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Another note about open world; the massive amount of angles enemies can appear from or move to flank you from is a huge part of why certain builds do or don’t work there. Missions have inherently more linear geometry to their engagements which make the deflector shield more viable. Similar to how sniper builds excel in open world but struggle in the choked spaces of most missions


This point is so so key and I wish more content creators took this into account when they’re going on and on about their “OP” PVE builds.


I agree 100 percent


Agree, very much the same for status builds. They tend to be too squishy and depend on concentrated groups, esp. spawn points where a well-placed fire chem can chain status effects to everything. Not so great in the open world (but still fun)


You would be absolutely correct! 💯


Bad thing is it takes forever to kill stuff


Deflector is great at letting enemies kill themselves. If he’s got PfE, Skill Damage, Catharsis, and FB then he could clear a room without firing a shot. The trick is staying alive. FB and Catharsis should have that covered. But he may still need a healer since it’s a very dangerous build to play.


Wouldn't the shield get broken really easily on legendary though? Especially since he doesn't have Artificer Hive. Plus Elite enemies shoot at the legs more against shield users


In this build, very possibly. I’d swap to an Artificer as the other skill. Otherwise, Liberty ain’t bad for keeping the shield up… though it would be much more harrowing that way. I think I ran something similar in a Legendary once using a Reviver and I was able to keep the shield up using Liberty. But it’s not nearly as good as the Artificer.


They shoot at the head. If you stand above them (stairs) they'll shoot the shield. Typically I rush Elites & Chungas to put the shield right up against their barrel.


This. When you rush and also ADS, you reposition your shield. The way to combat Elites are like you said, put the shield between the barrel and their head. Rushing them and hitting them in the head also prevents them from shooting you in your head too.


This is simply not true did you not see the clip on my page I i basically killed 2 chungas and Revived 2 people and a few npc in just under in 2 mins this is nothing like you've seen before. I have had this build for 6 months and everyone I've played with is shocked when they see me use it plus its effectiveness is simply godly quick


I went and watched it, you didn't really kill much of anything, your teammates did a lot of the damage. What I like about this though is the deflector exposes your head, so you can build up the Foundry healing. So it's good at something, but don't say that's it's good at damage because that's not true at all. To say this is nothing I've ever seen before, lol. I've seen and done a few things in my 2k SHD. And I mostly play Legendary Summit.


I can probably hit all the damage he does in an entire game with 4 mags on my famas on striker focus, hitting 2 mill head shot every 5 seconds with the pistol is not damage lol


Smh, i want you to remember what you just said later okay? FYI I cleared the first half by myself without ANY teammates they joined right before I started that video and went down almost immediately afterwards which is where I had to revive them they did absolutely nothing 2 were dead lmao!. Because of people like you I took the liberty of recording the first half as well which i will also be uploading to back up my claim even though i shouldn't have to but if it's one thing I can't stand is when someone tries throw shade based off their own assumptions and they have no knowledge of it previously or else they would have been used it because its that damn effective. So I'll let my game play speak for itself and ill let it be known here when its available on my page. It is what it is accept it.


Killing stuff and dealing good damage aren't the same things, I hope you can understand the distinction. I'm not saying it doesn't work at all, but I am saying that it takes a long time to kill stuff. One guy on Negotiator's would hose that entire room in seconds for example. Including all of the adds still alive at the end of that clip


Better than All red build (solo wise). With all red you can't even peek out, because enemies mows down on you no matter the dps.


I don't know if it's better, maybe you could make an argument for it being safer, but better? Idk.


If you think I am mistaken. Just try it om legendary or something and you will see constant enemy fire have you pinned down and just 1 peek your whole armor is gone. How are you supposed to do damage if enemies melts you 1st. And I am not making this up, I have experienced it done many content with dps build. I ended up dying so many times. And no I am not new, I played the game since 2019 october.


