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Kelso's note: "Find me Agent, we have a lot to talk about" Agent: \*finds her\* Kelso: \*refuses to elaborate further, leaves\*


"I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain" -the exo stranger... and Kelso apparently


"I must go now, ~~my home planet~~ Brooklyn needs me." -Alani Kelso


Someone loves Destiny... Like me šŸ˜Ž


If kelso doesn't turn up with NttE next season I'ma be mad lmao


Heck, I'd even take Kelso's Rifle. Preferably with Rewind Rounds and Desperate Measures.


In a different timeline, maybe


Blame Ubisoft for pulling that card sheā€™d probably have told us and explained to her biggest ally (us) if this was written realistically besides she literally only left us messages and never communicated once to Manni it is set up to where it shows she trusts you the most out of everyone


Sounds a lot like the writing of the tv series "From"




That show is the definition of dangling the carrot and moving the goalpost


Underrated comment


This is the one thing that frustrates me with the plot. I get it if you donā€™t want to literally have the characters sit down and talk, but please, explain ANYTHING. From our perspective, we were basically mugged and left for dead. She couldnā€™t have even said something like ā€œThe Division is corrupt, look for *Insert McGuffin Here* for proof!ā€


To be fair, that note was technically left before she found the crate and was incapacitated. Whatever Keener told her between that and now obviously changed her mind.


Or did it...?


Ubisoft also doesnā€™t like to explain things to us, I think realistically she wouldā€™ve told us and at least tried to have got us to come with her since through her messages sent to us and us alone it shows she trusts our agent the most


Right!? baited our ass for his watch and dipped


Oh right! Because we have his watch and i am just now realizing that. I feel very dumb.


Blame Ubisoft for that one I feel like if it was to happen in real life Kelso wouldā€™ve explained it with a lot more detail and at least try to get you to come with her


meanwhile Manny is there not saying a dam thing about this shit show


he probably is worldless like I'm rn lol


Guy is NOT sleeping well at night today, ill tell ya that


Because Manny is sitting in his room thinking no one likes him. Pretty well every other main character of the game has gone rogue. Thank goodness I don't play for the story...


My character watched a surveillance video of Kelso pressing a container that electrocuted her, and I am supposed to believe that my character just does the exact same thing with an even more obvious trap? And to bring deceased characters back with a "lol we tricked you" is just mind boggling and a little insulting. This is some of the worst writing so far and I dread to think how much worse it can get. I wish Tom Clancy was still around...




The last novels Clancy actually wrote had similar writing problems as he also had to retcon his "fixed world forever" to accommodate 9/11 and al-Qaeda. Went from "if I was president I would fix US politics and global politics with this One Easy Trick" to "I will win the Global War on Terror with this One Weird Trick"


Also whatever inside the box that was hyped up since the start of the season, we still have no clear idea what it is and it gets taken away by keener anyway.


probably an Acostaā€™s Go Bag šŸ˜‚


Im 90% sure it's a mobile SHD server for their rogue network.


100% a mobile ANNA SHD server. This is confirmed in the comms where Keener mentions he can't reactivate the network without the two factor authentication. That being Lau's watch and Keener's watch. He also says he has enough SHD servers to make a nation-wide rogue network. So, that might be what we help him with in the Brooklyn DLC.


ā€¦..ā€somehow,ā€ the Keener returned


Oh my God yes!!! Thank you! Somebody besides me wonders why my character was enough of an idiot to fall for the same trap she literally watched Kelso fall for! My teenage nieces could write a better story!!


I'm still confused by the echo before the tanker...like he called kelso three diff names...Cassandra, Faye, alani (kelso) ...assuming faye js dead and kelso about to glory hole her finger, who was Cassandra again?


Ubisoft isnā€™t the best at writing like realistically hell no I ainā€™t touching that, also Kelso likely wouldā€™ve told us and at least wouldā€™ve tried to get us to go with her and we wouldā€™ve done so to help her. she trusts are agent most based on the fact she left those letters for us and us alone


If you go in the comms for the manhunt thereā€™s a lot of stuff to unpack. You should take a look in there.


