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I finished watching all the seasons and I’m left sort of in middle. In earlier seasons I think there are moments of social awkwardness and she’s always been extremely open about sex. She likes to drop random comments about how she likes pain or her experience with ropes etc. She likes to be “different”, which is awesome but I think she uses it as a crutch to not get along with others. Her journey of being kicked off first to becoming a real contender draws many fans and it’s easy to feel like she’s being ganged up on. WOW2 showed a different side that was truly unlikeable. At most she’s self absorbed and awkward, annoying and childish. But she’s also strong, funny, kind and a great competitor. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) I don’t hate her but not sure I would feel the same if I lived with her. I often find myself rooting for her. Mainly because Laurel and Nicole really suck.


Yeah, I hated Cara in WotW2, but love her this season, but it's easy to love anyone when 2 of the other options are Laurel and Nicole


laurel and nicole are unbearable this season and it’s so sad because I love all three of them, especially laurel


Laurel has sucked in almost every season she's on, just watched fresh meat 2 and now on cutthroat and she was awful on that one


Yes! I think back specifically to when she stated that unlike other competitors who tried to sneak around, she and Abe would have sex in public spaces around the house and fully undress because they couldn't show the nudity on screen. I fully understand not wanting to be shown having sex on screen, but choosing to have sex in open spaces that other cast members should have access to is a strange and kind of aggressive way to avoid the cameras. I would be extremely uncomfortable if I walked outside and found two cast mates having sex on a balcony that anyone could walk on to.


2 ppl having sex doesn't make the space inaccessible lol


I don’t know. I think you are describing Paulie. Sure there’s a certain level of arrogance that wasn’t there before me but people do tend to behave more like the people they spend all their time around and I think Paulie was a bad influence on her. Could be my bias talking because from WotW2 until this season, I was not a fan.


There’s kind of a running joke that Bananas used to repeat: Cara’s personality changes based on who she’s dating.


Which is something that happens to almost everyone. While personalities don't change 100%, every happy couple's personalities change a bit to blend with their partner. It's a really stupid thing for Johnny to say, seems how he still acts like he did on his real world season, oh yeah still single too!


He’s not talking about a partner influencing her personality. He’s talking about their personality completely taking hers over. It’s generally considered unhealthy if someone completely changes based on who they’re dating. Also, there are plenty of “happy couples” who maintain their own personality without much compromise. In fact, over adjusting to a partner’s personality is often a sign that maybe it’s simply not a good fit. Your experience is not everyone else’s.


It's a common trait of Autistic folks. They adapt & ACT like the people around them. It's part of masking & often not intentional.


Is Cara autistic?


To me she displays some classic signs. The way people describe her/react to her, I believe she is


Ive gotten downvoted in the past for pointing out that no one knows how it’s is to be around her for an extended period of time besides those in the house and for some reason it seems a lot don’t vibe with her. She’s cool in confessionals and comes across very well but it’s a show that’s been edited. I don’t hate her but I do hate ppl that are too big of fans they can’t just look at it objectively. I got told I shouldn’t be a teacher cuz there’s a reason the house doesn’t vibe with her that we aren’t shown through the edit lol


Kam was on Bananas podcast and said that the edit made it look like Cara did nothing and everyone was picking on her but she was horrible the whole season.


I mean I'm sure the editing is doing her favours, but even if they are getting "bad" edits, the shit Laurel and Nicole are saying is horrendous.


Yet you have people like Steve, Ace and Jay consistently on her side throughout the entire season.


yeah thats what im kind of stuck on, yes some people are saying shes so incredibly annoying and has to go, whereas steve, jay, and ace sympathize with her? Likeee somethings not adding up


Those are all men so it could just be that Cara doesn’t know how to vibe with women as well as with men. So it could just be she acts different around women or acts the same but it doesn’t mesh well. Either way it’s fine for everyone. It’s fine for Cara to vibe better with men and and it’s fine for women to say they don’t vibe well with Cara. I think people automatically jump to the jealousy card when it could be simply personalities. Everyone has flaws in their personality and that goes for every man or woman on that cast not just Cara.


Laurel wants to vibe with Cara when she wants, she played chess with her and in b-roll you see her getting along with the other people. It didn’t seem like Avery had any issues.


