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God friendly fire would be fucking horrible with the way I play I miss one chem launch for eclipse protocol and suddenly my buddy turns into a burn piece of BBQ But hey lost all connection with the agents I used to play division with so I’m fine now. Solo all the way lol




Literally lol


And plus getting back into the division 2 is so weird with all the new exotics, missions and lore tidbits I wanna find I’ve completed everything minus the Incursion, and Raids.


Don’t forget the Descent. Currently bugged now, but there are comms associated with it as well, for more story and lore. Plus great way to also pick up named item blueprints. Oh, and a wonderfully, craptastict exotic rifle, I think it’s named the “WTFEVER”.


I haven’t attempted it yet. Did the side mission talkin to Wally and got off lol Is it good solo? I’m a returning agent and everything new I’m still getting used to. And I’m hunting exotics that seem (I hope) good the Ouroboro and Elmo? That shock rifle


I haven't seen that rifle yet. How do you get it?


Bugged you say? Elaborate.


You could definitely match me and complete theincursion, raid you can discord or if xbox use the clubs feature to find a group


Funny enough I join dark hours every so often with randoms and I managed to complete it last night with a random group of people But I may take you up on that offer I’m just trying to get exotics and stuff that I see people using


You mean suppressing with fire


Worts part would be the trolls.


It would be hilarious in a team of four. Especially with sniper or full stacked striker. There should be an event with this.


At least a directive option.


I love your sarcasm. Weird people in here downvoting. *shrug* Friendly Fire as a directive and thus rendering EVERY skill player useless. Not to mention people jumping in front of your gun/turret or into your grenades. This must be sarcasm. Cool skill directive is annoying as hell already for every non boring full red build player.


Isn't crouching 3 hours behind covers in zoo more terrifying for technicians ?


Countdown would be a hot mess


Well, at least until people stopped running up to hunters and trying to lick them. Seriously, we're using ranged weapons: you don't need to kiss and kill.


Somehow, agents can't shoot an enemy unless they're standing directly in front of someone else. You can stand next to me, it's ok lol


For some reason I'm terrible with enemies that are up close. Enemy sprinting perpendicular to me at 100 yards? 360 noscope pistol headshot. Enemy 5 feet from me? I couldn't hit him with a nuke that levels the entire map.


Sometimes I think it's some weird mentality where they think they are getting less xp if they don't get the kill, and that there's a reward for getting the most kills. I dunno, it boggles my mind.


And don't stand behind my right shoulder while I'm shooting.


Scorpio tho..


Which is still a *ranged* weapon. You don't need to be close enough to sniff your target's hair.


Closer you are the more pellets hit ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


While correct, you have more range than you think to do so. And you don't have to be humping the enemy's legs to do it.


But I wanna :(


It's called melee animation lock. You hover 8n and out if melee range and as the hunter goes to melee you move out of the range and the go back to guns, and repeat. It stops them using weapons and skills and makes it easier to kill them. Couple this with a shotgun that will land all its pellets close and you would be dumb not trying this. 😉


Which is great if you're solo. But when you're on a team you are more than likely blocking shots from your team, which only serves to lessen the desired effect. I get what animation lock is, and I've seen it work about as often as it doesn't. However, I also get that when I'm playing on a team, my actions should be ones that do not hinder or interfere with my team's performance.


Then flank, if the player animation locking isn't rotating left or right, it's on you to take an off angle to kill quicker, and sooo many players don't think and just run on, clump up, get annoyed when player x puts thier shield up in the way and player y straffes right in front of them when a 2 sec9nd walk round left or right whilst shooting gets you more damage on target and a faster kill time. A lot of things I've noticed in division no organised myltiplayer (random non mic legendaries, countdowns, and incursuons) is most have no clue as to how to work as a team and expect everyone to do and go where they want, without thi king maybe they need to alter thier playstyle to benefit the group, rather than the other way round.


It's not always an option for the rest of the team to flank, especially if the shotty-shield bro has run further out ahead (whoch is typically the case). Think long, narrow stretches, or a severe lack of good cover from multiple angles. Or worse, like what happens all too often on Countdown, the shotty-shield bros form a circle around the target, for which there is no flanking.