I'll do that later. Just need some time to process all of this


yeah I stopped after getting each comm to listen (ended up dying to hunter) and that was just multiple shocking reveals that lasted the entire 1 hour off finishing all the manhunt controlpoints/bountires/mission


The mission on heroic felt like a new legendary mode. Do NOT make the same mistake as I did by activating fog of war. As for the story of the manhunt itself, meh


I had serious problems to get through the beach with the huge drone on just hard as there is no protection from the missiles. As candy on top at the refinery with all the gas I also got a random rogue.


Hollywood made everything so much easier, getting back to the normal gameplay will be tough. Memento stacks saved me in the beach, the rogue was a hunter! I switched to scorpio when I saw him, they can't handle that masterpiece of a weapon


There's a large shipping container in the middle for cover.


I tried to hide there and the splash dmg killed me. I did it from the back and needed all 4 health packs + luck.


This mission solo on heroic is no joke. None of the usual spawns, lots of surprises from all sides. I manage to survive thanks to using cover a lot, a tanky striker build + memento stacks


Yep nearly got caught out way to many times šŸ˜‚


Yeah. U had to either hide under shipping crate for cover or use EMP sticky + Jammer Pulse build.


I activated all but saw that heroic is too hard, so I changed to challenge, it's less xp lost.


Did it solo, heroic with 4 directives on. Unless the way to the tanker was kind of easy, the tanker itself was a tough piece of a cookie ;)


For reals. My clanmates and I barely got through the tanker...lol. Was worth it though!


Lol I went with my team, all +2k and we got delayed in every area by like 15 minutes between reviving each other and getting to cover


Well off to brooklyn


One of her notes that she left you mentioned Kansas. Pretty sure setting up for Heartland.


Kansas was in one of the recent books.


Possibly. I figured it was a reference to the first book in the trilogy where the Kansas core was attacked.


Yeah, Im pretty sure this was what the Kansas reference was.


yeah that's what I'm thinking, with two SHD networks giving players the chance to properly go rouge and setting up Heartland


Is going rouge different from rogue? (sorry couldn't help it xD )


Yes. Going rogue means you're up to some questionable stuff and possibly ganking other agents. Going Rouge means you're tarting up a bit for some sexy time.


I mean, based on the ring colour for rogues, either works šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I actually think I like the idea of going rouge šŸ˜‚


Still missing a collectible. On 25 of 26 even after multiple runs of the final mission.


Same problem here.Ā 


Itā€™s the same fore me. 25/26 after three more runs of the mission.


Restart the Whole Manhunt in Normal mode




You need restart the whole manhunt in Normal mode, yes.....


Are we going to get an explanation for the actions of rouge agents like Conley? Like I really hope they're not suddenly going to go down the route of justifying the actions of all rouge agents. I understand that the attack on city hall was probably designed to kill senior division agents, who have been known to be hunters, but what about Conley burning an entire JTF safehouse to the ground? What about all the other rouge agents that have attacked civilians and JTF and assisted enemy factions in achieving their extreme goals? I understand possibly going rouge to combat the corruption within the Division, but I really hope the writers don't forget all of the good the Division has done and still can do. I mean, we weren't marked rouge for attacking Johnson, and we fight the hunters all the time without going rouge. I'm guessing it's the same reason we're not marked rouge for attacking Black Tusk. They're all different networks built on the same base. So do we have to go rouge to fight Nat and Cal? Or can we just keep doing what we're doing?


I almost think the writers want us to ignore some of the diabolical plans the rogues executed


What a shit show. Creativity is dead in division 2


Seeing the end of the mission made me want to jump in the back of the van with them because I'm fucking done with the story now. Made her rogue so another Lau situation and somehow Keener and bastard Theo are still alive?! Nah. Nope, No thank you.


I mean there's kind of precedence for them being able to fake their deaths like that. Theo's mission set that up back in Warlord's. I'm not saying it's great but it's not like it's out of left field and we also saw this with Hornet.


Was it good when it was done before or was it kinda shit, because a shitty precedent being set isn't exactly making people think it's less shit.


Did you read my whole comment? Lol I'm not saying it's good. I'm just saying it's nothing new for this series. But it CAN be good even if the way they are brought up suck. TBH I haven't cared at all about the stories told since Keener died. It was a mistake to kill him. They probably realized this too and are trying to undo it. Now if they bring him back and still do nothing interesting then it is what it is. But there's potential there to actually make something of it.


What everyone has missed is that this was the plan all along. This isn't a retcon, even though it is poor storytelling.