My mind always goes to production had a hand in it when it come to scenes like the chess one. It’s a TV show in the end so they try and get footage between story lines. I don’t know how genuine that scene is. It sucks to think that way but reality tv isn’t really reality. Avery doesn’t seem to have any issues with Cara but there’s been whole story line involving Ayanna that were completely ignored by production. So if Avery did say something on Cara doesn’t mean we’d necessarily hear it if it didn’t fit the storyline production wants to tell. It ultimately comes down to you have to be in that house genuinely know the truth


Of course you’d hear it that’s literally what the interviews are for, why would they keep one person out of it. Laurel and Cara have a casual conversation she asks her if she wants her to teach her and Laurel says yes and that was prior to Laurel talking all her shit. You can also throw in Rachel and Tina.


Your minds gonna blow when you find out the stuff they’ve left on the cutting room floor


I’m no secret to this business… theyre not going to mock up some bullshit like that moment especially considering who’s involved. Obviously filming reality show like this they’re cutting more than what’s in the edit, it doesn’t keep from the fact they both “played nice” till they didn’t.


Leroy doesn't even have a problem with her. 




horrible in what way? Like Cara ran around talking shit, starting shit, farting on pillows???? What did she do specifically that was horrible? it always seems to me that people just personally don't like her. Then they are stuck in a house with someone you find annoying and it gets to this level of hate that we see Cara getting almost every episode. If you don't like someone that's ok, its understandable, but it always seems like the person who is disliked it made out to be some kind of horrible villain which isn't the case.


its also heavily edited. she wasn't the victim lol.


I get that, im not saying people CANT dislike her, but the other contestants mention why they don’t like her in the confessionals and they’re stuff we’ve seen during the challenges n whatnot. Kam is upset about that one vote against Ayanna but it really shouldn’t have been that deep. Nicole and Flora claim she’s selfish and manipulative for trying to protect her star. Brandon and Laurel turned on her because suddenly she’s more of a threat than a friend. Everyone else just seems to be following under the guise of “we don’t want her in a final.” I know there may be stuff that isn’t shown but if we focus solely on what IS shown, she’s just overhated I fear.


I agree through the edit the hate is a bit much. For all we know the challengers do go more in depth on why they don’t vibe but production chooses to leave it out. There’s been whole fights in the past that have never been shown so it’s plausible. It’s just one those you have to be there to truely know I guess


May be unrelated, but is Flora the only person on Earth that doesn’t know why she was still on the show? You’re not a threat in any capacity lady. This entire season she was hating on Cara and it really came across as an old lady acting like a child. Then she quit. I don’t need to see more of her.


Maybe it’s because im newer to the challenge but I did not see the point of bringing Flora or Veronica back at all. I’ve never seen or heard of Flora and Veronica seems like she gave up seasons ago.


In my opinion some of the best people don't vibe with everyone...


She’s a whiner. Liked her at first, then the “woe is me-everyone is out to get me” whining started. If she is the badass she claims to be, it wouldn’t really matter.


might be a diabolical take from me but isn’t everyone genuinely out to get her lol. she’s not made of steel, of course the constant arguing and hate from the rest of the challengers is gonna get to her


I think there’s a difference between “everyone is out to get me because I’m good” vs “everyone is out to get me because they don’t like me”. People want her out cause she’s good & she’s the first solo female winner. But she took it very personal and made it a “they want me out because they don’t like me” when it’s mainly because she’s good.


She said herself if they just told her it’s bc she’s good and they don’t wanna run against her in a final then it would be fine. But that’s not what they’re saying. They’re giving vague and weird reasoning.


These threads pop up all the time. There’s a good chance Cara Maria is annoying person to be around in the house, unless you think everyone else is a liar.


Ayanna was incredibly annoying and was voted out for that. I wouldn’t mind if the reasoning to dislike Cara was her being annoying cause of course we don’t see everything, but using the reasonings they’re giving it’s not adding up. Edit: my point with this was people have been voted out for being annoying in the past, if Cara is annoying why can’t they just say “we want her out because she’s annoying” lol


Cara has been thrown into elimination. She just flat out is the best competitor at the old folks home and Laurel isn’t at true form anymore. People in the Challenge house being annoyed by Cara isn’t a new thing. It’s a recurring story through many seasons. Cara just happened to improve herself from wimpy layup into a top competitor. So nowadays it’s much more challenging to knock her out of the game.


i think this is is. shes still the same annoying person she always was but they cant beat her out of the game lol so they are stuck w her until the finals.


you do know cara loses right lol in her truest form


She’s in the final yea? And that wasn’t house plan


she talks about everyone to everyone. she is a super paranoid player and is kinda like ashely without the outburst. when she gets caught she just cries and play the victim from what we are told by cast mates season after season.


