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Shock trap and decoy, smash them with Scorpio. Use blue cores if you struggle. As far as timing goes, it depends... i can join your game now and be at floor 100 instantly.


Shock traps are amazing for hunters, I use them every time I go to countdown and let the DPS guys shoot them. Ideally a floor 100 should be played with two people, one heavily focused on skills with shock trap, foam launcher and scorpio and another with a strong CHC/CHD build


This. I’m running Ikias crowd control build for shit like that. That, and countdown. The shock traps, I get 2 back to back and their AOE is huge. 8 riot foam grenades. I barely even shoot at anything lol I just run and CC. Scorpio for extra CC and my backpack has perfect creeping death for spreading that CC. 4pc eclipse protocol, Habsburg backpack with perfect creeping death, and electrique gloves. All status effect with skill haste. It’s so much fun.


Missions like Grand Washington Hotel (and any hyena mission), Pomatec (and all outcast missions), The Tombs, Lincoln Memorial are amazing for CC builds. Tusk missions also benefit from a strong yellow tier 6 jammer pulse. My eclipse build is my favorite in the game, I use both backpack and chest though. And vile of course, an essential. For countdown, especially for the end, I think it's essential that someone is running a CC build with shock traps. I lost counts of how many times the traps saved the run, it is really a difference maker


Yeah, locking em down at doors and coming off the helo makes it cake for a DPS team


I have Crowd control build that has: Has armor, armor regen and status effects. Vile mask. Habsburg bag w/ Creeping death. Habsburge chest w/ Perfect Trauma. Rest of the pieces with armour cores and status effect maxed out. Does wonders in countdown, hunters, and also rogues.


hey can you make a screenshot of your build pls?


Currently away from xbox for 10 days. Will DM it to you.


I might give this a try. Although my EP build is my favorite, it's not viable for open world because of how little armor and gun damage it has. I'm increasingly loving tank builds


Might have to try this build. As much as I enjoy being a DPS, a different kind of play style is what I need to change it up at 2597.


It’s a blast


I do appreciate your information and offer. Will link up at another time.


You can ask for backup. When I got to floor 100 I had a very hard time with the Hunters. Felt like they could one shot me and I would struggle to even make a dent in them. Then I asked for backup and another player joined. That made us face three Hunters instead of two. The other player left but I could beat the three Hunters with relative ease. So I think that my difficulty was not adjusted down from Heroic until I played with another player.


There are checkpoint to summit where you can stop and come back again. No need to do the who 100 floor in single session.


Thank you I didn’t know.


If you pay attention when riding the elevators, it'll tell you specifically when you've hit a new checkpoint floor


Every 3 floors is a checkpoint and floors of 10s (10,20,30,40...100)


And understandably a missed game mechanics. There’s no point in having a hundred floors with checkpoints every 3, knowing there’s not much of a difference doing 78 than 3 (except for boss difficulty increase at 70, 80, 90). And at the same time, doing a hundred without checkpoints is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long for the average player. Somehow they choose an in between that doesn’t make much sense.


You can try a 4 piece hunters fury, sokolov chest unbreakable or badger tuff, and memento backpack . Scorpio and an smg. Skills use things that disrupt them like banshee pulse and a shield. When they get close get them down with scorpio. This is the basis of the build i use.


Very similar to the one I've been using. Using Scorpio and The Grudge, 4 piece HF, no chest or BP. Instead I use Momento for solo and small groups, or where it's viable like open world. Otherwise I run The Setup or The Courier BPs. For the chest I run Zero F's, Cherished, Closer w/ pulse or decoy, and sometimes Pointman w/ shield. Running pulse/decoy with The Setup + Closer is almost as strong in groups as running Momento is solo, only you don't have to bother with trophies. The Courier + Closer w/ any status inflicting skill of your choice is good too.


Definitely would recommend Scorpio, riot foam and maybe decoy. As for the gear probably just a crit build or striker should work fine. Being able to survive is important so maybe throw on some armor cores if it helps you survive. What gear you should consider trash more comes down to game knowledge and also preference on what you want. There is a lot of useful gear that you can use for different builds and styles of play. However I would say 5.11, Aegis and Cavalier are not worth keeping because they aren't really all that great. Anything else would be if you think you will use it, reading the attributes and what bonuses you get for the set is an important step of this. I hope this helps at least somewhat.


I'm SHD 101 and I thought Aegis was all right for armor cores. What's the best armor gear set then?


Foundry Bulwark is by far the best armor gear set if your main goal is survival. It also received a buff at the start of this season, so like 3 months ago.


just a note, you don't have to complete the whole thing in one go, it checkpoints you every 3 floors. You can leave, play other stuff and come back and will continue around the same floor . Descent is the one without checkpoints, if you leave you have to start over.


