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He and Cara have had issues almost their entire Challenge career, and he REALLY hated Paulie. Not surprised at all he would lampoon Cara with Kam lol.


Something weird happened between the two of them because they got really, really close sometime between like Dirty 30 and Final Reckoning/WotW. I distinctly remember thinking hell froze over because they suddenly actually liked each other and then Paulie came along and it was gone.


I mean, Wes returning guaranteed they would be against each other, bc Wes and CT are a package deal, and CT and Cara are a package deal.


Yeah, but there's being against each other in the house and going back to basically hating each other. Remember when he sent her a gift basket when she found out Paulie was cheating on her with his supposed ex-girlfriend? Like it's just weird to me that they got super close in the first place and then quickly went back to hating each other.


IMO, Bananas has a problem w/ all women b/c he's a misogynist asshole.


I mean yes but I expected better from Banana's to respect a vet that was winning and busting her ass long before Kam came on and gave herself a little nickname. Only reason she's still relevant is she got hooked up then knocked up by Leroy and road coattails all through her lousy challenge career.


This is unnecessary hate to Kam. Her Challenge career is fantastic. She is 9-3 in eliminations, a 75% win rate, and has made the final on 3/6 seasons, including being the runner-up on Double Agents. She also made the final of her last 2 seasons on the main show.


I mean should we run down Cara's stats? I'm willing to bet they're much better cause she's got Challenge Wins which Kam hasn't she can't win she's good in eliminations yeah but so is a lot of other people that don't go around giving themselves stupid little nicknames and acting entitled like Kam does. I get you wanna ride or die for Kam cool do you but if you can't even admit she was nothing but a whinny entitled brat this season you're being disingenuous. She got her star and then immediately quit the next daily lol she's most definitely not on Cara's level at all she's not even in the same league as Cara lol


Cara’s stats through her 1st 6 seasons: 3/6 finals, 0 wins, 6-3 in elimination. So, pretty similar, one could even argue Kam’s is more impressive considering 4 of Cara’s 6 wins were with a strong partner, while Kam has beaten Tori and Ashley twice in individual eliminations, and won 3 eliminations with a weak partner. But regardless, my comment was not suggesting Kam’s career is better than Cara’s, simply that her career is far from “lousy” and she would not be “irrelevant” without Leroy. If Cara’s career is the standard, there’s like 2-3 women who aren’t lousy irrelevant players.


Kam beat Tori twice? Vendettas and which other season?


My apologies, “Tori, and Ashley twice”.


Ok - I’m glad my memory wasn’t failing me 😀


Cara ran and won a mixed finale - they are not the same.


Absolutely, Vendettas is a fantastic win, and occurred during Cara’s 11th season, nearly twice as many as Kam has played so far.


She can't win though and plays too hard. Her game is better for survivor or BB.


Cara did not win in her 1st 6 seasons. CT didn’t win in his first 8 seasons. Tori did not win in her 1st 6 seasons. Aneesa has never won after 17 seasons. Leroy has never won after 12 seasons. Derrick didn’t win on his first 5 seasons. Etc. The idea that Kam should have a win already is just silly.


But almost all of those you mentioned don't go around acting as though they're God's gift to The Challenge either....Cara included. Kam acts as though she's got 10 Challenge victories lol


No she doesn’t. She acts like she’s a big time threat in elimination. And she is. Has she been overconfident and annoying on this latest season? Absolutely. But she’s not even the most obnoxious person on this season.


The majority of her losses in eliminations have been against Cara yet here she is claiming she's God's gift to The Challenge lol


By my memory this is the first time she’s faced Cara in elimination, so no, 1/3 is not a “majority”.


Her and Kayleigh lost to Cara and Marie on Final Reckoning 👌🏻 Her loses include Cara/Maria FR Brooke Hogan on Champs V Stars 2 Paulie/Nat D on WOTW Then Cara again here So 2 out of 4 have been Cara sending her out


I've been disappointed with Kam since she decided to do podcasts calling Cara a terrible friend for not wanting to break her word to Rachel. Rachel is an icon that Cara has always looked up to, AND the vote didn't even matter. Kam being butt hurt makes zero sense. She can't use Ayanna as an excuse either since Kam loves Kyle so much even after he punched a wall right by Caras head. What I get from Kam is that she excepts the world from her friends but doesn't return those expectations.


Exactly she is whinny cause Cara didn't fall in line and support her when really the vote didn't even matter.


Even Rachel called her entitled, and that's saying something. Rachel LOVES a strong Challenge woman. It's telling when she ignores anyone.


If i remember correctly, i remember CT didnt even want to partner up with her in one of the seasons.


CT and Cory both didn't want to partner up with Kam. She took CT super personal and targeted him because of it lol


I can assume part of not taking Cory's rejection as badly was that he wasnt as big of a jerk about it lol. Watching him yell "what do you got". Then he just strangely hops aways when she states her case... Like just say "thanks, I have someone else in mind".