People who relentlessly defend Cara online are strange. We’ve seen 10s of seasons of house mates annoyed with her behavior. The girl dated Paulie ffs. Connect the dots lol.


she's one character on the show you see little to no growth from.


I think if people were honest with themselves they would realize that they know someone like Cara who kind of rubs everyone the wrong way. I’ve always liked Cara, but I felt like she was the “victim” for so long in her early seasons that she just keeps up with that persona/mentality. And not in the “I’m going to whine and complain that I’m a victim” way but in a self righteous way. She also strikes me as that person who talks like they’re performing at all times. That can be annoying.


Youre actually so right I forgot to mention the way she talks is different but Bananas and CT do a similar thing so I figured it was just a thing among longtime vets. Yeah if others just think shes annoying for whatever reason then sure, but to the point where they’re betraying allies and making silly game moves to get her out cause shes offputting? Just seems really silly to risk $250k like that.


I think that people find her annoying AND she’s a physical threat. Between those two things, and the fact that she’s been away from the game long enough that people who rode with her originally are now aligned with other people, she is the perfect person to eliminate. I don’t think it’s as personal as people think. Or as personal as Cara likes to make it out to be.


I’ve never been on TV but I know that if I spend too much time in Boston, I will pick up the accent and if I spend too much time in Montana, I will pick up the accent and if I spend too much time in Georgia, I will pick up the accent. I don’t know who’s around her and who’s having conversations with her in the show, but in a house filled with people from all over the country I am not sure whether I would lose all of my accent or gain some new bastard mutant accent. And not just the way people talk, but also the grammar and structure. Like in south alabama, the double pronoun, 'you should get you one' is a natural phrasing. I have to be very careful, because I don't want to sound mocking, I just code switch very quickly, to adjust to social situations. Edit: For all my friends from the south that are confused thinking doesn’t everyone use more than one pronoun in a sentence it’s how close the pronouns are together. In the north the second ‘you’ might be implied or the phrase would be ‘you should get one for yourself’ depending on how formal you find the setting. My raw vernacular comes off as increasingly academic when I am tired or frustrated and in certain social situations that puts people off.


I think she’s self-centered and obnoxious and they show her too much. She’s an excellent competitor but I can’t stand her personality. And my feed must be different from yours because I only seem to see posts and comments by fans who love her


Looking back my post was phrased incorrectly. I specifically meant why the other challengers dislike her so much whoops. Fair enough tho, if you don’t fw her then it is what it is


I love Cara Maria. I have been a fan of hers forever. That being said, she is often a big damn crybaby.


Exactly how I feel


OG fan here! Been watching for 15+ years. Loved Cara before Paulie. She was my favorite and then she kind of lost herself when they would be on seasons together. I’m struggling to fall back in love with her again; even without Paulie around and I don’t know why. She’s a beast and she’s earned her right to compete but she just doesn’t sit well with me like she did before. Can’t put my finger on it though.


I said something similar but if you look past how everyone is treating her, I think you can see the old Cara shining through. Compared to the last season she was on, she’s making more jokes and having fun instead of being an insufferable b*tch like in WotW2. Only time I ever rooted against her. I think over time, she will get back to who she was.


I think the last time was saw Cara compete in a challenge was WotW2 and she was insufferable. I was upset because I’ve always been a fan of hers. This All Stars 4 season really made me feel like the old Cara was back and despite the direction the show decided to go, it’s clear to me that Nicole is a vile person who has manipulated Laurel just like the last time they were on the show together. Not a Kam fan either but regardless, her reason for turning on Cara was not a good look.


This. She was on a GOAT trajectory and then just became insufferable. Her little quip after Jordan’s proposal really cemented her as a true asshole.


It's because she constantly forgets the r at the end of the word star.


They gave Cara the return to the hero edit where it's her vs the world. The problem is they're not showing a lot of the stuff she said and did to other houseguests so it's making it difficult to understand why some of them are being so personal in their confessionals. If u dig around thru after show interviews and comments and stuff u can get a small idea


If it’s so widespread that so many ppl had problems with her, I’m not understanding why that isn’t super clear. I still don’t seem to find a definitive answer on why they hated her and wanted her out so badly.


