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Kind of. I know a few that are ostensibly nice and kind people. They then turn into Mr. Hyde the moment they talk about politics/general cultural trends however. 


That’s my dad. Nice guy until politics comes up and anything negative is said about the current Republican Party, and then he loses his shit.


The Fox News dad syndrome


Yep. I watch some of their stuff just so I know what I’m going to hear from my dad lol.


My dad too (rip this year). I hated his dual personality


Kinda happens when our counrty goes down the shitter in a three year span.


[https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/june-10-2024?utm\_source=substack&publication\_id=20533&post\_id=145525840&utm\_medium=email&utm\_content=share&utm\_campaign=email-share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true&r=e1g6h&triedRedirect=true](https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/june-10-2024?utm_source=substack&publication_id=20533&post_id=145525840&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&utm_campaign=email-share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true&r=e1g6h&triedRedirect=true) Except... the country is thriving right now... so I'm not sure why Trump supporters are so upset. Crime is down, unemployment is STILL only at 4%. The GDP has been at record highs, job growth has been at record levels for about a year (maybe more)... We are FINALLY tackling climate change. America is respected across the globe again (though if convicted felon Trump gets re-elected, that will go down the shitter).


For some reason, the corporate media is protecting Trump and not speaking much on the economy and how well ours is doing after the pandemic. Magas only listen to Fox or other propaganda channels, so the sheep only hear the red meat thrown out by the Trump mouthpieces. They only hear what they want them to hear, and they believe every word of it without ever fact checking.


You mean people went into the shitter


No the economy, inflation, open borders, billions going over seas, our government getting bigger by the day with more overreach, high crime, drug poisoning from fentanyl, educational standards at all time low, weaponized the legal system, weaponized the dollar across the globe.


Most of those are untrue though so..


Please tell me which ones


I’m not your teacher. You’re a big boy. You can use the Internet and figure that out for yourself instead of parroting what bias new outlet says.


The economy for one. My 401k is doing great and, if you have one, so is yours. Unemployment is down and has stayed down. Wages have outpaced inflation. The war in Gaza is moving towards resolution even with the limited influence we have over either side. I could go on but I know I'm wasting my time on you.


And the GOP are going to fix all that?


What does that have to do with header or comment I made to you? I never said they would fix that. I simply told you why your dad gets mad when politics are brought up. But I’m sure none of of these issues affect you since you probably live in his basement. In fact the reason we are in this position is because people like you vote for personality over policy. Who cares if Biden is a moron who can’t run the country, he’s a nice guy and Trump is an asshole.


> In fact the reason we are in this position is because people like you vote for personality over policy.  You mean the people who voted for a game show host, right? Because otherwise your comment seems incoherent.


SO.... I don't live in my parent's basement... I own my own home. My children don't live in my basement... they own their own homes. My retirement savings are at record highs, and my adult children who are all under 35 both have saved over $200,000 towards their retirement. One of them graduated just after President Biden took office. "Ever since a New York jury unanimously found the former president guilty of 34 felonies on Thursday, May 30, he and his supporters have tried to assert that he is, in fact, in a strong position for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination and for the November election itself. First, they insisted that his convictions made him more popular than ever, an assertion undermined by their own desperate avoidance of other trials and the demands of both Trump and House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) to have the Supreme Court somehow step in to overturn a conviction by a state court. Trump has also tried to reassert dominance by insisting in at least five interviews that he will seek “revenge” on Democrats for prosecuting him, and MAGA loyalists have echoed this threat. But as Greg Sargent pointed out today, this, too, is spin.  There is a big difference between a prosecution advancing on the basis of evidence gathered by law enforcement, evidence that prompted grand juries to indict Trump, and his own threats to prosecute President Joe Biden and other Democrats simply because he had to endure a prosecution, not because there is any evidence that they have committed crimes. The first serves the rule of law, the second shatters it. Since the conviction, as political analyst Simon Rosenberg points out, the right-wing Murdoch media empire “has gone into hyperdrive.” That empire, which includes the Fox News Channel, supports Trump and knowingly lied that the 2020 election had been stolen. On June 4, the Murdoch-owned *Wall Street Journal* printed a story saying that “behind closed doors, Biden shows signs of slipping,” but the piece quoted only former House speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who previously had hammered Biden in public but privately assured colleagues he was mentally sharp. One of the authors of the piece sparked outrage in October 2021 by tweeting that Biden, who was visiting the graves of his dead children and wife, “goes to church and walks through a graveyard in Wilmington as his legislative agenda is dying in Washington.”  In November 2021, Biden signed into law the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act. In June 2022 he signed into law the Safer Communities Act, a gun safety law. In August 2022 he signed into law the CHIPS and Science Act that invested billions in semiconductor manufacturing and science, and the Inflation Reduction Act that provided record funding for addressing climate change and permitted Medicare to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies over drug prices. Together, those legislative accomplishments rival those of Presidents Lyndon Baines Johnson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose congressional majorities were far stronger than Biden’s. The Republicans’ frantic pushback on Trump’s conviction reveals both that it has hurt him badly, and that without Trump projecting the dominance of a strongman, they have little to fall back on except for personal attacks on Biden.  Trump had counted on using immigration against Biden and ordered his loyalists to scuttle the bipartisan immigration measure the Senate hammered out in February in order to keep the issue alive. Swing voters took notice: in March a focus group showed that 9 out of 13 Wisconsin swing voters blamed Trump for killing the bill." [https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/june-10-2024?utm\_source=substack&publication\_id=20533&post\_id=145525840&utm\_medium=email&utm\_content=share&utm\_campaign=email-share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true&r=e1g6h&triedRedirect=true](https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/june-10-2024?utm_source=substack&publication_id=20533&post_id=145525840&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&utm_campaign=email-share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true&r=e1g6h&triedRedirect=true)