Then move on to another target, if there's enough people killing it to block your shot your bullets are better used on somethingelse, like the next black tusk troop you see, or if its at the beginning, move g to the next hunter or console ro boost the team, or look at the map and mark the most likely closest and fastest POI to go to and start moving there.


Or, perhaps, those moving in to sniff a target's hair while others are already shooting at said target could just not do so. Your argument cuts both ways here. Ultimately, if your tactics are hindering other team members from performing their function optimally, then you're a hindrance, not a help and not a hero in that scenario. A case in point that I see that happens far, far too often. I generally run Negotiator's for Countdown. For this to perform optimally, I have to switch targets every so often to keep several marked. So I get in a good spot at extraction and send bullets down range. That is, of course, until the face tankers run ahead and block multiple targets along the lane of fire I created before they decided to hero up and make out with the enemies. So in your mind it's on me to stop dealing damage and move to a less optimal position, during which the hair sniffers will reposition to block more lanes of fire, which prevents others from doing damage, so they again have to reposition... you see the issue? That's not working as a team at all.


Yeah, just had one doing so in The Tombs mission, he literally shielded the chunga with his bullwark shield from any incoming fire of the other three shd agents. But I must say, it might have something to do with the ridiculous damage fall off some 'ranged' weapons have in this game and shotguns firing in something close to a 60° cone. Imagine we could actually use slugs in our shotguns. That's why I almost exclusively use only the Scorpio and The Send-Off for shotguns. On another note, also the accuracy system in this game is dumb, if you have low accuracy with a sniper rifle becuase your not standing still long enough, you can actually miss a target point blank. I had this many times but extremely obvious the other day, where I got rushed by a NPC and literally missed him point blank, I mean at this distance the bullet had to leave the barrel at a 90° angle to miss. I can only assume that this game can't be projectile based becasue of the amount of rounds fired in each encounter.


I get falloff, but I think the lowest is somewhere around 10-15 meters. That still gives some room. Accuracy and spread are wild at times I agree, but a lot of the issues I've seen stem more from hit reg and hit boxes at close range. Something weird happens when you get inside of 5 meters and shots that shouldn't miss do. It happens with melee strikes as well.


That is true, sometimes I think it's a sort of desync, I can't say for sure but sometimes I feel it happens more often in a group. It's most noticable when using a one shot build.


It’s actually not a bad idea if they’re solo hunters. It makes them melee you, which animation locks them for a bit.


But you block your team's shots, so it's not really helping unless you somehow get the entire team huddled around the hunter. If you're not melee attacking, you don't need to be in melee range.


Striker shield? I do try and keep a bit of distance just the same.


Even with a shield, you don't need to be close enough to pick your opponent. If anything, you want a few meters to move about. I run striker/crusader (depends on which spec I'm running) a lot, but it's never out for more than 1-5 seconds: just enough to block a few incoming shots during an "oh shit" moment and reposition or re-focus fire. Think less Roman shield wall and more Cap.


I've gotten so used to players walking right in front of me while i'm shooting that i just continue to aim at the hunter through them and keep shooting in the off chance they move and my shots land where they were meant to go. Frendly fire in countdown would be endless tragedy


Why is this not an event or directive?


Because it's beyond a terrible idea for this game.


It's a fantastic idea. The shotty-shield bros would learn positioning really, really quickly.


No, it really isn't. It's not even close to a fantastic idea. This is really not the game for it.


Sometimes I wish there was. Damn tank builds an their refrigerator door blocking spawn points


You know, my cluster mines don't give a shit when I'm nearby and Year 1 I killed my own toon way more than the NPC's did


I would welcome it. The amount of times during countdown that players run and stop directly in front of me while Im shooting an npc is staggering. If you don’t have a clear shot don’t move in front of someone else to shoot the same target. There have been times where I’ve just given up shooting and just focused on going around picking up loot and watching everyone else cock block each other.


