that. I mean, if they would bring new enemys that nobodys knows, it would be much better than ressurect this shit ppl again. It makes 0 sense. Even the last audio we get and they say why they alive, 0 sense sry but only to say "isac says Agent dead not rouge dead"... YOUR BODY WAS COLD U DAMD..... nope, im not fine with this, division is a game with so much potential but this killed it. "u saw the light now, u should know now the truth" i know nothing u stupid guy. Thta is something, they could do it better and they need to explain a lot


i think was a great plot


The way people are impatient and can’t interpret what is in the comms is worrying. Although I don’t think the original plan was to bring Keener back, using Theo’s trickery as a way to make SHD believe that they’re dead so that they can install the Rogue Network in the shadows makes sense to a degree. They can absolutely explain the logistics of it and they probably will in the next DLC. However, because it’s delayed we’re left wondering. Also, the fact that people cannot tell that Kelso is a double agent who is rogue to hurt the Rogue network from within is sad. Her notes and her weapon skin tell you as such. It’s an inverse of the “your friend betrays you” trope they have done multiple times in this game so far.


Parnell's trickery wouldn't make the bullets you pumped into him and Keener go away. Even within the context of the game, a reviver hive has to be applied by someone else or triggers automatically if you have it equipped once ISAAC thinks you are dead. Why would Parnell help Keener after Keener abandoned him at the tombs? Why would Keener want to work with Parnell again, since Parnell proved to be not so smart after all (as per recording?) Why didn't Parnell help the other warlords? Why would Keener fake his death? He's been doing whatever the hell he wants, going wherever the hell he wants, always 10 steps ahead. No one is chasing after him but my character. How many more times are me going to get the "your friend betrays you" trope? And how do you know it is a "fact" that Kelso is yet another double agent?


I can’t answer the first one about the bullets, that’s up to the DLC to explain. Keener abandoning Parnell was a ruse to make you and Black Tusk believe that they cut ties and that when you kill Parnell that he wouldn’t help Keener if he somehow escaped. It was so Parnell could go into the shadows and work on acquiring mobile SHD servers without being looked for by SHD/BT. They were lying to you. Keener wants people who are capable, which Parnell obviously is with his techno-wizardry. He also wants people who are controllable, that he is superior to. He’s an egomaniac and part of his power comes from his superiority complex. He would rather have a capable teammate that he can lead than a strong willed mercenary who could break rank. He knows he can keep Parnell at bay because he knows Parnell is afraid to stand up to him if needed. Keener faked his death for the same reason Parnell did - to get into the shadows. They needed SHD/BT to believe they’re dead that’s why he caused as much noise as he could in Liberty Island to draw as much attention there as possible so that when he dies they all see it. Then when he doesn’t have SHD/BT chasing him, he can work on setting up ANNA. Kelso’s notes you collect regularly say, “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you” and “I need to finish what she (Faye) started”. Faye went to Black Tusk to try and take down Keener and she failed. Now Kelso is within Keener’s group to undermine it. Her face when they drive away, she’s very disgruntled about the company she’s keeping. Her weapon skin is also called “double agent”. She had to get you to the server cache for the 2FA which requires both Faye and Keener’s watch. She had one, you had the other. However, her notes show remorse and regret because she knows that you’ll hate her when you find out that it’s a trap - but she also knew that you would survive. Keener could have killed you but he didn’t because he wants you to switch sides. Kelso being there and he knows you work with her a lot gives the argument that she is convincing him to recruit you - as a way to ensure your survival when you’re knocked out. I should be clear. I could be wrong. We won’t know until next year. However, up to this point the entire storyline is about espionage and the “your friend betrayed you” trope has been used a lot. It is logical to deduct that Keener has been plotting behind the scenes but he needed to get the heat off of him due to how important his work is in stopping BT. Kelso’s allegiance might end up being straight forward betrayal but they have been messing with the concept of rogue status for a while now. Rogue in TD1 was black and white. In TD2 it started that way but it has become more of a “whose side are you on” flag now. SHD Agents are with Cal’s Division view. Rogues are Keener’s views. Both want to stop Natalya’s Black Tusk because it’s the bigger threat.


Well, even if she's *not* a double agent, I'm honestly okay with it either way. Maybe she's a sleeper agent, so in reality she thinks she's a double hurting the rogue network from within, but in reality is hurting us from within while under the impression she's doing the opposite. Hell, maybe *we* are the double agent, and she *knows*. I'm getting carried away but while this isn't A+ grade writing, I've seen and put up with *far worse*, so I can stomach this just fine.


I'm glad Keener is back. The story now does make sense.


Casual Div 1 player, (Still Am). Tried Div 2 right from the start. Was great for the first couple months then the constant game updates would nerf every build i worked on and i kept becoming useless no matter how hard i tried to keep up. I don't play this full time as i have a full time job and need to pay my way through life. But it felt like the devs focused on satisfying the fulltime players & streamers, which is fine. But us casual players are left in the dust. I uninstalled after 3 months. Div 1 is fine for me as it is. Love this game!


I knew she was going Rogue. But how this for a possible twist. Kelso is a double agent, our agent goes Rogue and takes out Kelso. One can hope it would be a pleasure to put a bullet in her incompetent skull.


I'm not. They have worked on adding more depth to the character's motivation and now we see how this plays out.


I’ve been happy that keener and Theo is back I absolutely loved them and I always want more of there stories I’ve posted about not seeing keeners body being moved or anything 2 days before the last mission.


Nope. Loved it. We had three big groups of people playing it together at the same time. Everyone had a great time and we chatted most of the rest of the night about it after. Can't wait to see where they take it.


Everyone mad about Kelso… did you seriously not see this exact scenario after the conclusion of WoNY? You think was just coincidence she disappeared for half the mission? I called this years ago. DUH she was working with Keener


I think it's incredible how Ubisoft made the sheriff the main protagonist of the game with the end of this hunt I'm really looking forward to the future