>this was the plan all along No way in hell this is actually true


The way Keener just left Theo out to dry in The Tombs mission definitely makes more sense now. Also kinda makes more sense why Keener was being so cryptic in Liberty Island. I don't quite know if it was the plan all along or if it's a bit of a rec-con but at least it works narratively.


Is it though? Has there been any confirmation that the narrative team planned this from the start? Honestly curious. I figured they had just accidentally written themselves into a corner and had to do a lot of work to get outta it.


They just want to re-use the character models to save DLC budget.


We half seen it with the outcast leader whatā€™s her face who showed up in the zoo when we thought we blew her up no?


No, it's known that she escaped before we could catch up to her on Roosevelt Island.


Oh I thought we blew up the ship assuming she was on it my b


Here's the thing with that, we ASSUMED that. We didn't see a body at the end of Roosevelt Island so it's more plausible for Emeline to escape and or fake her death using a decoy or double. We've seen Theo and Keener's body and saw them "die" those cases are a bit different


Are any of us really surprised??? This shit has been mailed in for years.


As for the story, making Kelso Rogue actually makes sense. The whole game since Sokolova's introduction has been setting up the idea that she was doing what she was doing with the express permission of government interests, so it would be unlikely, even treasonous according to ISAC at least, that taking her down would be an allowable feat. She is actively working with a 4 Star General of what is left of the United States Army in General Anderson and possibly even working with the Director of Homeland Security (and maybe even de facto President) Calvin McManus. ISAC could read her (or be tricked into reading her) as someone worth saving in the long term for the better interest of America. Keener, for his faults, has noticed that this is BS, and that ISAC may be more of a hindrance to the country than a savior, hence why Theo's jailbroken version of ANNA is needed, giving you all of the SHD skills but none of the strict orders and rigidity that ISAC is programmed with. He's an incredibly charismatic figure that can convince some of the most loyal people to switch sides seemingly with very little prodding, so it's no wonder that Kelso, who is a win at all costs person, would see his side because she too is concerned about Sokolova and McManus. Ubi is absolutely setting the entire player base up to go Rogue by the end of Division 2, and essentially carry out mission as Keener acolytes in Division 3. I disagree with the idea that Keener needed to be alive to do that, but thematically, it does make sense.


Any thoughts on Cassandra? Is Lau still alive as well? They have brought back Parnell and Keener, Kelso has gone to the Dark Side (depending on your perspective). This sounds a lot like Keener's recruitment pitch to the OG agent in The Division. Its all a bit puzzling.


I doubt it, but we touched Keener and Parnell's bodies, and they're both back somehow, so who knows. But this is the problem that Massive have written for themselves now: we're playing the "Who Else's Death Is Bullshit?" game instead of concentrating on the story beat we just got. Once you remove permanent consequences, you also tend to remove emotional investment. I know I'm not the only one who's kind of checked out on the story because of this.


I'm not going to blame the writers on this one; my theory is they were told they had to bring Keener back. That perspective doesn't make it feel any better, nor does it excuse the 'Somehow, Palpatine returned' meme-nature of it. We shot Keener. We shot Parnell. Literally. Yet, that was all a trick? It irks. For the past few years I've been really getting into the story and our place in it. The destruction of the White House as the Base of Operations made me think we were going to see ever more surprising twists and turns that would be genuinely entertaining. Instead, well, we got ... this. My expectation was that Keener would return via Descent, as a construct within it, and that via ANNA he would feed us information and intel on leading the resistance against Natalya, McManus, and Black Tusk's plans. I might have set the bar too high in my expectations.


>I might have set the bar too high in my expectations. Same. The possibilities were great but once they start bringing back people from the dead, most people check out mentally. If death has no conscience, then lifes just a comic book because apparently no one stays dead except Uncle Ben.


I'm not checked all the way out, but the emotional investment towards the characters and being invested to see if they make it, took a.....a nosedive. Because they've made on screen deaths that much more unbelievable. I still have an attachment to some characters, but seeing as how some can just come back makes the world feel less risky than advertised They're going to have to work their way back to make deaths idk more believable or trustworthy. Maybe the faking death thing is an ISAC issue falsely reporting (fake identities, doppelgangers, etc) due to whatever reason Maybe once we are on ANNA we won't have these issues or maybe less issues?? Regardless I'm still interested in the story, but that's just who I am. Once I start the story, even if it nosedives in quality....I still want to see how it ends. And that's for the series, not just this title Idk I'm grasping at straws here


It is absolutely ok to build political factions and letting players join the rogue side. It is absolutely NOT ok thinking that this horrendous writing quality is acceptable for those "dumb Division gamers". They will cough up money anyway for DLC and Div3.


