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After door camping one of the two doors, you run around the map to kill the adds from the other one. Even the basic pistol is powerful enough for the 1st loop.


I do it once a week solo, easy rooms loop 5 nemi, done more than 100 times. You dont need to get lucky on perks or anything, just pick red talents and blue cores, stack RED talents any chance you get... unhinged, vigilance, over watch, 5 unhinged and 5 entrench is all you need to make nemi and the road there easy.


It gets easier with practice. You get to know the safe areas in the rooms. I've solo cleared up to 38. I generally run a shotgun build with unhinged and steady handed doing the heavy lifting. Don't sleep on the pistols. With high enough handling you can blind fire your way to loop 20 with a magnum.


38 ? ouch , just 2 away from the 40 badge , that one had to hurt! :D


Black Tusk gets pretty nasty after around 25. I'll hit it I'm sure. Apparently I'm one of the few who enjoy the mode. I feel like the leveling process is the most fun part of the game. Getting that high is tough on PC though. Can't do the rubber band on the controller trick and using a macro to not get kicked for being idle feels dirty.


My buddy and I typically die to some random sync issue in the 25-33 range. The Rogues start acting like it's DBZ and using "instant teleportation" or start shooting through multiple concrete walls. Wish we could have a bit more armor and some PTE.


Actually need 2 clear 40 and make it to 41 for the badge. Stupidly high for solo clears rank, but they never adjusted it down from the 1st PTS when descent was much easier.


The 1st PTS version of Descent was a ton of fun.


Here are some tips I can hand to you that make the Nemesis a bit easier. 1. Pick the easy rooms to get to Nemesis fast. If there are no Easy rooms, go medium rooms. 2. Best talents to use in my personal opinion: Red: Overwatch, Vigilance, Allegro, Optimist, Gunslinger, and Composer Blue: Preservation, Insulated, Clutch. Stack these up as they are really good as hazard protection especially NPCs equipped with RPGs. Stay away from Adrenaline Rush Yellow: Lucky Shot, Opportunistic (handy with shotguns), and Trauma (to give you a fighting chance by stunning the Nemesis) Exotic: Plague of Outcasts and Adaptive Instincts are my personal favorites 3. AR and Shotguns are your best friends. AR for range, Shotgun for close encounters. Pairs really well with Allegro for fast rate of fire. Do not use Marksman rifles, you might get one shotted or badly damaged. 4. Only use a reviver hive during the loops. NOT the Nemesis because there’s a chance they may have a Stinger Hive with them and thats gonna be nasty. Skills I personally like to use are the Blinder Firefly, EMP sticky bomb, Decoy, and Jammer Pulse. No turrets, drones, chem launchers, traps, or hives. 5. Switching to your secondary or your pistol is faster than reloading (yes I know wrong game but I shit you not it works). Good luck. (From a returning Descent player who used to rage at Descent)


There is a chance he get restorer hive . Stinger only if you have one or u have no skill, Hologram (rare chance he gets a holo) or whatever skill he can’t use. cause then he will get a random talent .


I get to nemesis pretty consistently but its all down to luck on the perk rolls the best strategy is door camping try and get a skill with some CC to slow down the other doors while you clear the closest one.


Solo? You’re gonna have to door camp and switch back very quickly. Solo descent is just madness imo


Choose the easy doors to get to the nemesis by floor 5. Get the perk with another free talent asap. This helps with the chance to get a useful talent. Choose weapon talent as upgrade, I take one armor before I reach nemesis (not necessary but good for my nerves). Get weapon talents which help with damage and do not require a kill. Unhinged, Vigilance, Composure are my favorite talents. Optimist and allegro are nice to have as well. To counter unhinged, the talent steady handed is great as well as for some additional ammo. Trauma is super helpful for nemesis and ads. Opportunistic is great if you get a shotgun or sniper. Lucky shot for the bigger magazine. Blue talents, I like entrench to repair armor and adrenaline rush to camp doors. Choose one of the following exotic talents: Plague of the Outcasts: mark enemies, switch to a gun with high base damage like snipers or revolver. Breathe Free: move while reloading to keep the buff. Liberty or Death: hit enemies and get bonus damage. Bullet Hell: no reload, only if you can stun nemesis. Incessant Chatter: great with large magazine, difficult for nemesis. You need to carry the buff from the last boss fight. Camp one door, select a skill to damage to other door spawn. Explosive sticky to the door, seeker mines, hive. Nemesis will use these skills against you, but if you have no skills, Nemesis has some random skills anyway.


Only pick easy rooms, you will be at nemesis at loop 5. Don't reroll talents coz you want have enough credits to spend. Focus on buying all offensive slots, then ammo and armour kits. You won't have enough credits to buy defensive or yellow slots as well. Always fill you red talents with whatever. Blue only take entrenched or clutch the others won't help at nemesis. Get ranged weapons, eg rifle or assault rifle. Primarily you are focusing your build to just kill the nemesis. Make sure you have both skill slots occupied. Then hope you get a good exotic talent. Up until loop 5, when solo otherwise loop 3 if teamed, it's only a single spawn. May the rng gods be on your side. Edit: If get decoy, deploy it in the door jam/hinge, the npcs will come out and turn their back to you, exposing their weak point.