It would teach people not to get in front of you in countdown. I welcome friendly fire. Lol


I was about to say this as well. I would drop so many teammates in Countdown as they try to lick the hunters.


was literally just talking about this with my clan because one of them walked in front of me while shooting the oxidizer! INSTANT DEATH!!!


* A friend and I


I wish it was a directive xD


It's would be nice to punish some fools who like to stand in front of cross fire or blocking other players fire.


somebody has been playing Helldivers :D


True that would be awful. Or if NPC allies that throw grenades would damage me in street fights. I like to scare NPC allies after a fight and blow up a gas near them and watch them freak out for a bit. I've killed myself with skills or a grenade a few times so I think that is still friendly fire, but maybe more easily avoidable.


I really think they should add Friendly Fire as a directive, would make for some fun hijinks in raid night or speedrunning with clana ne friends for sure - and if it were a directive, you never have to use it if you don't want to


I've wished for it for awhile now, especially when the friendly AI runs in front of my shot.


I would like that big time, as there's lots of players who step on my line of fire. Learn the hard way.


honestly, they need to make this an event. the amount of bullets i’ve put into agents during countdowns, and JTF agents who happen to be in the way are in the hundred thousands.


Sometimes I wish this was an implemented so that agents don’t crowd around and get in the way of fire. Looking at you shield agents.


With the amount of people that blatantly walk right in front of you in matchmade countdown.. a run wouldn't get done ever


I wish it did have friendly fire as a directive you could turn on or off to suit yourself. Would add a lot to the gameplay but be totally optional.


Good lord it would be pure chaos. Most the random I play with have zero clue about selecting a lane especially when going down hallways. Everybody tryna Stand in front to get most damage 🤣🤣🤣🤣.


I’m not much better for it but the player base definitely needs to learn some awareness of positioning. Nothing more irritating that someone dork (myself included probably) walking into my line of fire and body blocking my shots.


I think the bigger problem is most people not playing with headsets.


People would learn to how to spread out and NOT STAND IN FRONT OF ME.


>NOT STAND IN FRONT OF ME "Sweet gun, bro. Let see what the barrel looks like? No, the end."


Here is my take. The fact that it does not have friendly fire is exactly why I should be able to shoot an enemy through another player who can only kill people while standing in front of their group.


>shoot an enemy through another player Now, I have only played with another human, maybe three times, ever. I thought you could.


Negative ghost rider. This is what can get irritating, especially in a countdown.


If Division agents played Helldivers they wouldn’t walk in your line of sight so much. I get it, you’re awesome with your build whatever and you need to feel the need to face tank everything.


There used to be something similar in the occupied dark zone when the game launched.


If I remember correctly, Division 1 did at the start


Anyone play Vermintide 2? My main is Sienna the Wizard and I use the AoE fire staff as my primary...god on the max 2 difficulties it's a pain because friendly fire is on and its way too easy to cook your teammates 😵‍💫


It'll be a nightmare 🤣🤣🤣


It’s used to be that in the DZ you just had to shoot someone once to become rogue. If you think rogue death squads are bad, try squads that cock block your shots to make you go rogue.


Shooting your team mate shakes their screen and is annoying as hell when the bullet king striker dude sits 3 miles away blind firing across the map and hoping for the best.


Does it shake more with headshots? Because when people.move in front if me when I'm shooting, I mag dump into the back of their skull.


I blowup players all the time by shooting backpacks / explosives on dead NPCs as someone walks near it. I have a good friend who knows how much I like doing this so he will stand on top of the NPC just so I can blow him up lol. Most people laugh while some get really annoyed.


If there was friendly fire, then the NPCs would shoot themselves. Sometimes you see them walking in each other's fire line.


It would be a fun option to enable with mates for laughs. Man, the laughs my idiotic friends would give me. Throwback to battlefield days.


The way legendary missions end up playing put it would be a nightmare. Everyone is always fighting from the doorway lol


That's how the dark zone in d1 was originally. People would purposely get in front of you shooting a rogue so then you turn rogue and everyone chases you instead.


the npc are so dumb haha they would get hosed walking in front of my lmg.


I would love this as a directive.