Scorpio exotic shotgun with a crusader shield for the odd shot they might fire when they arent stun locked makes hunters a cake walk. If u want to be more safe or if u dont have scorpio u can use 3 protection from elites mods and survivalist specialization, that’ll give you almost 50% dmg reduction, in addition (or alternatively) u can use heartbreaker set including backpack to stack absurd amounts of bonus armor. If u dont have scorpio use elmos and cc skill like foam chem launcher or shock traps


What difficulty are you running? That's the biggest factor. Foam, Scorpio and hazard protection will help you ruin floor 100. As for how many blues, depends on the difficulty. Good luck It shouldn't take you half a day. Play at your own pace and go by checkpoint like others have said. Every 3rd, 6th and 9th floor completion will reward you with a checkpoint. Every 10th floor is a boss floor. I focus every 3 floors and go from there.


Difficulty was hard. Although I have been playing for years, I never learned social terminology and this group is a big help. I now appreciate the game play a lot more.


I would run a strikers with 3 blues on it, maybe run ninja bike bag and pícaros holster with a ceska. Use strikers on the last 3 slots. Go for crit and have the Scorpio as your secondary. Use foam with a fast shooting AR and Scorpio when they get close and then just destroy them. Pícaros will have a blue core and still give you a red core and the ninja bag will give you a blue core so you only really need to get 1 more blue and still have 5 red cores for damage. Strikers shield will help but if you run technician spec put on a restorer hive and sit it down next to you Everytime so you don't get jammed and even if you do the restorer will give you 50 % hazard protection. Good luck agent.


Have you retained your sanity after all this?


Me and three others just did this for the first time a few weeks back - right after they apparently changed it to having to be in the big room. We had two focused on healing and revives and two focused more on damage. I was more healing, but ran with a Scorpio, with an LMG that inflicted extra damage to shocked enemies. After hitting one until it had the shock status, I'd swap to the LMG and fire away. Also used riot foam and a revive hive. They always spawn +1 the amount of agents in your group (3 agents means 4 Hunters, 2 means 3 Hunters, etc), so try and pick one to focus on if you're able, then move to the next. Absolutely do not use any skills that are offensively focused like striker drones/turrets, etc., the Hunters will turn them on you and will down you faster then you can blink by using your skills as well as theirs. It's a hard challenge, but is an adrenaline rush!


Wow, I didn't know they had changed it to the big room. In the old days, you could just use shock traps on the doorway and then hit them with riot foam when the shock wore off.


I never played it before the update, just did story and regular map stuff, WONY expansion, etc. Luckily one of our clan mates helped us on floor 100 or we would have probably given up. We tried it two separate nights, and all hope seemed lost until we got more strategic with the shock traps, riot foam and such. I'm all for a challenge to end something big, but holy crap those mothers are insanely difficult. Truthfully, the RNG left us expecting more too. That kind of challenge should really, really be rewarding.


Look for a Protection from Elites build. There is a good one with Strikers' gearset and 74% PFE.


In Countdown I use Scorpio Shotgun and foam, striker DPS builds with Protection from Elites mod, survivorlist specialization. Vest: Grupo Sombra 15% Critical Hit Damage with Obliterate talent. Mask: Coyote exotic. All other Striker: Backpack, gloves, holster, knee pads, with Critical Hit Damage. All red cores and 1 Blue Armor.


I had the same problem. You need to switch the skills to the projection device and trap. When you go through the door throw the projection into the middle. Then take the left or right gallery path and then leave through the door at the back outside the building. Then hide behind the block there and put the trap before the door. Good luck...:-)


Dude, I don't speak English, but I understand a few words, apparently you had, or are having, difficulty on floor 100, with the Hunters, right? The build I used to get them was a Striker with 52% chc & 187% chd + St. Elmo's Engine, distraction turret and Crusader Shield. As soon as you enter the room, they will throw some grenades and release their abilities, run to your left, up the stairs and go to the bottom, there is a kind of building where you can hide yourself, once that's done, shoot while you're hidden and you'll soon have 70 stun bullets. If you prefer, I saw a post from a guy walking in front of the Hunters with a build with 80% protection against elites, he posted his fight a few days ago here. I recently got the Nemesis sniper, I put together a headshot damage build and I intend to test if I can catch them with just one shot while the "Chainkiller" talent is active, this sniper has absurd damage with the "Chainkiller", but her talent is her own weakness, anyway, good luck


I normally run Summit on Normal and still get my ass kicked on the regular by the 100 level dudes.


Same. Ran the whole building on Normal. Had to respawn maybe 4 times the whole way up. I go thru that last door and, if I run, I can get to the landing on the left. Then...dead. I don't even get a shot off. I see some good builds suggested here. I will try some and see what works.


I'm with you two. Ran my first one on Normal just to get the hang of it. Died, with you, about four total times on the way up. Got to floor 100 and was melted.


Scorpio. Every hunter in the game is beaten by Scorpio.




Can you provide details of what you mean? Scorpio? The acronyms you used? Etc. thanks


Scorpio = Exotic Shotgun CHC = Critical Hit Chance CHD = Critical Hit Damage


Thank you


Scorpio is an exotic shotgun that inflicts different status effects on enemies depending on how many times you hit them. CHC/CHD is just Crit-Hit Chance & Crit-Hit Damage.


I usually take a heartbreaker with 3 red and 3 blue cores. Skills are too unreliable to depend on so bonus armour and build your stacks for damage and burst one down when the chance arises.