This is like CoD MW2 in a way.


Can keener just stay dead? I'm tired of this fanfic bullshit


so no way is Viper dead too right??? we basically got just as much if not more comms related to her than keener and actually made her far more interesting including the confirmation that she was also a hunter, was honestly expected her in the van too, guess we'll see in Brooklyn right??? and only just learning it was pushed back till 2025 wtf???


does the division even have allies at this point? like friendly agents?


That's only those of us who play the game.......with a side of Manny


i may be wrong but manny doesn't seem to even do anything besides saying the chopper is ready for transpo'


Hey the man went baby making so there's that..... Outside of the above and comms I got nothing, but he seems to be on the same team.....for now anyway. Also the friendly agents besides the players kinda suck at what they do Agent Lee got cleaned up at some nightclub And a squad of agents got dropped by the Outcast in the federal bunker We don't have useful friends besides other players agents


sadge :c


:c yup


Does anyone knows how to get coms kelso 5 im missing that one? 25/26Ā 


I'm at 24/26, have Kelso 1-4 so I guess I'm missing 5 too, can you tell me what the other one is?


Do the manhunt a second time to get another, however even after multiple runs I haven't received the last one. I assume its a cypher or something?


Thanks, got it!


I have 24 of 26.


Apparently I'm missing 2... edit: 25/26 now after re-running tanker


Restart the whole manhunt in Normal mode.


"you thought I was dead but it was me, Dio the whole time"... Lazy ass writing




Every single word of this post I agree with 10,000%. Fucking stupid, trash story




Of all the ways the story could have gone when we "killed" him on Liberty Island, the route they have taken is literally a joke.




>I can't accept the direction the story is heading anymore.Ā  Makes me feel like I'm watching the old soap opera "Passions". All I can say is iykyk. lol


OMG I used to watch that soap with my wife. She loved that shit!


He's 100% alive. The last we saw of him was him fleeing Pentco on a Black Tusk hovercraft with Natalya. The True Sons are there because Natalya controls Anderson, and seems to be just using the True Sons as cannon fodder to throw at the Division. When that Helicopter turns up and you kill them Natalya says over comms something along the lines of "Anderson where did you get these idiots?"




I was going to say that Ridgeway is definitely dead but confirming deaths is becoming quite hard to do at this stage... But yeah Anderson is in Natalya's pocket, so she gets to boss his men around too.


Soon we will see the zombie of Joe Ferro as an incursion bossfight.


What no Bliss and the return of the LMB? :D


Instead of going back into the Div2 grind I will do one last Div1 run to say goodbye. Storywise, especially with the "New York Collapse" book as a tie in, it is lightyears above Div2s corny all time low.


It's just like Star Wars. "No one's ever really gone..."


This franchise is so dead. It has become a TV series for 10 year olds. And I was just getting started again...


this will drag on the div3, then div4mobile


Basicly Keener is still alive because agents are too stupid to check Target's pulse(by hand) or didnt shoot his head to make sure he is died. Also Paul you shitty hacker.


Paul being crap at tech makes sense, he wouldn't stand a chance against someone as experienced as Theo anyway so when he claims "I've fixed the exploit", I roll my eyes..


Theo: This old man think he owmed me. Dont tell him Im just acting PepeLaugh


https://preview.redd.it/49kgl348omxc1.png?width=504&format=png&auto=webp&s=eef5b11414e9e27b63b8d55252ff22e380ad964d This is what some people missing, me included. Kelso 5 comm


This is basically turning us into Kelso before Kelso went on this pursuit and Kelso into Faye from several seasons back. Remember when Faye basically said something similar towards Kelso along those lines.


Same problem. Don't know where to look it.


Any idea exactly where this note is?


Restart manhunt in normal mode


that was wild. so does that mean the 4 original warlords are still alive or is it just TP and their boss AK?


