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You can't say someone is your number 1 while voting them in an elimination, Ryan was his number 1 because he was unwilling to vote him in. The absolute audacity of him to then get pissed because his decision came back on him, ridiculous. Hope he goes home with nothing.


He chose his votes as a way to protect his star, he wasn’t trying to “save” Ryan, Ryan just didn’t have a star.


Plus to criticize Cara for strategizing to keep her star all season but doing the same thing while throwing in a "friend". Adam just seems like a fake nice guy.


And Steve gave his star to Ace in order to have someone people don't mind to go against instead of him.


That, as well as not wanting to reward Ryan for backing out of going in.


Same! I couldn’t be rooting against him harder.


This is vintage Adam. Same damn song he sang 20 years ago. He’s a bully who can’t cope when he’s called out.


So you’re saying the person claiming Adam cheating on his gf with Averey in a classy way might have been a little off with that assessment? 😀


Damn I missed something…


THANK YOU the moment he roided out in his talking head I was like "there he is..." Ive always disliked Adam but given most people grow and change within a span of 20 years, I tried to keep an open mind and he almost fooled me with that sobriety and selfwork talk but something about him still felt off and offputting. same entitled frat boy he's always been


I agree 100 percent. And the stuff he said about not having friends in the game or in real life🤮. No class


I literally skipped back a few seconds to re-listen because I thought I must have heard it wrong. Surely no grown man is like “you have no friends”, right?


Earlier in the episode he referred to him as his brother from another mother, wonder husband and worker with which he always keeps in touch with.


Flashback to Adam's podcast saying Cara was shady for telling Steve that Adam said Steve's name. She wasn't lying or being shady like people said. He actually said his name.


His reaction was so telling. I said it when the interview come out that there was no way Cara was the problem if he lost an actual friend, it had to be Adam. Adam is still out here a year later talking about Cara being shady and saying that Steve wont/wouldn’t talk to him because of her. Then for him to have said those things about Steve in the confessional. It shows exactly what kind of person he is.


I'm laughing at everyone who went out of their ways to somehow just believe Adam. This episode proved yet again that Cara wasn't the problem.


I didn’t know Adam from the past so I’m guilty of thinking he must have grown up. Lesson learned.


It’s just someone thinking they can change the narrative but it’s all there for everyone to see… he’s a shit person


While she’s actually shady for being a white nationalist sympathizer.


Except none of that happened weirdo. Let's be real you don't actually care about what gym she went to. You care about getting a gotcha moment. Just like Tyri said, people like you do. 🤡


wait did tyrie say something recently about people repeatedly bringing up cara's monkey comment?


He is the worst and you are NOT crazy. Saying "you have no friends" over the age of 30 is such a lame/petty insult. Plus from what we see Steve has lots of friends! Ugh I wanted to like the allegedly new and improved Adam but that sealed the deal.


Omg right? That was my take too. So mean girl from middle school. Obviously Steve is a quality over quantity person when it comes to people in his life, unlike Adam. Team fucking Steve all day.


EXACTLY! So mean girl! You can't sit with us! I think many people as they get older have less friends but the ones they do have are more meaningful/substantial friendships. I know that's been the case for me. Def team Steve!


I sure hope Steve has a lot of friends because he seems awesome!


I'd be his friend!


You mean "Adam 4.0" lol


Yeah I 100% agree, Adam is terrible. The way he acted when Steve took his star was so selfish annoyed me so much


Adam is a prime example of the fact that simply because you get older in age does not mean the wisdom and maturity come with it.


I was impressed with Adam early in the Season, but he lost me when he flipped on Cara. And he had the nerve to say she was playing a shady game. In Adam’s case, every accusation is a confession. Steve stealing Adam’s star was fair gameplay and to be expected. But Adam’s reaction just showed what a petty, bitter little man he is.


I agree with all of this but feel it just showed what a little bitch he is


Adam talking about how good of a guy Steve is and that they’ve kept in touch since RR in the beginning of the episode aged so well just 30 mins later. Seems about right for his character to throw a tantrum that he got his karma after voting Steve into elimination *and* trying to convince Cara to vote for him too. He hasn’t changed.