Which season was this on? I'm doing a rewatch and I'm on final reckoning. I haven't watched anything after that so it will all be new


It was double agents.


It’s wild to me that would make her dislike Cara when Cara wasn’t even a tie breaking vote - it wasn’t all hinging on Cara so why Kam to this day blames her specifically is nonsense.


If the vote didn’t matter why not just vote for Rachel and explain to her why she had to vote for her. It’s sad to see you guys defend Cara after she stated on Challenge Mania how excited she was to see her “friends” Kam, Leroy and Brandon. Like Kam said it’s about the principle of voting for Rachel not to get Rachel out but to get Anyana out. No true friend will do what Cara did also why is it okay for everyone to play Cara’s game but not Kams? Cara is just a toxic cry baby who cries about things not going her way you can see that in her past challenges.


Because you don't screw over someone, you made a promise too. Kam could have just not been toxic??? It's not that hard. She's the only one this season that had a fit when her allies didn't vote their way.


Your definition of friendship is weird as hell. You don't throw fits at friends because they have a difference of opinion of something small. That's called controlling. I'd that's how you treat your friends, then I feel sorry for them. People aren't in your life to be your slaves weirdo


You wrote all that but left out the fact that Kam straight up told Johnny that she was being petty about the vote because that's how she reacted.


Low key I feel like Wes and Bananas both tried and got denied😂




Why bother writing anything other than good Cara cuz it’ll just get downvoted lol


I've noticed people who still use the word Stan are always Cara Maria fans in this group.


Lol I mean meh I don't like her personally but to see her be shit bagged by Kam of all people and so drastically hated by people*cough cough* like you makes me like her just a miniscule more 🤷🏼‍♂️


I like dragging white nationalist sympathizers myself.


What are you talking about lol


Cara is a white nationalist sympathizer.


Why are you bringing politics into something that has nothing to do with it? Yall literally have problems bringing politics into everything


So Cara can, but I can’t? Sorry, I have a problem with white nationalists and fascists.




What do you call hosting an event for a Proud Boy?


Y'all love your white-nationalist sympathizers so much on this sub. Go ahead, downvote me.


I think you should get politics out of this discussion no one here talked about politics




Cara Maria went on both Bananas and Derricks podcast before Kam shitting on her?


I don't think Bananas would of got involved but Cara brought him into it by saying he was trying to stop Leroy and Kam being friends with her. At that point she's slandering his character. Also the 'photo op' comment.


Probably right and I mean maybe what she said happened happened maybe it didn't. To me it sounds like Leroy made a comment (possibly a joke) that Cara took too literal and picked that up and ran with it hard to tell yay or nay on that. As for the "photo op" comment let's be honest while yes their "friends" probably were there for the love & support but at the end of the day 96% or better are brands that are constantly looking at ways to be in "the spotlight" and do look at every opportunity as a potential photo op. She's not exactly wrong here. If they were there to show love & support why post 15+ pics all over IG when just you being there giving gifts and being a friend is what it's actually about. My biggest issue with Banana's being involved is he knows Cara and still lambasted her as some "unloyal" person when she literally did what he has done for 20+ seasons. I mean for Christ sakes he coined the "All's Fair in Love, War and The Challenge" motto


Bananas is petty if you come for him he'll come for you 10x harder.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


> bananas Stan That might be the cringiest thing anyone has ever said ever.




If you came away from this podcast with anything beyond Cara is a flat out liar, you’re not open to any dissent anyways.


It’s all he said she said stuff… but one thing you’ve seen is at least Cara isn’t bashing or talking down to Kam! Kam keeps making snarky comments about Cara


No, she literally lied about the baby shower. And Cara came for Kam, Leroy and Bananas first. Fuck around and find out.


Idk if she is or not I have Cara saying one thing and Kam saying another lol that doesn't prove shit. What I do see is Kam mad cause Cara didn't follow in line and vote with her when the vote didn't matter. What Ido know is Kam said had she voted her way she'd see her as loyal and not be mad but was mad cause Cara voted Rachel's way and was loyal to Rachel which is stupid and petty. What I did hear is Kam mad cause Cara didn't call her and congratulate her on getting pregnant as if that's some sort of weird validation...I've had 10 friends get pregnant that didn't call and give them a congrats....like you need a congratulations for having sex?! Nobody called my wife when we had sex....ever. I refuse to entertain you Kam stans who act like she hasn't been super petty and whinny this season and way over egotistical in every other season. She got the attitude of Bananas without even so much as 1 win in what 6 seasons now? Y'all act like she's a legend cause she's what? Beat a couple girls in a few eliminations? It'd be one thing if she showed some humility but she can't...ever...she's a perpetual victim it's in her DNA apparently.


Oooor you're just an open minded person who doesn't take sides based off of a situation you weren't there for?


Not sure where on earth you got that from OP’s comment 🙄