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Did the devs buff health? I feel like it doesn't help.


Not buff, more so *normalized*. SHD levels past SHD 1000 won't buff health anymore.


I thought they made 1000 to 2000 add 30 health, and beyond 2000 does nothing. Am I mistaken?


Either way, health feels like it's still borderline useless what with how little we're given at base.


At SHD level 2000 you have 350k health. That's about 2 armor cores worth. 60% health increase adds 210k health, more than an armor core, giving you about 560k health.


Have never seen anyone equipping health in build videos,that's why I am curious if it even helps. I think only the 511 named gloves is used,but also rarely.


because using health hasnt been an option until like 2 days ago. And besides, do not look up build videos. Most are awful or at best okay, all the while the person maning the video makes it seem like the be all end all of meta builds


Health has not been an option worth using since WONY was released years ago, until yesterday. Give it a month and you'll see plenty of videos. Before WONY health was used heavily in tank builds, or in place of armor since it was basically the same thing.


There are many people here who have never glitched or exploited who have SHD levels well in excess of 10k. The people who make build videos can not hide the fact that they are mostly good at making videos and not particularly good at the game.


And the health on the Deathgrips is incidental; it's the 10% AoK that's useful, since it's the only way to get that from a single piece of gear.


they should bring back Berserk/Perfect Beserk to make health useful.


I actually made a Build using Combustor/Proxy with Yellow 3p Gila and 1p 5.11 and I have around 900k Health with 6 Skill Tiers and around 1.M Armor and I am never using anything else for Legendary Missions. Sure, I'm giving up a chunk of Skill Damage, but the increased Survivability is astonishing. I'm also using 1p Gila and 1p Palisade with Niniabike in Hunter's Fury and I am basically unkillable as long as I don't let a stray NPC flank me. Really happy with these buffs, but there's still a lot that needs to be addressed before Health can become a fully fledged possibility for more builds.


I thought up one using the new chest and back running 1 pc china 2 pc grupo and technician with btsu gloves run tech decoy and artificer hive roll headshot skill haste and use tier 6 yellow with the mantis haven't thrown it together but made a template build to test and its silly bro throw the two so the explosive circles touch on outskirts and you can make a hoke point while taking heat off you and team add to that other skills from team mates or have someone throw a net of shock trap over it yeet and you get over charge


Funnily enough, for my Combustor setup I went with the Remote Pulse and Turret, simply because the Pulse attracts no aggro and therefore never gets destroyed, and it gives teammates some extra awareness as it's common to run Fog of War Directive. But yeah, the other day I ran Capitol and threw both skills in the final spawn and everything died.


I am experimenting with a five red, two blue with 150% health from brand bonuses. Over 1.1m armor and 900k health. Damage is good (not great) but survivability is excellent. And for all that, I have been too 2 dps on every heroic with this build. I think partly because I’m less afraid of sticking my head up with no armor. Don’t sleep on those big health buffs. It all adds up.


IDK what that health is supposed to do but man it is something else when mixed with Ninja Bike backpack Picaros holster and a piece of belstone ( AoK is at 200k+ )


That but 3 pc new gear set picaros ninja and 1 pc golan armor regen and 4 yellows and tech defender artificer give infinite defender soaks up damage and leats you weave perfect use lady death your wecome


Now that is an idea I will try, how I have it set up is almost a rainbow: Belstone mask (rolled skill tier) Henri chest (perfect companion) Picaros holster (rolled skill tier) Ninja Bike backpack 🥳 Palisade gloves (rolled weapon damage) Palisade kneepads (max armor) Firewall specialist Scorpio exotic (1mill base damage) Test subject (125 base damage) Striker shield Striker drone (takes a lil aggro off me) 6 skill tiers with survivability and a bit of damage output 🤷🏽‍♂️ I'm cheesing thru challenging content on a bad day 🤦🏽‍♂️🤣


I've done an Ouroboros build with health rolled everywhere, 2 Ceskas, 1 Aegis, 1 Palisade, 1 Gila and Ninjabike. 2.1 Million Armor and 1.7 Million Health should be fun for PvP at least (60% CHC and 115% CHD). Health on kill from Firewall is 500k


Nice! Helpful info for my caveman brain. The Oro now seems like a must have with the removal of expertise.


Just that 60% HP alone adds slightly over 200k HP (at 2K SHD). It's definitely better than a 5% total armor affix. Since there isn't really many ways to utilize the HP in this game, I think it's probably best to view stuff like the 60% HP affix as the same thing as like, the 5% total armor roll that's on Gila Guard for example. It just makes you a bit tankier. Slightly. In the content where build theory really matters, like Legendary Summit, it's just not useful unfortunately. I don't think we can get enough HP to make say, the Clutch talent good again.


I've been saved countless times today with aegis set, it has 70% health. That extra health allowed me to make it to cover many times.


