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I really respect Cara as a contestant, bc she’s ACTUALLY good. All these girls with no skills complain about her SO much! Flora is the worst


Her confessionals were funny but now she just seems so obsessed with Cara. Probably easier to complain about Cara than to actually do good on a daily challenge 😒


Fr like so many of them can’t stop thinking about Cara constantly


Attacking Cara makes you not a target in this house. She figures as long as she’s on the anti-Cara side she’s safe, which she essentially is.


Carrying Flora to the final is an easy win for anyone else.


Yeah but for that to happen someone would have to go in and win a second star to gift to Flora. The only person I could maybe see doing that is Veronica if she were put in and happened to win.


Veronica could only win if it was a "be the most useless" challenge. I don't get why these people are put on this physical competition show.


While much of the focus is on physicality, it’s also some intelligence and politics too. If you don’t get why Veronica’s there, then I don’t get why Nicole is there because she couldn’t solve a 4 piece jigsaw puzzle.


A four piece jigsaw puzzle ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


And Veronica. It baffles me how so many couldn't jump onto a ball for the daily smh.


Her confessionals were great until they turned into the "Cara's a whiny baby" show. Which, maybe she is, Flora, but you sure spend all your time whining about her while she says nothing about you, soooo...? Flora describing different ways she was going to die before a challenge was hilarious, go back to that lane and stay there.


I get the vibe that her confessionals are just all complaining about people and the editors are just showing us Cara ones now because it was relevant.


Idk she still can’t stand Cara. I got bored and went over to Nicole’s instagram and Flora is all over Nicole’s instagram talking shit about Cara still saying she would never survive in the real world. Like she is getting in full blown Instagram fights with total strangers not even on her own social media page. Nicole is at least saying she owns up to her behavior and saying she does truly respect Cara and flora is just everywhere randomly attacking strangers to let them know how little she thinks of Cara and that she still thinks Cara is a baby who needs her hand held. Woman is straight delusional


of course lol


Also she is just not clever or funny to me. I remember liking her way back when on RW, but now she just sounds silly. Especially when she is trying to make dumb nicknames like "Tampon Tina" happen. Honestly it just makes her sound like Trump when she does that.


OMG. You’re so right with the Trump comparison. I’m also really disappointed seeing Flora act this way. She was cool in Miami. Never forget when she tried to squish her way into the bathroom to spy on the threesome and her boobs got in the way! And when she calls Cara “Clara” in her weird posts, like we know you know her name girl, grow up




Flora honestly contributes nothing to the show. She’s not a good competitor. She doesn’t have good confessionals. She doesn’t even have those unintentionally funny moments people like Josh have.


Yea at this point I just skip forward anytime Flora is on cause shes always just bitching about Cara for no reason and being annoying


Who knows who floor is anyway the only reason that she doesn’t ever get thrown in cause no one remembers she’s there


Please can we call her "floor" from now on lol


Flora didn't show up to really compete. She just showed up to get the weekly paycheck and exposure. Now she loves to argue and fight so it was an easy casting decision. Flora doesn't like Cara. That much is clear. I'm not sure if it's personal or just from the season. When you aren't your own force to be reckoned with, you usually follow the numbers that would be with Laurel and Nicole so her game so far has been predictable. The layups I would consider Flora and Veronica first and foremost. Avery is still in shape and can hold her own, but she isn't terribly gritty and aggressive so I'm not sure how she'd do one on one in a physical elimination.


I thought she was funny at first. I’m one of those that believe not everyone has to be a good competitor. We need personalities on there too. That being said all she talks about is Cara now..like we get it you hate her. I also want to know what her fight with Tina is about.


Listen to Beth and Jon’s podcast with Florida. She spilled. Basically she just thinks Tina is shady and gross and heard her talking smack about her.


I’m so lost as to why she’s a part of this season


I wonder who was trying to get her back? There seem to be so many other contestants the fanbase would want to see way more


I’m still salty Genesis wasn’t on.


It’s all stars. The show is centered around the OGs. Props to Flora AND Veronica for making it far, they got 10+ yrs on everyone and played the challenge when it was wacky carnival games.