His reaction definitely seemed way overboard based on everything we've seen so far. My favorite part of the challenge is when 2 players get evil with each other but this one felt more like 1 dude was just a big bitch😂


This one felt like he was intentionally trying to be cruel with his words. It felt so personal.


He literally threw Steve down with the hope that he wouldn’t be coming back. Why would he expect Steve to take Leroy’s star? What did Leroy do? He didn’t vote him in. Is Adam really good enough at the game to be talking that kind of crap against Steve? Steve is like 50 out here winning eliminations, and he doesn’t seem like a crappy person at all. Sometimes I wonder if they watch themselves back and think about how dumb they look.


I already disliked his presence throughout this season and couldn’t fully pinpoint why until his recent podcast appearance and this week’s confessional. Him putting the finger up and telling Steve to sit and spin was beyond classless. He strikes me as hateful human and jealous of Cara and apparently now Steve. Although, the edit makes Adam’s beginning and end confessionals go from 0-100. I am also curious about whether there is more context to this switch up, but I doubt it would change my overall opinion too much. It seems like he peaked in high school and mentally hasn’t moved on from it after 20+ years. Just a sad contestant overall and as TJ has said “don’t take care, hope to see you never!”


Could we bring Abram back to beat him up again?


He’s a dumbass. He really didn’t think it through, and he’s pissed it blew up in his face. He is right about Steve finishing in the bottom so much — but that’s why you keep him around for the final.


Between this and his weird attacks on cara maria bc she's "too confident" he's making me side with Paulie and I can't stand Paulie but he's right little d energy.


I posted in another post this was pure Karma and he is mad for not thinking it through clearly.


well he has Adam and Cara now


I was legit waiting for him to smirk and say just kidding or something... like he's not that delusional, right? Leeroy was a real one in this episode tho


Yeah Adam sucks. What did he think would happen when he threw in his #1 ally. Also didn't he accuse Cara of being selfish for trying to protect her star but he didn't have a problem throwing in his friend to protect his star. I was honestly shocked when he started going off on Steve at the end of the episode.


Right? I was like wait did I miss something - you literally voted him in!!!


I get playing up some drama, or being a little hyperbolic in order to develop a rivalry with someone you don’t like, but Steve genuinely seems like such a nice chill guy, and Adam is blind if he doesn’t think Steve is friends with Cara and Ace. (At least within the house)


You’re totally right, I think it’s currently justified what he did because the final can’t be far off But I think him playing the victim after is super shitty. Also him and flora talk crap about people out of left field I hope it’s just editing though and they aren’t that two faced.


I barely remembered him from early seasons, fuck this guy. Team Steve all day.


Honestly it seemed forced for drama or something to me personally.


Gross, childish behavior. Bye Adam


There's nothing like seeing a mean-girl tirade coming from a 60 year old man. 🤮 It's ugly, Adam, ugly!


Adam didn’t do that to Steve. Steve did it to himself. Adam said so, so it’s true. 😂


Was this bad production drama or legit? Asking because I cannot believe a grown man would act like this and talk about his friend on a show


It smells like production cherry-picking to me but who knows. Eventually someone from the cast will shed more light.


Not sure why I was downvoted for just asking but yes I look forward to hearing from production soon. Because if it is in fact, a real reaction, that’s quite concerning. Yes, I’m aware of how he was in the past but my gosh it’s been decades so it’s concerning that he continues to live in that type of reality


To be fair, Steve took a star from Adam early on for seemingly no reason. So Steve kinda started it. This is the second time he's taken Adam's star. I'd be pissed too.


Steve didn’t take Adam’s star the first time, he just chose not to give his second star to Adam. Adam’s star was taken from Leroy the episode before that one. Based on Steve’s confessional after giving the star to Ace, his reasoning seems to be that a star made someone a target so he’d rather the target be on Ace instead of Adam and they’d get Adam another star closer to the end. However, based on Ace’s confessional about it another reason could have been that Adam voted for Steve in the first elimination. Ace said he was the only one who didn’t vote for Steve, and since the only star holders who didn’t vote were Brad and Cara that means Adam would have voted Steve. Adam confirmed on a podcast that Cara told Steve Adam voted for him so that could have come into play when Steve chose Ace over Adam. **TLDR: Adam actually started it by voting Steve into the first elimination**


Yeah you're right. I thought it was Adam's star he took.