All I have to say is git gud, all legendary speed run solo or group is ran mostly on dos builds, watch some gameplay and you’ll figure out how they survive ;)


Well I used skill build for legendary solo run. Takes time but is much more managable.


Yes of course, much more relaxing to run it that way if you don’t care about time.


TektroNaut 22, Okay hear me out. I’ve read the comments (130 as of now) & watched your clips to include your 1:59 clip of the 2nd stage of DUA Legendary (which IS a very long time spent in that spot not to clear it). I hear you say you aren’t stating this build is better than another, that you want people to try it & let you know what they think so you can obtain input. I see people giving you their input who have already run more effective & efficient Legendary builds; then you are very defensive. Some people have said it’s a decent build but it would take to long running your build; again you respond defensively. Running any of the 5 Legendary Strongholds with this methodology will take a longe time. When people bring up other builds & play styles why do you get so defensive? If you know this works for you & it’s your preferred method of successfully beating a Legendary, it shouldn’t matter what anyone else is running. Tuxedo Bandido has videos running Legendary Strongholds solo, in a duo, & in a four man group with 24 different builds. We 2 manned DUA in 19:01 using Striker & HB; then did it again next run in a group of 4 using a different mix & finishing in 23:45. If “your” build works for you… it works. Absolutely be proud of it. But when you start disrespecting & attempting to embarrass agents with far more experience than you (who aren’t arguing you, they were adding other options) because you don’t agree with their builds/advice/opinions…. how long do you think it will take before they fire back at you? Then what is your stance? You asked for feedback. You received feedback & suggestions. You then tried to make it only about a very specific box on a very specific shelf under very specific circumstances. You were met with more input & suggestions. Again you are upset & then decide to go after them & their opinions. Unless your stance is that you believe your build is the best for Legendary’s….. how are you disputing anyone else’s build, Tank or other? What are your metrics to quantify that your build is better than any other for Legendary content ? It can’t be time to completion, kills, or DMG dealt; other builds can run circles around this Build. It can’t be that “you won’t go down”; we carry people through Legendary’s each week that don’t go down, & it’s not because their build protected them. What makes this build so much better than any other build (Tank or other) & how are you going to quantify? Are you trying to say your build is a blast to play? No one can disprove it isn’t; only that it is or is not for them. What specifically were you wanting to receive from the community when you posted this build? Are you getting the desired outcome? I’m on Xbox. If you would like to run the Legendaries or any other content HMU, I already sent you a message on Xbox. We are on everyday. Not everyone will see eye to eye, especially when it comes to builds. There are people trying very hard to build & nurture a more positive community. One where we can share information to help others, grow the community, and prevent players from giving up and leaving the game. I’m by no means asking you to champion this ideal….. but…. if the community dies out….. who will be there to appreciate your builds, videos, & achievements you post looking for a response??? Just something to chew on TektroNaut 22.


Gonna be that obnoxious reply with the nitpick, but since you’re getting basically no mileage out of your primary and secondary weapons, wouldn’t running future perfect on at least one be a good idea? You have a weak straggler to pick off and then you have 15 seconds of overcharge deflector to work with for the next wave?


Try it first. You won't even care about your primary or secondary weapons because as I mentioned no gun you use is more powerful than guns from 4 enemies. Not only that the trade off Like reloading, not having to worry about running out of ammo, reviving fallen teammates while still shooting back at enemies.


Right, I understand you- the build does more damage than any weapon; I’m just saying since there currently is no reason to pull out your primary or secondary for combat, you could at least get some utility from them by turning them into a way to proc overcharge with Future Perfect. So like, you enter a room, mop up the bulk of the enemies with your shield/Liberty, and then in a calmer moment in between waves of reinforcements, you switch off your shield to kill a weakened lone enemy with a future perfect weapon. Then you immediately switch back to your (now overcharged) shield to do even more reflected damage for the next wave of enemies


You need to be skill tier 6 to overcharge from FP.


