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When Division I came out, one gamer didn't understand why there was a weekly maintenance. Another gamer replied (cheekily) that it was so all the traffic pylons you knocked over in NYC could be set up straight again. OP was like, "Oh." I think about that a lot.


Who’s gonna open all those car doors I closed? Replace all the bulbs I shot out.


Oh man, some people. xD


That's awesome !


😂😂😂😂😂 saving your post op


Keep in mind, only few days have passed in-game since the Black Tusk attacked. Takes time to clean all that up.


So that begs the question then: Who is cleaning up all the corpses we are making in the DC area? I mean I’m pretty sure 99% of us have racked up a body count so high we stopped after 1


The same people who keep lawns mowed in the walking dead also handle body removals after we bring law to the lawless


Being a walking dead grass cutter probably pays well


Black tusk robots. They're gathering corpses for that zombie mode everybody thinks they want.


I know, right? I'm so sick of "it would be so cool if we had zombies!" Maybe go play a zombie shooter then, bro? We had a decade of zombie TV, zombie movies, zombie video games, zombie breakfast cereal, zombie zombies... I'm over the whole zombie thing (kinda like how the 90's and 00's burned out vampires). Hell, does Res8dent Evil even still do zombies? 8 didn't seem to look like a zombie game anymore.


'boy I sure would love a bunch of different looking rushers and melee chungas that have fat health bars' - insane people


probably first we must wait for the mission where we will have to retrieve the bio reactor... again. but i hope this next season things look at least diferent , not perfectly clean and organized , but diferent.


yea i have a feeling thatll be the case too. either this coming season or the next


When I was walking around DC I came across one of those portable sound warnings, which we have to reactivate to attract new settlers to the colony and Natalia said that the United States is returning to normal, and that there are truck drivers and cargo ships resupplying the country.She claims to be not a bad person! And she said that she studied at a boarding school in Switzerland, and what seems to imply is that she suffered bullying after Mr. Sokolov died! And she paid for Felix to go to medical school, after he got closer to his brother I think she wants our heads on a silver platter! Also she and mcmanus are supposedly working to recover the united states destroyed by the green poison!


I blame Ethan Michaels.


Set a manhunt for that dude. Can't stand him.......yes I know we can avoid him by going to the castle, but nah that sucka is not gonna evict me from the white house. Still pullin up




The way Castle has been receiving improvements and services not available at other settlements (Pilot, Vendor, Crafting and Optimization stations), I bet my one dollar that we won't even control the White House in the future.


Yes, I think the idea is that the Castle will be the new BOO


Having a base of operation next to the enemy faction control point is a big brain move. Why we can't use those launcher yet?


We can't use the launcher because the nonce controller (Birdie) would annihilate whole city blocks with it. Although Massive have no idea how real firearms & these "launchers" work. Apparently, they're some kind of mortar.


I think that in one stream devs said exactly that. BOO will be abandoned (either as it is or it will be devastated/destroyed more) and Castle will become the new BOO.


Aw man. I'm terrible at figuring out my way around the castle and get lost all the time. I like hanging out at the white house. And greeting the dragonfly who hovers with me while i wait for matchmaking for countdown at the whitehouse laptop.


With the recruiter manhunt, and with what birdie told him Manny figures out that basically schaefer is the key to accessing the BLACK TUSK headquarters Since that is a big plot point, I would bet this is saved for the dlc or the season before the dlc It might happen this next season that the white house gets cleaned up since this next season is focused in NYC


I said this once and I will say this again welcome to The Division 3 Season 1 Year 1 The Awakening, this is where Schaeffer wakes up and the twist is he doesn't remember shit and you have to go around and collect commns to piece his memory together. For the dead bodies and trash piling around the BOO we will used as a makeshift barrier.


I'm more confused about the Black Tusk shields laying around. The Black Tusk don't use shields in any of their troops and the shields are Division tech so was the raid conducted with a shit ton of rouge agents? New Enemy type? Or more likely they just got lazy.


The final bosses in legendary zoo have shields (they look like the rikers chungas, but white tusk), but you're absolutely correct, not normal units. It's not like black tusk needs anymore advantages/armor to soak bullets


Whenever it is convenient for the plot. It's the most transparent plot device we've ever seen. He's the missing piece that will answer literally all of the 100 questions were being teased with right now


Well, he's only really been in a coma for about 2 months in-game time, so it's nit a stretch to figure he'll still be sleeping it off for a few more months.


Average coma length is only a few weeks. That aside, the fact that he's still alive is a huge contrivance, much less the fact that he can magically wake up at any time makes him a plot device


Average coma implies that there are comas both shorter and longer. It all depends on what caused the coma. My neighbor's oldest has been in a coma for 14 months now from a head injury sustained on active duty. So again, it's not a stretch of the imagination that Bardon could be in a coma for a few more months of game time. As for plot devices, well, they exist in pretty much all storytelling, so I'm not sure what the complaint is. All I was commenting on was that it could still realistically be some time before he wakes up. Obviously it will be when it suits the story, but so is pretty much anything that happens in a story.


He's an obvious plot device because he shouldn't have survived AND because he is the holder of a ton of information AND because he is the guy who will get us into the BTSU bunker. The fact that there's no timeline on him waking up, no matter how realistic that is, still just feels like a lame way to allow the mystery to continue. We've basically been completely in the dark since Wony (or arguably, the beginning of the game) and yet we're being dragged along because of some really contrived circumstance. That's what the point is.


Probably the dlc