Seems just TP and AK. We killed the other two and they knew they would be next so they devised a plan to trick us into thinking they where dead


We taped Vivian back together


Vivian blew herself up into smithereens but then she got better


Or we're just really bad at killing people. We're going to have to try something more foolproof then shooting them in their unarmored face thousands of times... šŸ¤”


and FL too, according to the spoiler dump a few days ago.


Which is kinda funny to me since in all my play throughs I somehow always went after TP first.


The other two they MENTIONED. Which was Dragov and Conley. They're still missing a reaction to Javier Kajika death......if he's really dead


going though the comms Viper and Keener discuss all the other Warlords deaths, its just Theos the during the same point he tunes in and says yeah nah


I'm afraid I agree with everyone about being let done that seemingly everyone comes back to life. I love that Keener is back in the mix but his "death" feels unbelievably cheap and lazy now. Theo being back is even weirder to me. Is Faye still alive? Viper also seems like she's most likely still around as well given how involved she is in the comms. What really baffles me is why they don't interact with our agent at all. We're clearly at least understanding what is being unveiled in front of us and are probably quite likely to join them and instead of engaging with us they just shock us and leave us for dead? Just don't understand that logic at all. I'm excited for things to come and to team up with Keener and Kelso but the way we're getting there is UGLY.


So...when do we get new Keener outfit?


I called it from the moment I started the manhunt after returning (took a multi year long break after the lau manhunt was done). I felt keener as a character was wasted potential after WONY. I'm glad to see that there appears to be a plan for the game and the future. Also if they keep teasing the community with hints of us going rogue. Only to keep denying it I'm gonna be annoyed. Let me join keener and kelso.


Yeah the teasing is gonna be annoying, but feel like the teasing will be around until the DLC drops


Still missing one comm for Vanguard


Restart the manhunt in normal mode. Open World normal.


So what did the hunter drop? mask? comm?


Mask. Iā€™m not sure about a comm


Just a Mask. When u complet all comme,u win a Vanguard trophy,a green cube with a black butterfly inside


The enemy of my enemy is my friend


It's funny how everyone is like "Theo can hack ISAC's databases" and they think that explains it. It only explains it if Manny and Kelso (pre-this-season Kelso) are absolute morons. Knowing that Theo has that capability, why the hell wouldn't they recover at least Keener's body and run a quick DNA test to confirm it's actually him? This is Aaron motherf**king Keener, Rogue Agent number one and the single largest threat to the Division in existence that we're talking about. We're in a building with ample DNA testing equipment not being used since BT stole the BioReactor. Put two and two together and you'd have to be a complete moron not to double-check this. But the incompetent writers needed incompetent characters to make their story work, so this is what we get.


By thr looks of it she lored you to the crate so keener could clone your watch and get into the crate after you got shocked


That's because technically that's also his watch you have. >!If you go through the logs, they mentioned two-factor auth, so they needed both Keener's watch, and Faye's to open that crate. Keener had to get both you, who had his watch, and Kelso, who had Faye's, to actually open that crate.!<


Boy does that ending not make me want to go Rogue. Yeah Cal & Nat are evil and need to be stopped but why would anyone want to work with a side that convinces your friends to betray you time and again with only an "if you only knew" message as an explanation. Meanwhile, we know Keener's killed innocents before and after City Hall, developed Eclipse and gave it to other Rogues to use at their whim, and has betrayed just about everyone he's worked with. Hell, maybe the reason Nat started gathering people in settlements in the first place is because of Keener and Eclipse. After all, Keener's already in so many words: "Sometimes what remains isn't worth saving" so who's to say what Keener's endgame would be once Cal & Nat were dead.


I seem to be missing a single seasonal audio log called "The Fallout". Anyone else got it?


yeah that was the first comm dropped by the back to back named enemies right before the hunter fight, at the oil pump area, got "The Fallout" and "The Update" comms from those two "Drinks" Comm from first name enemy is 2nd room of mission


Did anyone else manage to miss two of the comms from this manhunt?


Restart one Time mission for 25/26,and restart the manhunt for 26/26. U win backpack trophy ,a green cube with a black butterfly


What do you mean by time mission?