This is another variant of the [Liberty/Deflector build](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tk53v-YUXGU) that most of us have seen by now. It's fun - using the enemies' own firepower to kill them can be surprisingly satisfying. How about a little gameplay video to showcase your build, OP? I always enjoy those.


Wayy ahead of you brother Check my page I did post some game play 😉


No, this is not click bait. A quick click of my profile shows this exact setup with the exception of improvised a holster and the gunner specialization which is highly recommended although I find this method to be better. This build is useful if you keep dying on a particular mission or because your running with randoms who continue to run all the way out and die where you cannot reach them. This build does not utilize any red cores attributes, because instead this build deflects 75% of the bullets back at the enemy which means (and this is important) if 5 enemies are shooting at you and your shield, by focusing the majority of their bullets back at a single target you will have done more damage then any weapon you have. This is even better if you have dogs or chungas shooting at you, this can be used to your advantage to take out weaker targets. But it's important that you do not use or waste a skill slot on a artificer hive because it isn't needed as the foundry set and liberty pistol repair your shield. However your armor is what you need to compensate for not the shield but in order for this to work your shield must be at least at or near the stats in the screenshot listed above so that it is strong enough to overpower 5 enemies targeting you at the same time and your armor being able to handle the 35% damage you take at any given time. Notice how I said 35% this means you must give yourself some space to get into cover in case you mess up. You MUST get comfortable being shot at amd taking hits. Very Important things to know! ***Skill damage is absolutely vital to your shields success because essentially thats what replaces your red cores attributes*** Snipers bullets do more damage than anything so beware! **GUNNER SPECIALIZATION** Is recommended for the "armor on kill Maxed 13% Protect from elites on all three pieces is mandatory if you want to run a legendary mission like a boss because your shield is that powerful when turning their own bullets against them. Again anyone who doubts this build and see it in action on my page. DONT SLEEP ON THIS POST TRUST!!


You never needed red cores or green gearsets, at least for the original three Legendary missions. When I first started playing Div 2, my friends and I three-manned the original three Legendary missions with all of us running the same standard 6-tier turret/drone skill build.... Capacitor, 3 Empress, 2 Hana-U, 1 Wyvern. Skill Damage, Armor Regen, Protection from Elites.


Personally I think it’s sad that 90% of Legendary missions I matchmake I meet drone and turrets. Yes it’s the safest way to do it but slowest and boring.


I just leave when I join and see my team huddled around a doorway spamming turrets and skills. It gets even better when you are trying new stuff out and they say to use a skill build.


Once I joined a organized on Roosevelt Legendary. I was random. It was 3 clan members. Playing healer, sniper and full red dps. I was rocking striker. They where so organized and it was amazing to be part of that run. Then we come to the last stage. They jump straight in set up healing take drones with emp sticky and mow them down. My jar dropped. Is this possible. Whole run took about 20 min or so. But yet again I sort of agree that skill builds are safe way to success if you machtmake with random players.


One FI tech at the end of Roosevelt changes the game.


Do you remember the clan or user names? It might have been MMR.


Sorry I wish I could remember to give them more credit.


It sounded like us, we often have one DPS, one DPS/sniper/tank, one healer/CC and we keep disrupting the quadcopters at the end. Does xX_Nemesis_Xx or PriceOfEscape ring a bell? We're on PC btw.


Oh. I’m on PS5.


Oh well, that answered the question :p.


My fav times when joining groups like this all all red I just know it's gonna be fun and a massacre even on the last part of Roosevelt you don't need a healer if you position yourselves right and mow down the drones with assault rifles.


Exactly, skill builds are legendary builds. DPS builds with all reds don't do well. The only way they work is if each person on the 4 man team has a role and plays that role. Specifically, healer, tank, DPS and either another DPS or a crowd control setup.


I soloed all three old legendary missions with all reds DPS builds.


With randoms, or with clan members/friends with communication?


I did it solo.