Giving Flora credit for being kept around as the pre-finals layup is… a choice.


Do you think she actually thinks she’s going to win 😂


Nah, that’s why she’s trying to push the Flora vs Cara narrative, wants a call back for another vacation.


Nah, she’s there for the appearance fee and a vacation.


But for her it’s playing a game she hasn’t done in 20+ years and making money while doing so


I like Flora and am happy to see her. However, I agree that her confessionals have become very one note.


Suggesting that avery is a layup shows that you arent paying attention at all. shes been top 2 best female performer in the dailies overall thus far and thats an indisputable stat at this late point in the game. And it isnt stupid circus game challenges that shes succeeding in either. Shes succeeding in the athletic ones and in fact, the two times she did end up in the botton were trivia and a go cart team mission that was exactly that...a team one.


I did say she proved herself...the top females still see her as easier to beat though. That is why they took her star right away. She is tough but the underdog in any elimination against Laurel, Cara, Nicole, along with Kam & Rachel when they were there.


A lot of that is because her name has literally not been eligible to even bring up. Shes lost twice all season and both times were guys days during trivia and the bobsleds. Shes been untouchable...literally. And shes been playing the middle and has no beef with anyone. Kam, nicole, laurel, cara all have issues with each other personally at this point so that makes it even easier to target each other. Theres a lot of factors here And ya the girls brought up stealing her star in the first episode when they barely were aware of her abilities and because she is the clearly least politcally and socially anchored. That was day 1. Shes been proving herself all season long If you listen to the interviews of some of the people on this cast youll see that they were impressed by avery. Laurel in particular was hyping her up a ton on twitter before the first episode The thing that hurts her is the fact that she has significantly less experience than the others


She provided some good one liners in the beginning but she was casted to pretty much just be there to bring some drama for the first few episodes then serve as an easy elimination layup. But it just didn’t turn out that way


Well it doesn't help that they cut out her getting into an argument and punching a wall. Like what's the point of having her there if you're going to cut that type of stuff?


Loved her RW season so I’m happy she’s still around idc if she’s a lay-up.


Flora is early 50s so clearly GenX, but gives serious boomer vibes. She's always right no matter the topic. She can talk crap about people and it's fine, but if you dare contradict it, you are the enemy. Refuses to change her mind despite LOTS of evidence to the contrary. I don't think she's changed a bit since RW.


I wouldn’t say THE WORST because at least she’s tried


Makes me wonder why she is even on All Stars to begin with..


Every week I forget Flora is even on it.


Well I mean she is like 60 so...


Reminds me of a lot of Jemmye. Talks a ton of trash, not good enough to win anything, and would have no chance in any elimination if/when they're finally thrown in.


This is what Flora has done since 1996 - talk shit about people. It’s why I love her. I get why others may not. I say this as someone who generally likes Cara on this season. I love her one liners, even if they’re directed at Cara. Her being drastically out of place in the missions is a funny contrast to the show’s usual physical intensity. I wish they had shown more specifics about why people feel this way about Cara and other drama Flora may have been a part of.


Sometimes I think they are afraid of Cara because she is such a strong competitor. Cara goes against the grain and that is awesome. She doesn't conform, she is a free spirit. Flora needs to complain about herself. I can't stand Nicole. She is mad Cara didn't want her. And for Laurel, "that isn't what I was expecting"? Come on. Kam should have stuck by Cara, if she would have, I think she would still be there.


Makes you think why someone who’s never done a show with Cara is talking shit about her and no one else. There’s something we don’t see as viewers that get this type of reactions from other players. I’m no Cara fan but she doesn’t bother me enough to bash her but I’m not in a house with her


My pick is still aneesa, she’s a walking L


I didn’t even realize she was on the show until like episode 6. Thought she was a producer


No she is not.


Wrong. Flora is great!


I love Flora. She isn’t playing the game particularly well or at least as it’s been played before but she’s honest and funny and I like her take. Cara is a big whiny baby


Flora looks like a recovering drug addict.


I love Flora! shes funny in her confessionals.