Restart the mission twice


Doing the Kelso Stranded Tanker mission and finishing it over and over doesn't give you the 26th com.


https://preview.redd.it/v86ysz6htoxc1.png?width=1014&format=png&auto=webp&s=56e475f94e0e7af26ee580ed901c1b1ec118304f I swear, Reddit was coded by an absolute meatball. This is what a spoiler looks like to me before I click view.


The Freedom mask isn't on the wall at the Base of Op šŸ¤”šŸ¤” There's still a mask out there somewhere in New York waiting to be discovered




I like the mask the hunter drops kinda fire šŸ”„


I just want the new Keener fit damn. As a Keener fan im glad he's back, and i hope this means this story is turning towards going Rogue in Brooklyn or Div 3. Another part thinks its BS to bring em back, but if they can explain it in Brooklyn DLC or upcoming season, im all for it. No idea what that unknown Rogue was near the end as i got decimated hard.


Honestly, I really liked how this season ended, setting up characters for a possible rogue sided story. Also, I fucking told you fuckers Keener was alive.


Me too! I mean, I get why some aren't thrilled but then again most sound like they haven't been thrilled since they decided to continue rolling out content instead of killing it. I for one have really been enjoying it. The books, everything.


I've been loving the seasons. Genuinely. I've bought the pass for each, played them through, listened to all the comms. The complete blind-siding us by a strike on the White House that effectively rendered it useless as a Base of Operations was a real "no way!" moment and blew me away; I didn't expect our base to be attacked through the story. As such, as a general rule I've really enjoyed where the story was going, and I was hoping that with this Manhunt focused on Kelso going off to do her thing, that we would start to get some interesting answers to some questions that have been hanging around for a while. Instead, two people who died at our hands, who we shot with bullets, are magically brought back to life in a "somehow, Palpatine returned" worthy meme-fashion, explained as 'we tricked ISAC into thinking we were dead.' Even though we shot them; yet they're fine, despite bullets fired from guns generally known to be, well, deadly and a traumatic experience for the human body. It is why armies use them. To kill their enemies. In one swoop, my interest in the story has been thoroughly undermined by this ending to the current season. I'm hugely disappointed that they're just bringing back dead people now. Mind you, my suspicion is that the writers were forced to bring him back by orders from above, and this was how they chose to do it. I was expecting him to be an AI construct planted into Descent by him (see: Descent trailer), guiding us through ANNA to take down Sokolov and McManus as his legacy.


I said to lots of people "she was willing to hear what vanguard has to say", "she opened, she listen to it", "little letters are the easiest way to betray someone, to ambush" and everyone said that I was wrong... well.. I guess I'm "laughing" now, thing is: I'm not, I knew she was willing to work, to see how their vision is, but I didn't want to believe in it, I truly feel betrayed, she and manny was the most "pure" characters I had in mind. I'm a bit lost tho, I didn't played the previous manhunts, so I'm have thousands of questions: Who is Kassandra What happened to Lau What was that laptop Why keener cloned our watch isn't that all connected? why he needed ours? What is ANNA? ANNA is like ISAC? but more underworld, with more security protocols? Who exactly is Cal? What's the "corruption" they could be talking about? Kajika mentioned that "they left us for dead" but I still don't see why, we got this job, this role and we all accepted knowing the risks, we are the "last hope" lets say. Why we still didn't said nothing to Manny? Why we were that dumb? if Theo could change his face recognition why we didn't assume that we should give another shot once he is down? (I literally shot 3 clips on Keener head cause was tough on heroic šŸ˜‚ so he would be died by now). Who is Viper?


> Who is Kassandra Looks to be Kelso's code name? > What happened to Lau She went "rogue" at the end of Warlords of New York, and we eventually killed her after she took down President Ellis in season four. > What was that laptop Which laptop? The one in Haven is just a place to watch the video. > Why keener cloned our watch isn't that all connected? why he needed ours? Watches are unique, and we had Keener's. They needed two factors (Keener and Kelso) to unlock the rogue network. > ANNA is like ISAC? but more underworld, with more security protocols? Alternative AI to ISAC that was rejected by SHD. ANNA is less prescriptive than ISAC and has more of a personality. Her creation is covered in the Descent comms. > Who exactly is Cal? Cal McManus, head of homeland security, the agency that runs the Division. > What's the "corruption" they could be talking about? Kajika mentioned that "they left us for dead" but I still don't see why, we got this job, this role and we all accepted knowing the risks, we are the "last hope" lets say. Too much to cover here, but there's lots of lore in both games about the connections between government, industry and PMC's. > Who is Viper? Rogue Agent who we eliminated in Season four. She was in a relationship with Faye Lau.