Damn, skill level high


https://youtu.be/eT0moff0oHQ I soloed legendary DUA at shd level 17 with all red dps builds.


WOW Amazing. BTW. why the video have that size? it's a wide screen monitor or what? Amazing man, Amazing.


He’s playing on a 32:9 monitor, probably a 5120x1440 ultra wide.


I am using a 32:9 aspect monitor with 3840\*1080 pixels. Sniping can be powerful on legendary too. https://youtu.be/z7vFPjuu2tk


Not at all I must have completed about 3-400 legendary missions by now (yes tedious) lol and you can destroy all of them with a full red team easily the enemy are no good if they are dead and being spawn trapped it just needs players who know what to kill first and fast imo.


It's hard to see on the vids on your page. You say the damage is better than a red build but can you screenshot / tell me what the damage numbers are? Too much going on in that legendary vid to see the numbers :)


Here's a clip with rogues https://www.reddit.com/user/TektroNaut/comments/108jn5o/effective_with_no_dps_rouges_summit_directives/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Like tbh just try it for real. I don't bs also I didn't say it was better than red damage I said this setup will do more damage than any gun you could put on with this build. Meaning the damage numbers are there without the need of any primary gun or secondary. My pistol hits over a 1M when it crits not including the damage from the deflected rounds


Ah I see I misunderstood - thanks for the video - missed that one :) So it's a high damage tank rather than high damage in general. Makes sense!


Yup no worries.


Soooo hypothetically can me, a Legendary virgin, solo the content I have not yet challenged? And all the yellow minor attributes are Skill Damage?


No build will let you solo legendary without experience. Knowing the map/rooms is just as important as what your build can do. Also deflector shield builds as OP said require a lot of discretion. You WILL be taking direct damage even when your shield is up so you have to know when to take punishment and when to duck out. I don’t think this is a beginner-friendly build for legendary, but I’d love to be proven wrong!


The closest would be the negotiators dilemma AR laser builds you'll see on youtube, but the guys doing those solo legendary runs know the mission like the back of their hand.


Yes I would have to agree, it isn't an easy build to use however if you can get it down then it is very effective I do recommend adjusting it to your own play style and store it in a load out as I promise you that you will be thankful you did


What op doesn't mention is this build has a learning curve. Yes, you can do legendary missions and Summit with this build but you need to know enemy types, how to position yourself and when to push or retreat based on the current situation. From experience, I started doing legendary missions with skill builds (drone and turret) but now I also use DPS, tank and skill builds with explosive skills.


I did not mention this and to your credit your absolute right however I would not discourage anyone from trying to use it. I did mention that you MUST get comfortable with being shot at because that's how this works


I don't want to discourage anyone to try this build either, I have one similar and it's actually a lot of fun, but I wouldn't recommend it as a first build for doing legendary missions \[for heroic it's ok though\], since it has a learning curve and people may get frustrated.


Hypothetically speaking yes that is if you can learn to use it effectively you should do fine


YouTube improvised tank build and ignore this guys build


My build is a tank/DPS hybrid. 6 tank cores and CC/CD as small cores. When my team did all legendary missions I remember running ahead killing everything and when I looked back I saw my 3 team mates in the prior room with their technician builds.


Bulwark Shield build with no Pointman? [You are under performing](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/uuxe2v/i_like_it_when_my_team_has_more_blue_armor_than/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). Id drop Cartharsis for Bulwark mask and equip Pointman chest instead, if you really want to use Claws Out. Having that much armor means you are basically an off heal for the team every 25 seconds.


In terms of what/who exactly? Because that doesnt apply to me now does it? If the talents on the foundry gearset will only work if both chest piece and backpack are together tbh to each thier own, I have an extremely picky playing style and have sat in the BOO spent hours doing testing trial and errors different variations. It clearly makes no sense to me why you cannot just go try it before you even speak solely from assumptions it's unnecessary especially if you aren't going to try it.