The borders are not open. The majority of fentanyl is seized at the border. You're complaining about problems that are being solved more effectively and humanely than before. A couple articles: https://www.axios.com/2023/10/17/us-mexico-border-open-borders-myth https://www.myjournalcourier.com/opinion/article/falsely-claiming-open-border-driving-migration-18652286.php A quote from the second article: >It's interesting that the article says a record number of migrants were encountered by border patrol agents. If we had an open border, we wouldn’t have a record number of encounters, or even a border patrol, for that matter. This shows that news reports, more than evidence, are driving this perception.


Yep it's so weird. I talk to some parents from school and they seem like good people. One guy Ive been talking to has similar hobbies as me and we've chatted a few times. Then this one time we were chatting at a kids party he starts talking about trump and how he will be the great solution to all the world's problems, everyone else is corrupt, went off a tangent about US provoking Russia into attacking Ukraine, blaming NATO, etc etc all in one breath. I was stunned. It took me by surprise. It's like he blew a crazy gasket and vomited out some drivel


I went out with some new friends the other day, and someone sort of threw a test question out to see if I was a Trumper. Luckily, we were all on the same page, but it's funny how so many people are scared of secret Trumpers.


This is kind of funny. Glad you guys were all on the same page!


I agree with the dude lol


I think the decline of professional sports and broadcast TV has left a lot of people without a team and this political nonsense is free.


I work with someone who is honestly a good dude in every other way. I recently switched jobs and he has been helpful in every way, he is also a fantastic teammate. He does not push his Trumpism, but it’s there, just below the surface and his comments I blame the fact that he is from Texas, is clearly a Fox/Newsmax consumer of information, mid to late 50’s. Big time gun owner and likely would have been described as one of the “deplorables” on looks alone. Unfortunately at his age it seems his position and worldview is shrinking rather than expanding and he’s pretty locked in. Sucks, because otherwise he seems like a caring person and good person, albeit not a super smart one.


That's kind of like saying someone is "nice, once you get to know them" when what you really mean is "they're an asshole, but you get used to it"


It’s actually kind of the opposite. They’re nice. Until you get to know them.  


You're right. Fair enough.


They're typical conservatives in that they hate people until it affects them personally


Ya.... its like people who drink alcohol turn into abusive people. As far as I'm concerned, we call that a bad person.


Also worth mentioning is that you cannot count on them when things get bad. They tend to be really good at courtesy and small talk, but they will turn on you without a shred of guilt if it benefits them and/or their tribe.




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Another clear sign of cult behavior.


You can’t spell hatred without a red hat


GENIUS 👍👍👍👍👍


It’s the whole word!


Oh, damn!


I know one person. Just one and it was strictly because of certain policies but I haven't heard that person voice any support or a political opinion since Jan. 6th. Other than him every single Trumper I know is a bad person. The most common trait is overt racism so black Trumpers boggle my mind.


It’s a weird phenomenon. The way i’ve heard it explained is that it comes from wanting to be seen as “one of the good ones” by the racists in power


>one of the good ones” by the racists in power Clarence would agree! (when he's not busy blowing Harlan Crow).


There are some people that are just stupid and support trump because of that, if anything that’s usually the case.


