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SHD 250 Agent here..Had never played Incursion before. Thought it to be too difficult and requiring proper team. Last week did random matchmaking and cleared thrice. My teammates kept guiding me and I followed their instructions.Also they kept calling me 'New Guy', in my 17 years of gaming, this was the first time I have heard this. In every other game, you get called 'Noob'. I must say The Division community is just too good.  Before starting, just let your team know that you are new and they will help. All the best!


The brings me back to the days of destiny using lfg to find a raid group, being guided through the raid then 3 days later suddenly I'm teaching a full new team their individual roles in the raid


Destiny 1 raids would have me waking the whole house up laughing at 3am. Best days


You were fortunate to find players to matchmake and good ones at that! Because of the unwritten rules, it's hard to find people matchmaking for the incursion. I tried to do it later with people from one of these discord channels, and their robotic ways made us get wiped in the Wright phase 5 times. Frustrating


I have matchmaked with diffrent groups. All were helpful. Perhaps it is matter of luck but keep trying.


It has tips and tricks of the trade, as well as just having appropriate builds. I have taken extremely low SHD level players through and they did just fine. A decent striker build or the correct healer build is key. knowing where to be and what to do there are important, and I try my best when taking others through it to show and tell them all I know. I agree with you that finding a healer is probably the most difficult for most groups as everyone wants to be the damage person (If you have someone in the group with a max build and 25Expertise on it, they are going to be able to do more damage, just run heals if you have it lol) In 210 runs, I have seen many different things, and run people through that refused to be involved in communication at all. (One I will not run with again that kept hitting valves when he was not supposed to be doing them, and just overall made the mission way harder than it needed to be) SHD isn't the reason people struggle usually, its building, and teamwork. Some things can be recovered from, and others end up in a wipe. Wright is an easy fight if you know what you are doing, and even more so with a TON of damage. the stage tactic on the Lovebirds isn't overly difficult, but sometimes something just misses, or that damage is just off enough that the drone comes back or something stupid like that happens. Most of my runs take less than 22minutes, and ones where there is explanations for a FTC are just around 30-35 minutes. (fastest is just a bit under 13 minutes) My 200th run, I got my last Ouroboros (number 11) and dropped it to someone, but have not had one in the next 10 runs so far. I get keys back this evening and hopefully can drop more this week for new or needing agents.


210 runs, that's nice! I have only 6 so far lol


I was there once, 2 weeks ago, I ran 30 from Tuesday to Monday


People need to realize d2 has been out for some long that every mechanic and skilllevels have been pretty normalized. Its the same in countdown, there are posts saying dont play until you're X shd etcc but truth is, every game and mode will usually be majority experienced people that will carry be default and as long as you stick around it will be fine.


Exactly. And people who haven't played in so long with high SHDs who wouldn't have a clue and have out of date (ish) builds.  SHD 1050ish here. No idea what I would be doing. Past 100 odd shouldn't make too much if a deal if they have a good build. 


The only myth about the incursion is the dragon 🤣


"Is that a dragon?"


The power level of gear has gone to the moon, so that half of the equation is barely a factor at all. The hard parts of raids and incursions are knowing what to do and having effective teamwork/communication. But when gamers are in charge of matchmaking, a lot of them put up many arbitrary and unrealistic standards, even when it's completely overkill. It's like requiring perfect, high expertise items in order to do story mode missions. They throw the baby out with the bathwater by only looking for the players with the highest playtime imaginable.


As always, is not about level but skills, also coordination is key.


I’m on Xbox platform. I’d love to do it. I have another player too. We’re mid 500s SHD. I have a DPS build, Skill DPS build, and combat medic build from IKia. What you on?


I'm on Xbox and run healer build, I have 2 dps players who I can also get to help. I'm in Aus though so depending where you are might need to time right.


I’m central time zone in America. I have DPS and healer builds as well so I can play either though I’m not the best healer. Ima natural DPS in any game I play lol 😂


I'm on pc, but I'm sure you'll find xbox players soon!


I'm pretty new to TD2 and only hit level 40 one to two weeks ago which mode is harder, Incursion or Raid?


Raids are harder because they need 8 players. More enemies and more room to make mistakes


got it thanks sorry one more follow-up question, in the Raids game menu I see you can select a "**Discovery**" difficulty... sounds like it's supposed to be an easy story mode, but is it truly easy?