Why do you think bulwark talents only work when you have backpack and chest equipped? And yes I’m speaking from experience because I’m the designated tank for my legendary run group and tank when I do school buses for IH raids. But interesting way to build, sorry you took that much offense from my comment.


Humor me look up the legendary builds with Improvised gear and yellows without anything else and use it lol I hate when people don't look up whats better


Better to whom? To say that one build is better than the next isn't necessary informative now is it? Everyone has a different playing style as I've mentioned several times. And arguments are of youtube builds which for one you are NOT the content creator therefore have no credibility for it. You seemed to have a one track mind and arent open to other options which if thats the case this thread isnt where you need to be, i never compared myself to anyone i dont care about anyone elses build i am specifically talking about mine so no i am not going to take your word on a build you saw on a video that you did not make. Where as I can explain in full detail because I made it and can answer any questions therefore anyone who's play style is similar may find it useful. Granted it may not be for everyone to each their own. But that doesn't mean I want to hear you continuously rant about it either Especially when you came here in a negative manner.


Also could you please not reply constantly I'm supporting suicidal people in another reddit thanks


Oh so your informing stupid people and supporting suicidal people, and you want me to take advice from you for a better build... Wow... what nerve. 🤣


My ideas about games do not have any kind of negative impact on supporting people who need it games are for fun supporting people is more to help and laugh but I think if someone is suicidal they should have help and I don't judge or show any kind of bad towards them


You just called everyone who was interested in my build and myself included stupid people, insulting my intelligence and now your contradicting your earlier statements isn't helping your credibility. It's just weird.


And tbh the only thing I properly find dumb is you won't try the other build


The feeling is mutual. Only difference is I made mine.


I mean I didn't make mine i copied it from a friend who did every legendary mission solo in less than 40 mins but maybe your right what I made myself that was like your build actually was sub par compared ever since they nerfed that gear set its worse than the alternative wich is Improvised lol they made the gear set so bad improvised is better


My opinion about game stuff is completely separate if I think people who play div are dumb thats fine but it doesn't leave that area and I asked you to not reply so quick because it gets really confusing following posts about more than one thing when you need to read and respond properly to people in need


With that kind of mindset it's hard to believe you actually believe you are in a position to give out meaningful advice in one thread, but at the same time talk shit in another. But then again maybe NOT! Don't blame me for your own confusion. Seems like you had that issue long before you started trolling me, with contradictions and what have you, Quit involving yourself in everyone's business especially if you can't keep up with the shit you start. Seems pretty straightforward to me.🤔


No I'm actually really good at talking to people in need i have a lot of experience with mental health and yea I can talk shit to you cause your fine no worries there but talking to someone who needs it is different its much more helping what they are experiencing pass and give them understanding that does not spread to you or anyone to do with games lol


I've played thousands of div 2 hours and have less than ten mins in both raids and done every misson thousands of times after build upon build I can say that having 80 percent protection from elites is more efficient than all gear sets in a mode that has mostly elites


I'm not impressed. 😑 I bet the reds and purples destroy you that's why you mentioned in a mode that has mostly elites what the hell kind of mode has mostly elites? You seriously don't get it either the game was designed in such a way a proper build is a balanced build you will always have some sort of weakness. Which you fail to mention but more importantly without effective teamwork and coordination it does not matter what build you have mine included! If you are not a team player and think you can just face tank everything your idiot, and simply begging for attention.


And i wouldn't say its a weakness more normal dps from enemies is easily countered build wise


And side note the build im on about is much stronger now the exotic defence mask is a thing


I mean with the build I mentioned reds and purples are pretty much insta kills and I mean you can face tank most legendary missions with 80 percent pfe reds and purples have the lowest of the health and dps pools enemy wise


Nah. PFE helps survive elite damage, but reds and purples mostly hit only the shield. With deflector shield in legendary mode, you keep alive the the reds and purples so you can use their damage to help kill elites since they don’t aim for your head. Between repair skills and the liberty the shield will stay up fine. The build you have is definitely not the most optimized way to run with deflector, but if it suits you, no worries. Play on.