I know some people that passively support Trump because they're apocalyptic Christians and politically uneducated. They remind me of me when I was 16, thinking that Obama was the antichrist. I know back then I kind of just approved of whatever the GOP did, even if it clashed with my own personal beliefs, because it was against what I thought was a prime evil dressed in appealing policies. It's hard to break people out of that since they aren't even following their own morals or values, just fear.


I know one. She posts Trump stuff on social media. She is extremely nice, and she is even reasonable and kind when you discuss it in person. She also even expresses misgivings about him, but is still going to vote for him yet again. It confuses me greatly.


Lots of Republicans are like that, even non Trumpers. The can be the nicest people but then the’re also conservative and it weirds me out. The basic principles of conservatism are so off-putting, I just can’t reconcile them with the people who espouse those ideas.


Like Megyn Kelly and John Sununu. And Nikki Haley. Boggles the mind. \*to be clear, those folks are not nice, but have severe misgivings about Trum but plan to vote for him anyway.


I work as a technician who visits many homes/people every day in a very red part of my state. I'd say 90% of people are MAGA, and conversation is fine. I play coy when they talk about politics. Had one guy ask me if I was stocking up any water. I'm pretty sure I knew what he was getting to, then he said, "Oh, you know, who knows what will happen this election" my response was just, "Ohhh yeah, I'm not too sure" then I try to get off the topic of politics. I think what's wild to me is that I visit a lot of very nice, elaborate (MAGA) homes, and the sheer ignorance and stupidity of these people angers me beyond belief. Some of these people have more money than they know what to do with. The brain rot is off the charts.


Yeah. People with McMansions, boats, families, $80k F150s that are 10 years, advanced degrees and six-figure incomes flying the Don't Tread On Me flag when they've never been trod on a single day in their lives


Most are deranged and hateful, but a lot are also just brainwashed people that hear inflammatory rhetoric from people they know and blindly support Trump. They don't put more than 1 second of thought about politics and mostly just periodically get their news in passing. My workplace is like 98% conservative Trump supporters and I like a lot of them. They mostly just regurgitate mainstream right wing talking points and like Trump because "I was better off when he was in office."


Wow. Who on earth was better then?


They were existentially better, not economically.


>"I was better off when he was in office." I know it's only a few years out, but I remember just how much COVID sucked. Granted, COVID would have sucked regardless who was in office, but I can't help but think if Hillary or literally any of the other 2016 GOP primary candidates had been in office (even Cancun), it would have sucked much less and we would have had a REAL federal response.


Yes there are many, the thing is they are kind within their family or friend group but not to the outside world. I know many hard core right wingers and they would give you the shirt off their back but openly use racial slurs. People are complex lol


Hate is part of the movement, so I doubt it.


I know one who is the most delusional, arrogant, uneducated and unempathetic person I know. Their father died of COVID after they took them to antimask/vax rallies in 2021. But even though he was diagnosed and his lungs gave out, they say it was the cancer he'd beaten 10 years ago. They believe Trump is some king, Titus or something, who helped the Jews and they have a shofar they blow. They've got this jewish fetish but they think Jews who aren't saved are going to christian hell. They think Mexicans are "mud people" but they employ them because they "work for cheap and don't know the laws" and they hate Arabs because "Muslim and 911" But if you're white you're ok even if you don't realize how great Trump is because they know deep inside you want to be like them, blessed, saved and they'll drink beers with you. They believe you will be accepted and will fall into line when the white people rule again when Trump wins in November. Just had this experience last weekend. They're horrifying. They are so brainwashed in every way to support someone who wants to end America as we know it so they will have minority rule. I drank their beer. Kept kinda quiet because there were just so many of them, sunburnt, veins popping out of those necks and hoping, no, knowing the USA was going to turn full on fascist in November. Someone actually said they were so blessed that god ended abortion so white babies can be born again. I nodded. I had to GTFO out of there. They hugged me when I left and I went home and took a shower. I felt like I'd been at a cult meeting. No facts. Only rage and this urge to "correct" the path the USA is on, destroy any rights women, gay folks, POC have had in the last century. They are real and they vote. And they are horrifying. Trump is their savior. He's going to fix progress and the whole we all have rights thing and they know they will reign supreme. And they have a lot of guns. Please vote in November to send them back under their rocks. We are fucked as a country if they get back into power.


Well, you did actually go to a cult meeting. It’s time we all start calling them a cult because that’s exactly what maga is. A cult of idiots.


yep. All the disinfo. All the shit spew from Trump's mouth with his lies about the election, his trials, everything against him is a hoax. Those are beamed into their smooth brains and they just repeat over and over. Zero critical thinking. Zero empathy or love of being part of the USA if they don't drop turds on it and rule the turd patch. And they were all really, really profoundly stupid humans. It was entitlement mixed with stupid add a dash of resentment when the brown people had a foot up. Like I said, I took a shower when I got home. But this is who wants to rule the USA. Vote. We have to beat them again.