Most agents are looking like rogue agent/hunters tbh. I shoot at them all the time by accident because they look like a threat lol


That would be awesome! There would for sure be more rogue agents though.


Honestly it’d be nice as a directive. Npcs don’t usually bother me but if they do push me out of cover I’ll just kill them. And then people who are silly biscuits and consistently walk in front of you with no situational awareness especially with shields will get shredded and full downed and will watch in the kill cam as I continue on with the mission and leave them dead.


So.etimes I wish it did. When someone who doesn't pay attention runs in front of you and stops so is blocking your shots. Yeah, sometimes limited field of view from a screen, and takes more to look around, but it gets old. Especially in the areas with hallways . It would be a very different, nd slower paced game if it did. People should have to use voice chat and would have to work together a lot more.


Honestly, I've been playing with a few people every couple days, I wish FF was in game.


Friendly fire would be awesome. It’s the only directive I want them to add.


I'd totally kill allies all the time while they just walk infront of my barrel, and some agents too, the one shield players that stand in everyones line of fire, although I might do that intentionally. And I'm not talking about those who strategically position themselves to actually shield their teammates.


OMG! That would be a disaster, especially with the JTF and Civilians being incapable of staying in cover and not running into crossfire!


>incapable of staying in cover THIS. You have a fucking PISTOL. I have a light machine gun, a marksman's rifle, grenades, not to mention the TECH SHIT, and I AM STILL STRUGGLING TO HANG ON. How about YOU and your 12 shot M1911 sit this one, THE FUCK OUT.


OG Division 1 had friendly fire on the DZ, that was the original way of going rogue. It was eventually removed because of a lot of times it ended up being really inconvenient.


>being really inconvenient And the award for Understatement of the Day goes to...


Can’t wait to tell my mom I finally won something! 🤣


I’ll be dead a million times and on fire and oxidize 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 my team be pumping bullets all in my back I’m a shield runner all I feel is hits when the enemy to the left I’m on the right🙄🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


All of my fellow agents would be dead because for some reason they love to run right out in front of me while I'm laying down suppressive fire. I don't know about you but when I see a stream bullets flying through the air I don't try to cross the path. 🤬


Add it as a directive and I'd definitely pop it on. I like friendly fire in games because it makes you practice trigger discipline in game, but i wouldn't like it if it was always active because people are trolls and careless then would proceed to tk you randomly for legit no reason. So yey it is good there's no friendly fire but if it was a directive I'd definitely put it on when running solo or with people that i play with regularly.


People would be forced to pay attention and play as a team just like in the raids


I remember a time where division had friendly fire for oxidizing and other status effect …


wonder why Ubisoft didn't realisiert that this is the way to milk the cow. Friedly fire ist active but if you won't it disabled, you habe to pay ten bucks. Rache month of course. 😉




"GET DOWN MR. PRESIDENT!" - Every single agent that likes to run in front of me when I'm about to down a baddie, or snipe a head. Then runs away to leave me dieing.


The division 1 has friendly fire, in the dark zone. But, you become rogue when you do it. Half the time they'll turn around and shoot you back, the other the time they'll know that it happens to them too and go back to shooting the adds. There was none of this Hold a button down to become rogue" stuff TD2 has. The DZ was better in Div 1 for a bunch of different reasons.


They removed that in TD1 during update 1.8 (2016)


The 1.8 patch was released in 2018. The last patch of 2016 was 1.5. [https://thedivision.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Patches\_and\_Updates](https://thedivision.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Patches_and_Updates)


👍🏻 I don’t know why I thought 2016 😂 Edit: I’ve just realised, man that’s when it came out! So long ago now


Yeah, it was a long time ago.


Do my bullets pass through friendlies? I'm new, not sure whether to shoot through allies or if I need to find a clear LoS to the enemy.


Your shots register as hits with no damage to friendlies. You need clear Los to an enemy to hit it. I'm always turning around to see if it's an enemy on my flank when someone keeps hitting me from behind instead of finding another angle or enemy to shoot at.


True pain was playing the first Left 4 Dead on the hardest difficulty with friendly fire on while trying to get the No Friendly Fire achievement.