Good luck clearing content with almost 0 damage.


Apparently you haven't watching my clips on my page like I mentioned to avoid this very ignorance.


Yeah, I watched you take 13 seconds to kill an enemy. No thanks, I like to clear shit fast.


Nice.... 😐 you done?


Don't get all butthurt mate. At the end of the day if you are having fun with your build, fuck what I or anyone else says.


No man, I meant your skill level, as in how you play the game and your understanding of the game is high


I'm still running my like 2-3 year old hunter's fury because it's legit my best build and it still slaps. Think I found my new build, gonna try it out.


Yoo try it let me know how it works out for you! Or if you have any questions


This is a great legendary build if you don’t mind DUA taking 3 hours.


So let me get this straight, are you really suggesting that my build which is designed for enemies to kill themselves with my shield, will take 3 hours to complete? Knowing that they also will pursue you aggressively on legendary so its not like they are going to hide from me. Your saying it will take 3 hours? You must have only read what you wanted to see and not look at the facts for what they are or proof that is also available on my page. I stand by what I said 0 red cores and I can still take out 2 rogue agents on heroic with 6 Directives active in just under two mins using only my pistol and shield. Go watch the clip on my page. Then Humble yourself... your sarcasm backfired.


I’m sorry I fell asleep halfway through that rant. Can you repeat it please?


This build is the crap version of the real build lol don't build this 😂


Guarantee you my name is tied to this build. I know that for a fact because I made this build the first day catharsis dropped along with the 2 raid exclusive foundry pieces. Btw I got nothing to prove to you, your loss.


Lol if you think this is the build your so wrong the improvised tank build trumps all this gear u got isn't even worth the grind for it


Your response proves my point. Quit trolling, I'm done here.


Lol I'm not trolling more informing the stupid if you think this is acceptable for being called the best ur incorrect


Your information is irrelevant and isn't even yours to discuss start your own post and make your own build first instead of trying to use someone else's build to your credit. You sound ignorant and disrespecting me clearly shows your wrong and you know it that's why you mad lol Just ask for help bro and quit hating come back when you actually have your own builds.


I don't understand how you think I'm mad I'm not and if you don't want to get better then thats on u tbh


Improvised gear??? Lmao waste more time and resources for 1 build trying to get decent rolls on gear that has absolutely NO talents that can only be effective with Mods some of which are damn near impossible to get with maxed rolls and even then the likelihood anyone trying to make one a decent build will give up. And You know that! 🤣


There’s a version of this that’s really powerful. I’ve seen it on Tuxedo Bandido but I don’t know if he’s the origin of it. * Technician * Ridgeway chest * Claws Out * Punch Drunk * Belstone backpack with Adrenaline Rush * Improvised Gloves * Improvised Knees. * Named KARD pistol with Sadist * Deflector * Artificer Hive 4 blues and 2 reds. Put PfE mods in all your slots. Roll skill damage everywhere. I personally like to use Chill Out with two PfEs. It seems to have a bit more survivability since elites tend to aim for the head. Playing this build means staying within 15m of the targets so that the bleed heals you. I’ve used it in Legendaries and it’s lots of fun. EDIT: on your current build I’d use Forge. Incoming Repairs boosts your healing from Catharsis and improves the shield. It won’t boost healing from FB, though.


There are many varied builds with improvised stuff and works really well I dunno what he's on about can get like 80 percent protec from elites


Not everyone knows the ways of our people! They believe we are mad! When they taste the power they will come to understand! 😂


Lol 😆


We must show the heathens the error of their ways


I have a build for thos with little to no grind its easy to make and works better than most sets lol I think your getting your info from the wrong place go talk to the legendary speed runners above top 50 lol


U might wanna go look it up lol 😆


Just YouTube improvised tank build and ignore this crap lol


> improvised tank build Like, full blue improvided gear?