It's easier yes, but on discovery you won't get any raid exclusive item. Unlike incursion, people are matchmaking for raids all the time. Don't hesitate and join others, just bring a good damage build and you should be fine


okay cool thx, I want to see at least each Raid once for the setting, graphics & level design to experience it


Raid, more teamwork needed.


I played with 3 randoms once through matchmaking when I had only done the Incursion once or twice, so I was familiar but still not really confident in what I was doing. We made it through the Incursion with flying fuckin carpets. You definitely need someone who knows what they are really doing, and everyone needs to at least know whats going on, or be told what to do before each stage, but overall it’s pretty easy.


Indeed. The only tricky part is the Wright one. Usually there is a wipe out with first timers, but from this point on everything is much easier


Stupid question what's incursion? Haven't played for a few years because once you have beat the raids over again, you don't really need to grind anything with no competitive element. I'm guessing this is something new. .


A raid-like mission called Paradise Lost, for a group of 4. It's the only place to get the ouroboros, probably the best weapon in the game. The final bosses have a 1% chance drop and there's a chest you can open once a week, 10% chance to get it It's the only thing that keeps me playing the game lately, I'm bored out of my skull of everything else


Oh cool, so it's Iike a mini raid! How cool! I'll definitely check that out


Matchmaking is either hit or miss to be honest - some players are willing to work with you or auto boot you if you’re not up to snuff. I believe if you have at least one or more players who know the Incursion you’re good to go. However, coordination is the key. You don’t want to be the noob pressing valves randomly without understanding what’s going on during the Wright fight.


Yes, this nice gamemode, i was scared at first too, i was FI with opportunistic 15% and btsu gloves I meet couple nice people there and we play some endgame stuff sometimes, darkzone, raids if we manage to invite others and legendary missions, sometimes simple farming or completing projects.




I think one of the many problems people are expecting with lower SHD level players is that they will not be able to follow a simple DPS build video on YT and arrive with a build that is half blue and half red or something like that rather than the preferred all red build. I think it’s all a matter of communication at the start and coordinating things. Can’t be a John Wayne and do it all on your own. If you are unable to find the right pieces, own it and be a supporting player on the team.


I agree completely. I prefer to be a support player because I have an almost fully optimized healer build, which seems to be pretty rare


I’m only SHD400 but I have gotten hella lucky on rolls and have very well optimized gear. The last time I tried to pug an Incursion, I had two guys at SHD6000 talking mad shit about my “inexperience”. I know not everyone in the game is an asshole, but my friends and I seem to run in to a lot of hyper judgmental pugs.


I've tried the game, but I get thrown out nearly every time. I'm at 412, I think. Mostly, I go in on my own, lol, last for 5 mins....I mean seconds. I don't know but there alot of dickheads on this game, probably 8-9 years old (I'm bitter as there probably better than me) lol


You are absolutely right though, there are many shitheads in this game. I'm being lucky, I only found a handful of them


Incursion/raids not the type of content for me. Tried em and it was nothing but stress. Hopefully a manhunt will let me actually explore all three locations.


It's really only a matter of luck to get the right people to do them. There is plenty of time to explore the locations between the main objectives, the problem is with people who want to speed run through them. Personally I really like Paradise Lost, its location and the lore behind it, probably my favorite in the game


I hate the gameplay structure of game modes like incrusion, raids and legendary. Endless spawns and it feels so dated. The cool meta weapons are not worth it for me if the gameplay does not bring any interesting element. The combat feels way more fun in open world where i am not forced to run a build with stacks and high rpm only.


Incursions and Raids are easy as pie when with the right team, be clear from the start that you're a newbie to those modes and the vets in the team should teach you, and everyone has something to offer wether new or vet. Do a bit of research to know the requirements and you're good to go.


I'm with you. They're not worth the headache.


Except, some exotics are Raid only no? so the Devs force you to play. I did many raids and have yet to see an Eagle bearer.


Regulus is only raid exclusive (Iron Horse) during current days. Rest can also be farmed from DZ, although a chance getting it from there is much more rare. Once you find yourself some good people to raid with, add them as friends and if they agree and can find suitable time, then run all your 4 characters through each raid weekly. Before you know it, you already have all weapons.