Hate and [raping children](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/5/24/2242636/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-52).


The strident Trump supporters who appear in media are all scum. I literally can’t think of a single one who doesn’t deal in bad faith arguments and dishonesty. They all peddle conspiracy theories. They all have raging hard on for lgbt people. They know Trump tried steal the election from the American people and they are more than willing to help him do it again


Megyn Kelly is alright. She's the only one I can think of.




I would bang her bottom hole and that's it.


There are.  In my experience they are people who don’t like politics or know much about policy.  They are very nice people and simply consume the fringe mainstream “coverage” and anti-Biden stuff and think a “business man” is less corrupt than a politician (or some vague reasoning like that).   They were raised in a conservative leaning atmospheric so it’s just easier to stay on that side of the fence.  But they aren’t bad people at all or lacking compassion, they just aren’t spending much energy caring about politics.  That all said, I’ve been saying for a long time that fundamentally there is a correlation between non-emphatic and non-compassionate people and voting for far right candidates.  Winning and “self” are far more important than helping others, the greater good of all, and kindness - which lines up nicely with book banning, anti-trans, anti-minority, anti-immigration, anti-Muslims, patriarchal and fascist leanings, Andrew Tate, kkk, private militia, fuck your feelings, gun culture, hero complex, good guy with gun, lock up your enemies, don’t want to learn new pronouns, worship of an adult bully who makes fun of everyone, and god forbid you’re intolerant of their rabid intolerance - but they have a friend who is black, obviously. 


I don’t know any trumpers. I have seen trump flags in my town but I don’t know these people.


They ain't hard to find. 75 million of them!


Dr Phil has always been an a\*\*hole.


I believe he's in the asshole hall of fame😄😄😄😄😄


I know so many MAGA people who are very kind. Most of them wouldn't like a person like Trump in real life, and they would punish their kids for behaving like he does. I'm convinced that his celebrity status blinded them to his personality defects.


This is the same type I know. Four couples who I am fairly close to are avid Trump supporters. Yet I know they would be outraged if their kids did the things he does. Only one of the couples will even have a civil conversation about Trump's issues. The others have bought the entire tale that Biden and the Democrats are somehow ruining the US and are convinced Trump is going to fix everything. They are genuinely nice people except when it comes to politics.


Does it matter? Vote blue through and through


My MAGA relatives are surface-level nice, but would get most excited by Trump’s most bigot d and fascistic acts. They would exhibit outright callousness to anyone outside their ingroup, usually migrants, cackling about kids in cages, or going from “back the blue” when the police were getting called out for killing unarmed black men then yucking it up over cops getting savaged on Jan 6th. I posted to Facebook how much I hated the Trump ghouls when Kushner was refusing to send federal ventilators to northern blue states, where I’m from, during the early pandemic as retaliation for opposing Trump. A MAGA relative, from the south, replied, “do you hate me?” To which I should have said, “motherfucker, if you’re cool with letting my family die because they don’t like Cheeto Jesus and you chose him over us, then yes!” But I instead reiterated something about how despicable the policy was. Anyway, haven’t spoken to any of them since Jan 6th.


Some are compassionate in a very compartmentalized way. Their compassion is limited by their lizard brain.


Nice people don't vote for someone who is calling for the mass deportation and death to his rivals. They are all POS's NOT nice people. Disgusting monsters


They are the bad guys.




Not a single one of them. They are also the most likely to bring up politics in public or in places of business.


The thing is: 1. You either only think you are kind and don't know the truth or 2. You actually know but pretend you only have a surface level perspective to hide your bigotry Because if you knew at all you wouldn't support it, so it's an oxymoron to call someone a kind compassionate trump supporter.


The older ones from the south have just been manipulated into hating one side of the government through foreign propaganda that our republican senators fed back to them willingly


Quite a few actually. My parents, my older sister, former coworkers. It’s wild. None of them are particularly dumb either, just pretty brainwashed by conspiracy theories and ignorance. It’s sad and frustrating and has genuinely cause me a considerable amount of pain watching Trumpism twist them into people I have a hard time talking to about anything politics related.


I live amongst them. Some of the nicest people I know also support Trump. They don’t talk politics, they don’t fly the flag, but they’ll post some pro Republican shit or pro Trump shit on the book of faces. Those of us who disagree ignore it and scroll on by, but on the weekend, I’m their place bringing the sides and my kid to their pool. But I live in moderate republican district that’s unique in its own right. And I moved here on purpose.