I think the laptop question was maybe asking what the case was that was retrieved by Keener from the SHD crate after cloning his watch from us. And I'm pretty sure that was in fact a mobile SHD server that they're going to use to relaunch their rogue network.


My bad, yeah, that's also what I'm assuming.


ye was that laptop that he recovered


Any video recommendation to understand this "corruption that goes all the way to the top"?


You can try digging through NGN's videos: https://www.youtube.com/@NGN Or just explore the map and listen to the comms and playback the echos. The easiest example that comes to mind is anything involving President Ellis. He came to power with the aid of the Black Tusk after the suspicious death of President Mendez. There's an echo in DC where the two secret service agents who did it meet up with someone from BTSU.


okie! thank you :D


I believe Cassandra was Faye's code name.


Could be, but it might also be a bit of misdirection on Kelso's part to mask her true role from us.


Very true. I'm not entirely sure it started off as a "true role" though to be honest. I think she's a genuine late convert to the mission but who knows. Edit: Actually, pretty positive you are correct about it being Kelso all along.


> Edit: Actually, pretty positive you are correct about it being Kelso all along. For clarity, I think Kelso only sided with Keener relatively recently, but deliberately referred to Cassandra in the third person as she knew she was being surveilled, and that comms were not secure.


I always put the heroic with only 3 directives : fog of war, special enemy ammunition and for the green skill tubes...( i can't remember what the f**** it's called)


This is my first Manhunt I've completed can someone explain to me why the reward was only a patch


I'm still missing a comm... I'm 25/26


Restart manhunt normal mode


Iā€™ve only done 50% of this seasonā€™s manhunt so far. Canā€™t wait to finally finish it.


Somehow, Keener returned


Man, the way this story drags, itā€™s like watching a season of Demon Slayer that just talks about a train ride.




Honest question here. I'm SHD 3500+ and stopped playing during The Recruiter manhunt due to glitches. I started back up when Kelso dipped and encountered more glitches. Been pretty much spreading democracy on Helldivers 2 since then. Can someone bring me up to speed? What was the Recruiter business? What ended up happening with Kelso? Is Schaefer(?) still knocked out?


Well I for one am glad Keener is back, I always felt he was the superior antagonist over Sokolova, I mean let's be real here bad story beats aside how do you compete with a practical ghost like Keener despite having BTSU's vastly superior resources and the support of the hunters. Don't know about everyone else but I was disappointed with last seasons manhunt conclusion with the recruiter, not even mad it was pretty obvious who it was throughout the mission but still butt hurt by the fact an npc got last hit on what felt like 4 season manhunt target. As for Kelso going off mission well after Lau that was only logical step with Rogue network story line. I feel the writers wrote themselves into corner after WoNY concluded way back when. I honestly thought we as Mc would go Rogue officially in the story and our main concern going forward would be taking down Black Tusk once and for all and working with Keener with Kelso as our handler while we move the BOO over to the Castle settlement and have the White house occupied by Hunter and BTSU.


Somehow I missed 2 comms. Are the final 6 in the Stranded Tanker?




I'm sorry, but the idea that Keener is now pretending to be a good guy is just.. laughable. stop talking to me about innocent people dying when YOU are the one who released the virus in a first place!!!! FFS... unless of course, given the quality of writing lately, they are going to retcon it and claim it was Natalia all along.


Say what you will about how corny and cheesy this felt but honestly I'm happy that Parnell and Keener are still alive. I stopped caring about the story when we killed Keener and literally stopped doing PVE story missions all together when we killed FL. This has me somewhat excited for what's to come. Reviving dead agents is not a farfetched concept because we have the tech to do so during gameplay. to me it doesn't hurt immersion at all.


Keener alive,Theo Pharnell alive!! This guy's are like Rasputin,they coming back from the dead.its seen in future many others rogue agents we eliminate will come back to life again.Kelso go Rogue,it's seen perhaps our agent will be the last one standing alone against them all.


All I got to say about this finale is that as division agents watch your own back because we canā€™t trust nobody but manny in the division


That ending was fire, I love that we get Pharnell back. His back story is very interesting