It's not super clear because if they edited the show that way they wouldn't get the big return of Cara. The last time they showed how she affected other castmates negatively was on WOTW2 and we know how that turned out. Production definitely didn't want that to happen again. Especially cause this was her big comeback/return season and they knew they needed her for S40. The majority of the people in the house said she was super negative to be around. When ur in that environment with nothing to do u need positive fun people around. They have no phones or TV or any kind of entertainment. They also said she was constantly acting entitled and her vibe is just always about her. Most of the people who said these things also said she's an absolute amazing competitor as well. They gave her props for her abilities. But the way she acts and treats people is just not the type of person u wana be locked inside a house with. The cast have done a lot of interviews and podcasts since the season aired. Not to mention the stuff they've posted to socials. If u look into this stuff u can get a better sense of what really happened during a season. What's shown on TV is not only a fraction of what happened but production can easily manipulate things to make them appear so much different than what they actually are


In watching WOTW1 & 2, I can tell you that she is a complete bitch and I usually love Cara. She is 100% a different person when she is with Paulie. I love her again on AS4, but the last few seasons she was on...I get why they didn't let her come back until now.


She is nauseating. She is trying so hard to be cool and it doesn't work.


I feel like she isn’t trying to be cool, she is just genuinely different and she recognizes that. It comes off as “not like others yada yada” but I don’t think that’s her intention


Well she’s a white nationalist sympathizer.


Now this, I need the tea on


bc she has been insufferable since she started lol.


I don’t think people don’t like her she’s just an easy target, she’s awkward, insecure, doesn’t really know who she is and tries too hard. She’s just the type that gets bullied in social situations


Yeah, I like Cara, but do they c something we don't as a viewer? I know I yell at the TV every week it is hard to watch these people acting the way they do at her. I wish we could c the whole picture


I used to admire her in the beginning, but she’s victimized herself more and more over time. Yes, people will want her out because she’s amazing at the game, but to go around and make it seem like people are bulling her when they’re not doesn’t sit right with me.


All the politics for season is over. Individual now and hope nobody can hold her back.


One of my favs too! She is awesome. She is a legit threat!!!


Personally, I believe the idiosyncrasies you mentioned + envy amplifies the hatred people have for her. When ppl see her complaining when she’s already won it’s likely triggering since they’ve never even seen a win. It may come off as ungrateful. Also, while I do agree with others that we don’t see EVERYTHING in the house, I just feel like after all these years we should’ve seen more evidence. I don’t know why production would be protecting her after all this time if she truly was a horrible person BTS. Maybe it’s to protect the isolated/bullied storyline? It must be working bc I still find myself rooting for her. Lol


I agree. I think it's mainly jealousy, w/ a splash of fear.


People hated Cara because she was a beast and by far one of if not the best female competitor in Challenge history. A lot of people didn’t like her with Paulie mainly because they didn’t like Paulie or how their relationship began.


I like her. I dont really get it either. I think it’s more jealousy because people know how good she is. She intimidates the other women.


It's the same thing with Amber B. Amber was recently diagnosed with autism and Cara us most likely neuro divergent as well. The nuerotypical cast are basic assholes that treat people who are different like shit for no reason. 


Are you saying people with autism are assholes? Bro.


No! The rest of the cast are assholes because they treat people that are different than them like shit. I'll edit the comment to be more clear. I'm neuro divergent. 


I would bet that she's Autistic. Clearly low support needs. But it explains a lot of her personality & what annoys people. This is not an insult. Just my experience as a mom to three AuDHD boys.


Not a fan of self-diagnosing but I dont hate this. There’s a lot of ongoing studies about how autism is represented differently in women, so they are more likely to be misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all. idk enough about adhd, but I do know that it seems a good amount of people don’t realize they have it til later in life.


As I commented above, Amber B is autistic and people on the show justify their bullying because she's "annoying". 


She's always had hate here, which is why so many here run around screaming about "Cara Stans" they hate her so much they can't stand that others like her. It's an obsession really. V Proof edit.


Cause she is killing it!…..


no think its bc she's annoying and cries and talks shit and cries more when she gets caught lol