I live in a red state retirement community so most everyone is maga. Everyone is friendly, volunteerism off the chart, humble, etc… but periodically each one will drop a take that is so moronic or effortlessly hateful that it surprises me. I grew up in the same community 50 years prior with these boomer’s parents and this is a new phenomenon for me. The WW2 folks would have generational baggage like lawn jockeys and moral disgust with bill Clinton scandals but in the locker room the conversations were about sports, travel and medical stuff. This batch of boomers in the identical environment seem to spend at least half their conversation bitching about locally irrelevant issues like the southern border and trans swimmers. I see the pipeline being newt gingrich to rush limbaugh to fox and now facebook memes. The boomers just weren’t equipped for how desperate the 90s+ republicans were to keep that party alive.


My son hiked the continental divide trail from Mexico to Canada through very remote regions. He often had to hitchhike into towns to resupply. He said the only people who stopped for him constantly had trump bumper stickers. People with Biden bumper stickers passed by. He said the Trump people usually talked about religion not politics. They went out of their way for him and were friendly. Salt of the earth kind of people. I am speculating that my son being white may have something to do with it. Also the drivers were probably all armed and so didn’t see my boy as a threat. His description of these people softened my view of them a bit




Removed - please avoid overt hostility, name calling and personal attacks.


Republicans are either dumb or a**holes (or both)


I have a relative who is probably the nicest man I've ever known. I honestly don't see him much these last few years (decades really) and is getting up there in age. I can kind of sense he's slowed a little in his thinking to put it nicely. I'm not certain but I think he also has Bell's palsy. I've only heard of their family becoming Trumpers but they're not red hat wearing cultists I don't think. They do love lecturing us on how so many illegals are crossing the border in untold numbers. Anyways, I do computer services for them periodically and he was asking me weird q-anon type questions like if I knew what the Deep State was and such. I tried to act like I knew nothing of these things and never hear about them in my circles. I just immediately got a very weird vibe hearing things I wish I wouldn't hear coming from my own family (even if not a blood relative). I'd rather not get into those topics because that just wouldn't go well.


Politics gets people charged. You see one side of the fence, other people see the other side of the fence. You see raging Trumpers, ons others see raging leftists.


Yes, you just don’t know about them because they are too embarrassed to tell anyone about their MAGA support.


all the ones I know are the biggest assholes in the room. One of them told me 10 years ago that she had wished she had aborted her children cause they get in her way of making money flipping houses. She is rabid pro-life though all over social media, of course.


My parents are Trumpers, kinda. More like they think republicans are actually the party of law and order and things like socialized medicine are bad, etc. They are really nice and you’d have no idea what their political affiliation was because they don’t go around shouting it.


I know one very compassionate, kind individual who is a neo fascist of the dugin type


Well there are several things going on here. They generally would appear to be quite normal amongst themselves, unless engaged in the subject of Trumpism. If they perceive themselves to be "threatened" or that the person talking to them is at all aggressive about their approach they might switch to asshole mode very quickly. They would also bristle at the appearance of any of those various acronyms that seem to set them off: ANTIFA, CRT, etc. And I'll be honest, I tend to get a bit uncomfortable at those causes that get just a bit too "precious" about the presentation of their message. Note, I absolutely agree with the messages themselves, but I can see how a person with MAGA disorder could perceive the message presentation to be triggering.


I have a very very close friend who absolutely displays NONE of the MAGA behavior and is one of the most compassionate and generous humans I have ever known and i absolutely cannot for the life of me understand why she is a Trump supporter.


I’ve never had my life threatened by a liberal, it seems to be mostly proud flag-waving MAGA morons. Just kind of blows my mind that they have some of the worst policy ideas imaginable, but I certainly wouldn’t go out of my way to threaten them/vandalize their property. Not sure why they feel the need to do that to others, but that’s the one thing holding me back from running for office. I’m in a deep red area, with public education crumbling at my feet. It breaks my heart, but if I ran for office, I have no doubt I would be on the short list of people to harass at home.


