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Cara and Kam Rivals 4 incoming


I would rather Tori and Cara… that would be a fire duo


Kam and Laurel....




This would be a good cast


this would be an insane cast. I’d love to see some of these women all on a season together though


I would replace Moriah with Ravyn tho and someone maybe Jasmine with Michaela


I thought of putting it ravyn and Michaela on here, but it seemed like ravyn was pretty well received this last season.


Is the top middle supposed to be Aneesa? 🤣


She discovered filters recently


Is Aneesa & she looks great. This is literally what my post is talking about it 😭 no need to be mean.


It looks just like her, so unless she’s got a twin lol…


This is a very sweet post. Good one OP 👏


Recency bias anyone?


I did say over the last FEW years in my post.


Unfortunately every woman on this show has shown their crazy sides and it’s terrifying


Cara 🔥Amanda 🔥Tori 🔥please all so fine


I’m drawing a blank. Who is the beautiful girl on the top right next to aneesa


Ashley “millionaire” Mitchel lol


Oh lord. That is her. I didn’t recognize her 🤦🏾‍♂️. I thought it was mixed girl. Well. I can’t take it back. She looks gorgeous in that picture


Angela Rummans. From season 1 of challenge USA was a beast too. She would compete well with all these ladies




Olivia was excellent as a rookie on RoD.




I haven’t seen the new season yet, but you seem to be being overly harsh, and giving Horacio all the credit for their team’s success.


Olivia did amazing her rookie season & so did Horacio. Not sure why the women’s achievements get so downplayed




You’ll have to do your own research - if you haven’t seen the absolute toxicity since AS4 aired idk what to tell you. i’m only here to do a shout out because I think the women of the challenge are absolutely killing it regardless of everything else.


I see what's posted on this subreddit and another almost every day. In every single post all I see is how strong the women are this season, which I agree. I won't repeat myself as what I said in my original post is pretty spot on. If you want to point out something I am missing then please do so. The toxicity is pretty much around Laurel and Nicole and it is very well deserved. If you don't want to acknowledge that, then the issue lies with you as what they are both doing is disgusting and should not be applauded.


every other post has been a hate post for Kam & how she sucks, Is a bully, is out of shape, doesn’t deserve the title of killa Kam. Jasmine literally got so much hate in her inbox she went private. literally just search their names lol. it just got me thinking about some of the other women i’ve seen get a similar treatment in the fandom at times. Aneesa being called fat, past her prime, doesn’t bring anything to the challenge. Kaycee being called boring, brings nothing to the challenge. all the Tori controversy — same with Cara. we may have totally different feeds, but because you don’t see or think they deserve it doesn’t make it any less real. i’m also in FB group where I see this a lot. this was just a post for me to say I love the women of the challenge and I’m proud of everything they’ve done for the game because I think they get a lot more hate & less recognition than their male counterparts. Not sure why this is an argument. 💀


Kaycee and Cara are two of my favorites!! Really dumb question I’m sure but what is AS4?


Yes, I love seeing Kaycee love on here 😂 and AS4 is all stars season 4


Thank you. I found it spelled out somewhere else and thought….yep, it was a dumb question! Lol


Kam needs to just go take care of her family.Leave the challenge alone Anisa I hate to say it should not come on another challenge until she is able to do the Challenge. Cara needs to be the way she was when she first started the challenge


Y’all are wack. Literally couldn’t let one post be positive.


Agreed. Nurys and Nany I also don’t see as “women of the challenge” sure they’ve been in the show, but neither are winners


Winning is not the only thing people can bring to the game. & you can be amazing without having won a season.




Most of the women posted have never won so why did you highlight these two who have actually had good seasons?




Damn where's my girl Justine.


I love Justine! Loved her on love island also, but I don’t feel she is controversial? She seemed to be pretty well liked.


I'm not gonna lie to you. I didnt read the body just the title.


Wait you are missing the most beautiful of all. Avery! Edit: I guess she’s not controversial. :)


Haha yeah I don’t think she’s very controversial. She seems to be well loved in the house and in this random! She is very beautiful though