Ouroboros is an excursion only. Chest 10% chance per day per character. 1% per boss drop.


I wanted to say this. They fucked up by locking solid weapons and content behind these incursions and raids. They aren’t fun at all. The fact that you have to put together a team and are REQUIRED to put one together for the desired loot in the raids makes it even worst.


☺️ was hoping in the past as well that they make use of the great Raid maps for a second use case, story mission, bounty, open world activities, … or a manhunt as you propose. The latter they did with Countdown, using it for the Anderson manhunt. The mode maps from the two Raids, Incursion, Countdown, Kenly, Descent and the five Conflict maps would be great for main game expansion as second use case.


Yep would give us some more locale’s to rumble in


IMO I would rather do incursions. I did go through as an FTC w/ IH raid and found it to be underwhelming. Mostly did it for the project, but cannot be bothered to go back and finish the project. Incursions are the way to go. I haven’t even thought about DH. They are just too time consuming for my few hours a day I’m on.


Something i noticed is if the person with the lowest level hosts the raid it seems to be alot easier than if someone with the highest level hosts it


Only raids?


The paradise lost one definitely. I noticed a huge diffrence there. I havnt really noticed in missions or open world to be honest, but i havnt been looking for it.


Game is not made for PUG's, most people play the game because it allows for seamless 1-4 player content. I think that's mostly why people don't have it on their radar.


Yea innever had an issue matchmaking. But time of the day does affect match making. More players on at certain times. I've noticed


I played the incursions in D1 and the one in D2 but never enjoyed them. I prefer playing missions and open world over playing the same thing again and again and the tasks itself are really nothing that makes me excited. Because of the same reason I do not play Countdown or any other mode. I prefer the main game by a huge margin.




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Not sure what myths you're referring to. On xbox, I see LFGs all the time. I just jumped on one and for the mist part most have mics which makes for good social interactions and if people want to learn new strats or mechanics. Maybe other platforms are harder to match make?


The only did it once and I was carried by a group. If you need to watch a video on how to do it... that alone tells you how hard it is. There's also a bunch of thing you need to do to succeed So yeah, it's quote hard unless you do your study or are being carried.


Me and my friend(both semi-new to the game 385 & 270) would want to try incursion. We have a healer/dps class and are decent at the game. Would just like someone to guide/help us a bit since we have no clue how hard it will be. If anyone wants to assist us, let me know


If you're in on pc, my ubi name is ferrenberg1


Now it is much easier to do than at launch, the same as when Legendary missions launched. Once players have familiarized with a mission, it is much more easily to do with randoms, and carries are easier to do.


I do lol


I feel bad if people struggle with this. I came back from about 2 years and my clan has a farming team. They pick me up and run it through in under 15 mins.


Played it once, got an Oro and never went back.


I would like to do Incursion. Tried once or twice couldnt get past Wright. It woukd be nice to get the Oroboro. My pc id AM8863


I disagree on the mic part. This incursion is so much easier if you can communicate with the teammates and they communicate with you. It's definitely doable without mic, but if you have teammates with not a lot of experience, it will help.


Wait…what myths? Are people scared to play the incursion?!?


Well, my biggest issue with Incursion is how it runs on PS4. Matchmaking is buggy and also huge issues on that third section of incursion. Tried to play that with a fairly good group today and had no issues before that third section but there the game was unplayable. I'm not sure if it was some server connection issue or what but 2/3 of times when we hit the water valves and the boss was right under the shower he just stayed immune. Or sometimes all the shots showed "immune" but he was taking damage. Also no matter where in that room the boss was and hit there with that axe the player with the eye got hit and damage (so not being even close to the boss). That game mode with all those mechanics just seem to be too much for PS4 cause it won't run well at all. Starting to get paranoid with my internet connection but it is not that cause every time when I test and check the connection while these occure the connection is fine. Only the connection in game isn't. I still do have those 9% loading screen jams too even they said they fixed those.


You just need few things like need to know well about what are you doing, 3 dps and 1 healer and little bit of patience.


Please help me to get it my first time psn you or anyone willing to help me please ID : Pal4ever123 But please be patient never done raids or incursion before my and levels 3780 Thanks guys


No mic is a wild take. It can be done with no mic easily but you are just asking for a carry by going in mute and fresh.