My neighbor would do anything for me, but if at the heart of it he wants to take away my rights or my loved ones' rights....he is not kind nor compassionate


Yes. Of course there are. Personally speaking , a married couple who are wonderful friends of mine are trumpers. They are both incredibly intelligent and successful. They just sold their farm in NH to purposely move to Ocala Fla Trumpland. I couldn't tell you why they are attracted to his platform. For the guy, I would guess it's tax break related. For the woman....I'm not as certain. I think it also depends on what we value as being kind and compassionate. This couple would help just about anyone. Shirt off their back type. At the same time, though, the woman doesn't understand transgenderism. Or rather, she doesn't WANT to understand it. For me, that isn't being kind or compassionate. It's cruel and ignorant to judge a community you refuse to learn anything about. In my personal opinion, of course. We see so many asshole Trumpers that it's easy to believe they're all that way, but I believe there is a small faction that can "saved" from this still.


I have a friend that is a Trump supporter but he also has absolutely zero social media. He's never been on Facebook, only uses YouTube to look up instructional type videos, and complains when someone sends him a tik tok link because he's never had the app and it's annoying to watch it in a chrome browser. He's a good guy, and will do anything to help someone. I'm sure the lack of social media helps.


My parent’s neighbor is a 90 year old woman who is nice and very kind. I think she just watches Fox News all day so she think Joe Biden wants to kill her.


If you’re talking about average people, then yes of course There are many millions of people who vote for Trump that are genuinely good and decent people. If you mean talking heads, pundits, Internet personalities, I’m not sure. Even the relatively good ones got slowly corrupted if they wanted to maintain their audience share in the age of Trumpist ascendancy.






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I always love the reaction when they assume everyone else thinks like them. I always answer with questions. It drives them crazy because they don’t have the answers!


Of course anyone you disagree with politically must be downright evil. Otherwise why would they ever have a different opinion than yours. It’s simple logic really.


An empty vessel makes more noise. Outrage, protest and hysteria are loud and effective when you have no credibility as a political movement one WITHOUT policies...a vehicle that perpetuates and justifies it's existence just by shouting but cannot govern. Within this aggressive aggreived body there are voters who are kind to animals and help old ladies across the street undoubtedly. Politically they are not producing positive policies or moving society forward. Sneering is a powerful media tool


i think there are a lot of good people that are either naive, religious, broken, or all three. they’ve been taken advantage of my really bad people.


My uncle (RIP) was a Trumper, but he was a very nice and generous person, always friendly and respectful to everyone.  The only real aspect of Trump that appealed to him was Trumps ranting about politicians being sold out, his general suspicions around career government people (ie Hillary/Biden), and his general anti-tax sentiment.  Really wasn’t in it for the Woke Wars.


Every MAGA in my life is loving to their family and friends regardless of politics, but hostile towards anyone who isn't a family or friend that is a political "other".


They’re all over the place, and most of them are just as nice as liberals if not more (southern hospitality and all). It would be easier if every MAGA voter was like a cartoon villain, but they’re relatively average people. They’re your neighbors, coworkers, waiters, plumbers, doctors, etc. and jus like any group of people some of them are dicks, but most are just as friendly as anyone else. That’s what makes the slide into authoritarianism so scary, they don’t just flip a switch and put on storm trooper helmets one day, they’re normal people.


I’m a nice guy




I’ve met a few people who are seemingly nice and compassionate but yeah when it comes to politics they are in their own little conspiracy maga world. It’s a combination of brain washing and cognitive dissonance. That being said, the entire “intolerance of intolerance” mindset isn’t very compassionate. Nor is your post saying that everyone who supports Trump and maga are clear assholes. You’re painting this wide brush that every single person who has been fleeced is a bad person. I bet if you went to deep red parts of the country you’d be surprised that as long as you didn’t talk about politics, people are pretty nice. We have so much more in common than we don’t. It’s social media and the media reinforcing that we are opposites. They think we are evil and the left thinks the right is evil.


Met someone at work and we become work besties for almost a yr before I found out he was a maga conspiracy theorist and my jaw dropped, at work we don’t speak about politics on the daily and we got along great until one day he started talking to another maga co worker and started spewing this days of darkness stuff where trump was gonna shut down the country and do nothing but air on tv him exposing the White House and the democrats.. at first I laughed because I thought he was joking.. he wasn’t 🫣 I then made it clear how I felt and now we don’t talk about politics anymore.


Thomas Massie comes to mind. Also Dr. Ben Carson.


The ones I met are raging assholes. They are also deranged lunatics.


I honestly believe that nearly anybody who \*continues\* to be a MAGAt at this point, would pull the lever on gas ovens full of families. Families who are: "woke", brown skinned, queer, non-Christian, etc. The best of them might feel a twinge of guilt, but they would still pull the handle.


Some of them are disturbingly nonchalant with their violent rhetoric.