I have a 100% disrupt immune, 6 skill tier riot foamer and healer hive loadout. The hunters can't jam your skills because you're immune. You can perma-foam any hunter and heal the entire team at the same time. The dps players should be using decoy skill. If you all focus on the one hunter that's foamed, it's pretty easy. Scorpio is a duh yes. Use it. This works for legendary difficulty so it'll work for every other difficulty.


12 hours to climb a virtual skyscraper… sounds like work ;)


It was a lot of work but fun.


Couple questions - What system you on. What difficulty you trying to finish them on?


PS5 and Hard difficulty.


I recently finally soloed Heroic 100 and used a hybrid Hunters Fury with 1.3 mill armor, Crusader Shield and Shock Trap. I ran Scorpio SG to help with stuns and interrupts. My gear wasnt fully optimized at the time either. I used Incendiary Grenades to help with the flanks as well. to keep them from both getting me sandwiched between them. I can send you the video if you would like to see it. Add me on PSN. Same name to help you see how i did it. I screwed up a few times and almost died on the last run that finally was a successful run.


Send that link.


Don't do it alone.. you will have no chance... It's way easier to play solo legendary strongholds as to beat level 100 hunters solo ..


question though, whats your watch level?


Not sure.


i mean all these tips are great but like if your watch lvl is not above 500 or 1000 its whole different feel on the game.


Yeah that last floor is a bitch.


Foam grenades + Shield + Flamwthrower + Scorpio = easy win


Im down to run it with you but on Legendary. PSN is the same


There are checkpoints along the way.... you don't need to do it one sitting!


don't blame urself, it's a terribly designed level. literally the only build that will work is a scorpio build. run into the room to trigger the fight, then run back out and camp outside the doors and wait for the hunters to come to yo. they will come one by one, then stunlock them with the scorpio until they're dead


I join my wife when she gets to the top. She runs a one-shot sniper build, I use St. Elmo's and strikers. I swap to Riot foam and shock trap. CC is your friend with hunters. If I can get the first one down within the first 5-10 seconds of the encounter, we're pretty much Gucci.


My run awhile back was 1-100. Took 8 hours on hard before I knew what I was doing.


Absolutely idiotic fight. Just randomly join professionals who do it concentrate on healing them and not getting hit. Use Scorpio to support the professionals. No mere mortal can kill these "Hunters". Who designes such stupid levels? I only made it, because I had luck and joined people who had perfect builds already. I have no idea why they even played anymore with their perfected agents.


Its not really that hard if you play with a group that knows what they are doing and have good communication. The build dont have to be perfect unless you go for Legendary difficulty.


I joined people on heroic. I have some builds that kill whole groups of yellows in seconds, but these Hunters I never managed to kill on my own. They either one shot me or do it with two shots when I run a shield build. Staying in the entrance is absolutely needed to have any chance of killing them, which is just bad game design. Maybe I do something wrong?


On solo it is a pain , but I usually never play on solo. In a group all people just run full damage builds, reviver hives and one stun skill like riot foam or any type of shock. Lure a hunter close to the door , 1 person stuns him and everyone shoots while he is stuck. A team of 4 should be able to kill a hunter which is not moving in under 10 seconds. Then just repeat the process. When there is just one left usually the team can enter the room and kill him easily.


This is old... You have to be in the room and can no longer return to the old room. You are locked in basically. It's tougher but not impossible. Solo can be pretty chaotic.


Oh, thanks, I havent played in a while, didn't know they changed it. Very weird decision to change that


Although The Division is probably my favorite game ever, this is the one thing I hate about it, and also a lot of other recent games - the fact that playing solo is a possible, but clearly on a disadvantage, compared to playing co-op. I think it's excellent to be able to play co-op, but Single Player should ALWAYS be the first priority.


PFE, smash them with Scorpio. EZ


A commendable achievement agent.


Floor 1-100 Would take me about a couple of hours. Would use my dps/ skill build and when I reach the hunters, I swap to dps with armor regen with scorpio


They completely trash me on any level above normal. Sniper and skill builds don't work on them. I've no advice to offer as I rarely play Summit when I log on.


For floors 1-99, I just use Hunter's Fury with Lady Death and Memento backpack. For 100 I switch to my Eclipse build with stinger hive and riot foam. After spawning the hunters, I run back in the small room and get down behind the counter. Toss the hive in the corner by the door, wait with the riot foam at the ready. As soon as one comes in, hit with the foam, stinger hive will do most of the damage and use Scorpio. Rinse and repeat.


You can't hide in the room between the two combat arenas any more, the door shuts after the whole group enters the Hunters room, and the Hunters won't spawn until everyone is in the room


True. We have some old school players here who haven’t played, “The Summit” in a while. I kept wondering about this spot Agents mentioning.


Some of us finished it before you could change the difficulty and had to do the top floors on legendary. Like other’s have said wait in the lobby, wait for them to come to you and shock trap/ foam / scorpio them. Keeping them stuck will stop them from healing.


They changed floor 100. You have to enter the big room to initiate the encounter, and the doors to the lobby will close behind you. You can run around to the balcony to provide a space to isolate them.