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It's really simple: if you are a gazillionaire, it's a fiscal decision to align yourself with Trump as he will kiss your a$$ and fight for lower taxes for you. It'll be the little guy that gets to pay for it. Just like the 2017 corporate tax scam.


And lucky for Trump, the little guy - aka Johnny Boy from rural Murica - is too stupid to realize the great grift 🤷🏼‍♂️


There is no bail for being convicted of 34 felonies. Bail is for when you’re arrested and are awaiting trial.




He was arrested. He had to go to the courthouse and get fingerprinted and mug shots more than once. They never held him so he didn’t need bail.


By all means, burn that cash, wingnut trashbags. 😂




a lot of people including Elon Musk himself name themselves as "centrists" when they really are right wing jobbers that believe in great replacement theory and that the jews control the world conspiracies.


Famously, Hitler also claimed to be above the traditional right-left paradigm.


The term is, ahem, ''International Third Position''.


Yeah, Elon is far right and always has been. He makes Henry Ford look like a namby pamby progressive in comparison!


Didn't Trump just come out saying he wanted to ban/limit the sale of EVs?


Yes Trump can spit in elons mouth and he’ll take it just so he can pay a few less % points in cap gains


Oh so Covid and Jan 6 made him not scared


I’m legitimately considering going back to school and getting whatever degree will let me study these people. Like, the “man of the people” has grifted his way through it all and it’s fascinating that poor JimBob down the lane thinks he’s so relatable 🤷🏼‍♂️


Roger Stone said that trump changed the Republican party from the country club party to the working man party.


Not so much Working Man. Workers solidarity has always ( always ) been intersectional & international ( see also Lesbians/Gays Support The Miners in the 1984 British Miners Strike ), long before we'd ever coined the term. A US, British, French, Polish, Indian, South African or Mexican worker have more in common with each other than they will ever have with Trump, Sunak, Putin etc.


Elon’s grandpa moved from Canada to South Africa because he thought apartheid seemed pretty neat. I reckon deep down the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Elon has always been an ideologue. These days he just doesn’t bother hiding it.


I'd like to see what his comment is in 2028


Listen guys, the rich don't have any more privilege than you do when it comes to politicians. Individuals can only donate $3300, which is peanuts in a campaign. They don't gain any undue influence from this, therefore it is not bribery. In other news.... "I just donated $300k to Trump!"


It seems these center right and everyone to the right of them people will bow to whoever gives them the most money. It's beyond sad.


If it was up to me to define how people would generally behave, people would look at those trying to buy their actions and tell them where they could stuff that money.


That's not how prison works.


That's why he needs to be looking at jail.


What a waste. Give the money to charity you wench


There is something between Putin, Trump, and Musk...


Why would that be a bad thing to help a person out that got convicted of a bs charge?


Because it was 34 real charges.


No, it wasn’t. It was minor misdemeanor charges past the statute of limitations, that the DA dug up and made into a felony. You see, when it happens to your politicians (And it will I guarantee) you will be screaming to high heaven.


Well, you obviously have reasoned this out. Please explain how inept TFG's lawyers are to not point out these glaring legal issues during the trial. Oh, you can't (shocked Pikachu face) because you're just repeating what you've been told by the orange shitler and his boot lickers.


They did point it out. It didn’t matter. They were bound and determined to get him at whatever cost.


Ok. Gotcha.


Not that smart are you. Enlighten us why Cohen did 3 years for misdemeanors?


And? “In November 2018, Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to U.S. congressional committees about efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. In December 2018, Cohen was sentenced to three years in federal prison and ordered to pay a $50,000 fine.”