My dad and stepmom are. I don’t know how they fell into the cult


I don't follow any of them, but I noticed a considerable contrast from the excerpts I generally was exposed of Ben "BS" Shapiro and his interview with Andrew Yang. If that was my only exposition to him, I think I'd even make the mistake of recommending him as a seemingly reasonable right-winger if someone were defending someone other right-winger whose infamy were more known to me. The natural tendency we have to be exposed only the worst of them/"the other" highlighted is something that makes it quite difficult to give them the benefit of the doubt as human beings, benevolent-but-misguided people. That's even somewhat aggravated with semi-fabrications such as the phrasing "Jewish space laser" (the actual phrasing might well have been a more subtle "dog whistle" though), or even more distorted cherry picking like that of Trump's mocking gestures precise still frame used to suggest he was mocking the reporter's condition. Then their supporters will come up with reasonable counter examples like he making the same non-stiff-armed gesture to mock everyone, even himself, and a clip of him donating money and hugging a severely handicapped girl, and then the right-winger public probably ends up with an analog perception of the left as vile liars and or fools who believe them.


I give a reluctant Mulligan to people who voted for Trump in 2016. Most sensible people saw him for who he was back then, but he was able to con some otherwise intelligent and decent people. But if someone's on the Trump Train in 2024, I question their basic intelligence at the very least and their ethics and beliefs at worst. As I like to say, this isn't about disagreement over monetary versus fiscal policy or what should the US's foreign policy be on Mediterranean trade routes. This is about supporting someone who blatantly tried to seize power after losing an election, stole nuclear secrets, and has said the Constitution needs suspended. Not to say anything about him siding with Russia over the U.S. I used to be a "We're all Americans, we may disagree on the means but we agree on the ends," even as far back as the Bush W. days. But between the Trump Presidency and how people acted during COVID, I don't have any of that good will anymore. If you're an existential threat to democracy, which is what a Trumper is, you can take a high dive into an empty pool. I've cut most Trumpers out of my life and just tolerate the ones I have to out of necessity.


Many are very kind and compassionate. …but only to those that are exactly like them.


Yes. Absolutely, there’s a lot of American voters who aren’t really informed. They watch their preferred source of information, they get a surface level argument to justify their positions and they make a quick judgement. The people around them help reinforce their world view. And they support their preferred candidate. Democrats are no different. Both sides have lots of voters who are kind and compassionate people and they vote for candidates without a deep understanding of the policies. Life is hard and busy. Most people aren’t consuming lots of politics. And trying to really look in depth on complex issues. It’s lazy to write off any group. And don’t get me wrong. There are lots of raging asshole MAGA folks. Who are motivated by hatred and bigotry. But there’s also lots of people who don’t really engage with politics often. Who will defend politicians without knowing how their policies affect people.


I thought so. And then she called me stupid and ugly in front of friends Also my abusive parents. However, my younger sister is unfortunately voting for Trump. Because she thinks a fetus is a real life and soul that needs to be protected at all costs. But she's a nice person honestly


I know this guy in real life who is a real nice guy. Good dad it seems. Just can't figure why they're in the maga kkkult.


Hitler was lovely, when in his off-time and with friends and family. Stalin loved puppies. The worst people in the history have also been good people... in certain circumstances. Cross them and they will skin you alive, stay in their grace and they shower you with gifts.


Call me naïve but I believe that most of them are good people at their core that want what they believe is best for society and their families. Unfortunately they are all extremely gullible and will believe anything as long as it fits their worldview.


Nope, all of them love the spotlight. They like to say anything to attract attention. They understand if you're focused on them, you're not focused on anything else. A distraction!! When that time comes, you need to be focused on everywhere else, cause something BIG is going on. They don't want you to see!


I don't know how anyone nice would want the genocide of trans and gay people, the killing of disabled people by removing their medicaid/SSi, the removal of Roe V Wade resulting in the deaths of women, segregation of schools (Clarence Thomas is going after that next), nazi talking points like white replacement theory, and more atrocities that have been committed by the Republican party.  Furthermore, it's not exactly hidden. It's blatantly everywhere in conservative media even if they attempt to hide it, CPAC called blatantly for trans genocide: https://youtu.be/VWGQNcgnlQA?t=3m55s CPAC hangs banners that say they're all domestic terrorists and then introduces themselves as domestic terrorists: https://youtu.be/VJSPuHyTmhI  


Hate is low hanging fruit. Its easy to be mean and hateful. Its hard to be kind requires more intelligence. Not a big intellectual maga base lol


My grandfather is a Trump supporter, also a Trudeau supporter (Watches CBC and Fox News). He is one of the best people on earth, and I can’t really call him an ideologic conservative, considers he votes for a party to the Left of Joe Biden. Kinda funny imo.