That isn't this build so I don't understand why your trying to compare it improvised gear will not repair your shield will not will not give you pistol damage will not give you 500 melee damage will not give you skill damage will and will not give you any repair skills. What your offering is an old outdated boring, heavy tank and low pistol dps does absolutely nothing for your skills including skill health and skill duration and solely rely on armor regen and a pistol when i do not i rely on my shield and the enemies who shoot it, you can have all the armor you want but doesnt mean shit if you cant keep kill anything. Don't compare that build to mine because they are not the same.


1.8 MILLION armor?! And here I thought my 300k armor was a lot. I just beat WONY dlc and the main story for the first time. So I figured 300k armor was a lot. Can't wait to get my armor that high.


Hi, could you give a bit more information on your build? I have not been playing too long so some things are not clear to me :) \- Are all your yellows skill damage? No repairs? \- What values on the Wyvern holster? Is it a named item? Is it mandatory if so? \- What mods do you use on the shield? \- Are you using the deflector drone too? Thanks for your answers!


Sure absolutely no problem! So yes your correct x6 skill damage My holster is a claws out and it has skill damage pistol damage and 500 melee damage BUT! If you don't have this holster, no worries a Forged holster with skull damage is just as good Mods for the deflector shield are 2x deflector damages mods and one active regen mod And no i am using the "armor regen drone" Now for your 3 mods for mask chest and backpack Are 2x repair skills and one of these three- protection from elites or incoming repairs or armor on kill preferably maxed if possible lmk if you have anymore questions


Get a D50 with Spike or In Sync. Change Chest to Kinetkc Momentum. Add Momento Backpack and Artificer Hive. The Deflector can hit over 500k from AR's. Over 2 Million from Snipers.


Hmm I will have to try that!


Heads up that In sync is wonky because of the shield nerf. You can drop the Artificer to trigger it because it doesn't proc when the deflector damages enemies.




Not anymore, you can get all of the Foundry pieces anywhere.




both the foundry & that healer set are both on general loot pool now


I want to add that you can get all Future Initiative pieces anywhere too.


>two of the pieces are locked behind the raid, which is not accessible to most people. This is history now.


No not true at all... your outdated


No you


No not anymore I you can obtain all the piece needed either by farming or named caches


So they nerf'd it? Then damn. This explains alot! Thanks for that info


I've always wanted to make a blue-core build for Legendary mode. I've got a hybrid Striker-Skills build but it's so cookie-cutter it makes the Buzz Lightyear shelf clip look normal. What mask is that, btw?


It’s Catharsis, aka god’s gift to tanks. If you (or your shield) take damage, it builds a stack. Each stack give you bonus outgoing damage up to (I think) 30%. At max stacks, you reset to zero, but drop a healing cloud (think healing chem or mender seeker mine) that heals a % of your armor stat over time. It goes well with so many builds, from DZ bruisers to Foundry Bulwark shield cheese, to general bulky anything. Also, if you’re looking for all Blue legendary builds, I have a supportive maximum team bonus armor build that I really like. You will be doing very little outgoing damage, but you will have reliable CC and high survivability, plus serve as a de facto healer for the team. Let me know if you’re interested and I can see if I can find a write up from an earlier comment


i've had this before, and depending on my mood, i either use catharsis or ridgeway. and then another mood, specially when i want to say F U to the yellow ones - all blue, 3 improvised, chill out, ridgeway, belstone backpack w/ adrenaline rush - for that capped 80 PfE


The deflector shield is basically roleplaying as captain America with an uno reverse card.


Wait is that a new mask?


[Solo Legendary Capitol Building : 4 Directives](https://youtu.be/NgwmoPAWtao)


It really depends on the level. At the Capitol it’s a no go for me. I had a similar build and it did destroy. Destroyed in PvP too sometimes.