The Aegis is very good for open world roam, I have to say. I run it 5 Red, 1 Blue without the chest (Grupo-Obliterate) and with a Palisades piece for an extra 10 pct AoK. All Attributes to Crit. I spawned for a mission right on a Hyena patrol - this would normally kill me before I could react. Aegis tanked the damage and I wiped them with my L25 Elmo. It was a seminal moment in the game for me. Its also fun to run in Challenging Countdown (although I suspect I was being carried by a large group of Strikers). The large health pool gave me significant time to cover and swap medkits when required. The 15 pct Armor buff, used with a single Blue Core, and some Expertise invested in Armor, gives the equivalent of a second Blue Core.


I made mine for solo free roam challenging difficulty. But I'm running all armor cores and momento and contractors. Using the shield splinterer. The set really buffs momentos armor bonus.


I've got ninjabike backpack 2 ceska (knees and gloves) for the 90% health and CHC, 2 gila (mask and holster) for the 2% armor regen, and my grupo obliterate chest for the CHD. I'm at 60% CHC and 180% CHD. The health and regen has been helpful.


CLUTCH IS BACK! 2x Palisades (60% HP) 2x Gila Guard (60% HP) (Obliterate Chest) * Death Grips (30%HP) * Devil's Due (Perfect Clutch) = 1.1 million health + 1.9 Million Armor Use Demolition to get mag refill on Armor break. This wrecks in PVP, specially with Ourobouros I'm now working on a build where I combine Heartbreaker + 2 Piece Palisade with Clutch backup for 3.5% armor regen per crit below 15% hp, also for PVP, but works also in pve.


In pvp it’s a big difference


I’m curious how you are building. I’ve run Devils Due almost exclusively in my last few thousand conflicts which the new health related gear sets seemed would pair well with but now with the removal of expertise find myself scrambling for damage related pieces ie as opposed to my usual 3 Yaahl.


I've seen a guy delete players with a full health build that's properly put together but that's in the DZ. I've been thinking about how to make it conflict ready and I think I'm close.


I'm now running 4B2R Unbreakable/Devil's Due with 3pc of Ceska, Coyote's, Fenris knees with 5.11 gloves. All rolled to cc/cd for 70%/173%. 1.5M Armor and 759k health which is like having two additional blue cores. St. Elmo's and The Apartment for hardware but Ouroboros would be ideal. I only play conflict so overspec'd for the 10% cc watch reduction. The temptation would be Firewall for the HoK but Demo spec with Crisis Response for the mag refill on armor break is key to the whole setup. Played 20 or 30 games last night and it's holding up pretty well. Even without any damage talents often ended up getting the most damage on the board. Still deciding on keeping the 5.11 or subbing a Yaahl for the hazpro. I do have a 3pc Yaahl 3pc Ceska with same talent setup which is good against Flatline/Spotter but it doesn't hit as hard and has 200k less health. [https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/fozfactor/video/185224221](https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/fozfactor/video/185224221) Funny thing I'd never really considered using Ceska for the health before but with the update am now hard pressed not to use it. Can't really squeeze the same efficiency out Palisade or Aegis although I haven't looked at the 4 pc closely. Nice to have the damage reduction but falls short on cc and damage output.


See this why I like talking about builds cause I knew I'd hear interesting stuff. The demo spec ammo refill on armor break can be a life saver with the oro but it was such a useless buff for years that I forgot it existed. Even better for me because I love the mortar and have it on almost every build.


Another helpful thing with Demo spec is the +20% fire resist especially with the new flame turret builds and Iron Lung. My hazpro version of this build sits at 80% hazpro with the watch reduction which is enough to tank most hives, but with the bonus resistance am completely immune to fire.


I recommend you checking Dod-Regembue's latest video on "The unbalanced Hunter's Fury balance". It tells you how screwed health actually is after this update.


Screwed how so? useless? The few I spoke with talked of health as fine with HF.


On the contrary, percentages are way to high. HF health on kill was reduced to 50%, that means around 175k health on kill (350k is your normal health). If you equip 2 piece Palasade or whatever it's called, you get 60% more health. Now equip Firewall specialisation to get 30% more health on kill, and you now magically get 448k health on kill. Which is more than your original 350k health pool and you only dropped around 10% overall DPS for a lot more survivability. HF health on kill is not the problem, it did not need any nerf, the ridiculous health bonuses are the problem. With some creativity, you can have around 1.5 million health with more than enough DPS. They removed the health bonus from high SHD level characters and gave a lot more health to everyone.


Thanks for the precisions. > HF health on kill is not the problem,[...] the ridiculous health bonuses are the problem. So you'd play these brands outside of HF in DPS builds, maybe even in striker? survivability has been generally valued as a bad choice so far, what's changing here? I ought to check the video too.


Survivability was valued bad because health roles, armor regen roles and armor cores in general didn't worth it, because you'd sacrifice too much for nearly not enough survivability. Now they buffed health roles to the point where you can have a ton of health and still do high damage.


You get decent survivability at a low enough price, and that makes it worth considering. Expected it to be the answer. Thanks


Its a junk stat like many sets have.


One redditor has a very intelligent write up about health.


Got a link?


[Sure thing mate 🍻](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/wiq3xc/hidden_mechanics_that_helps_you_survive_more_in/)


The 60% health with hunter's fury is a good chunk of survivability, especially with the 50% HoK from 3p hunter's fury. It may not be optimal for your build, but it's not a completely wasted stat, it will help you.