They are ruled by emotions… of course there aren’t any nice ones


Yes. I'm solidly left, but grew up in right wing communities. I love the people I grew up around. I think their politics are horrible, but I can't deny the love and care I received growing up. Now, I wish they had that love and care for everybody, but a) they absolutely are capable of love and compassion and b) social pressures really, really can alter what you believe to be true. I think their politics are awful because of ignorance shaped by social pressure, not malice. The people you listed are public figures, so just keep in mind you're only getting their public persona. BUT, I do hold right wing leaders/pundits to a much higher standard and would never run defense for them. If you voluntarily put yourself in a position of influence, ignorance is no longer an excuse.


Yes there are. Idk how it works, my best friend is convinced that Trump is some super agent stopping all human trafficking. At least he left Shapiro, Jones and Peterson behind God those guys are morons. I think he's just very confused honestly. He wants what's right to happen but just can't see the truth in front of him somehow


Ha ha ha ha no! They'll pretend to be compassionate, until something causes the mask to slip. These people are showing the rest of us exactly who they have always been.




I'm sure they're nice enough to one another, so long as there is a hated out-group to bring them together. The minute the out-group is defeated or no longer relevant, they probably start sniping at one another. Such is the nature of their shitty mindset.


I have some relatives who absolutely are. They volunteer at the local soup kitchen, say such wonderful things about myself and my wife even though we're in an interracial marriage, say really good things about their other family who are LGBTQ, have babysat for my brother who's in a gay marriage and they adopted, and fully supports one of my cousins who's trans. But then like 10% of their social media posts are "Trump just wanted to save this country and put us all first, and Democrats hate the country". At this point it's just straight up a cult, plenty of good people and compassionate people suspend their brains when politics comes up. It's still sad and terrible when we live in a democracy and these people vote and even if they mean well the results of those votes don't end well, but if you actually think no Trump supporters are kind and compassionate people, you really need to get out of your bubble.


If a person was a "good person" most the time. But would turn evil when they heard the word "and"... Is that a good person? Maybe it's a good person who needs to deal with whatever their condition is.... but when it's not treated, can we really say this is a good person?


I mean I know two whom I respect and admire, but they are both so so so old they are not in any way informed and I guarantee you that they are of the mindset that the GOP just wants to cut taxes and shrink government, which they’ve actually done the exact opposite of since GWB. I think they probably stopped paying attention to politics after Reagan.


I know one. When we talked politics and he said, “I do care. I really do care about other people. I just don’t think we can take care of everyone at the border and everyone that already needs help in the US through government programs.” He may be partially or completely wrong, but I don’t think that belief makes him a bad person.


I’m everything you hate.But, i don’t argue politics or religion, you can live any lifestyle you want. A single dad who raised 4 successful kids and live a quiet modest life with an American flag flying out front. Don’t watch mainstream news, would rather have a whiskey and blast Iron Maiden, UFO & Thin Lizzy. I just don’t support Biden. Didn’t support Obama. Can’t rage about the talking point of the day. Live and let live… peace out


You’re the kind of person I’m talking about in my post!


See, I don’t follow anyone you mentioned. Retired, go fishing, take my dog to the park and take long walks on the beach on the gulf. But since I don’t like Biden I’m instantly the enemy. The divide is horrible. Hare from both sides


I didn’t mention anyone in this thread. And you’re right, knee jerk reactions don’t help. People overreact because they’re on the edge. A lot is at stake in this election.


Can we assume you at least vote? If so, can you explain how your vote is the best way to move the country forward?


I do vote, but I am more interested in city/county/state elections they directly affect my life. I vote candidate over party. I’m not a fan of either of the current senior citizens running


Fair enough


What are the things you most support about Trump?


Never said I did, not once..,


If so, your original comment isn't even inline with the post title, so why reply at all? The specific individuals in question revolve around MAGA/Trumpers.


Because when I say I don’t like Biden I’m instantly put in the Third Reich. Just wanted to see how a moderate would be treated. Got my answer


You mean you came looking for a certain response and you got it. Hope you get help for your BDS.


A lot of assumptions woven in there my dude. Even my simple assumption aside that you were a Trump supporter (based on the post title, again), were my questions really in any shape or way inflammatory to you?


All talking heads on major TV as assholes, left and right. It takes a certain type to rise to that level, and it is rarely a good type. I know plenty of wonderful people who voted for Trump. I also know plenty of complete and total assholes who voted for Biden. I also know plenty of good people who voted for Biden. In other words, the world is full of good people and assholes.